Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 64 Clues

In the afternoon of the same day, Gaoshan County.


Due to the sleepless night and the continuous rush, even the alchemist could not help but feel a little bit sleepy. Wei Wushuang patted his cheeks, pulled himself together and said, "Finally here again—although we need to find out the source of the evil, how should we proceed?"

"You guys book your accommodation for tonight first, and I'll go find someone I know to find out about the situation." Xia Fan looked around for a moment, then walked towards the corner of the street.

"Do you have acquaintances here?" Wang Renzhi asked unexpectedly.

"Well, we met on the day of exorcising ghosts."

"Brother Xia, is the inn available yesterday?"

Without looking back, Xia Fan gave a thumbs up to show acceptance.

Passing through the street with little traffic, he turned around and turned into the alley, and Li, who had been waiting here one step ahead, followed shoulder to shoulder, and at the same time handed over a bamboo hat of the same style.

Xia Fan kept walking, and asked while putting on the bamboo hat, "No one noticed you on the road?"

"No, this is not the first time I have traveled far. But is it necessary for you to wear this? There is obviously nothing to hide, so I have to prepare an extra one."

"This is called identity equipment. Since we want to investigate this matter secretly, we naturally cannot wear the official uniform of the Privy Council."

"Then what are we now?"

Xia Fan glanced at the fox demon whose face was half covered under the black veil, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "How about the knight?"

Li was stunned for a while before shaking his head and muttering, "I always feel that you have unrealistic fantasies about me and yourself."

"What did you say?"

She looked away, "No, it's nothing. Have you figured out what to do?"

"Not yet, but it's a bit strange that there have been six evil incidents that required the Privy Council to dispatch in three years, and they were all concentrated in one county. You told me that evil spirits don't happen for no reason, and I asked the locals, There have not been any major disasters in the past three years, and the weather has always been smooth." Xia Fan analyzed, "Since such frequent evil spirits have made some people miserable, maybe we can learn something from them that we have overlooked. Information."

Without much effort, he found a family of county residents whom he "subsidized" the day before yesterday.

"Hello, is there anyone in the room?" Xia Fan knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, who is it..." An old voice came from inside.

"I'm Xia Fan, I don't know—"

"Ah, so it's Mr. Eunuch!" The door of the room opened quickly, and standing inside was a wrinkled old man in his sixties—in this day and age, a person at such an age can already be called a long-lived man. "Thanks to your help, my place can be saved. Please come in, please come in! Aren't you on duty today?"

"It's just a day off today, isn't Chow Tai Fook at home?" He vaguely remembered the name of the recipient.

"My unscrupulous son is still busy in the fields, benefactor has something to look for him?"

It turned out that this person was Zhou Dafu's father, Xia Fan thought, and at the same time he noticed the raised calluses on the other's fingers, as well as the brownish-yellow skin exposed outside his clothes. Apparently, this old man had also been farming in the fields for a long time, but now that he was old, he could no longer undertake heavy physical work.

"I just wanted to ask him about the situation."

"Oh hehe, it's the same if you ask me. I grew up here since I was a child. If Dafu knows it, I must know it too."

"That's annoying."

"Hey, why is Engong so polite? I'm afraid that I have wronged Engong in this small place."

"I'll just guard the door." Li pulled down the brim of his hat and gave Xia Fan a look.

Xia Fan nodded, bent over and walked into the room.

The surrounding air suddenly became much cooler, and there was not much light inside, only a few gleams of light could be seen pouring in from the roof. The feet are uneven, obviously the ground has not been treated, and it still retains the muddy land from when the house was built. Its surface, however, has been darkened and hardened by decades of trampling.

As the old man said, this room is really not big, the hall is only three to four meters square, and a set of dilapidated cabinets and square tables have to be packed. Even if the back room, firewood room and latrine are added, it is estimated that it will not be very spacious. And from the ancient furnishings, it is enough to estimate the level of their family, it is hard to imagine that the other party is a person who has been farming here all his life.

"Engong, I don't have tea here, I only have well water to drink."

"Water will do." Xia Fan casually found a chair and sat down.

He staggered to scoop up a bowl of water, handed it to Xia Fan, then returned to the threshold and sat down, "Grandpa, what do you want to ask?"

"I mainly want to know about Xie Chong's news. Do you remember any unusual things that have happened in these years? Especially before and after Xie Chong's appearance."

"Hmm... I have to think about it." After pondering for a moment, the old man began to slowly describe the evil incident in Gaoshan County. Although his speech was slow, his words were quite clear, and it didn't sound difficult to understand. This lecture lasted more than two hours, and the time span spanned nearly eight years.

In the whole narration, Xia Fan didn't get much information about the abnormal death. In addition to routine deaths such as death of old age and illness, the deaths and injuries caused by neighborhood disputes, petty theft, and secret affairs mentioned by the old man are also extremely limited, and most of them have been quickly dealt with by Huzhi County. If you put aside the point of collecting "exorcism tax", Hu Huairen can be regarded as a diligent parent official.

Wei Wushuang was actually right—aside from being frequently attacked by evil spirits, there were almost no disturbances in life here.

Could it be that this place is naturally suitable for breeding monsters?

No, evil spirits are not some feng shui theory, but are actually formed by qi. Even if it is a recurring wild night, it must be based on tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dead.

And Zhou Dafu's father continued to talk about evil spirits harming people.

"Going forward, that's sixteen years ago... Dafu was just a baby. At that time, it seemed that the Qujiang River flooded the dike, and a water ghost rushed to us..."

"Wait," Xia Fan suddenly noticed something strange, "The last time eight years ago was sixteen years ago?"

"I won't remember this wrongly. Dafu was born not long ago, and he is only seventeen now."

"Then—how to go further?"

"Well," the old man showed a pensive expression, "it's hard to remember, but it's five or six years at least."

Isn't this frequency difference too much?

Xia Fan estimated in his heart that if the evil incidents mentioned by the other party were counted, there were only two incidents from eight years ago to twenty years ago, and there were eleven incidents from eight years ago to now, and the concentration became more and more concentrated as time went on. , For example, in the past three years, it has accounted for six cases.

What happened to this?

"So... Gaoshan County hasn't seen many evil spirits before?"

"That's not true," the old man rubbed his neck, "I had quite a lot when I was young, and I probably lived a stable life for more than ten years in the middle. But it was better than now, at least there was no evil tax, and the Privy Council If the officials are too busy, we will also pool money to invite the more famous Taoist priests in the state to relieve the disaster, but now, alas..." He sighed deeply, "There are not many good people like you. gone."

With a shaking of his hand, he clicked Publish Now -. -

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