Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 101: give up halfway

  Chapter 101 Halfway

   "What should I call you? Professor."

  In George’s office, he served black tea for the two ladies, and he did not neglect because one of them was Narcissa Malfoy.

   "Christine, a girl from France." Pomona took a sip from her teacup without hesitation. "Are there sugar and milk? George?"

   "Now you can easily recognize me. After all, I am the only one left." George didn't move, and looked at her with his back on his back. "After six years, do you think I have changed a lot?"

   "You look okay, how are the others?"

"Bill is still alive and has not yet become a werewolf. You have seen Ron. He helped me in my shop. Passy and Audrey are married and are now moving out of the Burrow." George didn't seem to want to say too much, and Nothing about Hermione and Fleur was mentioned.

"Where are your parents?"

"Still suffering from the loss of Fred, but it's better than before. My mother always wanted to keep herself busy. It was a distraction. She kept urging Bill and Ron to have children quickly so that she could bring them together while they were young. ."

  Nacissa took out her handkerchief and covered her nose again.

   "If that makes you feel better, Malfoy's house has been searched by Dean Thomas several times, and now Draco Malfoy dare not even return home."

   "How can they make me feel better? We are just strangers." George glanced at Narcissa blankly, then turned his gaze to Pomona. "This is the purpose of your coming? Peace talk?"

   "No, it is to prevent conflicts from intensifying." Pomona put down the teacup. "Do you think the behavior of the hook hat is consistent with Dumbledore's original intention?"

   "You never told me what his original intention was. After all, I was still a child in your eyes at that time."

  "I never treated you and Fred as children. I taught you how to fight, just like men."

   "But you didn't teach us anything other than Apparition."

   "If you are not dropped out, I can continue to teach you at Hogwarts. You have seen the situation at that time. There is a college student who needs me."

   "I heard Sirius say that you are partial, I can see now, do you love Professor Snape, right? So now you are helping Slytherin to speak."

   "How dare you talk to me like this!" Pomona stood up in frustration.

  George sneered, "They want to kill each other, Professor, not a joke, if it wasn't for Dumbledore that one of them was dead, what were you doing at that time?"

   "That's a fight between men."

   "You can't intervene, can you? Then why do you want to intervene now?"

  Pomona felt George's suppressed anger.

  "Do you think Fred died because of my fault?"

   "We are not ready, you are our teacher, can't you tell?"

"What about the rest?"

"Everyone was very busy after the War of the Ministry of Magic, no one came to take care of us, so we opened this shop." George spread his hands. "You never visited once. Why did you suddenly show up after so many years? "

   "I want to make sure if you still have that will."

   "What will?"

   "Willing to dance." Pomona said coldly, "There is another war coming. Are you ready this time?"

  George was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't believe it and asked, "Voldemort is going to be resurrected again?"

   "It's even worse. It's about the survival of mankind. Don't you think that after the repeated wars, the vitality has not been recovered?" Pomona pressed step by step, "Are you married and having children? George?"

   "Are you kidding me?" George didn't believe it. He walked around behind the desk, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, and started smoking.

"Bill was attacked by a werewolf. Mrs. Malfoy stayed with them for a while. Tell me about your feelings, Mrs. Malfoy." Pomona sat back on the sofa again, because it was not the one who made the Umbridge class on an impulse. She, dropping out of school is not a trifle, the twins are too arrogant.

   "I just hope... I hope Draco won't be bitten." Narcissa choked and said, like a weak woman. "I met Professor Lupin and he looks terrible."

"Fenrir Greyback is now detained in Azkaban. His subordinates threatened to attack every student who entered Hogwarts if he was not released during the summer. The school was almost shut down. The next plan failed. I don’t know if there will be a worse attack next time. This is why I hope that Auror will not focus on the rich Death Eaters, stop fighting, and unify the outside world.” Pomona was angry. Have to say.

  "You should tell the Minister of Magic, it's useless to tell me." George sat on the chair, his legs up, and took a long puff of cigarette. "I'm just a trick businessman."

  "Are you a businessman?" Pomona asked.

   "Yes, can't you see it?" He answered ruthlessly.

   "Then what if I exchange news with you?" Pomona remembered Snape's teaching. To learn how to negotiate, you must negotiate terms, as if she accidentally mentioned one just now.

"what news?"

   "It has something to do with your father." Pomona said nothing about it. She saw how George reacted.

  Even the careerist of Passy will eventually return to the family. She does not believe that George doesn't care about his family at all.

   "What's wrong with him?" George smoked, trying to cover his expression with smoke.

  "Which one do you think is more ridiculous, Muggle Protection Act or Wizard Secrecy Act?"

The   International Wizarding Secrecy Act came into effect in 1692. It contributed to the government reform of the British wizarding community, from the original loose parliament to the new and enforceable Ministry of Magic.

  This law is to prevent Muggles from contacting the magic world, and there is even a special office for abuse of magic. Arthur Weasley was originally the supervisor inside, although there were only two people.

"Your father is a good person. He is suitable for family life. Now that you come out to earn money, you don’t need him to continue working at the Ministry of Magic. That’s a place where troubles keep going. If you can live a happy life, why should you find yourself? Not happy?"

   "You are frightening me." George said with a smile, "My dad is an upright person, you can't do anything to him."

"George, everyone has a secret secret, even Dumbledore." Pomona sighed and stood up. "I was here to see how you are doing today, but now you We can't talk about attitudes, let's talk again if we have a chance, Cici, let's go."

  Narcissa stood up quietly, covering her face.

   "Wait a minute." Just when the two were about to push the door out, George asked, "What are your conditions?"

   "Everyone step back, don't be so aggressive." Pomona wouldn't have to say, "The trapped beast is fighting, and the lion will die if it is bitten by a poisonous snake."

  After speaking, she opened the door and left the office of the former student.

   "Why does that kid know you and also know your relationship with Severus? Professor Sprout." When they walked away, Narcissa looked at her suspiciously.

"Keep going, Cici." Pomona said blankly. "The reasons inside are very complicated. It is difficult for me to explain to you. You only need to know that men's intervention to solve the problem will be out of control. Can you stop them? Do it, try not to let them do it."

  (End of this chapter)

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