A month passed.

The sun is just right, and the cicadas hidden in the greenery are playing a summer symphony.

Today is a special day.

The entire Liuyun City even made a sensation for this day.

Dongcheng District, the gathering place of the college, was also completely suspended on this day.

Dongcheng District has become crowded, more than doubling the number of people in the past.

Today, it is the Lingwu Competition!

The teenagers and girls walked into the examination room with nervous faces.

All the billboards along the way were uniformly replaced with slogans.

Integrity exam, no regrets.

For more than ten years, why not be afraid to try today?

Relax, don't be nervous, wait calmly, and play extraordinarily.

Gao Yunchuan was a little helpless on the way into the examination room, constantly patrolling the surrounding slogans.

In other words, people who were not nervous had to be nervous when they saw these slogans.

Today is the first major exam of the Lingwu Competition, the literary examination, accounting for 40% of the total score of the entire Lingwu Competition.

Although Gao Yunchuan's basic knowledge is not good, he can't stand the full score in his practical class, so in just one month.

All the basic knowledge points Gao Yunchuan once again memorized them all.

"Brother Gao, to be honest, are you nervous?" Lu Feng was still the same, sticking to Gao Yunchuan's side.

"Lu Lao Liu, your legs are trembling, are you embarrassed to ask others?"

"Princess Taiping, shut up!"

Gao Yunchuan wordlessly glanced at the two who were arguing when they met, and took the opportunity to run to the examination room quickly.

As soon as you get to the exam room, no one can talk any nonsense.

20 minutes later.

The exam room was full, and the students who were preparing for the exam came over with three teachers with portfolios.

One of them was holding on to the file bag, and the other two teachers stood by with rifles.

After handing over to the invigilator, they even took out their metal detectors and began to carry out a second inspection of all students.

When the second inspection was over, the entire school was completely disconnected.

Gao Yunchuan sat in his place, waiting for the invigilator to distribute the test papers.

As a result, the test papers have not yet been distributed, and all the invigilators once again took the list in their hands and compared them again with the admission tickets of all candidates.

Until it was completely confirmed that it was correct, two teachers stood in the back and two teachers stood in the front.

Four people monitor the entire classroom without blind spots.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

sounded on the announcement.

"Ask the invigilator to hand out the test papers.

"Lord Host, if you have any questions to ask me~ I've learned them all.

Gao Yunchuan frowned when he heard the cheap voice of the system, this system is extremely fast, and he has completed all the courses he reviewed in just three or four days.

After that, he didn't need a teacher anymore.

Because he took one with him.

Although, the system is very patient, very detailed, and very good, but his mouth of this small system is really owed, and he loves to ridicule when he has nothing to do.

"This classmate, you frowned, is there any problem?"

The invigilator keenly noticed that Gao Yunchuan frowned, and immediately a teacher surrounded him and asked patiently.

Gao Yunchuan: ( ̄ェ ̄;).

Why hadn't I seen such a teacher so enthusiastic before?

But in the examination room, Gao Yunchuan still knew not to have anything, so he replied, "Nothing."

"Okay, classmate, please continue with the exam. "

After each subject of the literary examination, there will be half an hour to watch the wind, in fact, this time is also to disrupt the original seating order.

Prevent plagiarism.

Gao Yunchuan sat on the gazebo, recalling the knowledge points to be tested next.

"Brother Gao, how did you do in the exam!" Lu Feng walked over with a spring breeze on his face, and it should be seen that this kid did well in the exam.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Feng sat down, he began to talk exaggeratedly, "Brother Gao, let me tell you! This exam is not difficult for me at all!"

"I picked up the pen, and the whole test paper was completed in one go, and my score in this exam must be very good."

"What if that's not good?" Lu

Fengtou didn't look back to know that Su Ru was here again, "If you don't take the test, you, Princess Taiping, will turn from a plain to a trough." "

What?" Su Ru walked over menacingly, pinching Lu Feng's ears with her white and tender jade hand, "Lu Lao Liu, you say it again

!" Lu Feng, who was in pain, grinned and patted Su Ru's hand away, and complained: "How can I not do well in the exam! What are you afraid of?"

"Bell bell bell!" The bell

rang again, Lu Feng and the two of them were not in the same examination room, so they naturally turned around and left, and turned back and said as they walked: " Join me at the celebration banquet when the time comes

!" "Got it!" Su Ru waved her hand and agreed.

At this time, Gao Yunchuan naturally had already left the pavilion and returned to the examination room.

In the evening.

All the subjects of the literary examination are over, and the students who have worked hard all day can finally go home and feel like a mountain king again.

Of course, the people among them do not include Gao Yunchuan.

However, Gao Yunchuan enjoys more than them in short.

"Good girl, I'm here!" Bai

Yan was wearing an off-white windbreaker, her tall figure matched her outfit, and she was a cold royal sister.

"It's coming!" The

first moment he saw Bai Yan, Gao Yunchuan immediately abandoned Lu Feng, who had never left him, and walked quickly towards Bai Yan.

Leaving Lu Feng alone, he pouted his lips on the spot, and said sourly: "Obedient~~~ Huh!"

"How's the test?" "

You still don't worry about my shot?" Gao Yunchuan took the car key very naturally and sat on the main driver.

Don't have to drive herself, Bai Yan is naturally very happy.

"Since there is no problem with the literary examination, then only the martial arts examination is left, boy, don't waste my careful training this month

~" "Huh!"

Gao Yunchuan, who was driving, suddenly felt a chill, "Can you not say so many mistaken conversations?"

"Hehehe~ That's not good~"

The car sped all the way, and the two soon returned to their home in Beicheng District.

As soon as I opened the door, the smell of food went straight to my nose.

Gao Yunchuan looked back at Bai Yan in disbelief

: "Are you cooking?" "After all, you are taking the exam, so I naturally want to provide you with some privileges~" Bai Yan, who was leaning on the door frame, looked at Gao Yunchuan with a smile:

"So, how are you going to thank me

?" "Thank you?" Gao Yunchuan walked quickly to the dining table and sat down, looking at the table full of appetizing meals, "Let this chef taste it first."

Unexpectedly, Bai Yan took the lead in sitting in Gao Yunchuan's arms, "But I want to taste your taste first~"


"Go clean up the kitchen. In

the face of Bai Yan's domineering order, Gao Yunchuan did not dare to resist, so he could only obey.

Looking at the tall figure busy in the kitchen, Bai Yan's face was full of happy smiles.

As soon as Gao Yunchuan came out after cleaning up the kitchen, he heard Bai Yan's voice from the bedroom, "The hot water in the bathroom has been put away, hurry up and take a bath, there will be a martial arts exam tomorrow!"

"Got it." "

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