Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 50 Challenge! Upper Tianzong (below)

At this time, Zhou Weiqing was finally unable to remain calm any longer. From Ming Wu's back, the only thing he could be sure of was that Ming Wu would never kill himself.

Is there really no way? Zhou Weiqing was full of obsessions. He didn't want to die, and he couldn't. In him, too many people's expectations were placed. However, he really didn't want to give up his freedom! At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had already made up his mind. No matter what happened today, he would never agree to Ming Wu's request. There is a huge disparity in strength, but he still has to fight for his own freedom.

In the face of such enormous pressure, the tyranny hidden in his bloodline was released, Zhou Weiqing's eyes began to become sharp, and the faint red color was constantly increasing.

If Zhou Weiqing opened his mouth to curse at this time, perhaps Mingwu would feel better, but Zhou Weiqing didn't say anything, just stared at him silently. For a strong man like Ming Wu, the torment he suffered at this time can be imagined. However, he has no other choice, Zhou Weiqing's ability is really excellent, and he has a mature mind. There is no doubt that as long as he is given enough time to grow up, he will definitely become a leader in the future. A generation of powerhouses. The first awakened Wu Zhushi was really important to the Heavenly Cult. If this bloodline could be passed down, then as long as Zhou Weiqing left enough seeds, it would have an extraordinary impact on the future of the Heavenly Cult. meaning. This was also the reason why the Ming Wu Club had promised him to choose girls at will. No matter from which point of view, Ming Wu must not let him go.

With a flash of light, the Overlord Bow had once again appeared in Zhou Weiqing's grasp. At this time, he was only twenty meters away from Mingwu. The rich heavenly power quietly emerged, and a titanium alloy arrow has been placed on the bowstring, facing Mingwu. With Zhou Weiqing's accomplishments in archery, at such a close distance, even Mingwu would not have the chance to dodge.

"If you want me to surrender, you can rely on your force." Zhou Weiqing's voice revealed a strange aura. Under the urging of heaven, his right leg, which was hidden under his trousers, was covered with dust. Tiger skin magic pattern, the blood in the body is beginning to boil because of the violent breath.

At the place where Zhou Weiqing was holding the Overlord Bow in his left hand, the two alexandrite cat's eye beads had slipped quietly into the inlaid hole. With a flash of light, with a harsh whistling sound, the long arrow made by twisting the string had gone straight to the end. go.

At this time, Ming Wu felt ashamed, he had no killing intent towards Zhou Weiqingran, and now he just wanted to take Zhou Weiqing back first. As for how to convince him to surrender to the cult, there is no need to worry.

The moment Zhou Weiqing took out the Overlord Bow, Mingwu's energy was fixed on him. With his virtuous strength and Wanfeng's cultivation that day, Zhou Weiqing couldn't escape his induction at a distance of 1,000 meters. Even if he was slowed down by that weird skill again, he would still be able to catch Zhou Weiqing again. Without the restriction of the betting contract, Zhou Weiqing didn't even have a chance for the nine beads against the three beads.

Ming Wu took a half step forward slightly,

The right fist blasted out like lightning, and his reaction and speed were really fast. Even if his ability was not speed, the power of heaven had reached such a tyrannical level that he could no longer be measured by ordinary pearl masters.

The dazzling white light hit the front, and the titanium alloy arrow instantly turned into dust. The ability of double blasting can't break through Ming Wu's real-like, but illusory Yaoxu force that fills the entire space. Even the sound of the explosion was easily erased by Tian Xueli.

However, the look on Ming Wu's face suddenly froze. Because, just as he smashed the titanium alloy arrow with one punch, the dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly spread all over his body. With Mingwu's cultivation, his whole body was suddenly paralyzed because he didn't expect the thunder attribute to appear in advance. Immediately afterwards, a circular layer of silver light suddenly completely enveloped his body, which was the spatial cage.

That’s right, Zhou Weiqing’s arrow can be said to be his work of Zaifeng. In this arrow, not only did he use the twisting method and the amplification of the Bawang Bow, but at the same time, he used two inlaid holes to inject at the same time. as many as two skills. After using the additional inlaid scroll, this was the first time Zhou Weiqing used two skills on the Overlord Bow at the same time, but the effect was surprisingly good.

The thunder in the palm of the palm made Ming Wu paralyzed his entire body when he was caught off guard, and the space cage took the opportunity to come up, and it really shrouded Ming Wu.

The instant the first arrow was fired, Zhou Weiqing's second arrow was already fired.

