Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 776: Scholar's advice

  Chapter 776 Scholars’ Suggestions

The annual income of Edward III is 30,000 pounds, the annual income of France is more than 80,000 pounds, and the annual income of the Templars is at least 6 million pounds, the annual income of the Knights Templar can catch up with 200 British And the total income of more than 70 France.

  Edward III clearly denies and does not want to repay the money. With a loan of nearly 500,000 pounds plus 50% interest, how could the UK, which earns 30,000 a year, be able to repay it?

According to the historian Paul Gallagher’s article "Venice Caused the World’s First and Most Serious Global Financial Collapse", this time the bankruptcy far exceeded the economic crisis of the 1930s in terms of population size. , Affecting nearly 50% of the European population, and coupled with the epidemic of the Black Death, the history of the Great Depression spanned from 1340 to 1440, and the European economy experienced a hundred years of decadence.

What is different from today’s global economic crisis is that in this financial crisis more than 600 years ago, Europe in the 14th century was mostly city-states. Even countries have not yet been established. No government has the power to control banks and credit or force them to order. The bankruptcy is completely different from the background in which countries around the world can join hands to rescue the market.

  During that time, apart from the church giving out food, the farmers had no way to survive. Every day, there were many people waiting for relief at the church door.

Paul Gallagher concluded, “It’s like a myth that these sober bankers were led astray by those belligerent and extravagant kings, forced or stupidly to lend to them, which led to the budding private Capitalism regressed again, and in the subsequent famines, wars, and the Black Death, nearly 30 million people in Europe lost their lives. Only bankers who insist on calmness and free trade, and isolate themselves from the warlike and profligate kings can have cities and countries. Prosperity".

Although Perugia Bank is gone, their information is still there, especially the account books, which is the most likely evidence to reveal where the Templar assets are going. After all, the King of France is not as shameless as Edward, but he wants to be shameless. It was also limited. The beautiful man and the Pope robbed the Templars.

  From the beginning of the Hundred Years’ War in 1337 to the end of 1453, it happened to almost span the century of economic depression.

  People in the midst of war do not feel the pain caused by the economic crisis, after all, their lives are precarious. The monastery needs food to help the poor, and France is the European granary. It is not surprising that successive popes are French.

  Viking pirates all know to rob the monastery. In their eyes, those golden crosses and candlesticks have nothing to do with the sacredness, and there is always food and wine in the monastery.

Italy also produces food, but the population of Italy dropped sharply after the Black Death. What's more, Italy was still divided at that time. In the case of relying on French food, the pope was continuously French, and the emperor took away the privileges of the church. It is also reasonable that in Innocent VI, Charles IV abandoned the right to elect the emperor of the Pope.

  Charlie IV was the third son of Philip IV, King of France, and he was not a good ruler. During his reign, the taxation was greatly increased and the people were overwhelmed. The fineness of the currency is reduced; the king confiscates the land of his subjects as a source of income.

The darkest part of the so-called dark Middle Ages is the Hundred Years’ War. There is no hope at all. The city has become so empty and depressed everywhere. There was a bit of joy in the past, and there was no music after so many people died. Now, there are only dead silence and the crows of crows, and the Beak Doctor who occasionally appears in these empty cities.

  They are mistaken for the gods of death, the incarnation of terror, and they need a goal to vent under the accumulation of negative emotions. "Burning the wizard" is the best way to entertain the stakes.

  Italian food is actually an expression of "resistance to globalization" in the culture, politics and ideology of this country. The first feature of "resistance to globalization" is to defend its own terroir.

  The new Italian restaurant Diana introduced by the boatman is one of them.

  Italian "EatLocal" and the popular "EatLocal" in the European and American middle-class world are not a concept.

Most of the EatLocal sold in New York, Barcelona, ​​and Milan refer to the agricultural areas within 500 kilometers. They have beautiful packaging. They sell brand-added value-added commercial products through social marketing. The trademarks often include "organic food", "Natural", "Superior" and other signs.

