Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 567: New relationship

  Chapter 567 New relationship

  War, plague, and famine will all cause population migration. Because of the spread of the Black Death in Eurasia, immigrants who originally did not want to go to the New World also left their homeland because of the disease. The Irish also fled to the United States because of the famine in 1845.

Pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a common form. Nobles must stay until the end. During the London plague, the Stuart dynasty and the wealthy fled, and the city government stayed. During the Glorious Revolution, Stuya The royal family was very cooperative and abdicated. In other words, as an oriental proverb, he who knows current affairs is called a master.

  If you are not willing to let go of power, you must let go, and you are afraid of death and you dare not take responsibility, and you want to hold on to power, there is no such cheap thing in this world.

In the Qing Dynasty, Chinese civilians were sold as "piggy" to Britain and the United States as laborers. This country has eliminated slavery since the Song Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty tried to restore slavery, but it was overthrown by the Ming Dynasty, and it was restored in the Qing Dynasty. Slavery.

  Before the Manchu Dynasty entered the customs, the Jin regime, the predecessor and back of the Qing Dynasty, was an out-and-out slavery country. After the Jin Dynasty, the Han and Koreans were all taken into slavery by Jurchen, and their economic form was a kind of slavery economy. The Jurchen aristocracy regarded the capture as their private property, and the tracing of the "fugitives" was very harsh.

  In the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty" translated by George Thomas Dangdong, the punishment for "fleeing people" is clearly recorded.

The Fugitive Law stipulates that the fugitives will be treated with "one hundred whips" twice before they fled, and they will be taken and killed for the third time. The harbouring fugitives will be rectified, the family property will be lost, their families will be displaced, and the eight banners will be poor. Soldiers are slaves, and they are assigned to supervise and arrest yamen under the military headquarters to perform their duties.

  Tattoo his right cheek once, whip a hundred to the Lord; tattoo his left cheek twice, whip and return to the Lord as before. Three times, the death went to the Ministry of Penalty. It is also stipulated that the escaping criminals will be stranded as usual, the wife’s family property is not registered, and the neighbors of the nest’s family migrate remotely.

  The entire banner class is a caterer class, does not make a living, and has no essential difference with slave owners.

  After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, a series of enclosures and deposits were all manifestations of the economic form of post-gold slavery.

A sign of social progress is the decline in personal dependence. There was slavery before Tang and Tang. Slaves were untouchables and belonged to the owner’s private property. In the Song Dynasty, the untouchables were abolished in law. Economic integration relationship. The Manchu-Yuan rule brought the master-slave relationship from the grassland, the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, and then colonized the master-slave relationship, "strictly dividing the master and slave". Even in the late Qing Dynasty, the Manchus still maintained slavery within the people.

  If it had not been for Sun Yat-sen to launch the Revolution of 1911, China would have been like black people, and the people would have been auctioned off to the rest of the world as slaves.

  The core idea of ​​Confucianism is loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, trust and integrity, as well as humility and obedience. Especially the three guidelines and the five constants, the ruler is the minister, the father is the son, and the husband is the wife. Dong Zhongshu proposed it, which did not exist in Confucianism before the Han Dynasty. This kind of thinking is easy to cultivate "submissive people", which is especially suitable for slavery countries.

  The Zhou Dynasty was also a slavery country. People five thousand years ago were aware of the limitations of the world, while the Qing Dynasty was solely for the convenience of their slavery rule. The Jingyan system has undergone a very absurd variation in the Qing Dynasty. The Jingyan of the Song and Ming Dynasties were all taught by ministers to instruct the emperor. For example, the Emperor Chongzhen wanted to move the capital. After the feast official's lecture was completed, the emperor issued an imperial theory, and then the lecturers knelt and praised: "The emperor goes to the sacred school and sends out what has not been done before, sincerely and winged scriptures, revealing the world. The ministers are waiting to be prosperous.", During the period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the thoughts of the entire Han official class were distorted. They were unable to guarantee the citizenship of the common people. Instead, they left to gain freedom.

   In the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the fire burned for 3 days and 3 nights. The wharves, commercial districts, and industrial areas within 6 miles of the city were reduced to ashes. The record files of the San Francisco city government were also burned in this large shipment. But this is because the Chinese immigrants hiding in San Francisco because of the US Federal Government's "Chinese Exclusion Act" in 1882 saw a glimmer of opportunities.

Previously, the Chinese could only enter the U.S. in the name of doing business in the U.S. to earn a living. Now that the files are burned, the Chinese can claim with the help of white witnesses that they are ABC born in the U.S. and ask the government to reissue the local ABC that was “lost” due to the fire. Birth certificate documents, thus dignifiedly becoming an American. These Chinese who have obtained the American birth certificate have since then have citizenship and American citizenship. Not only are they not excluded from the Chinese Exclusion Act, they can even enter and exit freely, and they can also follow the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. The right of children born outside the United States to immigrate to the United States is not subject to any quota restrictions.

