Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 298 Hogwarts Improvement Class

【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

"Select 16 people from the seventh grade, 8 from the sixth grade, and 4 from the fifth grade to form a black magic practical improvement class. Each Monday and Friday night, separate advanced classes will be held."

"Other students' Defense Against the Dark Arts classes will still be taught according to the textbooks, and dueling clubs are strictly prohibited."

"The professor of the advanced class will be Remus Lupin for the time being. The list of students in the advanced class will be announced by Minister Fudge himself in two days."

Dumbledore informed the students of the latest meeting results during dinner time, and the students below were in an uproar.

Originally, everyone could learn it, but now there is a selection process and an improvement class, which makes the competition pressure so great.

"Improve the class? This is a bit like when I was in junior high school." Sean really didn't expect Fudge and Dumbledore to discuss such a method.

"Additional classes are added every Monday and Friday evening, and happy education is going to change."

"Why is it so difficult for us ordinary students? I can only lie down and watch your show." Cassius said looking at Sean on the left and Chris on the opposite side.

"I'll forget it. Didn't you listen to Dumbledore? It was Minister Fudge who announced the list. He would not choose Crouch like me." Chris said helplessly.

"Only four people are selected in the fifth grade. You, Cedric, and Angelina are among the top three in fifth grade. If I don't choose you three, it would be a secret operation." Sean said.

"But Dumbledore didn't say selection based on merit." Chris was still a little unsure.

Students below the fifth grade are obviously dissatisfied because they are not eligible to be admitted to the advanced class. Forget it, the first, second and third grade students are still too young. The fourth grade students are shouting that it is unfair and they also want the opportunity to enter the advanced class.

"It would be great if I could get in. There must be top students in the senior class there, and the learning atmosphere with them must be great." Hermione even imagined that she had entered the advanced class.

"Stupid." Harry shook his head.

"Percy is going to be so happy. Based on his performance, he must have been selected." Ron didn't know whether he was envious or happy for his brother.

Percy is in his last year at Hogwarts this year. Being able to get an opportunity in his last year personally given by Minister Fudge, he feels that it has laid a certain foundation for entering the Ministry of Magic in the future.

At the end of dinner, Sean took the opportunity to run up to Snape and inquire about the selection criteria for improving the class.

"Professor, is this list set by the school or selected by the Ministry of Magic?" Sean asked a very in-depth question.

Snape glanced at him and then said, "It's not you anyway."

"Blank it." Sean muttered in his mind, "Although I don't even bother to take advanced classes, but saying this makes me feel a little sad."

Snape refused to pay any attention to him and left the auditorium, swinging his robes. Students from the other three houses also approached their dean.

"Professor McGonagall, do you know anything about the list? Am I on the list?" Percy asked impatiently.

"Percy, your grades are very stable, don't worry, just wait for the list to be announced." Professor McGonagall didn't say it clearly, but it was enough for Percy to celebrate in advance.

"Professor, professor, wait." The handsome young man Cedric quickly caught up with their dean Sprout.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

"Cedric, I know what you want to ask. It goes without saying. Just believe in your abilities." Professor Sprout smiled at Cedric with a deep smile and winked.

"Understood, thank you Professor." Cedric grinned and turned to leave.

It seems that the selection criteria for improving the class are indeed based on performance ranking, but this was achieved under Dumbledore's strong request. Otherwise, Percy and Cedric might not be on the list according to Fudge's selection criteria.

What Fudge and Umbridge secretly discussed was to only select the children of employees whose parents worked in the Ministry of Magic, and to first investigate the employees' loyalty to Minister Fudge. As for whether the students' grades were worthy of admission to the advanced class, that was Another story.

However, Dumbledore firmly opposed Fudge's plan, saying that candidates must be selected based on merit, but Fudge could make the final announcement of the list.

"Minister, leave this to me. I will write a letter to every student on the list, informing them that they have been given the opportunity to enter the advanced class due to the minister's appreciation. In this way, they will definitely thank you." Umbridge flattered you. said.

"Just do it this way, don't write the same thing in every letter, try to write something different in each letter." Fudge ordered.

In fact, they don't have performance rankings, and Hogwarts doesn't allow students to be judged by rankings. But every time the test results come out, Chrissy, Cedric, and Angelina will definitely get the best ones, far and away. A long way ahead of other students.

The spots for the sixth grade, seventh grade, and top students are relatively easy to determine. Everyone behind them starts to discuss who is better.

On Thursday, November 4, dozens of owls flew into the auditorium during breakfast time. 28 letters fell from the air and landed precisely on the desks of the students they were intended to deliver.

"It's a letter from the Ministry of Magic!" Someone shouted, and both those who believed it and those who didn't believed it became more energetic.

"Chris, you have one too," Cassius said happily.

"Sean, where's yours? Hasn't it floated down yet?" Cassius looked up and looked above the auditorium. There was no owl flying anymore.

"Oh my God, I have one too?! Look, I'm in advanced classes too!" A boy at the Ravenclaw table shouted excitedly to his classmates.

Sean pointed over there and said, "Mine, it's probably in Roger's hands."

In Ravenclaw's fifth year, Roger. Davis has relatively good results, but his performance is not stable. Excluding Sean, he has a high probability of being selected.

Harry looked at the selected seniors and seniors with some envy. He also wanted to learn powerful magic to protect himself and his friends at the same time.

As if Sirius could guess what Harry was thinking, he stopped Harry outside the auditorium.

"Sirius, where have you been these past two days?" Harry asked happily when he saw his godfather.

"The Duel Club is gone again. I have nothing to do to help Hagrid herd and raise pigs." Sirius said.

"Do you still raise pigs?" Harry was amused by him.

"I know a lot, do you want to learn from me?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in raising pigs." Harry shook his head.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

"As for practical magic, I'm better than Lupine. Are you disappointed that you can't enter advanced classes?" Sirius asked, looking into Harry's eyes.

"Is this okay? Didn't Dumbledore only allow advanced students to learn practical magic?" Harry asked doubtfully.

Sirius smiled, "Dumbledore didn't say that."

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