Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 188: Out of control situation

  Chapter 188 The Out of Control Situation

  It was like the house was demolished, and the cauldron bar was a mess. Many of the guests drinking on the first floor were injured. Hannah took out her magic wand to treat them.

  The dark power that attacked the bar did not stop. It rushed into Diagon Alley and caused great damage. The remaining magic power oscillated fiercely and darkly. This was undoubtedly a black magic attack.

She has always worried that the other party will attract the attention of the Auror by assassination, so she has been careful to guard, but forgot that the other party can directly attack. Now Diagon Alley is panicked and panicked everywhere. The people on the road and the shops inside are just like bombings. There are ruined walls everywhere, making it hard to remember the bustling scene before.

   "What's the matter?" The wizards living upstairs ran down one after another, and were shocked at the sight of the first floor.

   "Go back to your room." Pomona Sprout said to the wizards and witches with the majesty of the dean. She also gained momentum under the perennial power, and the wizards returned to their rooms after hearing this.

   Immediately after the apparition popping from the street, people from the Ministry of Magic arrived, but the person who came was not Auror. She knew many of these people. They were all memory cancellers of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters.

If Lockhart was not so flashy, he could actually be a memory canceller at the Ministry of Magic, because he is very good at forgetting spells. This attack caused a lot of damage, and many Muggles on Charlie’s Cross were involved. , Pomona wanted to take Hannah to Apparate and leave this place, but when she saw her treating the wounded, she felt compassion in her heart. If someone hadn’t saved him in the dock at the beginning, there would be no life for her. So she hid in the corner.

   "White eyes..." A wounded wizard lay in a corner and said weakly, "I see a pair of white eyes and that face. It is not human at all."

   "Anyone?" Pomona asked.

   "It is indeed one." The wizard said, "It's just like a nightmare."

  Pomona looked at the scene after the destruction. It was indeed not something human power could do, unless he was as powerful as Voldemort.

   "Can you do it alone, Hannah?"

   "No problem." Hannah Albert replied, and Pomona apparated and left the Broken Cauldron Bar.

  She came to the lake where she had the last picnic. This is a secret place that only the two of them knew. She was hesitant to summon him. Maybe the battle is fierce now. It would be bad if he was distracted.


   "Yes, the hostess." The house elf appeared and said.

   "Go back to Malfoy Manor and inform Lucius Malfoy that the enemy has launched an attack, and let him be prepared."

   "Did something bad happen?" Honey said frustrated, bat-like ears hanging down.

   "Go, I'm fine here alone." Pomona squatted down and touched her head, "You and Robbie have to take care of yourself."

  Honey looks even more flustered.

   "I'll be fine." Pomona said softly, "Let's go, honey."

"Good hostess." Honey said softly, and then the apparition disappeared. After she left, Pomona was completely alone, the lake condensed into ice, and there was no sound at all, in this place in the dream. It can make her feel quiet, but now that she is really here, she can't find that quiet.

   "You know who he is." The hoarse voice whispered in her ear again, "You know you are not his opponent."

   "He is dead." Pomona said coldly.

   "A person can be resurrected, how do you know that he has not been resurrected? He has many loyal believers." The voice said as if covering her head, "Do you remember where the resurrection stone is?"

   Pomona subconsciously wanted to use Occlumency to hide in the forest, but as soon as the idea occurred, she quickly retreated, and she appeared again at the white King’s Cross station.

The white wizard is still the same, but the monster hiding under the chair has a human appearance. It puts on clothes and its hair grows out, but its face is still snake-shaped. At this moment, it is sitting upright on the chair, facing Smiled at her.


  When she came back to her senses, she was still by the lake, but there was one more person beside her.

   "Why are you here?" she asked, even the sage cologne could not dispel the rancid and flame burning smell.

   "Lucius told me that there was an attack. I think I should ask what happened." Severus looked at her with concern. "Who were you talking to just now?"

  "Have you ever thought about this possibility, Grindelwald's men and the Dark Lord's men have cooperated." Pomona licked her lips, and said stiffly, "This action is an attack on both sides."

   "Why do you have this idea?"

"Slytherin rarely encounters this situation. You only accept pure-blood and mixed-blood students. Other colleges must recruit Muggle-grown students. Sometimes we will send someone to the door to explain, and then take the freshmen to Diagon Alley shopping." Mona stepped back and kept her distance. "It was Harry Potter who was in charge of me back then."

