Hail the King

One thousand one hundred and sixty, the invisible army

"Haha, it's done! It's almost ready, everyone can leave." Adam Johnson looked at the perfectly disguised Holy See and the camps of the two empires from a distance, and finally showed a bitter smile on his face: " Get it done for him, hehe, this time I want to see how the plot of the Holy See will continue."

Fellaini and others also looked at the camp where the army was stationed before.

At this time, the camp has become a ruin.

The bones of a large number of dead human warriors and goblin warriors around the camp were piled up around. At a glance, all the white flowers were bones covered with tooth marks. , also at the request of Johnson and others, the Emperor of the Northern Territory personally rearranged it, and placed some bones and meat paste inside.

At first glance, in such a miserable scene, the entire human army has been completely wiped out here.

After all these arrangements were made, the army set off, and the magicians accompanying the army were thoroughly mobilized. At the same time, a large number of magic teleportation arrays mobilized the soldiers to leave the battlefield, and finally carefully erased the traces of the march.

The army that survived the battle of blood and fire just disappeared in the vast wilderness.

Less than two hours after the army left, ripples like transparent water ripples suddenly appeared over the ashes of the battlefield, and two hidden figures flashed out of it.

It is Iaquinta, the strong man of the Juventus Empire, and Alaba, the strong man of Barcelona.

The two cautiously inspected the air for a while, and then landed on the ground in a flash.

Another careful observation and search.

"Haha, Master Rosario is overthinking. It seems that as we expected, the group of barbarians who dared to have dissent against the Holy See were all eaten up by goblins. Haha, look, there are only gnawed people left everywhere. There are at least hundreds of thousands of clean bones!"

Iaquinta laughed with satisfaction.

Adam Johnson and others joined forces to fight against him last night, and he longed to kill all these foreign powerhouses. This scene in front of him was obviously what he wanted to see the most.

"Let's observe carefully again. This time, we must not travel on business again." Alaba, the strongest in Barcelona, ​​seemed more cautious.

He is an extremely well-known tracking master in the Barcelona Empire. He was born as a scout and eventually achieved the position of Supreme Dao. Therefore, in terms of investigating the scene and restoring the traces of the battle,

Very rich experience.

This is why Cardinal Rosario sent him.

The two came before the Holy See killing battle.

Alaba observed carefully for a while, and suddenly raised his hand and blasted a blue force.


In the originally calm void, a terrifying energy turbulence flickered suddenly. At this moment, the invisible killing formation, like a lurking beast showing its ferocious fangs, completely enveloped the entire camp of the three former empires. in.

Iaquinta and Alaba stood outside the killing array, and they couldn't help but feel frightened.

This killing array is extremely powerful, if it is strangled, there will be no life or death.

According to the method of entry and exit explained by Rosario, the two carefully entered the killing array along the only hidden safe route, and at a glance saw more than a dozen human corpses that had been almost ground into flesh.

These corpses were bloody red, and the battle armor on their bodies had been turned into ashes, but the aura contained in the flesh and blood was still enough to show that they were all powerful extreme experts.

"A total of sixteen corpses, no more, no less, they happened to be Johnson, Fellaini and other exotic powerhouses, haha, they were all caught in one go, that's great!" Iaquinta took a rough look, and couldn't help it. A ferocious and smug smile appeared.

Alaba still maintains an extremely cautious attitude.

He didn't rush to make a judgment, but carefully fiddled with the corpses one by one. While observing, he checked with the power attributes and various information of the foreign strongman recorded in the report. It took a full half an hour. Only then did he let out a long breath, and nodded in relief.

"That's right, just right." Alaba stood up and said, "Lord Rosario can rest assured now, let's go back and report."


Fellaini, Adam Johnson and others were simply stunned.

Ordinary people are used to attributing all incomprehensible and shocking things to gods, but extremely powerful people will know that the so-called miracles are just a manifestation of a certain degree of power and law.

But what Fellaini and the others saw at this time made them, the extreme powerhouses, have to attribute it to miracles again.

Before the army set off, they imagined a lot of difficulties and battles they would face. In their subconscious mind, they only hoped that the Emperor of the Northern Territory could resist the god-level powerhouses in the goblin army, which would be the best situation.

However, in the past nearly one day, nearly 200,000 troops of the expeditionary force walked quickly and undisguisedly on the land of the Southern Region, constantly approaching the Allianz City in Munich. Along the way, they encountered countless armies of goblins, but there was no outbreak at all. any fight.

The army of goblins went up and down, as if they were all blind. More than 200,000 people passed by under their noses, but they couldn't see them at all.

An invisible force of law radiated from the Emperor of the Northern Territory, completely covering the entire army and completely isolating the perception of the goblins.

To wipe out more than 200,000 troops under the surveillance of millions of goblins by one person is definitely not something that a true god-level god can do.

Emperor of the Northern Territory, to what extent is his strength?

As long as they think about it for a while, Fellaini and others feel terrified.

The army of more than 200,000 marched all the way in a hurry. The momentum was indeed huge, and they did not deliberately hide the whereabouts of the army, nor did they hide magic or vindictive fluctuations. Just under the eyes of the goblins, even under the inspection of a large number of god-level goblins, all the way Very safely approaching the Allianzstadt in Munich.

It's almost like a trip.



The Valkyrie's spear was like a deadly sickle, cutting through the sky, piercing the void, and killing the last true god-level goblin!

On the ground, an army of millions of goblins ran chaotically in the wilderness like a swarm of green rats.

This was the sixth attack that the goblin army mustered up.

This time, they even dispatched more than two million chaotic troops and sixteen true god-level goblins. Unfortunately, like the previous five times, this attack still ended in disastrous failure.

The reason for the failure was the same as the previous five times——

The goblins underestimated the strength of the Valkyrie Elena.

Especially this time, the goblins dispatched sixteen true god-level powerhouses, three of whom were absolute powerhouses above the sixth heaven of the true god. There is no difference between the first-level sky powerhouse and the Valkyrie, and the final end is still falling.

The huge gap in realm cannot be made up by quantity at all.

Moreover, the most important thing is that until now, after paying a huge price, the goblins don't seem to have made it clear what the true strength of the Valkyrie has reached.

The defeat of the top powerhouse caused the goblin army to drop more than five million bodies in more than six attacks.

The human army hated this evil green creature from top to bottom. They killed all the way, and almost never left a living. Except for a few goblin engineers, the other trophies were basically divided equally among the major empires. The spoils of war are not collected in proportion to their contribution to the war.

For several days in a row, the expeditionary army to Iduna City, with an extremely strong posture, was like a dragon running across the deep sea, smashing all the way, defeating countless goblin armies, penetrating into the depths of the Southern Territory, and constantly approaching Idu that city!

At the same time, on the island of Paris thousands of miles away, the Holy See is also in full swing to arrange its own plan——

Today's update

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