Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 424: Phoenix Re-Ming

  Chapter 424 The Phoenix Screams Again

  Although there was a gray mist around him and he couldn't see anything, Harry still heard a voice coming from the darkness.

  The voice was high-pitched and shrill, and it almost shook the snow from the branches. He looked around to find the source of the sound, just like the other people cleaning up the battlefield at this moment.

Then a face emerged from the gray fog. It looked like Albus Dumbledore and the relief on the wall in the Slytherin Chamber. Anyway, it was the face of an old man with a white beard. He rubbed his eyes, thinking it was an illusion caused by fatigue, and then a bird shining with golden light flew out from the left eye of the human face.

"It's a phoenix!" someone shouted in the crowd. The golden flame bird hovered over the crowd and kept making sharp noises, as if beckoning a big guy to follow it. Harry looked back and found the fog. His face has disappeared.

  "What should we do?" Terry asked Harry nervously.

  Harry looked up at the phoenix as beautiful as a colorful brocade, his expression was very calm.

   "Do you believe that people can be brave when they are afraid? Terry?" Harry asked.

   "Yes." Terry thought for a while and replied.

   "Why?" Harry asked.

   "Someone is waiting for me to go home." Terry said, "You too, Harry Potter, Ginny and James are waiting for you."

  Harry looked at the phoenix "Do you think Albus Dumbledore is a brave man?"

   "Of course!" Terry answered without hesitation.

   "Then who is braver than Severus Snape?"

  Terry didn’t know how to answer.

"Last time I lost Sirius because I wasn't careful enough to distinguish between dream and reality. This time I won't make the same mistake again." Harry said calmly. "First find someone to find the way and see what the phoenix is ​​going to do. The others are ready, let’s figure out what's ahead."

   "Aye." Terry said looking at Harry, then turned and left.

The phoenix kept screaming sharply, it was a shrill cry full of anxiety, and then the gray mist that had enveloped him suddenly began to tremble and spin, as if the cloth curtain was lifted, and the eagle-headed horse with a winged beast, Buckbeak, flew over. Landing beside Harry, his head arched affectionately in his arms.

  Neither Sirius nor Severus had a family, and no one was waiting for them at home, so they could do something as risky as desperadoes.

  Ron has family. He knows to be timid and to escape, but in the end he is back because of Hermione, and Hermione is his home.

  He didn't know whether it was this kind of unconcerned bravery, or bravery for someone, which was more brave, but Harry hoped that Severus Snape would not fight for his mother.

  His mother belonged to his father, James Potter, and his father died in a fight to protect them. He was also a brave man.

  The last memory Severus left for him was to guide him to death bravely. After being hit by the Avadaso Curse, he came to King’s Cross Station and saw Dumbledore who was hovering.

  He chose the latter between moving on and "going back". He came back for the living. At that time there was a snake and Voldemort's soul was not destroyed.

A **** little monster was lying under a bench at the station. Dumbledore said that it was one of Voldemort's dead souls. It was because of it that Harry did not hesitate to believe that Neville said that Voldemort was possible. The words that have never been.

Harry Potter did not want to die. Unlike Snape, he wanted to "end", but deep in his eyes, Harry saw a trace of nostalgia. The burning blue soul fire was like a maze. Three wizard cups.

Dumbledore used to say that anyone in need at Hogwarts can get help, and he did get a lot of help, not just in the Triwizard Tournament. In the fifth grade, Ernie McMillan publicly declared his support for Hallibo. After that, some past grievances seemed to be wiped out.

  In that white dream, Dumbledore changed his view: to help those who are worthy of help at Hogwarts.

Harry didn’t hate Severus anymore. He ended a long life for Albus Dumbledore and solved the pain of an old man. He wanted to face everyone’s misunderstandings and perform the next task, maybe only Death can prove that what he said was true, so in Harry's heart, Severus was a more brave man than Albus.

He hoped to help Snape, but he did not relieve Snape. Just as Albus said, help those who are worthy of help. Don’t have mercy on the dead, and pity on those who are alive, especially those who don’t have love in their hearts. people.

He hoped that Severus would get what he deserved, whether it was fame or something else, so when others thought that Severus’s portrait shouldn’t be hung in Hogwarts, Harry insisted on hanging his portrait. He was on the wall and used his name as the Christian name of his second son. Everything he did was worth remembering, and Severus Snape deserved Harry Potter's help.

Some people can’t be saved by others no matter how they help, just like Voldemort’s dead soul. If Harry Potter can come back from that place, then so will he. Once the incurable person comes back to him It must be destroyed at all costs, even for his own life, not for anything else, so that his son James Sirispot can live in a better world without Voldemort.

  Harry stroked his feathers and said, "Your master didn't give you to me. You are not Sirius's legacy. You are free now."

  He wasn’t sure how much Buckbeak could understand, but he did think so. Although the dragon riding was handsome, the dragon’s eyes were blind and very weak. It didn’t feel good for a once powerful creature to become that way. The animal's instinct is to stay away from danger. The dragon is very scared, so it flies as hard as possible, which is not the same as when Buckbeak flies.

Harry touched the scar on his forehead. Neville wanted to reconcile with Slytherin. This was for the benefit of the overall situation. They would continue to persecute the weak viper and they would go back, but Harry felt that there shouldn't be all Slytherin peace talks. Some people are unforgivable. He doesn't want his son to be with those pure-bloods.

James didn’t inherit his eyes. The Slytherin green team uniform didn’t match the color of his eyes, but Harry didn’t force him to enter Gryffindor. When the Sorting Hat planned to assign Harry to Slytherin’s At that time, he forcibly changed his hat decision because of prejudice, and he missed a lot of things, although he didn't regret it much.

  Phoenix left with a man riding a broomstick. Many people sighed with disappointment. They must feel that following the guidance of Phoenix to rush to the battlefield to rescue people in distress looks very handsome.

This kind of brave mistake will make them regret it. Eight-eyed spiders are intelligent creatures. They will also arrange traps, sneak attacks and counterattacks just like humans. Looking down on others and overestimating themselves will lead to fatal mistakes, and as a person The leader is to control those people and avoid them from acting impulsively.

  War is beautiful only when it ends.

  The forest is very calm. When the wind blows, the whispers of the branches trembling slightly seem to be understood only by the gods.

Harry also liked this magical world very much. He could understand Severus's unwillingness to return to the Muggle world. He wanted to throw away everything related to Muggles and his Muggle father, so he called himself a half-blood prince. Snape was not happy at all. The last name reminded him all the time that it was the same as Porter's last name. No wonder he always looked very angry in school.

   But his patron saint is actually a deer, really an incredible man.

  (End of this chapter)

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