Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 494: Gambler's Creed

  Chapter 494 Gamblers' Creed

"My name is based on the name of a swimming pool. It's weird because my parents never liked water. One of my father's earliest business partners was Francis Adirubasami. He became a good friend of our family. My name is Tamaramaji. "Mama" means "uncle" in Tamil, and "ji" is a suffix that expresses respect and affection in India."

Severus was lying on Pomona’s lap reading a book he had just acquired. He reads much faster than he could recite, but he knew she liked listening to his voice, so he wanted to give it to her. listen.

  From the perspective of Western philosophy, man is a true "rational animal". The mission of mankind is to understand the world with his physical and intellectual power, and then to conquer and control the world, become the master of all things in nature, and make it serve mankind.

   "Rationality" refers to the ability of a person to judge the best plan under normal thinking activities and execute it effectively. Severus' rational voice sounded charming, calm and soothing, like a quietly flowing river. However, at the Death Eaters party that day, he witnessed a giant python swallowing a person up close. The surface of the calm river began to be turbulent. He was scared to death, but he was finally stretched. It was a nightmare after the war. Again and again.

  It's hard to imagine why other people at the table would be so numb to the death of a person and the way her corpse was disposed of. For someone who can't even feel cruelty, his heart must have a serious problem.

  But Pomona thinks that his "partner" may not only feel scary and cruel, but also feel very happy. The public execution brought entertainment, and the mad woman Bella used killing as a fun game.

  Western philosophical thinking does not regard the relationship between mankind and nature, and between man and man as a relationship of friendship, mutual help and mutual benefit, but as an antagonistic relationship between conquering and being conquered, deprivation and deprivation.

  The philosophy of the East is to live in harmony with harmony. Zhuangzi proposes that heaven and earth live side by side with me, and everything is one with me. What he pursues is the unity of nature and man, harmony but difference, which is a force for sustainable development.

  Western capitalism has come to an end and has begun to enter the stage of consumerism. It was created in the 14th century, which means squandering. At that time, people were preoccupied with smallpox, cholera, and death from the black plague. Today’s money is not only spent today, but also tomorrow’s. Spend it together, what about tomorrow? Acquired. Whoever takes the last trade will lose the most in the end.

  This desperate, self-destructive life model does not consider the problems of future generations at all. People without any responsibility will only take care of their own happiness.

  In the 19th century, there was a famous female killer in the United States, Bailey. She immigrated to the United States from poor Norway. She was penniless. She obtained huge wealth by killing her husband and defrauding insurance money, including her own children.

Mrs. Zabini and her are the same. They only want money, nothing else. Reasonable people will not provoke the poisonous spider, but men generally have a gambler mentality, and they think that a small probability event will be on their own. It happened, for example, that the black widow really fell in love with herself, so seven men successively became her prey, without exception, all died strangely. Every time she became a widow, she would be richer.

  If a person encounters a lawsuit, it takes 300,000 pounds to settle it completely. Another is to fight a lawsuit. If you win a penny, you don’t have to pay. If you lose, you will lose 400,000 pounds. Most people will choose the latter.

  Most people’s judgments on gains and losses are often based on the reference point. When a decision is made between a certain loss and a “gamble”, most people will choose a “gamble”. He has been very lucky, and it will be the same this time. He wants to try the poisonous spiders that no one else can tame.

Maybe he doesn’t love Madame Zabini, but just enjoys conquering her, just like a game. He has no feelings for her. However, with the time and energy invested more and more, and she is not like a black widow at all. How can a beautiful woman who is keen on charity and treats others kindly has a feminine heart? It must be other women who slandered her out of jealousy.

  The more he puts in, the more he wants to take it back. As a result, the man fell into her trap and became the black widow’s next target.

Continue to fool around with a group of self-destructing people, and he will also be self-destructed along with it. Regulus learned from a certain channel what Voldemort did in that cave. It was an extinction of humanity and cut the soul many times. After Voldemort was crazy, his methods could definitely be described as cruel.

  But he is also a poor man. He believes that Mommy is not a wizard. If she is a wizard, she will not die. What a naive idea.

  Even in the monster’s body there is an innocent teenager. That child can inspire a woman’s maternal love, so that the "rational animal" can become a human being.

  She likes the third ending not because it is cruel, but because it is real. Although the first ending is beautiful and colorful, it is fake.

Listening to too many beautiful sweet words is not good for health. The sprout of consumerism is caused by the fear of the end of the day brought by the Black Death. Splurge and waste are irrational. Only by resuming rational consumption can we avoid falling into various traps. People will not use wisdom to defraud others' money, but use it on the right path.

The United States is now completely brainwashed by consumerism. Capitalism is restrained, thrifty, and hardworking. In life, you must live within your means. Spending six pounds is losing the power to control one hundred pounds. This Protestant asceticism restricts luxury consumption. Consumerism is to measure individual value and the level of his consumption. The purpose of consumption is not to satisfy actual needs, but to continuously pursue the desire to be created and stimulated.

Desire is endless. When you get it, you want more. Just like a monster who can’t eat enough forever, you can do everything for food. American consumerism instills in Americans that personal success can only be achieved through money. Success is achieved. Wealth is embodied through the purchase of goods. It is this desire that drives the scandal of a boy’s father falsely accusing Michael Jackson of molesting his son.

  The spread of consumerism makes people all over the world buy. Only when everyone buys irrationally and frantically, will capital gain more profits, and the prosperity from overdraft will sooner or later go wrong.

  Michael Jackson built Dream Manor to make everyone happy together, but the happiness that "adult" understands is different from what he understands. He represents an American tragedy. He used music to create a fanatical adoration for his irrationality, and he was eventually ruined because of irrational consumerism. He had to bear the strange vision of others throughout his life, and perhaps only death would believe him.

  She lowered her head and kissed his lips, like a dragonfly, or a goodnight kiss from her mother to the child, Severus was taken aback.

   "Are you still having nightmares?"

   "Sometimes." He said fragilely, "I don't want to kill, but they forced me to do it."

  "Who are they? Death Eaters? Or Albus?"

   "Both, my soul is no longer pure."

  She put away the book in his hand, she felt that Irene must have not told him a bedtime story.

"Let me tell you a story. There is only adventure and fantasy in this story. Just now the boy named after the swimming pool and his relatives encountered a shipwreck. In the end, he and a Bengal tiger were on a lifeboat. If he is killed, if he doesn’t want to get enough food, the Bengal tiger will eat it, so he must work hard to keep everyone alive..."

  Yes, she lied, but there is no need to add another nightmare to his nightmare head.

The survivor’s heart has already touched and broke through that limit, came to the dark side of human nature, and became cruelly unlike humans. He obeyed the guidance of kindness and divinity and changed back into a human again. There is no need to look for that one. The tiger disappeared in the forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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