That arrow shot out like lightning, and the third arrow was only half a beat slower than the second. He didn't escape, because he had no chance of escaping at all. Even if he could escape, he would not escape. He's gone, what about Shangguan Bing'er? Therefore, he can only fight, although he knows that it may be more useless to do so, but even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, he will fight to the death.

The pervert king once had a record of killing a nine-bead-level Tianzhu master. Although now he is only one person. However, in terms of overall strength, he is no weaker than any member of the perverted paradise. Only after killing Ming Wu could he escape with Shangguan Bing'er.

Boom one by one, the space cage only lasted for a moment, and it was already broken, and Zhou Weiqing's calculation can be said to be extremely good! Hao. Just as Ming Wu broke through the shackles of the space cage, his second arrow had already arrived.

Twisting the string and adding the Overlord Bow, the power of the attack is quite tyrannical. In desperation, Ming Wu had to punch out again, breaking the arrow. However, the look on his face was unstoppable.

Slowness, the absolute slowness skill that had cost him the contract once again fell on him. The absolute slowness of the three-bead level has increased the slowness time to three seconds. Just like what Tang Xian said at the beginning, this skill is a heaven-defying existence. No matter how high the cultivation base is, it cannot resist its slow effect.

Moreover, not only is it absolutely slow, but at the same time as it comes, there is also the bondage of the wind. It is a double skill with one arrow, but it is a completely different dual skill from before, how can this make Ming Wu not surprised? How many skills does this kid have? How many properties are there? At this time, he didn't even know what to do.

While in absolute sluggishness, he was hit by the restraint of the wind, and the power of the restraint of the wind was greatly enhanced, making the sluggish Ming Wu almost unable to move his feet. He had no choice but to urge Tianli to release it, while staring at Zhou Weiqing. In his opinion, Zhou Weiqing would definitely run.

However, at the same time as he released his natural power, Zhou! ,!! Qing's third arrow is here again. Dianxiu's Zhou Weiqing's face is already pale. Although he has many skills, it is unprecedented to use skills at such a frequency. , had a serious impact on him. However, he couldn't care about this much at all. He knew that for himself, there was only one chance.

At the same time that the third arrow shot out, Zhou Weiqing was already in a flash, catching the power of his right leg, instead of retreating, he advanced and charged towards Mingwu.

Boom one by one, the third arrow landed on Mingwu Protector's physique and weak strength. In the violent roar, Mingwu only frowned slightly. With Zhou Weiqing's attacking power, he forced him to release the weak strength. Overlord bow can not break defense.

This third arrow did not contain any other skills, it was just a pure one-shot attack, and Ming Wu Dijiao couldn't help showing a smile. I thought to myself, boy, after all, you are still lacking in cultivation! After using so many skills in a row, you can't continue. What's more, what if it could last? You didn't hurt my strength at all.

The effect of absolute sluggishness and the binding of the wind has passed for a second. Xi Zhou Weiqing's body has also charged up, and in the process of his charging, another second has passed.

Ming Wu could clearly see that Zhou Weiqing had a creative azure glow on his body. At this time, he chose to attack himself without using a more powerful space split but using wind attribute skills. Look at Lei, it's really not enough. This kid is really good. If I catch him later, I will definitely not embarrass him. I hope he can follow the advice and join the Yao cult.

At this time, Ming Wu, who felt that he was not threatened at all, was already thinking about how to convince Zhou Weiqing. However, in the next moment, his expression changed slightly.

Zhou Weiqing, surrounded by blue light, at least doubled the speed of his charge, which was clearly the release of a skill. Moreover, his body is not rushing straight towards Ming Wu, but rushing towards the top of the sword. At the same time, a dark golden halo suddenly burst out from him. The Overlord Bow disappeared, and under the shadow of the condensing body protection divine light, the pair of twin Hercules Hammers, which were exaggeratedly large, had already appeared in Zhou Weiqing's grasp.

This is not the reason why Mingwu's complexion changed. The reason why his complexion changed is because at this moment, Zhou Weiqing's face was covered with black tiger skin magic lines. One thing happened to him, and the demon changed.

Yes, at the same time that Zhou Weiqing used his second Intent Jewel of Metamorphic Cat's Eye from the Ice Soul Tianxiong's rubbing skill, Storm Storm, his body had already entered a state of demonic transformation. The physical strength is instantly tripled, the perception of the outside world is tripled, and the absorption of the essence of heaven and earth in the air is tripled. The most important thing is that he is completely awake and controls the demonic state of his body.

Third update tonight.

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