Hail the King

Nine hundred and seventy-fourth, possible beast tide?

"From about ten days ago, the monsters in the endless forest began to go berserk and became very aggressive, and many adventurers and mercenaries who went deep into it had taxed the level more than once. According to the official report, the number of magical beasts outside the endless forest is gradually increasing, and the density is three or four times higher than before. According to our two-day investigation, this is indeed the case, and this trend is still intensifying. More and more endless forests are deep in the sea. The monsters in the area are all rushing toward the periphery in horror, as if they are being driven by some force, and they are fleeing toward the periphery."

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White Bird Saint Hazzard Knelt on One Knee Report

"Get up" After listening to the report, Fei thought slightly in his heart

It is definitely not good news for Chambord City that such a strange phenomenon appears in the endless forest sea

According to some historical records, every once in a while, in the endless forest, due to some mysterious and unknown reason, there will be a large-scale beast tide. Running out of the depths, forming a terrifying wave of monsters. Wherever they pass, there are thousands of miles of bones. The monsters are like an army like a tide. The number is so huge that it is unimaginable, and it cannot be stopped at all.

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For human beings, the beast tide is a terrible disaster

On several occasions, the great empires that suffered from the beast horde suffered heavy losses, and the provinces close to the forest were thousands of miles away, suffering heavy casualties, and the administrative system was paralyzed

"Could it be a precursor to another outbreak of beast tide?"

Fei is not sure. There are many preludes to the outbreak of the beast horde. The phenomenon Hazzard mentioned is just one of them. However, if it is true, then Chambord City must make some preparations in advance. The worst solution is of course to make way for the monsters ahead of time. The endless tide of beasts cannot be resisted by one or two masters. It is like human beings facing army ants. You can crush one or two ants to death at will. If the number exceeds ten million, then you will be instantly devoured into a pile of clean bones without meat slag

"Anyway, I said I need to rest. Why don't you go to the forest and sea in the back mountain today? Treat it as a sightseeing tour. Maybe you can find something."

After making up his mind, Fei is not in a hurry

He was dragged by the father-in-law, Best, and another arm minister, Brooke, to attend an "early court", and then went to Chambord City Civil and Military University to finish his lectures. When he came back at noon, the maids who had received the order had already prepared All the materials and tools for the picnic, with a roar, the big black dog and three ruffian dragons descended from the sky, carrying the crowd, and the treasure hunter [little raccoon], talking and laughing, towards the endless forest in the back mountain. fly deep


Time is already at the turn of spring and summer, but the endless forest sea is located in the northern part of the mainland, which belongs to the severe cold zone, and the change of seasons is slower. If you look around, most of the places below are still covered with patches of white snow, but with patches of faintly visible Bicui, some impatient plants can't bear the loneliness, and they have begun to draw out their eyes, giving people a sense of vitality and surprise

Most of the monsters here have the habit of hibernating, but this time has passed the hibernation period, they wake up from the cold and long sleep, they are very active, busy hunting, replenishing energy, and going deep into the endless forest for less than 50 kilometers , below is already the roar of beasts and the sound of birds singing


Fei, Yi Lianna, and Angela sat on the back of the big black dog. They were extremely stable and could not feel the slightest bump

This ordinary earth dog, under the catalysis of [Green Giant Potion], evolved and mutated into a whole species

Over the past year or so,

Its body didn't swell any longer, but its strength was greatly improved. At this time, it was already at the peak state of the half-moon level. In addition to a pair of huge meat wings on its back, the two bone protrusions on its head had developed into a Facing the horns, which are comparable to the sharp weapon of a magic weapon, while opening its mouth and roaring, balls of flames and hurricane elements burst out. It has mastered the magic of the dual elements of wind and fire. The brilliance is scattered underneath, and under the fluff, there are dense scales, which are extremely hard. Fei has carefully observed that the growth of these scales is also extremely strange, and they actually form various natural magic patterns. Maximum immunity to magic attacks

Today's big black dog, because of the favor of His Majesty the King and the Queen, has become the undoubted head of the Warcraft Legion in Chambord City, and even the three-headed ruffian dragon, which is far stronger than it, has become its younger brother, obeying

The four giant beasts flew extremely fast, and within an hour, they had already penetrated into the depths of the endless forest for more than two thousand miles

"Hey, look, there is a sky-blue lake, it's so beautiful." Angela cried out in surprise when she found something

Not far below, surrounded by white snow and green trees, there is a huge lake, like a blue gem that has fallen on the ground, shining with a charming tile-blue brilliance. The surrounding terrain is gentle, and the ice and snow on the ground have melted, revealing A large piece of green grassland is decorated like a paradise

Even the [little raccoon], who has always had a very high vision, squeaked happily

"Okay, it is indeed a good place, I will have a picnic here today, haha"

Fei didn't want to sweep away the nature of his lovely wife, and he himself liked to be in a quiet place. With a long howl, the big black dog was extremely human, flapping its wings, and slowly fell. Behind it were three ruffian dragons carrying a few guards. He and the maids, with their stubborn temperaments, did not change, roared a few times when they saw this, and suddenly fell down, scaring the beautiful palace ladies into pale faces, then screamed triumphantly, and landed slowly

“What a natural resort”

Being there is more fascinating than looking down from the sky. Angela and Irina couldn't wait to bring the maids to the lake to play and have fun before setting up a temporary camp by the lake. The [little raccoon] also galloped to join the beauties, and jumped into the lake with a plop, stirring the water and having fun

On the other side, more than a dozen temporarily brought guards honestly set up camp, set up tents, and scouts are already on guard in all directions to prevent any monsters from breaking in. In fact, the breath pressure released by the four big guys of Black Whirlwind is simply not enough. No monsters dare to break in, besides, this is still the fringe area controlled by the [Warcraft Legion] in Chambord City, there will not be any large monsters, but Fei did not stop them, after all, this is the duty of the guards. With these, they will feel at ease

Fei Fei ruthlessly gave the three-headed ruffian Long Yilong a chestnut, and laughed loudly: "Three stubborn guys, let you be naughty again!"

The ruffian dragons bowed their heads in shame

In their hearts, Fei is like a parent. Although he has been criticized, he is very intimate. He sticks out his brain and rubs against Fei's body.

The beautiful scenery, the beautiful woman by his side, and the sound of laughter made Fei's heart suddenly relaxed. He temporarily forgot the "mission" of coming to the endless forest, and felt a burst of relief in his heart

The midday sun was warm and warm, as if a lover's hand was caressing. Fei also arranged a few magic circles with flame attributes by the lake, which brought bursts of heat. Therefore, even though it was surrounded by snow, the air was not cold at all. Just like midsummer, there is no danger of catching cold

The girls frolicked by the lake for a while, and then they returned to the camp that had been set up. They were surprised to find that His Majesty the King had cooked a delicious lunch himself.

"Haha, open the meal, everyone has a share"

Taking out the table and chairs from the storage ring, the king greeted with a big smile. The maids and guards have long been accustomed to the easy-going nature of the king and princess, and sat down around the table, talking and laughing. This gluttonous feast

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there were bursts of rapid roars of monsters all around, and the earth began to tremble

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