Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 136: A sense of familiar battle déjà vu

The reason why Noel was able to drive the Covenant in the first place was because of the great efforts of the Klein faction.

After all, Durandal was from the Klein faction, and Yuri was also from the Klein faction at that time.

In addition, Noel went to Siegel Klein's house privately——

This had to make Sara start to wonder what the faction Noel belonged to.

Something that may pose a huge threat to oneself, and under such a tight time situation, eradication is the best choice.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Noel can't be eradicated.

There is a shortage of powerful subordinates. At worst, they can be sent to Earth and left unused. When the war is won, the Klein faction will not be able to make any waste.

"But it's okay to do this. It's better to cause chaos. Only in this way can you get in the chaos..."


Noel suddenly thought of Durandal. If Durandal wants to stand up now, he must completely muddy the water of plant and break the existing stable class like himself.

But is this possible?

If he is really involved in this, then this guy - isn't it a bit too scary?


The darkness of the universe is daunting.

Even if the mobile suit is in it, it is as small as dust——

In this darkness——

A pale green beam of light cut through the darkness.

Looking in, two green MSs were wandering in the darkness.

The beam rifle in his hand hit the opponent like raindrops.


Noel raised his shield to block the beam and adjusted his body's position to evade it backwards.


Ash Gray screamed strangely and quickly approached Noel with his shield raised.

Ash Gray's fighting style is somewhat similar to Yitzhak's, but different from Yitzhak's complete recklessness.

This is a rough and fine combat driver.

And his intuition during combat is extremely accurate.

Many of Noel's attacks would be dodged subconsciously by him. It was an ability somewhat similar to precognition, and in a sense it was similar to Noel's ability.

Just not as complete as Noel.

"You can't run away - you're dead!"

As Ash Gray said that, the machine suddenly put down its shield and turned over. When the engine on the back erupted, the speed increased by a notch compared to before.


Regarding Ash Gray's threat, Noel just pulled the trigger of the beam rifle in his hand with an indifferent look.

"This guy····"

However, Ash Gray seemed to be able to predict it, and he dodged all Noel's attacks when his body flipped.

Due to distracted shooting, the distance between Noel and him was instantly shortened.



"I told you! You can't escape-!"

The beam saber in Ash Gray's hand bit Noel's shield with a crazy expression in his eyes.

Feeling the beam saber that had been moving along the shield, Noel couldn't help but feel a trace of astonishment in his eyes. This guy——


As Noel's eyes flickered, the beam saber in Gates' hand suddenly struck from bottom to top.



However, something unexpected happened. Ash Gray actually blocked Noel's attack direction in advance.

This gave Noel a sense of déjà vu.

"go to hell!"


After Ash Gray said that, Gates' head suddenly hit him hard.

The heads of the two Gates hit each other straight.

As the sparks sputtered, there was a problem with the optical image above Noel Gates' head, and the originally clear picture became blurry in an instant.


The same was true on Ash Gray's screen, but he was already prepared for this. At the moment of his head impact, Gates, who was driving, retracted his saber, turned around and kicked him.



However, this inevitable kick was missed.

Through the blurry screen, Ash Gray could see a bright beam saber slashing towards him.

Without any hesitation, Ash Gray immediately used the jet on his waist to retreat as hard as he could.



Unfortunately, the two sides were too close, and the leg of Gates he was driving was cut off. As the leg exploded, Ash Gray also took the opportunity to stay away from Noel's attack range.

"The response speed is very fast, but this kind of behavior that likes tricks is a little priceless."

Noel did not pursue him, but waited for the optical image to recover before taunting Ash Gray through the internal communication.

"You guy! Damn-"

How could Ash Gray not hear the sarcasm in Noel's words? He roared and drove Gates over with his beam saber in hand.

"Haven't you seen the difference between you and me yet..."

Noel whispered and drove Gates forward.

Although the two only fought for about ten minutes, Noel had already roughly figured out Ash Gray's strength and characteristics, as well as his attack style.

It’s not about how strong Noel is.

It's that Ash Gray's fighting style is too similar to his own, just like a copy of himself, but the copy is not perfect.

When using a long range weapon, first observe the opponent's beam rifle aiming method.

After basically adapting, speed up and approach. Once you reach a suitable distance, you can directly retract the shield and rush forward, relying on temporary reactions to forcibly avoid the ray.

After getting close, relying on the body's observation ability can basically gain the upper hand in close combat.

If the opponent is weak, just kill him directly.

If there is not much difference in strength, then rely on some small means to forcibly expand the advantage and kill the opponent.

This is how Noel used to attack.

But this is a small trick after all, and it can't be used on a big stage. Ordinary mobile phone pilots are fine.

If you face Kira, Aslan, or Yitzhak... these ace-level MS pilots.

This kind of little trick is difficult to achieve miraculous results, and it is easy to make yourself passive. After all, this is a surprise that can only be exchanged for a killing move.

Stopping the fatal attack is already a very big flaw for the super ace driver.

Just like before.

Ash Gray's head collision did make him panic a little, but so what?

In the end, he would still have suffered a loss. If Noel had reacted faster at that time, he would have directly extended the knife towards Ash Gray's cockpit.

Not to mention killing Ash Gray on the spot, Ash Gray would at least be completely passive as a result.

Once you fall into the opponent's rhythm during melee combat, you are basically close to death without the help of others.


Two identical Gates were fighting each other in the darkness.

Brilliant firelight lit up in the darkness.

Ash Gray's roars and roars like a wild beast kept coming from the communication.

But Noel was surprisingly peaceful and even had a sense of joy.

Because he found that this was a good opportunity to improve his melee strength. After all, it was not always possible to meet an opponent with a fighting style similar to his own.

"Let you be the nourishment for my rise——"

Thinking of this, the smile on Noel's face became brighter.

MS takes the ship——

The battle scene between Noel and Ash Gray was projected.

"Is it focused on close combat?"

Councilor Yuri thought of Noel's suggestion, focusing on close combat.

The three-armed shield attack system is indeed very suitable for him. This kind of terrifying melee ability is really unreasonable if it is not paired with suitable melee weapons.


Looking at Ash Gray being beaten and held down.

Captain Kaza couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He originally thought Ash Gray was strong enough, but now it seems——

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