Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 650: Road to Hades

  Chapter 650 Road to Hades

  After inspecting the altar, Neville and the others finally found nothing, but there was no problem. All those who planned to do a big fight were disappointed.

  She planned not to tell them about someone poisoning in the water until there was definite evidence. In short, this trip was not in vain.

After the war, there are many things to do to clean up the battlefield, such as repairing the damaged buildings in the war, clearing Muggle memories, etc., replacing it with the usual time when she is busy, but now she is home, her lover husband She was given a time, and she must go back before that.

  The curse is at dusk, and the curse is at midnight.

  It is not only the werewolves that come out on the night of the full moon, but also the moon beast, a round and very shy magical animal, which happens to be the food of the horned animal.

  In order to avoid natural enemies, the moon beast hides in the cave most of the time for a month. After coming out of the cave, it will perform a complex dance with its two hind legs in a remote place, bathed in moonlight.

  Some people think that this is a prelude to courtship, they will leave a complex collection of patterns in the wheat field, which makes the Muggles extremely puzzled, thinking that there are aliens visiting the earth.

The righteous man led by Calvin was sent by Kingsley to guard Liverpool's Chinatown. If there is no commotion there, then Severus, who is "cooperating" with him, is in trouble.

  Kingsley didn't want an ambitious Auror office director to spy on his position, but Calvin did have some useful points, which made him hate Severus better than Kingsley himself.

Slytherin’s credit for overthrowing Voldemort was wiped out. They were portrayed as villains. Rita Kist also wrote a book to discredit Severus Snape, which played a key role in this war. Principal Slytherin.

  Slytherin’s behavior is often misunderstood. If Harry hadn’t insisted on correcting Severus’s name, he would still be misunderstood by the world.

  It’s weird enough that a person who had already been buried came back from the dead. As a Death Eater, and still a black wizard fighting for power with a righteous spirit, isn’t he afraid of jumping up with this kind of dance on the tip of a knife?

Under the moonlight, Pomona’s Apparition moved back to the village of St. Catchpole in Ottery. The reeds represent November in the Celtic calendar. Most of the plants in this season have withered, and the reeds are deeply buried. The root system underground is still alive.

  In the late autumn, the reed flowers bloom, and the reed flowers shredded as cotton wool are like white waves. When the breeze blows, the burrow is like a boat floating on the sea. It looks fantastic.

Pomona liked Arthur and Molly’s house very much, so she built this small wooden house near Weasley’s home. However, reeds are only suitable for living in places with water. There are no reeds around this house built in the mountains. There is only a solitary geranium on the small window of the kitchen.

  She thought it should be dark inside, but the orange light from the window made it look as warm as Hagrid’s cabin, so she quickened her pace and almost ran back home in a trot.

She didn’t remember until she opened the door with her hand. If the wizard who lived inside had cursed the door, the one she touched just now might be the same as Katie Bell, the Muggle girl who couldn’t stand the temptation of a beautiful necklace. Hi, luckily she was fine, but her reckless behavior caught the attention of the people in the living room.

Severus was sitting on the sofa facing the door, with a book in one hand and a magic wand in the other. His unfathomable eyes were shining under the oil lamp and looked like Like the eyes of some kind of beast.

   "You are half an hour early." He said slickly, and he spoke to the confined student.

"I'm afraid you don't believe what happened to me!" She closed the door smoothly, and then took out the bottle of water collected from the lake. "We encountered a druid village, and there, I know he Who are the descendants of Erga Hef Puff."

  "Didn't you let me check the information in the Slytherin Chamber? Why did you know who that person is so quickly?" He was sarcastically sarcasm, and sneered while waiting for her to say something.

"It's Teddy Lupin, he and Tonks are both born with Disguise Animagus, and so is Helga Hef Puff." She walked to the sofa he was sitting on and sat leaning on the armrest of the sofa. "It's just like Snake Guy."

   "There are many people in this world who can speak snake tongue, and they are not necessarily descendants of Salazar Slytherin." He became a little serious and started arguing with her about this issue.

"I know that Tom still has a basilisk who can prove his identity, what can Teddy prove his identity... Oh, yes, and Filch, the year he arrived at Hogwarts just happened to be Tang X was born."

   "That's what you want to tell me?" He grumbled impatiently, "You didn't notice any changes in this place?"

  Pomona looked at the pale, not handsome old bat, and suddenly bowed her head and kissed him.

  The smell of sage is mixed with blood and the smell of the sewer is not very good, but she also smells the scent of lavender and valerian, both of which can help people sleep.

  In addition, she smelled the woody scent of cedar and the scent left after the spice was burned. She had smelled this scent in the British Museum, and the mummies of ancient Egypt had this scent.

  The fragrance produced by burning with fire is different from the effect of perfume.

