Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 780: The man chased by the cow

  Chapter 780 People Chased by Bulls

  Just like before, if you don’t understand anything, go to the library.

  Pomona’s preference is to eat while reading. Of course, I have to eat ice cream in Italy. After all, I don’t know when I can eat ice cream so much next time.

The Golden House offers discounts and exemptions to students of all architecture and fine arts schools in Europe, except for the United Kingdom. It is modeled after the Doge’s Palace in Venice. It was built in 1440 when the Pope burned to death Eugene IV of Joan of Arc. He was born in Venice. He tried to use the Ottoman Empire to invade and convene a Ferrara Conference to unify the Latin and Greek sects. In the end, he failed and Constantinople fell into the hands of the Communists.

  But because of Cecilia Venere, Venice did not decline before the 1670s. After Cecilia was assassinated, Sudan’s foreign policy towards Venice ended, and Venice began to lose its eastern trade routes.

  The Vatican held two elections in 1605. Leo XI took the throne from April 1st to April 27th. He is the ninth-shortest pope in the history of Catholicism. He reigned only 27 days.

The situation in Britain was turbulent during this period. Someone planned to bomb the parliament. What is interesting is his successor, Paul V. He was the one who quarreled with the 90th governor of Venice, Leonardo Donato, over the subject of painting. Cardinal, he expelled his membership in the Republic of Venice.

  Venice pays 1 million gold coins to the Holy See every year. After losing this important source of financial resources, where will the church’s funds be collected?

At that time, the New World had been discovered. In 1581, the Netherlands got rid of Spanish rule and won the country's independence. From 1596 to 1598, a famous man named Barents, a captain of the Netherlands, tried to find a route from the north to Asia. . He passed Sanwenya, on a Russian island, but they were trapped by the frozen sea.

  Sanwenya is located within the Arctic Circle, where Captain Barents and 17 Dutch sailors spent 8 months of long winter. They dismantled the deck of the ship to make fuel in order to maintain body temperature in the freezing temperature of minus 40 degrees; they hunted to obtain clothes and food that they could barely survive.

8 people died in such a bad situation, but the Dutch merchants did an unimaginable thing. They did not touch the goods entrusted to them by others, and some of these goods could save their lives. Clothing and medicine.

  Winter and spring come, the surviving merchants finally brought the goods back to the destination almost intact and delivered them to the client. They used their lives as the price, watched their faith, and created business rules that will be passed down to the next generation. At that time, such an approach also brought obvious benefits to Dutch businessmen, that is, winning the world market for maritime trade.

The westward movement of the   trade center began, and the "Sea Carriage" became the world's first Protestant country with the bourgeoisie in power.

  At that time, the “enemy” of the Holy See was still Venice. It was arguing about the issue of women’s clothes. How many points a woman wears is more important than national interests?

  Leo XI died of illness. He was born in the Medici family in Florence. The Medici family is an important member of the Renaissance. It is estimated that Leo XI will not be expelled from Venice.

  On March 14, 1605, eleven days after the death of Pope Clement VIII, sixty-two cardinals entered the secret meeting. King Henry IV of France spent 300,000 francs to lobby the Cardinals to choose him.

  Well, why did the King of France suddenly become so rich?

  Perhaps, the wealth of the Knights Templar was used by the King of France to “convince” the cardinals to choose the French pope, just like Alexander VI of the Polya family.

  Real estate such as castles, the Templars could not transfer them. Venice sold 13 Renaissance palaces and made 4.5 billion euros. The king of France should have also made a lot of money.

  30 million people died during the Hundred Years’ War. I don’t know if historians are in the mood to write history. During this time, Nick Lemae made a Philosopher’s Stone.

  Alchemy is often related to money. Where did Nicol’s experiment money come from?

  Paul V is famous for the trial of Galileo, who taught at the University of Padua.

  In the Venetian priest, Paul Sarpi explained: Venice’s right to self-determination comes from God, not from Rome. Paul Fifty withdrew the edict. Venice is the owner of the long route. The southwestern region of Spain produces cotton, which can supply Venice’s textile industry. After Columbus discovered a large amount of gold and silver in the New World, he did not bring more wealth to Spain. The devaluation of silver coins.

