Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 487: Night talk before the decisive battle

The time has come to June, and the final competition has also begun. The three of Hermione also got the news of the third round in advance, which is to enter the maze. Whoever gets the Goblet of Fire first will be able to win the championship directly, instead of simply rewarding points .

This made Krum a lot excited, but after thinking about the wonderful performance of Hermione and Ling Quanxue, he suddenly felt that the chances were not great.

But there are also advantages for those with high points, that is, the first place can enter the maze first, so that they temporarily have the advantage of time.

Of course, because the difference in scores was not that big, Ling Quanxue and Hermione set off 5 minutes earlier, and Krum followed.

In the huge maze, the impact of 5 minutes is actually not big. Of course, if Ling Quanxue and Hermione are too smart, it will be another manifestation.

Hema has successfully mastered the technique of Longhua in the past few months. Although he can still cast quickly and quickly from time to time, he can also retract and release freely. Teacher Cahall rarely praised him.

But there was an accident in the Ministry of Magic the day before yesterday, and the people with the top blood were exposed on their own initiative, and followed the lurking Death Eaters to start a mass killing situation.

Fortunately, most of the Aurors and wizards dealt with it in a timely manner, and there were no large numbers of casualties, but Dogan suffered a small injury and is now going home to recuperate.

But at the same time, Azkaban was also attacked, and it was Voldemort himself, but Azkaban was not so easy to break through, otherwise it wouldn't be called the worst prison in the European magic world.

Better yet, some were saved, including the notorious Bellatrix Lestrange, a fanatical Death Eater.

But Hema didn't care too much. As long as there were not too many casualties, it would be a good thing. They already had many opponents, and it would be okay to have one more. As long as Nagini and Voldemort were killed, the rest would be easy to solve.

"Hema, you've been in a daze for several minutes." Dumbledore's voice sounded from in front of him, and he noticed that Dumbledore was back. He came to the principal's office to look for him just now, and found that Dumbledore had gone out.

"Old Dengtou, where did this go?"

"Where else can I go? Go to the Ministry of Magic. I have to go there. Although the halls and buildings have been damaged, it's not a big problem. The Ministry of Magic was built with great care."

"How's Fudge?"

"He's fine. He didn't faint from fright this time. He's resting in the office now. I didn't even see him. When he left, he wandered out to arrange repair work."

"Well, then tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle?"

"Well, but how do you know that Voldemort will definitely attack tomorrow?" Although Dumbledore was very trusting, sometimes he was still curious, where did Hema get the first-hand information, faster than him.

"I have nothing to say about that, but you must have learned something from Snape, right?"

"Well, this is, what do you think about Malfoy?" Dumbledore also turned the topic to serious matters.

"When Malfoy told me this, I still didn't quite believe that Voldemort could come up with such a job with no chance of success.

"He's testing the stability of Lucius and Snape. Fortunately, we've managed to play this movie a little better." Dumbledore smiled.

Yes, half a month ago, in order to make Voldemort trust Snape and Lucius, they made a fake battle movie.

It was Dumbledore who pretended to be injured by Malfoy, and then remained in a coma, and for authenticity, they really put Dumbledore in a coma for a week.

So the day before yesterday, those Death Eaters dared to act directly in Azkaban and the Ministry of Magic at the same time, and now Dumbledore has entered the recovery state.

The sick look all day long is also for other people to see, especially those lurking personnel. In fact, Dumbledore is not needed for action.

Of course, combat power is still lacking, so Dumbledore can still be used as a backup killer, so let's continue to pretend to be sick.

"But the Malfoy boy turned out to be a normal kid.


"Isn't it normal? What you said."

"Haha, no, I mean, do you still remember the mission I gave you to go to Scamander's house during your first summer vacation?"

"Of course, Cedric, Harry, Cho Chang, and Malfoy."

"Yes, at that time, I simply wanted to find some children who were gifted with abilities, had a better understanding of themselves, and could grow better in character."

"Well, you succeeded. Harry has grown normally, Cedric and Cho Chang have become better, and Malfoy can be said to have changed the most."

"Well, he's not the same as his father. He doesn't have that much arrogance, and he doesn't have a special lineage theory. Although it's only been getting better and better in the past six months, do you know why?"

"He told me it was because of me, but I didn't believe it."

"Maybe it's because of you, because of you, Slytherin. Slytherin is so different now that you may not feel it."

"But for me, an old guy, it's really witnessed the change of Slytherin, so this is your greatest gift to Hogwarts."

"Why are you telling me this today? It's so sensational?" The corner of Hema's mouth curled up, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Because you are an existence that can take on great responsibilities."

"Okay, but don't think about making me the captain, I'm a liberal."

"I know this. I won't force you. Besides, the headmaster must be at least a few dozen years old to become a principal. Young people will definitely have some inexperience."

"Hey, I have enough experience, I'm not a wife and a child, isn't it delicious?"

"Hearing a child say that, I am still really ashamed. At this age, I am still alone. Maybe this is the unluckiest point in my life."

"So family is something that needs to be fought for instead of waiting. You should also face up to the past a little bit. People can't live in the past."

Hema is very aware of the rare pain in Dumbledore's heart, that is, the conflict with his brother and the death of his sister.

Compared with the feeling of love and brotherhood between the two of Grindelwald, this made him so impressed every moment of his life.

"I understand what you mean, but if I can take that step, maybe I won't be Dumbledore, and I won't be the headmaster of Hogwarts." Dumbledore sighed.

"Then let's talk again after you unload the burden of Voldemort."

"Well, maybe I will change at that time. Tomorrow is the decisive battle. You should also get ready to rest, and you have to play in person."

"Well, the decisive battle... I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

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