Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 3 Chapter 234: If you want to perish, you must first make it crazy) (third more, sorry)

Chapter 234: If you want to perish, you must first make it crazy) (third more, sorry)

When the police came, things were easy. The fans who gathered all left under the pressure of the police. Because there was only a verbal conflict and there was no further physical conflict between the two sides, no one was arrested. With the help of the police, Chen Yingxiong and Cabrera finally drove away from the training base. As soon as they left, the fans naturally dispersed.

Those other players who had been blocked outside were also able to go home.

The reporters left contentedly with the photos, videos and audios they took.

Perez is the most proud person, even the police provokes, the impact of this incident is definitely not small, and it will definitely not calm down in a day or two. What's more, what he harvested today is enough to keep this storm going for a long time, until the eve of the Champions League final.

On the way back to the hotel, he was already working on the manuscript, thinking about how to add oil and jealousy to write it.

Well, what should this title be?

"Chen Yingxiong breaks with Naples fans"?

It seems a bit too ordinary, not strong enough...

"A large-scale conflict broke out at the Naples training base, and Chen Yingxiong and the fans turned each other into enemies!"

This one is better than the previous one...

"If God wants to destroy man, he must first make him crazy!"

This is good! Haha, this one is good! !


On the way back, Cabrera drove while criticizing Chen Yingxiong for his impulse and recklessness.

"It was too dangerous just now, Mr. Chen. If someone had a gun in his hand, you would be dead for many times!" Her tone was not strong, she said coldly, but she was full of aura. "I hope you don't always put yourself in such a dangerous situation like this. This will also increase my workload!"

Chen Yingxiong chuckled, he also felt that he was patronizing and showing up, making Cabrera's work a bit hard to do...

"Thank you, Christine."

Chen Yingxiong's words surprised Cabrera. She originally thought that after she said these things, Chen Yingxiong would say something.

She didn't expect the other party to say so directly, but she didn't know how to say it.

At the end, she had to sigh. Anyway, this work ends when he transfers to Naples, or when the Champions League final is over. It’s not even a month since I’ve gotten all the money.

Even if I work harder, I only work hard for so little time.

Hearing Cabrera sighed quietly, Chen Yingxiong cast his gaze into the rearview mirror and saw Cabrera's heroic face from inside.

"Follow me to England, Christine."

This sentence came out of Chen Yingxiong’s mouth without warning. Cabrera was taken aback, almost shaking his hand, and drove the car to the isolation belt...

"I don't understand, Mr. Chen." Cabrera, who had finally stabilized his emotions, continued to reply in her calm tone, as if the car had not deflected in any direction at all.

"I mean... uh... this..." Actually, Chen Yingxiong is not the kind of person who is clumsy and not good at speaking when he sees a woman. He is much better than the average person and makes girls happy to do such things. There is no problem at all. But I don't know why. When he faced Cabrera, he just didn't know how to say some words. This seemed to be a sequelae of the original shoulder fall.

When he was so speechless, he suddenly thought of what to say... "Uh, that... I go to England alone, and I always feel a little uncomfortable..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I'm your bodyguard." Cabrie said, clutching the steering wheel tightly. If you don't hurry up, she is really afraid that the car will drive up to the roadside guardrail. "In England, you shouldn't need a bodyguard."

She felt that she could hear some off-strings, but reason told her that it was best to ignore those off-strings.

"Who is right about this? Just like no one would have thought that I would need a bodyguard in Naples..."

Cabrera suddenly thought of Chen Yingxiong who had specially slapped the fans in order to let her stay...

"You're not going to take the initiative to trouble Liverpool fans, are you?" She was a little nervous, but she accidentally showed a little bit of concern.

The corners of Chen Yingxiong's mouth curled up. "How is it possible? I'm not so stupid..." He shrugged.

He didn't know that Cabrera's heart really put him in the ranks of "be stupid to that point".

"My contract will end in June, Mr. Chen." Cabrera refused Chen Yingxiong's invitation.

Chen Yingxiong smacked his lips, and he didn't know how to convince this stubborn woman...


