Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 90 The Magic Class

After changing the subject for the moment, Malfoy walked out of the auditorium, followed by Pansy. Today's first class is an ancient rune class, which should be for the convenience of arrangement and coordination. Similar electives seem to be. They were all in the same building, so they came to the North Tower again, but this time the number of floors was lower.

There were no accidents along the way. After all, I came here once before, but there were several portraits where the war horse jumped off and grazing leisurely on the grass. If he understood, he would like to ride a war horse to charge, and then recruit these students to be his squires. The squat body and inexplicable words and actions are especially ridiculous. This reminds Malfoy of the man named Don Quixote. windmill rider.

They went up a few floors and saw a bright iron sign. It was engraved with strange patterns. No, it should be text. The various types of text on it were constantly changing. Malfoy's dynamic vision is powerful enough. Successfully captured the moment of flashing English characters that read: Ancient Rune Classroom is in the second classroom in the corridor on the right.

"It's really a special test." Malfoy thought to himself, those words had never been seen in his self-study "Easy Introduction to Ancient Rune", they should be advanced words.

Malfoy didn't put too much thought into the ancient runes. Apart from his memory, a certain degree of comprehension, and a mature mentality that far surpassed his peers, he didn't have more talent in magic than he did. For the memory subjects in magical subjects such as Potions and Herbology, Malfoy's studies are generally cautious and careful. Without the guidance of professionals, he has no confidence to continue this difficult subject.

Therefore, most of his self-study in ancient rune subjects was just a simple taste.

The sign on the classroom is a few years old, and the magic nailed to the wall seems to be partially invalid. A rusted iron sign hangs on the ground, hanging weakly in the air. As soon as the two of them stepped into the classroom, they heard the class. The bell rang.

"What a coincidence." Pan Xi patted her chest in mock surprise, but she wasn't afraid of being late.

"Who do you think was wasting time?" Malfoy raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention next time." Pansy stuck out her tongue playfully.

Then Malfoy found a place to sit down and looked around the classroom. In this large room, which can accommodate at least hundreds of people at the same time, there are only a dozen or so students scattered in each seat, responsible for the ancient rune course. The teacher-Professor Bascida Babling sat on the podium with a faint smile. She didn't mind that there were only so many students in her class. Maybe it was a surprise that so many students were willing to come. her class.

Bathcida Babling is a middle-aged witch, about fifty or sixty years old. Unlike the professor of fortune-telling who looks exaggerated with jewelry, her style of dress is very simple, only pale yellow. The knitted tunic and light blue shawl set off her friendly temperament, and under her wrinkled eyes, her eyes were full of depth and wisdom.

"Very well, I'm glad you guys have the courage to take this course, it's probably the most esoteric course you've ever taken at Hogwarts, and of course the easiest course if it's just for exams , you only need to memorize the knowledge from the book." The female professor's voice was gentle and magnetic, but not lacking in seriousness.

"Ancient Rune is a rather contradictory course," she said. "Even Professor Dumbledore can't deny that the combat effectiveness of wizards in the wizarding world has declined. This is an inevitability of the times, and it is unavoidable for all wizards." Professor Babelin said with a sigh. : "Because now is the era of standard spells." There was regret in her tone, but also happiness.

"With the progress and development of the times,

Wizards are gradually abandoning the ancient runes that are powerful but equally obvious, and use standard spells instead, but they are all part of magic, and the more we know, the more we understand magic will have a deeper level. help. "

"Even some of the current spells still have the shadow of ancient Rune, can that student say something?" Only one person in the classroom raised his hand.

"Well, Miss Hermione Granger, I think you can bring me a good answer." There are only a dozen students in elective courses, so she has enough patience to remember the faces of every classmate , and she had already heard about this studious student, which made her call the girl's name easily.

Hermione stood up abruptly, looking a little nervous. This class had a much higher status in her heart than the so-called divination class, and she had to make a good impression on the teacher.

She tidied up her messy hair, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "The most evil spell in the Unforgivable Curse, the Avada Suo Life Curse, has some traces of ancient runes." Then she sat down. back to his chair.

The rest of the students had blank expressions on their faces, and some had obviously heard of the infamous spell, and their faces changed. Pansy was one of them, her eyebrows were slightly raised, unable to accept the lessons she was learning. It could be related to that spell.