  Italy's EatLocal is a kind of abandoning department stores and large shopping malls, and planting crops in their own backyards and villages.

  Many farmers on the island of Venice have their own peaches, oranges, asparagus, tomatoes, etc. The chef will go to these people’s homes to taste them and buy them from his farm.

  Michelin restaurants are not the first choice of gourmets in Italy, they are very nativistic, and at the same time they call themselves "food police".

  Lemons can be used casually, but it cannot be said that the lemons from Campania are used. This is a trademark infringement. If you call this name, you have to follow the quality requirements of the local brand.

  Venice’s specialty Dorona wine cannot be drunk in other places. If you want to call Dorona wine in other places, you must follow the Venetian standards, and the ancient grape varieties for Dorona are still being planted in the Venetian Lagoon vineyards.

Before 1999, people thought that this variety of grapes had become extinct. Later, an out-of-town wine merchant knew that there was still an ancient vineyard planting on Mazorbo Island, which made this kind of Renaissance wine heavy. Return to people's table.

The British are also very nostalgic, but the style is completely different from that of Italy. From the terrace of this restaurant converted from a salt warehouse, you can see the scenery of the Adriatic Sea. There is not much modern decoration. The beige exterior wall is similar to the golden house. They have no worries that customers will stain it when they eat. The dining table in the courtyard is covered with "real Venetian lace".

  Of course, the price of this kind of restaurant is not comparable to that of a restaurant serving tourists like Fabio, nor can it be consumed by the middle class. God knows how the boatman knows such a high-end restaurant.

   "Oh, Gianluca!"

   Just as Gianluca and Severus were discussing finding the Peruzi family's bank account book, a middle-aged bald man walked towards them with his arms outstretched.

   "Professor!" Gianluca stood up.

  "Do you know?" Pomona asked Monica.

   "He is in college." Monica said blankly, as if these words answered all the questions.

  "This is Professor Luigi Oparo. He teaches water conservancy engineering at the University of Padua, and I belong to a yacht club." Gianluca introduced.

   "University of Padua? The school where Galileo taught?" Pomona said in surprise.

  "He is a great scientist, but he doesn't like to read students' homework." Professor Oparo said with a smile, "He thinks homework is torturing the teacher and the students."

   "Do you like homework assignments?" Pomona said with a smile.

  "You haven't introduced me yet, who are these?" Oparo asked.

   "These two teachers from England, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is..."

  "Friends." Monica took the initiative to shake hands with Oparo, "My name is Monica."

  "Why did you come to Venice?" Gianluca asked.

   "Don't mention it." Oparo sighed and started talking to Gianluca in Italian.

  "The Port Authority wants to build another canal." Monica lowered her voice and said to the two, "The name is Angel Jiuqu Canal. After this canal is repaired, the cruise ship will not have to go through the Zucardi Canal to the Port of Venice."

   "Sounds like a good idea." Severus said that it had nothing to do with him.

"He believes that doing so will repeat the mistakes of the Petroli Canal and cause greater damage to the lagoon. It has no effect other than making the Roman officials' pockets more bulging." Monica said. "The bureaucrats themselves said. You are not allowed to fill the lake, but you are fouling the rules. The silt produced by the canal dug will pile up into new islands to resist the wake of the ship, so that they can sell the islands again."

  "What is the project budget?" Severus was more interested in another question.

   "They didn't say it." Monica said numbly. "This professor opposes the plan, but no one listens. Such a destructive development will ruin the lagoon."

  Pomona sighed. Nowadays, who is not like this among scholars.

  Professionals should listen to politicians, and everything is based on economic interests.

  This is an era of capital and consumerism. I don’t know how to survive the next depression.

  At this moment, the roast suckling pig they ordered came. It looked delicious and smelled all the way away. In addition, there were seafood such as spider crab and boiled razor clams.

  Taking this opportunity, Giancuka invited Oparo to have a meal with them. The professor was obviously anxious and kept saying that it seemed that everyone who was a teacher had this problem and couldn't control his own mouth.

  (End of this chapter)

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