Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 320: .Seasonal dishes of tenderness (1/5)

I miscalculated yesterday. I owe you ten chapters. The cartridge case will work hard to draft it, and then return it as soon as possible. So tired, why owe so much? ****

Xiao Wang, Zhuang Ding, and Queen left, and the stream gradually returned to peace. At this time, a group of grass-mud horses ran happily, and in front of them was the happy beast impressed by Lao Wang. front.

Pharaoh scooped a grass from the ground. The happy beast opened his mouth and ate it happily. Cousins ​​also scooped a large amount of grass to feed it. As a result, he opened his mouth and sprayed Cousins ​​like a sneeze. All saliva.

This is one of the few attacking methods of grass mud horses. The things they spray contain the digestive juices in the rumen, so the smell is unpleasant, and the angry Cousins ​​scolded.

In the distance, the eldest prince rushed with five brothers and saw this group of ranch city management. The happy beast ran away and led his men and ran, apparently they had suffered from the Rottweilers.

After arriving with his five brothers, the eldest prince stared at the stream and stared at the stream. The other five Rottweilers yelled loudly and looked extremely rare.

The queen rushed up, raised her big paws and patted them on their heads. This was very interesting. The little Rottweilers saw their mothers raise their front paws and immediately lowered their heads and let it shoot.

"They all formed conditioned reflections," laughed the old woman in Bibby.

The eldest prince had a grievance on his face. He looked at the stream blankly. No one knew what was going on. Only Pharaoh understood what it meant: cattle? What about those fierce cows?

Pharaoh misunderstood it. He thought the child was scared away. Actually, it wasn't. People ran to find five younger brothers. He was smart enough to know how to combine strength and strength.

Seeing that the queen was going to shoot the crown prince's head, the pharaoh stopped him. He went up and held the crown prince's head and combed the dog's hair, so he felt happy.

No problem with the ranch, Pharaoh drove to the vegetable garden and took a look.

A month ago, while planting the pasture, he also planted some vegetable and wild vegetable seeds in the vegetable garden by the way. At that time, he didn't care about it. He just planted it and did not have much hope for the vegetable garden. Eat whatever you want.

As a result, when he came to Caitian, the land that he didn't pay much attention to changed a lot, and almost all the vegetables and wild vegetables that had been planted had grown.

Although he was planting by species at that time, he only carried out simple rotation and loosening of the land, no weeding, no fertilization, and no management. He thought that many of the seeds he planted would certainly not develop, and he did not expect the power of the garden. Strong, all the seeds he had planted in his memory developed.

Not only the seeds have grown, but some vegetables can still be eaten. Pharaoh looked at them. Peppers, watercress and pakchoi grew fastest, and they were ready for harvest.

Looking down, the leeks can also be harvested, which surprised him. According to his knowledge, after the leeks are planted, they must be subdivided later, and they must be cultivated by soil and canals.

But with the heart of the vegetable garden, these do not need to be controlled. The leek grows from the seed, but the time is still too short. These leek are delicate, the leaves are very narrow, and the stem of the vegetable can have the thickness of disposable chopsticks.

He also planted potatoes. Many people think that potatoes should be cultivated with tubers. In fact, like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc., potatoes that are solanaceous plants will also bloom and seed.

However, if potatoes are cut asexually, they can maintain the shape of the maternal line and grow quickly. Therefore, tubers are generally used for planting.

A potato grows green, and Pharaoh digs it. The potato has just settled, only the size of a bean, and it is far from being edible.

Compared to vegetables, wild vegetables grow better.

In the New Year, Pharaoh ordered a large number of wild vegetable seeds on the Internet. This time, a lot of seeds were planted, and all of them were developed, but the variety was too complicated and he didn't know much.

There were countless seedlings growing in more than ten acres of wild vegetable planting areas. Pharaoh worked hard to identify it, and he also recognized several kinds of fern, purslane, purple back, mountain wild vegetables, and celery.

These are enough, Pharaoh did not expect that the heart of the vegetable garden is quite strong, and he grew so many vegetables and wild vegetables. He called Bowen and Liangzai and asked them to come and pick the vegetables.

"Not going to work?"

Pharaoh thought about it and still had to go to work. Elizabeth and Kid had just arrived in the town and he had to set an example. But it's the weekend right away. On the weekend, pick these vegetables and wild vegetables, and have a spring party together.

After living in New Zealand for a long time, he knew why the locals love partying so much. There are too few ways to entertain. If you don't party, it will be boring.

Driving to the town, Elizabeth and Kidd both got an office. The town has nothing else, so there are more offices in the house.

Hearing the roar of the off-road vehicle, Kidd leaned out of the window and shouted, "Boss, you have eaten."

Pharaoh glared at him and said, "Do your job well, rookie. I just went to inspect the traffic just now. Who said I was late?"

In contrast, Elizabeth's work attitude is much more serious. Pharaoh went to the office to take a look. The beautiful college students were working hard to produce the development report of the small town in the past year, and recorded the changes of the small town .

"Good job, Isa." Pharaoh nodded, which would be an excellent clerk.

His choice to come to work was right, and another car drove in in the afternoon, and Yige took his son back to the town.

Little Loli was playing with Zhuang Ding. When she saw Mrs. Xiao, her eyes suddenly turned on, and she jumped forward and said to the medical brother, "Uncle, can I play with Stockton?"

Brother Yi smiled softly: "Of course, you can play."

Little Loli pulled him and said, "Come and come, let's play together."

Mrs. Xiao looked at the mighty Mastiff mastiff and shook his head again and again, and said in a panic, "No, I want to be with my father, I am afraid of dogs ..."

Little Luoli went to see the doctor and went into the office building. Nobody, she held a pink fist and gave him a chest. She scared him and said, "You better come and play with me, I'm bored. Otherwise, I'll let the strong man eat you. "

"Don't eat me, I'll play with you." Xiaozheng said too scared. He pouted his mouth and wanted to cry. Zhuang Ding glanced at him, and he scared him back to his mouth.

Little Loli nodded in satisfaction, then thought about it and said, "Did you volunteer to play with me?"

Xiaozheng said, "No?"


"Yes, yes, I volunteer to play with you."

Little Loli nodded with satisfaction again, and patted his shoulders with a big smile and said, "Be good, don't tell my sister that I threatened you, otherwise you know, my dog ​​likes to eat children the most. It's been a long time. I have eaten it. Zhuang, open your mouth and let it look at your teeth. "

Zhuang opened his mouth in confusion, and saw his mouth full of fangs, and the poor little Zheng almost cried again. (To be continued.)

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