Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Vol 2 Chapter 45: ,Christmas

Riddle was discharged from the hospital a week later. After he was discharged, he did not talk to anyone about what happened to Halloween night.

There are rumors that he beat a few good Gryffindor "little reporters" severely, so that their noses and faces were swollen and they couldn't walk.

After that, no one dared to ask him about what happened on Halloween night.

And Hoffa did not have any intersection with Riddle, but these days, he has been studying the spells that can make people immune to magic, and he wants to know what makes the half-human king invulnerable.

But he checked for a long time and also asked Aglaia, but he didn't get any information on so-called magic immunity at all.

Time gradually passed away in Hoffa's research and long studies. Hoffa always wanted to return to the Ravenclaw Tower and retrieve his own transformation secrets.

But the school seems to be cruel, as long as it does not catch the half-man king, it will not open the Ravenclaw Tower.

This caused the Ravenclaw students to suffer because they had to wear the clothes customized for them by the school and use the items customized for them by the school.

This situation continued until Christmas, and there was not much improvement.

At the dawn of Christmas, the weather is cold and snowy everywhere.

However, at this time, the temporary lounge also showed some advantages. It was much warmer than the lounge on the tower. And because it’s close to the kitchen, it’s easy to call in a few house elves to add meals for themselves.

Hoffa wakes up very early every day. He is drinking coffee from the house elves by the fireplace while listening to "A Hundred Curses and A Hundred Curses" borrowed from the library.

At eight o'clock in the morning, two of his friends yawned and came to Hoffa with a cardboard box.

Seeing Hoffa was still reading, Aglaia threw the box in his hand to him: "God, you are still checking, Hoffa, I have said more than a hundred times that no one is immune to magic."

"Christmas gifts?"

Hoffa looked at the box in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

Aglaia said angrily, "I randomly selected one of the 137 gifts I received for you. I hope it's not a box of slug gummies."

"I thought you would go home for the holidays." Hoffa said.

"If you don't want to go back, you can't go back."

Aglaia curled his lips, "Are you stupid to check the curse? The school issued a notice last week. Muggles are already out there. For safety reasons, all students will spend the festival at Hogwarts this year. ."

"So that's it..."

Hoffa grumbled and opened the big box. Fortunately, it wasn't a slug gummies, it was a beautiful light blue men's scarf.

Miranda handed him a small box: "I don't expect you to give me a gift anymore."

"It will be made up later," Hoffa whispered with a guilty conscience.

He really didn't prepare gifts. He was thinking about the forbidden library and the half-man king every day, and he didn't even pay much attention to the approaching Christmas.

"Make up a fart, you don't even know when my birthday is!" Aglaia said fiercely.

"I don't even know my own birthday." Hoffa said mockingly.

"It's so sad."

Miranda smiled and stabbed the fireplace with her magic wand, and the flames burned.

Hoffa opened Miranda's small box and found that Miranda had given him a hardcover book.

"Shield Spells".


Aglaia's face suddenly turned clear, and she leaned on the table enthusiastically: "My birthday in July, or else you two will come and have fun at that time."

"It's too far away, let's finish this year first."

Hoffa flipped through the book of shield spells and said worriedly.

He still couldn't release the shield curse.



In the evening, Christmas dinner.

The auditorium looks magnificent. More than a dozen Christmas trees covered with silver frost stand in the corridor, and the top of the corridor is covered with crossed mistletoe and holly. There are also some golden owls that keep whispering.

Although the outside world has been unable to deal with each other, although there are hidden dangers within Hogwarts, this has not affected the progress of Christmas.

Hoffa came to the hall very early, which was filled with golden plates and golden cups.

In the middle of the hall, a few students were pointing around the shiny Hogwarts Orb. There are a few Gryffindors, and Ravenclaw for a few days.

Gryffindor probably did this out of curiosity, and Ravenclaw probably did it to pray that he could return to the common room soon.

But there is no doubt that for them, this is destined to be a disappointing day.

Orb did not respond.

A group of three people were seated.

Before the banquet began, Miranda stabbed Hoffa suddenly.


She pointed to the entrance of the hall.

Following her fingers, Hoffa saw Principal Dippet.

He was accompanied by the school doctor Lena to the hall. He was in much healthier condition than when the school started. He sat on the classroom seats and even drank two glasses of fruit wine with Dumbledore.

This was something Hoffa had never seen before. In the impression of most students, the old principal rarely attended the banquet due to physical reasons. Basically, he could only meet at the opening banquet.

After the banquet began, Principal Dippet said a few words of congratulations, and his voice was much louder than when the school started.

