Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 11 The Marauder's Map

"What are you doing?" At this moment, the sneaky Sean was discovered.

Sean turned around and saw that it was the handsome young man Cedric. He straightened his hair and said calmly, "I'm swimming in the ocean of knowledge, what else can I do?"

Cedric looked at him with disbelief, "Nonsense, I clearly saw you trying to sneak into the restricted area just now."

"My God, Cedric, how can you use the word 'sneak in'? I just swam so engrossed in the ocean of knowledge that I accidentally swam to the edge of the restricted area."

Cedric walked up to Sean and whispered, "Tell me what you're looking for, or I'll tell Mr. Filch."

Cedric was curious about Sean, one of the Boys Who Lived, who excelled academically and was different, or out of place, among the freshmen.

"I told you that you want to keep it a secret." Xiao En said in a low voice pretending to be mysterious.

Cedric nodded seriously.

"I heard from Professor Sprout that there is an advanced potion that can help the mana recover quickly, so I went to the restricted area to see if there is any relevant information." Sean said.

"Why not ask Professor Sprout directly?" Cedric asked.

"That's a complicated advanced potion. I'm just a first-year freshman. How could Professor Sprout tell me?" Sean sighed.

"Just now I heard from Professor Sprout that after one month, if you get excellent in the test of six subjects, you don't need to take those six courses?" Cedric asked.


"how did you do it?"

"Are you talking about exams? I just previewed the textbooks a few years earlier than you." Sean said relaxedly.

Cedric owns the spirit of Hufflepuff, hard work is one of them, and he is different from Hermione, he is from a wizarding family, and he also taught himself the first-year Hogwarts textbooks before entering school, but he did not Sean such a learning outcome.

"Remember, this is our secret." Sean patted Cedric, then turned and left the library.

This is actually not a secret, Sean pretends to be mysterious just to tease this honest boy.

On the way back to the Slytherin lounge, Sean ran into the twins of the Wei family.

"If they are a few years older, they can help a little bit." Suddenly Sean had an idea, "Maybe they can do it now."

He stopped the Wei family twins, "Fred, George, where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Professor McGonagall asked us to copy the textbooks," Fred said.

"A miserable detention," George went on.

This is the standard daily life of the twins of the Wei family. They are detained in class and punished for copying. It is estimated that they played a prank in class again and were caught by the professor.

Sean looked at the two of them and said temptingly, "What's the point of being detained for copying? I'll take you to do something interesting."

"What's the matter?" The Wei family's twins immediately became interested.

"How about we take an adventure in Mr. Filch's office? Is it exciting?" Shawn asked seductively.

Seeing the excited expressions on the faces of the Wei family twins, Xiao En knew that they were going.

Filch's office is at the corner of the first floor. I don't know where Filch is now, and Sean doesn't dare to sneak in alone. It will be troublesome if he gets caught, so he needs to bring two helpers.

"Fred, George, don't get caught by Filch." Sean counted.

"Don't worry." The Wei family twins were full of confidence.

The three slipped to Filch's office, the door was locked, and Sean cast a simple spell on the lock.

"Alahoo hole is open."

"Come in." Sean led the way into the office.

An oil lamp hangs from the ceiling in Filch's office, and the cabin smells of grilled fish.

Hanging by the wall are chains and handcuffs that he polished brightly,

In case he gets permission, he can use these to punish students who violate discipline, which is his favorite thing to do.

There is a filing cabinet for students' violation records. Fred and George will have a special drawer here for them in the future.

There is also a cabinet here that says "Confiscated Materials, Highly Dangerous", and what Sean needs is in this cabinet.

"Filch is too perverted." George said, looking at the polished handcuffs.

"It must not be caught by him," Fred said.

Sean rummaged through the drawers of the cabinet on his own, when suddenly his hand stopped.

"Found it, the Marauder's Map."

At this time, the wooden door of the office was opened, startling the three of them, and a Maine Coon cat walked in quietly.

"It's Mrs. Norris." George said in a panic.

Mrs. Norris was basically inseparable from Filch, and if it was here, Filch would be back soon.

"Let's go, Filch will be back soon." Sean put away the Marauder's Map and put it in his robe.

At this moment, Mrs. Norris rushed towards Sean, biting his robe tightly.

"This is a dog." Sean muttered, "You go first, I have to get rid of Mrs. Norris."

The Wei family twins nodded, and immediately ran out of the office, while Xiao En was being entangled by Mrs. Norris, and he couldn't hurt a cat.

"Damn it, don't bite my robe, go catch the mouse."

Sean waved his wand at a wooden teacup on the table, "Boiling Weidu, become a mouse."

The cup quickly turned into a gray mouse and moved, and it jumped off the table and ran to the door.

"Stupid cat, what is that?" Sean pulled his robe so that Mrs. Norris' eyes could be directed at the door.

Mrs. Norris saw that the mouse really let go of Sean's robe, and chased after the mouse, and Sean also took the opportunity to run out of the office.

The Wei family twins were chatting with Filch in the corridor, and they were trying to hold Filch back for Sean.

The two waited nervously for Sean, and they were relieved when they saw Sean come out.

"Where's Mrs. Norris?" Fred asked.

"To catch the mouse."

Sean got the Marauder's Map, which will be much more convenient when doing things at night. The Marauder's Map will show the movements of everyone in Hogwarts. Holding it is equivalent to having a reminder.

Sean returned to the Slytherin dorm, sitting on the bed and waving his wand at the Marauder's Map.

"I solemnly swear that I have done no good." This is the code word to open the Marauder's Map.

You must know that the four people who invented the Marauder's Map were not peaceful masters when they were in school. Lupine, Peter, Black, and Potter, the prank foursome at that time, were even worse than the Wei family twins. and.

At this time, black lines slowly appeared on the blank map, forming a map of Hogwarts, which included secret passages, where everyone in Hogwarts was located on the map, and instructed to open the secret channel method.

"It's up to you tonight." Sean planned to use the Marauder's Map to go to the senior potions classroom.

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