They are free. Confucianism acquiesces in the existence of a privileged class. It is not that everyone is equal before the law. The "gentlemen" who are full of benevolence and morality have not done as well as the violent Qin after Shang Yang's reform. At least Shang Yang has let King Qin Huiwen accept the crime. , It's just his teacher who is tortured.

There was a strange circle between the officials, the people and the "foreigners" in the late Qing Dynasty. Many officials could show off before the people in the village of fish and meat, but in front of the foreigners, they had to keep a low profile. Please please. Under such circumstances, of course there is no way to maintain judicial justice.

As for the inviolability of personal freedom, and the inviolability of personal dignity, there is no guarantee. With the illiteracy rate at that time, and with such scholars as the leader, how can it be possible to understand what "personal dignity" is, and even "personal dignity" does not know how to go. maintain?

  Leaving such a country and traveling across the ocean to a foreign country, on the contrary, you can increase your knowledge and enjoy the democracy and freedom that a "slavery country" could not enjoy.

  Slavery still remains in the Middle East. That’s because of the doctrinal regulations. A *** spends most of the day in a mosque, and he cannot do work. In this case, slaves are required to take care of the work.

In fact, during the Han Dynasty, China was already eradicating slavery, especially Wang Mang. He promulgated laws that there would be no more slaves in the future. The existing slaves were allowed to perish, but with the invasion of the five random Chinese nomads, the silk On the road, apart from the silk trade, there was also the slave trade. The slavery that had been gradually disappeared was revived. There were also penal clauses for "fleeing slaves" in the Tang law, but the Tang Empire at that time treated slaves much better than other countries, and there was no such thing. With so many natural disasters, wars, and famines, coupled with the descriptions of merchants, the East is full of gold and spices, and European talents have special feelings for the Tang Dynasty.

It is like a paradise on earth. Many people have to travel thousands of miles to see the mysterious land. Unfortunately, the China that Stonedon sees is too different from what he imagined. There is a lot of broken dreams. feel.

  The constitution stipulates that “all citizens are equal before the law”, and “no organization or individual shall have the privilege to exceed the constitution and the law”. To realize "all citizens are equal before the law", it is necessary to eliminate privileges.

  The idea of ​​“customer is God” not only violates the Constitution, but also challenges theocratic power. We must know that the United States launched the Third War of Independence for the two constitutions, also known as the Civil War, and killed 600,000 people. How could the law be easily changed by some people? It is like a child using an eraser to erase the homework written on the paper, and then write new answers crookedly. As for the other children who saw his "masterpiece", he didn't care about it. He was a **** "God". What can he do if he is not convinced?

   After a loud sound of "pong", a wine bottle broke, and the red wine in it spilled out and sprinkled all over the floor like blood.

  In the dilapidated shipyard, the lingering sound of gunshots reverberated continuously, and Ma Yourong's subordinates put down the "Black Star", a weapon often used by the big circle gang.

  He is obviously from a military background. Many members of the Big Circle Gang are veterans. No wonder Mr. Wen suspects Ma Youyan’s origin.

  London Docklands is once the operation area of ​​the London Port, the world’s largest port. After the Second World War, with the progress of logistics revolutions such as larger ships and containerization, the London Docklands became increasingly depressed.

  There are many types of docks. Wet docks are equipped with gates on the population of the artificial river, surrounded by warehouses and protective walls. After entering, ships can park and load and unload cargo. The scale of the dry dock is small, and the river water in the artificial Hanoi is emptied after the ship enters, and it is built to repair the ship. As the business depressed, they were gradually abandoned, and the rusty iron skin would make a harsh sound when the river breeze passed, and Pomona inexplicably felt that she was doing illegal transactions.

  "How do I know it worked?" Ma Yurong looked at the box of silver bullets. They had very fancy patterns on the surface, which looked more like a work of art.

   "Try it with a werewolf." Severus sniffed the cigar, but didn't smoke it. The fool would smoke what the gang member handed over.

   "I heard a news that you want to bribe a member of the Diet."

   "This isn't news anymore. When I'm out, there are many friends and many roads." Ma Yurong reattached the lid of the wooden box, and then invited one of his men to whisper.

   "Did you say he would take these things at us?" Pomona whispered in Severus' ears with worry.

  Grindelwald once said in a speech that sooner or later Muggles will target their weapons at wizards. In order to prevent this from happening, wizards must hold power. After all, power is also concentrated in the hands of a few Muggles.

  "Don't worry, they are business people." Severus said with a smile, "and we still have a common enemy at the moment."

  Pomona looked at him in horror.

   "Your husband is right." Ma Yurong also smiled and said, "To deal with disobedient animals, you have to teach a lesson."

  "How about changing the method? Stop bribing the councillors, and just come to the parliamentary reform to increase the seats of immigrants." Severus suddenly said, and Yurong looked at him in surprise this time.

   "Why are you telling me this?"

   "One, I think it's funny, and two, I think you are very funny."

  Ma Yurong did not reply immediately.

"what do you want?"

  "How about inviting us to dinner? I heard that Chinese people are all master chefs. What other dishes do you have besides Kung Pao Chicken?"

  (End of this chapter)

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