When Chen Yingxiong was trying to persuade Cabrera to go to England with him, Aurelio de Laurentiis, the owner of the Naples club over there, had also received a call. The club’s experience compared this matter. I told De Laurentiis all, and even repeated what Chen Yingxiong said.

"What did he say?" De Laurentiis asked after listening to Bigan's retelling.

"Yes. It is said that the fans at the time were crazy..." Bigan still had a lingering fear when he said this. His father once led Maradona's Naples to the league championship, so he knew very well that Maradona was in Naples. Status in the minds of fans.

Chen Yingxiong provoked the fans so directly, not being dragged from the car by the fans and beaten up. It was really lucky...

De Laurentiis smiled. "Haha, that kid..." There was no blaming in his tone.

Of course, when Bigang called the boss, he didn't just report this incident. This incident was only a part of the recent big incident.

"Now the media are contacting us, wanting to confirm the deal between us and Liverpool..."

"Keep silent and wait until this matter is over. I heard that Liverpool will soon send someone?" De Laurentiis asked.

"Yes, I said it was tomorrow, but I just received the notice and they will be here this afternoon."

"They are really afraid that we are under too much pressure and will go back." De Laurentiis understands why Liverpool rushed over so quickly.

"Then we..."

"Come as planned." De Laurentiis gave instructions.

After the briefing was over, Bigan thought of the worry that coach Mazzari had just complained to him. So he told Laurentis Mazzari's concerns.

"Tell the team that they must not be affected by this incident. If they really fail, they will close their training. As for the hero...I don't think such a thing can make him mess up. When he first joined Naples, he was half of the time. I have been in the hostile mood of the home fans throughout the season, and I don’t think I have been knocked down, so he doesn’t have to worry about it."


What happened outside the parking lot of the Fort Voltuno training base was featured on many television news programs that evening.

Not only Italy, but also England and Spain, France, Germany, Russia, and even China, which is thousands of miles away. This is also mentioned in sports news.

This matter is now known all over the world.

Hernandez Garcia Perez's plan went perfectly. I believe that after one night, more media will rush to surround Naples. Like flies, buzzing around them, they would be embarrassed to call themselves "reporters" if they didn't toss Naples crazy!

"At the Voltuno training base during the day today, a very rare infighting took place... That is not Russia’s leading scorer, now the hottest star, Chen Yingxiong and the Naples fans have a fierce conflict, he Surrounded by hundreds of fans, unable to get away..."

"...It is reported that the cause was the rumor that Chen Yingxiong was leaving Naples to join Liverpool. Fans found Chen Yingxiong to verify the authenticity of this rumor. Then Chen Yingxiong seemed to say something sensitive..."

"...'Because I want to prove it to you-Naples can do without Maradona! Naples can definitely do better without Maradona! ... I said, only forget Maradona , Naples can go further. Now, I did it!... Maradona is your god, but he is not mine... You like to be immersed in the drugs of the past and can’t help yourself, I don’t! I want to create one It belongs to my future, I don’t want to live in the shadow of anyone, even if that shadow is the "king of the ball"!... "The above is what Chen Yingxiong said in this conflict... I really don’t know what to say, praise There is a kind of hero Chen? Or is he sweating for his last time in Naples?"

"...Chen Yingxiong's crazy performance in the Champions League has made him swell him to a point where he doesn't know the so-called. This is definitely not the quality that a good star should possess! Repeatedly in front of the Naples fans. It is really not a wise thing to provoke Maradona..."

"Some people think that Chen Yingxiong is too arrogant and arrogant. I don't think so. I think he is right. For the past two decades, Naples has always been immersed in the dream of the Maraudon era. The only thing they can be proud of is horses. It’s the era of Ladona. Can the memories of the past make Naples rise again? No! Only by temporarily forgetting Maradona and doing things well at the moment, Naples can be revived...Facts have proved that Chen Yingxiong That’s correct. This Naples has surpassed the results of the Maradona era. This result can’t be achieved without Maradona’s help..."