"Well, I actually set a trap with my question just now." Professor Babbling laughed, her eyes narrowed, obviously satisfied that the girl fell into her trap.

"I still have to give Gryffindor ten points though, because you're not wrong," she added. "Please sit down."

Hermione sat down happily, not depressed by her mistakes, this was the real lesson that made her happy, not those unfounded, "halo" alone can determine a person's learning outcomes class, and suddenly Hermione sat up straight again, because she heard the female professor begin to explain the question just now.

"It's not so much which spells have the shadow of ancient Rune, it's better to say which spells do not borrow the idea of ​​ancient Rune." She paused, looked around the classroom and continued: "In a sense, ancient Rune is the origin of all current spells, but the current spells have been improved countless ways and become stable and relatively efficient."

"Well, I seem to have introduced too much." Professor Babbling patted his forehead in annoyance, put his hands away, and said, "If I continue to brag, your Professor Flitwick may be dissatisfied. It's over." She joked, then tapped the teaching desk in front of her with her wand.

"Can anyone of you name a piece of equipment at Hogwarts that uses ancient runes?" she asked.

"The ceiling in the auditorium." Malfoy got up and replied, he wouldn't think that the magic of seeing the stars outside the window was deliberately maintained by a certain teacher. The only answer should be the ancient rune. He wanted to follow the instructions of the Big Four. The level, to make such a situation is also a normal handwriting.

"The eye is like a torch." The female professor gave Malfoy an admiring look, "Mr. Malfoy must have already previewed it, so what kind of rune did you use on it?"

"Solidification, transparency, perception." Malfoy pondered for a moment, then pondered, it is not necessary to say more about curing, the ancient rune of perception and transparency is like a photoresistor on the ceiling, which can be sensitive when night falls. It perceives the change of the external light source, and then becomes transparent.

He has reason to believe that both technology and magic are just means. If possible, under the infinite development, maybe the two systems can finally get a unified explanation.

"Oh, perfect answer, Slytherin added twenty points because of you." Professor Babbling began to spontaneously applaud this wonderful answer.

Hermione heard the familiar male voice, looked back suddenly, and immediately turned her head back.

"That's right, it's normal for him to choose this course." Hermione thought to herself, she felt that he would definitely not be interested in those illusory futures, which was her intuition.

"Should I go and thank him for Ron?" Hermione began to think. With Ron's character, he would never apologize to Malfoy, and Harry was the same, so he could do this. She should be the only one, at least according to the rumors in the second-year secret room, she saved Malfoy herself, so he probably wouldn't speak ill of her, but she couldn't help but think of Malfoy's nasty words during breakfast in the auditorium just now .

"Oh, help him, being selfish? I just wanted to humiliate him. By the way, you came over and thanked me for him by yourself. I'm afraid that guy won't take your favor." Hermione could guess. Malfoy could say these things, and maybe even more vicious things.

"No, no matter what he thinks in his heart, whether it's humiliation or he really wants to help, it's a fact that he helped Ron, and I should still thank him." Hermione unconsciously clenched the white quill in her hand, ready to do it. Prepare to be stabbed by cold words.

She could even foresee that if Ron and Harry found out, they wouldn't take a good look at her, and she also remembered that the crack in her own relationship with Malfoy was due to her cleverness, and ran away without caring about his feelings. Ask about the origin of the Philosopher's Stone.

But some things must be done, and one cannot retreat because of the harshness and boredom of friends.

It was her own insistence, a Gryffindor's insistence.

This may make her popularity not very good, but she will not regret it.

"The origin of ancient Rune comes from magical creatures...." A sympathetic and magnetic female voice rang out. After a series of instructions, Professor Babling started her today's topic, just like many Muggle universities. Like the Department of Foreign Languages, for students in a subject similar to a foreign language, many professors in the first class did not teach "you, me, and him", but chose to teach numbers. "We have no way of knowing such a name.

Inventions and creations in ancient times, human beings or intelligent creatures, may not have the concept of "referring" in their minds at all.

In short, the teacher started to teach, and Hermione forced her mind to return to the state she was in when she was studying.

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