Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 754: Itzhak's Support

Listening to Diaka's ineffective speech, Yin Zak shouted angrily: "You coward! I'll be dispatched too!"

"What? You—"

Just as Diaka was about to ask back, he saw that Yin Zak's figure had disappeared from the camera towards the elevator.

However, the communication channel could still hear his instructions to the captain.

"Voltaire is only allowed to support from the rear! Are you listening? Don't come to the front! Or you will die!"

While listening, Diaka held back a smile.

He himself is not as sure of the strength of those guys.

Noel, Aslan, Kira—the three are opponents he is determined not to be an enemy of, but not because he can't win against each other.

Thinking of this, Diaka once again wondered about the faction he belonged to.

He knew that Lacus Klein on the Eternal was the deity, because Aslan and Noel were both there, there could be no fakes, so this alone proved that the Speaker had lied to the people.

As far as Diaka's own opinion is concerned, a person who dares to tell such a big lie cannot only tell one lie.

Speaking of the destiny plan, Diaka personally cannot accept it.

After all, genes reveal only a person's innate ability, but not the value of that person.

This kind of concept, he learned from a natural girl.

In other words—she didn’t come here too, did she?

Thinking of the girl's face, a trace of unease crossed Diaka's heart.

At this moment, Yin Zak's puffy face appeared on the screen.

It looks like he's already in the cabin.

"Captain Yinzak, we're going out too—"


Shihe was about to speak when he was about to speak, when Yin Zak rudely interrupted: "The three guys outside are unreasonable, you are here to guard the Voltaire with peace of mind, and you are not allowed to board. forward!"


"No but, this is an order!"

After Yinzak finished speaking, he directly hung up the communication between Shi and them and said, "Diaka! Let's go!"

The light blue prototype Destiny Gundam also rushed out from Voltaire.

Seeing this, Diaka hurriedly followed and took off, rushed to his side and asked, "But Yinzak, what are you going to do? Shouldn't it be—"

Yinzak is the most moral, and stubborn and hopeless. Although this is his benefit, it also makes Diaka worry.

Now that he is also attacking, shouldn't he want to stick to the command of the headquarters and plan to kill Aslan and the others?

But I heard Yin Zak give an answer that couldn't be beat: "I just want to beat those two... um, beat that kid!"


"To have the cheek to go to that kind of place again! It's really courting death!"

Diaka couldn't help sighing.

"That kid" was of course Aslan.

As for why not talk about those two boys.

"Do you really want to beat that kid, or the two kids, or the three kids together?"

Diaka couldn't help laughing.

"Shut up! Anyway, as long as you watch who I hit, you can follow me to hit anyone!"

Yin Zak was choked for a moment, and then angrily roared in filial piety.

"Ha ha--"

Diaka gave a dumb smile and did not continue to tease, but just touched the back of his neck and followed with a smile.

in front of the two.

The three MSs forcibly approached the relay point in an unstoppable stance.

"You bastard! What the hell are you doing in a place like this again?"

Just as Aslan drove the Justice Gundam forward, a familiar voice suddenly entered the cockpit.

The upright face on the screen was flushed with anger, and seeing Aslan couldn't help shouting in astonishment, "Yinzak!"

After he finished speaking, the dark gray trial Fate, which flew in with the blue trial Fate Gundam, forked into the communication channel.

Burning text

"The question you're asking is really... Isn't that what they came to call the relay station?"


Aslan missed the two faces on the screen, but he wondered for a while.

Of course Yinzak and the others will be here, but they should be ordered to fight against themselves, but now they—

"I didn't mean that!"

Yin Zach was so angry that his head was about to smoke, but Diaka was a thousand pounds.

"It doesn't matter which one it is, just get it done as soon as you want to do it."


Unable to keep up with the conversation between the two, Aslan was stunned.

"Diego, you bastard!"

"Why? Isn't it?"

"Yes... yes yes yes! But you have reversed the order!"

"Oops—just tell you what to talk about later! And Noel is there, aren't you, are you sure you and I can fight them both together?"

"Huh? What a joke, just the two of them, I alone is enough!"

"You—how did I find out how can you brag so much? You will die if you don't brag!"

"When do I—"

"Don't talk nonsense, the two of you, you are here to help, give me a happy answer!"

At this moment, Noel also opened the channel and plugged in.

"Huh? Noel, what do you mean by this guy! Could it be that you still want to fight with me?"

"Okay, you two, don't say a word, this is still fighting!"

Diaka directly interrupted the quarrel between Yinzak and Noel, and said, "Aren't you going to shoot down that thing? Let's go, let's go together!"

He was really afraid that Noel and Yin Zak, two stunned young men, would have a fight here.

This thing is not as realistic as it is, and I dare not pull the frame.


Aslan stood there blankly, not recovering from the answer for a while.

"Don't talk nonsense, just follow me!"

Yin Zak snorted.

Then he drove the trial Destiny Gundam straight to the Requiem Relay Station.

Diaka said quietly and left, and then accelerated to follow.

Seeing this, Aslan hurried to catch up.

I saw that the incoming missile group was all destroyed by Yinzak's big hand, and the garrison approaching the rear was also restrained by Diego's shooting. With the support of two comrades-in-arms, Aslan rushed forward.


In the rear, Aslan and Inzak were restrained.

Noel rushed up with the Eternal Covenant.

"it is good!"

While Kira was speaking, the two drove the body to cross the space covered by the beam.

Under the cover of the three of Aslan, they flew into the open cylinder.

Back to back facing the outer wall.

The front end of the meteor turret shot out a strong beam, and the Covenant Gundam and the Freedom Gundam simultaneously cut the outer wall of the structure with a huge lightsaber, splitting the 100-meter-thick outer wall in two.

The burnt fissures meet at the top of the barrel, and the massive space station structure collapses.

At the rear, Aslan watched the starry sky in the crack gradually expand and heaved a sigh of relief. The structure had been cut in half, and each floated away with inertia, and could no longer refract the beam.

However, this is not the end.

"Let's go, it's time to do the right thing."

After urging Noel to glance at the scattered relay station, he drove the body towards the moon.

Requiem is the most dangerous, but more dangerous is the Messiah.

Thinking of this, Noel connected to the bridge of the Eternal: "Lux, have you discovered the location of the Messiah!"

The Messianic fortress is the deadliest.

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