"...The attitude of the Naples fans towards Chen Yingxiong was ultimately the fuse for his decision to leave. I don't know what the Naples fans are feeling at this moment? Anger or regret? If they had treated Chen Yingxiong with more tolerance and magnanimity in the first place. If so, maybe it won’t be such a result today? He would have had the opportunity to be here to complete the surpassing of Maradona..."

The host on the TV is analyzing what happened at the Naples training base today.

But someone outside the TV does not buy him.

"Shit! What you said is shit!"

"The ghost regrets it! I regret now that I joined the Blue Bear and cheered for him!"

Someone is doing an umbrella gesture at the TV. In Italy, this action is basically similar to the vertical middle finger.

In the "Dasovino" pizza shop opened by Skagen Karl, the "Big Blue Bear" is experiencing its biggest crisis since its establishment.

They are in conflict!

"You can quit if you regret it! No one here forces you, so don't say strange things here!" Someone accused the person who regretted joining the organization. "It's a long time for a player to leave. If you really like him, you should bless him! This time is what a real fan should do!"

"Now I don't like him at all! That traitor! He deceived my feelings!"

"What's wrong with the hero? I think he was right! How could he want to leave if it weren't for those extreme fans who always targeted him? Are the fans all wrong?!

"Extreme fans are extreme fans, but when he said that about Diego, where did he put us fans who like Diego and Napoli?"

"Actually, I think what he said is right... In the past few years, I have not been able to think of Diego very much... Of course, I still admire Diego. But now this Naples does not rely on it. Diego’s help and their achievements are the result of their own hard work. The meaning of being a hero is also reasonable. We have to look forward. We can’t always think about what we used to be. What's the use of what we used to be?"

"Antonio, don't pretend to be deep there! He looks down on Diego! To look down on Diego is to look down on Napoli!"

"Don't buckle your hat, Andrera! Was there Napoli or Diego first? It seems like Napoli would not be without Diego! You can go back and ask your dad, your grandpa, is it? Before Diego, they didn't like Napoli!"

Seeing that the quarrel became more and more intense, Andrea Bosh, who hadn't said a word, stood up: "Let me take a stand."

Hearing him say this, the pizza shop became quiet, Bosh was the head of the "big blue bear", and everyone listened to him.

"I love the Napoli team, not someone. Because Napoli is my hometown, the team in my hometown. A star, even the'King of the ball' cannot play here. Football for a lifetime, but the Napoli football team has existed for more than a hundred years. I like this team not because it has world superstars and a "king", but just because this is my hometown. The team, because I’m from Napoli. I don’t care whether the hero is disrespectful to Diego, and whether he left Naples is a traitor or not, I just care that when he played for Napoli, he brought us many goals and victories. , Has given us many wonderful weekends. This is enough. Those who want to leave can leave. Because even if they don’t leave now, when this season is over, the'Big Blue Bear' will be disbanded!"

Hearing him say this, everyone around was taken aback.


"You are..."

Andrea Bosh smiled bitterly: "The Blue Bear originally existed to support heroes. If the heroes are no longer there, what reason do we have to continue to exist? So...no one needs to say, I just This decision has already been made. Thank you very much for your support to me, to the Big Blue Bear. But!" He suddenly raised his tone.

"However, from now until the end of the game, there are still three games left, two league games, and one Champions League final. This is the last performance of the Blue Bears in the stands. I hope those who stay will have to stand hard. Okay, this last post. The hero said, in order to express his gratitude to us, he will work hard to repay us with the championship. He is fighting for the honor of Napoli, fighting for the dream of the championship we have always dreamed of. That is the case. In the final battle, we have no reason, nor should we let him face the enemy alone! Because we are the blue bear! We are the hero fans of Napoli! We have to fight alongside him! As long as he still takes Pori's players!"

He looked at his friends around him with a serious face.

"Skagen, can you help us make a new banner. The Big Blue Bear must use practical actions to express support for the hero!" He turned to look at the owner of the pizzeria.

Skagen Carl smiled and nodded: "No problem, Andrea, leave it to me, don't worry!"

Back to the pizza shop owner a smile, Bosh looked at everyone again: "I'm done, whoever wants to leave, please." He pointed to the door of the pizza shop.

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