In the middle of the 16th century, the business of the old sea route gradually flourished again. At that time, it was the war between the Ottoman Empire and the Portuguese and Genoese. The Venetians received preferential treatment because of Cecilia Vignier. The relationship between Venice and France was at least not like France and Rome. It's just as bad.

  The Roman Church has been constantly struggling to ensure that it is always at the core of the Christian country. The best way is for cardinals of other nationalities not to stand for election, but this is undoubtedly an idiotic dream. Before 139 Pope Gregory V, most of the popes were Roman and Italian.

  Paul V resolved the conflict between Spain and France on the new route, and the intermediary was the Venetian, the owner of the old route.

This "Papa" does not adhere to dogma, he is nepotism, and his family is overwhelming. He particularly favors his nephew Macantonio Borghese and makes him the Grand Duke of Verova, which happens to be the territory of the Republic of Venice, but Germanic Catholicism The open conflict with Protestantism prevented him from taking care of Britain. He encouraged missionary work abroad, especially in Latin America, which means that he did not take Britain in his eyes at all.

Since the middle of the 17th century, Britain and the Netherlands have been fighting for hegemony at sea in all major oceans. In a few decades, Britain has developed rapidly. Later, France also participated. The French-Dutch War swept through the Dutch mainland, and finally ended with the fiasco of the Netherlands. In the end, the Netherlands never recovered.

  There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. For the sake of money, Britain can turn against any country in the world, or be close to brothers.

Francesco Morosini was the commander of the Venetian fleet. In 1667, he was sent to Crete to organize and strengthen the defense of Gandia. However, in 1669, Gandia was captured by the Turks, and Venice was lost to Crete. Control of the island and the Aegean Sea.

  1684-1688 During the Territory-Turkish War, he commanded the fleet to capture the Peloponnese Peninsula and Athens. In 1688, he served as the Governor of the Republic of Venice.

  In his second year as governor, San Angelo’s ammunition depot was struck by lightning.

  He is not a victorious general like Napoleon. Why was Britain so jealous of him at the time?

   "What are you looking at?" Pomona asked Severus.

   "Marcandino Justinian." Severus said, "The account book left by the predecessor must be checked by the successor."

  "Do you suspect that he is corrupt?"

  "Arms is a big expense. When a fire is ignited, no one knows exactly how much there is in it, so there is no proof."

   "No way." She said in surprise.

   "Nothing?" He asked rhetorically.

   "Misappropriating military spending."

   "Why not dare, anyway, he doesn't love this country." Severus said coldly, "As a governor, he didn't leave anything, it's **** shit."

  If you have nothing invisible to hide, you don’t need to be afraid.

  Pomona couldn't help shaking her head. It would be really sad if the ammunition depot was actually ignited for this reason.

  The governor generally resigns when he is dead, but his son will not inherit his position. She can almost feel someone’s heartbeat.

   "I don't believe it, there will definitely be something left." Pomona said, "Continue to investigate."

  "He was governor in 1683. Who was the pope at that time?"

"Innocent XI." Pomona sighed. "He reformed the tax system, practiced economy, and won economic support from various Catholic countries to avoid collapse. He tolerated Protestants in order to maintain peace. The French Embassy in the Holy See abused political asylum rights. , So that criminals are hiding around the embassy..."

  Severus closed the book he was reading.

  "In order to obtain political asylum, donate money to the church, then embezzle locally, and ignite the ammunition depot in order to destroy the evidence. Which one do you think is more likely to form an alliance with the British spies to destroy Venice and France?"

   "What is the exact time of the explosion?"

   "August 29, 1689."

  "Innocent XI resigned on August 12, 1689. Check the weather on August 29. If the sky is clear, there will be no thunder." Pomona said.

  Although the weather on the sea changes greatly, but by coincidence, a rare thunderbolt happened that day?

  It’s no wonder that the armory on the island of Lazareto had to demolish the bell tower of the church. It turned out that there was a precedent.

If that person is really like Severus said, can’t cooperate with this kind of person, and his mind is not sober to this point, it’s not as good as a woman of Justinian’s Queen Theodora who is still a prostitute, a prostitute. The governor is not as good as a prostitute, and she can only hope that this assumption is not true.

  (End of this chapter)

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