  There was a stirring rod in her brain, which was turned upside down and heated by flames, which produced different changes.

  All kinds of complicated emotions were mixed together, and she didn't understand how to express, so she cried somehow.

  Crying is good for alleviating sad and depressed emotions. Women can cry boldly and even hide in the toilet. Boys can’t do it.

   Pomona felt that George’s heart disease was because he didn’t cry well.

  Whether it is the Yellow Spring in the East or the Underworld in the West, there is such a river. It should be a collection of the tears of people living in this world, filled with memories.

  Perhaps someone jumped into the river without hesitation in order to see their beloved, so it turned into a water ghost, lingering between the dead and the living.

  Jilu asked about ghosts and gods, the son said: "If you can't care for people, how can you be a ghost?" "Dare to ask death?" said: "I don't know how to live, how can I know death?"

The foothold of ancient Chinese philosophy is people living in reality, not the other shore, focusing on the center and destination. This sense of belonging is gone, and the sense of belonging is gone. People are like bubbles floating on the sea, following the waves. Drifting, I feel like I've been drifting.

  The feeling of being alone is incomprehensible to people who have been constrained at home for a long time. Why do so many people feel homesick? That was obviously the cage he was eager to get rid of.

There is always a feeling of wandering when traveling outside all the year round. Those travelers are like nomads in the city, wandering in this "settled" world. Therefore, after wandering for a long time, travelers want a stable place to live. It takes roots like a floating dandelion.

  He is just tired and wants to rest.

  For men, it is often women who can keep him. The Newt Scamander, who hates working indoors, eventually works for Tina at the Ministry of Magic.

   Pomona grabbed something subconsciously, just like a drowning person grabbed the straw, but what she grabbed was soft and cold.

  She slowly opened her eyes and found that her hands were full of rose petals.

   "Do you like it?" Severus asked, looking down at her.

  Only then did Pomona realize that she was lying on her back on the ground under a thick carpet, and the carpet was covered with rose petals.

  "Do you really want me to have long hair?" she asked.

"You should take a look. The picture of silvery white hair intertwined with pink and crimson petals is really beautiful." He stared at her with an obsessive look and said, "No wonder so many fools try to save the princess. And slaying the dragon."

   "I don't need the prince to save." She said displeasedly, "I am a witch, the bad woman who turned all the people in the castle into animals."

  He sighed, "Why did I forget, you made Malfoy Manor thorny."

   "Are you going to kill me? Prince?" Pomona twisted the old bat's cheek and pulled it to both sides.

   "I am not a prince, nor a knight with a sword, I am a wizard." His wand protruded like a snake's head and held it in front of her nose "Let go."

  Pomona immediately let go.

He smiled triumphantly and was very comfortable lying side by side on the ground next to her, looking at the ceiling together. Without his cover, Pomona noticed that it actually showed the starry sky outside like the Hogwarts auditorium. .

   "Do you like it?" He asked again.

   "Yes, I like it." She said pitifully, "Someone told me about a superstition today. The curse is at dusk, and the curse is at midnight. I originally planned to believe it."

  "What made you unbelievable?" He asked calmly.

   "People say that a witch born in May must marry a Muggle." She covered her face with a handkerchief and cried, "How many months have you forgotten my birthday?"

   "What?" he asked inexplicably.

   "It's February, you gave me a birthday present so early, what did you give me on my birthday?"

  "This is not a birthday present. Your birthday present is my admission letter." He grumbled with a stiff face.

   "Then what are you doing?"

   "Do what I like." He put his hands behind his head, with a relaxed look. "Remember the year when the stupid dog escaped from prison? The whole school slept in sleeping bags and spent the night in the auditorium. I wanted to do that too."

  Sometimes men are really incomprehensible, why do they need sleeping bags if they have a good bed?

  But Pomona soon stopped caring about these details. She sat up and looked at the carpet. The black background had many golden spiral patterns, which looked very gorgeous.

   "Can this blanket fly?"

  Severus ignored her at all.

  Pomona has never used a flying carpet. She held a magic wand and said to it like a freshman: "Yugadim Leviosa."

  Sure enough, the blanket flew up, with the two people lying on it, but it was only suspended and did not fly out as fast as a broomstick.

  She looked at "Ron", and now he didn't wear that black jacket, only the white shirt inside.

  Severus’ hair is very oily, but his shirt is very white. As for Ron Weasley...

  His food is very cute. For the chef, there is nothing that makes her feel more happy than the person who eats it.

Pomona lay beside him, looking at the deep blue night sky. Although there are no clouds that change shapes during the day, there are many stars. Sailing on the sea requires them to distinguish the direction. Those sailors should feel like her. It's the same at the moment, it's floating.

  (End of this chapter)

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