After he finished speaking, the vice-principal Dumbledore led the crowd to sing a Christmas carol for a while.

It's just that from the beginning of the banquet to the end of the dessert, Hoffa saw that the position of the transformation class teacher was always empty.

Osivia did not come to the Christmas party.

Hoffa was not the only one who noticed this.

"Your boss didn't come." Aglaia whispered while chewing on the pudding. "Aren't the people in the Soviet Union but Christmas?"

Miranda: "I heard that there is no Christmas in socialism."

"What boss?" Hoffa was unhappy. "She is a teacher and I am a teaching assistant."

"Cut..." Aglaia shrugged.

"I feel more like a partner." Miranda teased, "Mr. John Watson."

Hoffa: "Aha?"

"I haven't seen you being so concerned about other subjects." Aglaia curled his lips.

"What's in your head?" Hoffa knocked on the other's hairy silver head. "Do you think I really want to be a teaching assistant?"

Miranda narrowed her smile and said seriously: "But Hoffa, I really think that Osivia's purpose is too strong. You will not be safe with her."

Hoffa smiled and said, "Just like you did last year?"

Miranda leaned a little closer: "Listen, a person with a strong purpose will not allow others to hinder her, if...I mean in case, you and her goal conflict... .."

"I know." Hoffa put down his knife and fork and interrupted Miranda: "I know what this transformation teacher is better than anyone else."

Miranda sighed, cut off a steak and put it in her mouth, without saying more.

Aglaia looked puzzled: "What are you talking about."

As soon as she finished speaking, a senior girl hurriedly walked over to Hoffa, bent over and handed him a note.

Miranda: "Huh~?"

Aglaia poked his head over immediately.

"It's strange."

Hoffa pushed away her furry head and opened the note.

There is only one sentence on the note.

(Come to the hunting ground, I found the tomb of Shiraishi.)

It was Osivia’s letter, and Hoffa stood up immediately, and Aglaia was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Hoffa: "You eat slowly, I'll tell you when I come back."

After speaking, he put the note in his pocket and walked quickly out of the hall.

Miranda looked at Hoffa's back and said to Aglaia: "It seems that the letter from Holmes has arrived."

"What Holmes?" Aglaia frowned. "I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"Have you not seen it?"

"What have you seen?"



Hoffa quickly left the laughing Christmas hall and walked outside the castle.

If Osivia finds the Shiraito Tomb, it means that they are only one step away from the Library of Endless Knowledge.

Just as he was about to walk out of the castle, Hoffa saw Principal Dippet, accompanied by the school doctor Reiner, slowly leaving the auditorium hall from the corridor on the second floor.

He didn't ask Dr. Rainer to support him, but he seemed to be a little bit weak in alcohol and walked swayingly.

Hoffa stopped and shook his head to watch for a moment, until the principal and school doctor disappeared at the corner, and he slowly walked out of the castle.

Passing through the corridor full of mistletoe, across the Roman pillars of the corridor, Hoffa saw the snow on the hunting ground shiningly reflecting the moonlight.

Osivia did not wear a wizard's robe, she was standing on the white snow outside the castle in a black cloak and safari outfit.

She felt Hoffa's gaze and turned to look at him.

So Hoffa jumped over the snow-covered marble fence and stepped on the snow as deep as an ankle.

"Did you find it?"

"Well, let's go."

Osivia nodded to him and said briefly.

The transformation teacher walked in front, Hoffa followed her, their boots crunching on the snow.

"What is the White Rock Tomb, is it at Hogwarts?" Hoffa asked urgently.

"Well, it should be there."

"Yes, how do I feel that you are not sure?"

"100% sure you can't do it."

Osivia said, "But since the information is carved on the bottom of the stone statue of the first principal, I think the tomb of Shiraishi should be the tomb of the first principal."

"Have you found it?"

Osivia shook her head: "No, I haven't found any information about his grave."

Hoffa: "This... how did you find it?"

"Although I didn't find a clear location, I have been looking up information about the principal's burial place recently. Later I found out that all generations of Hogwarts principals were buried on islands in the Black Lake after their death.

No matter who the first generation principal was, as one of the principals of Hogwarts, he must follow the Hogwarts tradition and die at his job and be buried in Hogwarts. "

"Is there such a rule?" Hoffa was taken aback.


"Where we are going tonight..." Hoffa asked in surprise: "The graves of the principals of Hogwarts?"


Osivia seemed rather calm.

Looking at her calm look, Hoffa felt as if he was crazy.

Instead of attending a banquet at school on Christmas Eve, he went to visit the grave of the ancient principal.

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