   "Why isn't Minerva in charge?" He smiled as if thinking of something funny.

"You didn't see how Harry was right in the Darsley family, they just treat him as a house-elf!" Pomona couldn't control her emotions, and began to walk back and forth. "People like them should teach them a lesson. She will cooperate honestly when she knows that she is afraid. Minerva is a principled person. Although she is harsh, she can't scare them..."

   "So you let Hagrid the half-giant pick him up?" Severus interrupted her with a smile.

"I don't have the power. I suggested that Albus do that." Pomona said stammeringly. "Before that, I used the copy curse to squeeze his mailbox, and Feinon was too scared and unwilling. I knew what to do, so I took Penny and they moved to the island together."

  Hagrid may not have superb magic powers, but he is very big, which is really terrifying to Muggles. Even the White Wizard thinks the Dasley family really owes a lesson. They are simply torturing Harry.

   "Minerva and Felicity once talked, but they never went there in person. They still have many teachers under their hands."

   "The person who should have gone is Wilmina, I changed her." Pomona said coldly, "This is the power of the dean."

   "Speaking of the point, Pomona." The old bat said coldly.

"The awakening of Muggle children can sometimes cause riots. At this time, someone needs to take care of the aftermath, but this is not the worst case. Some Muggle parents will try to hide this after discovering that their children are different. , To restrain their own magical power, the reason why Hogwarts recruited Muggle wizards not only supplemented the wizard’s population, but also guided them to control their own power, but a small number of people did not learn to control and control their own power. It was parasitized by a magical creature called Silent before. The little wizard who was parasitized by it was called Silent. Once the wizard was subjected to great emotional fluctuations, Silent in his body would erupt and the silent would turn black. An intangible black mist with extremely powerful destructive power. If they have not used magic, they will silently bite the host, and eventually take over the host’s body and become uncontrolled, which will bring disasters. In the Middle Ages, in order to avoid Muggle hunting Many wizards have become silent ones. With the separation of the magical world and the Muggle world, children are no longer forced to hide their authenticity in their own world. The number of silent ones is gradually decreasing, and the United States is said to be gone. , The last time they appeared silent and silent was during the reign of Grindelwald. In the historical records of wizards, there is no case to prove that silent can live beyond 10 years old. The only recorded adult silent is named Credence. He was once controlled by Grindelwald and almost exposed the whole world. The Silent in Europe has not been wiped out yet. Silent is an extremely unstable and difficult to control black magic. It moves extremely fast and will attack others from the host. Quietly formed in a very special environment, usually from trauma related to the use of magic, hating one's own magic and consciously trying to suppress it, or being forced to suppress oneself due to physical or psychological abuse. When the actor releases silently, their eyes will become pure white. Just now I heard a victim in the Broken Cauldron Bar saying that they saw a pair of white eyes, which means that our opponent is less than 10 years old and suffers physical and mental trauma. , A child who is powerful and doesn’t know how to control, that child is very likely to be controlled like Credence. He will wreak havoc before the end of his life. What’s worse is that he has an excellent disguise, because he Looks like an ordinary kid."

  Severus looked at the frozen lake silently.

Pomona guessed that he thought of Tobias at the moment. Although both he and Irene ignored him, at least Tobias would not beat their mother and son when they were drunk. He just bullied Irene. One who gave up his wand didn’t know. How to fight back the witch.

  "Can you make a mistake?" He asked hopefully, "Maybe it's another magical creature."

   "I can feel the power of darkness, Severus." Pomona looked at his black eyes and said, "I can only say that maybe that child is not controlled by the disciples of Grindelwald."

  "Why are they doing activities in the UK?"

   "You forgot, the Deathly Hallows, that is their Dark Mark, they came for those three things, especially the Resurrection Stone."

   "I have a coalition of werewolves, giants, and dementors." He smiled and said, "There is also a team that is constantly fighting."

   "Have we fallen to a worse point than anyone else?"

"So my dear, if you want to see me in the future, just call me directly. Don't worry about disturbing me. Although you gave me bad news, you made me feel better." He walked over and stopped her waist. "Anything to eat? I'm hungry."

   "It's in her pocket." She said stupidly, and she was kissed shortly afterwards. This kiss was full of tenderness and love, and was very suitable for this quiet winter.

  (End of this chapter)

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