Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 182: Do you want to see your fire of hope extinguished here?

"Dad, if you want to leave, let's go together! I can't leave you behind!"

Cagalli stood aside and kept protesting. She had been protesting here for a long time.

Uzumi ordered her, Chisaka and other crew members, as well as members of the M1 "Gundam Heretic" unit, to leave on the "Kusanagi".

In the meantime, he and the other chiefs will remain here until the last moment.

She knew that it was a choice based on her sense of responsibility to the country, but when she thought about the fate they would face if the United Earth Army invaded this place, she could no longer just run away for her life.

The chief is the leader of the country. The Earth United Army should not kill people as soon as they are caught, but imprisonment and trial are inevitable.

You can't even accuse the other party of being unfair.

Because that's what war is, the winner is king.


It was impossible for her father to change his will, and Cagalli naturally understood this, but she still couldn't help but pester her father and persuade her with words that she knew he would not listen to.

Because she really doesn't know what she can do or what she should do.

At this time, she was confused, powerless, and sad.

In fact, she vaguely knew the final result in her heart, but she was unwilling to accept it.

On the other side, Noel, Aslan, Kira, and Diaka gathered together.

"Actually, we can just go back to the Kapanthalia base now."

After Diaka finished speaking, he saw several people looking over in astonishment. He couldn't help but spread his hands and continued: "Anyway, the enemies are all the Earth Army..."

Aslan smiled bitterly at Diaka's words.

Indeed, the opponents we are fighting are the same, but if we continue to act with Kira and the others, it will be difficult to tell.

It may eventually evolve into a battle with plants, but that's not certain.

"So, are you sure you don't want to go back?"

Noel couldn't help but ask as he watched Diaka sink deeper and deeper.

Diaka did not answer immediately after hearing this, but his eyes drifted to a beautiful figure opposite and said: "I don't want those people to die."

Noel opened his mouth when he heard the words, but in the end he said nothing. He just patted Diaka on the shoulder and said in deep thought: "After you determine the target, you should start early."


Diaka reacted in shock and quickly defended: "What are you talking about! I..."

"Okay, okay, do you think we are blind or fools? It's hard to tell because of your dark skin and blush. Do you really think we are fools?"

Noel was speechless. Did Diaka really think that he was a fool?

Anyone with a bit of discernment can see such an obvious thing.


Diaka seemed to have discovered something and couldn't help but look at Aslan and Kira.

"Where's Noel? Noel, what are you going to do?"

Aslan ignored Diaka's gaze and turned his head to look at Noel.

"I will return to the Kapantalia base in a moment."

Noel, who already had the answer, did not hide it.

"Aslan, what is your choice?"


Faced with Noel's question, Aslan hesitated.

"Do you think what Uzmi did was right or wrong?"

Seeing Aslan's hesitant expression, Noel decided to help him make a choice.

"It should be right."

"What about Speaker Sara?"


Aslan fell silent.

"You already have a choice, don't you?"

Noel said, patting Aslan on the shoulder and saying, "Although it's a pity, you have already made your choice. You just need to go on firmly in the future."

"Aslan Salama of ZAFT..."

Listening to Noel's words, Aslan somehow remembered Lux's words, and unconsciously let out a self-deprecating laugh, murmuring: "So she already knew it..."

Obey the orders of the country and the army to kill the enemy.

I used to think that was good because everyone was the same and there was no other way.

And if this kind of war can be ended as soon as possible, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But do we really have to fight against something? Can this war really end in this way of killing to stop killing? In this kind of war that is disturbed by extreme thoughts, what is the meaning of fighting on your own?

In fact, to this day Aslan still cannot come up with a more specific reason.

But he knew one thing, he could no longer give up thinking and continue to kill regardless of the enemy's life or death.

I can no longer believe that fighting can get me the future I want.

He doesn't want to be "Zaft's Aslan Sara". He wants to be a simple Aslan Sara, an independent person who can raise objections when he thinks something is wrong and do good to what he cherishes. of protection.

He already... doesn't want to fight Kira anymore.

Seeing that Aslan was silent, Kira couldn't help but smile at him and said, "Then let's go together... Aslan."

His smile is still as innocent as before.

"In the future, everyone can look for it together..."


Aslan suddenly understood.

If you are confused, just be confused. Even if the road is still vague, you just need to feel your way forward.

If you can’t find the answer today, you might know it tomorrow.


Noel looked at Aslan and Kira, silently shook his head and exited the lounge.

Things basically end here.

Now that the savior team is stable, you can go about your business with peace of mind.

"Can I find the future..."

Noel had an inexplicable desire to chat with Lux or Durandal up close.

At this time, he didn't seem to be afraid of being 'brainwashed' by the two of them.

"Noel, can you come here for a moment."

Suddenly, a young woman's voice interrupted Noel's thoughts.

Noel turned his head and looked over. There stood Frey Alsta, who had changed into a coalition uniform at some point.

"Haha, it seems you have made your own decision."

Noel couldn't help but grinned as he looked at Frey Alsta who had put on her uniform.


There was movement in the Earth Alliance fleet anchored in the distant sea.

"There is a shadow on the radar! It's MS!"

Mai Li, the eldest among the chiefs, said loudly, and the control room immediately became tense.

At the same time, the alarm sounded, and Kira and others hurriedly ran to the love machine.

"Miss Malu, please take off immediately!"

Uzumi urged the Archangel to start, while Cagalli still stayed by his side, anxiously watching her father's reaction.

"I know! - Kira, what about you?"

When Malu asked, Kira immediately replied: "We will cover! Please leave the Archangel first!"

Both the Freedom Gundam and the Justice Gundam can enter the atmosphere alone, so they can fight until the end without being contained in the ship.

Only the Storm Gundam entered the Archangel.

"I thought maybe I could do something."

A woman wearing an Earth Alliance uniform walked into the control room.



Seeing Fleur suddenly entering, everyone present could not help but be stunned.

“I may not be able to do much, but I want to try.”

Fleur crossed her hands and turned white, and said: "I, I am the daughter of George Alstad, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Atlantic Federation. I should be able to help you."

"What do you want to do?" Uzmi didn't know Fleur's purpose for a while.

"Perhaps you can use my presence to contain their attack."

Recalling what Lux did at that time, Fleur suppressed the fear and uneasiness in her heart and suggested to Uzumi: "I should still be useful."

"Hmm? Fleur, what do you mean by that?" Cagalli couldn't help but feel a strange feeling when she looked at Fleur who suddenly broke in.

"I am the daughter of George Alstad, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Atlantic Federation. This identity..."


Before Fleur could finish speaking, Uzmi suddenly reacted and scolded directly: "I can't embarrass Orb!"

He guessed what Fleur was thinking - a threat!

The orphan of George Alstad, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Atlantic Federation, this identity is equivalent to the current Cagalli.

Don't think that the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Atlantic Federation is ordinary. His status is among the top five in the entire Atlantic Federation.

Coupled with the exaggeration of George Alstad's "heroic sacrifice for his country" and his own experiences and encounters.

The existence of Frey Alstar has long been a benchmark figure in the battle propaganda between the Atlantic Federation and Plant.

"Do you want to see your fire of hope extinguished here?"

Thinking back to the words Noel taught her and her own decision.

Fleur resisted the urge to let her legs collapse and asked Uzumi in response.

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