"The picture you are seeing now is a battle taking place on the sea about 20 kilometers away from our country's territorial waters at the same time..."

The female anchor repeated similar content with a slightly excited voice.

On the TV screen, a white battleship was dragging black smoke from its stern and making evasive maneuvers, surrounded by circling MS and fighter jets, with words similar to real-time live broadcast reflected in the corner of the screen.

"In response to this sudden battle, the government has ordered the army to dispatch and convened an emergency meeting..."

Seeing the live battle on the large screens in the street, pedestrians could not help but stop and whisper excitedly.

However, you didn't find much worry in their conversations.

In their view, this desperate battle that took place outside their country's territorial waters was like a common scene in movies.

But it is also true, after all - they are a neutral country.

This country is called the Orb United Chief State.

Located just below the equator, it consists of a crown of islands formed by more than 20 volcanoes. It is also known as the Obre Island in geography.

Mainly relying on industry and the operation of the space port as its source of income, Yalafas Island, where the capital Eurofat is located, seems to symbolize outstanding economic power that is not commensurate with the small land. Almost all of the coastal areas are covered with skyscrapers.

It even looked as if it was about to fall into the sea if it shook.

Behind the urban area close to the coastline is the active volcano Hermea with gentle ridges. The industry developed by utilizing the volcanic geothermal heat is the driving force behind the construction of Orb.

"In addition, we have lodged a strong protest to the ZAFT Army headquarters at the Kapantalia base and the Earth Army headquarters in Alaska, demanding that the two armies immediately evacuate from our country's offshore waters..."

However, facing the same live broadcast, it is different from ordinary people's excited talks.

In a certain office, a group of men with solemn faces and low tones were watching.

There was a long, slender conference room in the large room, with many people gathered around the table.

This is the Executive Yuan of Orb, and gathered here are the heads of states and their staffs.

At this time, the man sitting in the center of the conference table glanced to the left. There sat a middle-aged man with hair that reached past his shoulders and a beard.

"Lord Uzumi..."

The middle-aged man looked at the screen with a serious expression. Hearing someone calling him, he sighed, slowly leaned back on his chair, and said: "Our country does not take any measures against armed ships that approach territorial waters without permission." Change... Representative Homla.”

The man who was called the representative had a confused look on his face and said, "Yes...but..."

"I think - the words broadcast on TV news are not very flattering."

Uzumi said this as if talking to himself, staring at the TV screen with a sharpness in his eyes that few others could see through.

Hearing this, Homla suddenly understood and quickly called his staff to his side.

Uzmi Yula Asghar - is the former deputy chief of the Orb.

He was resigned due to a military scandal. However, although he handed over the position of representative to his younger brother Homla to succeed him, just like this previous interaction, the real power is still in his hands.


"Bang bang——"



In the ruins of the Kaohsiung Spaceport, three aircrafts, one green, one red, and one blue, flew side by side.

Noel didn't lose at all when driving Gates in a one-on-one battle, and even had a certain advantage.

"Bang bang——"


Suddenly, two physical bullets flew from below, forcibly interrupting Noel's attack.


The newly bandaged Yi Lair drove another Jean from below and rushed over with his wounds.

The red and blue Zeon from before was actually the machine of 'Will', the hero of the Plant Army.

The current one is his original body. However, due to modifications, this body cannot be considered a complete version, but it is still enough to participate in supporting attacks.

[Beep, beep, beep——]

At the same time, the energy limit set by Noel in advance also issued a reminder.

Looking at the three of them, a trace of struggle flashed in Noel's eyes. He continued to fight. There was something wrong with his energy. If he didn't fight, he would feel aggrieved!

"Bang bang bang——"

Below, the artillery fire from Iler continued, interrupting Noel's thoughts.

"Damn it! I'm going to die today!"

Noel's blood suddenly surged, and bloodshot eyes protruded. He punched to turn off the sound of the energy reminder. He controlled the MS to turn around and dodge the attack, and dived straight towards the blue heretic.

No matter what kind of energy source it is, Noel is not considering it at the moment. Killing is the key!

Cong Yunzai looked at Nuoer who was flying towards him, and came forward with a chrysanthemum on his shoulders.


The two machines connected in an instant, with flames overflowing. This time, the two machines did not separate, but stood face to face in mid-air.




As Cong Yunzhai's roar sounded and the Blue Heretic engine roared, the performance gap between the aircraft appeared again.

Gates' engine thrust was not at the same level as Blue Heretic's, and Noel's body was obviously suppressed by the opponent.

While sparks were flying, Noel looked at the hilt of the sword that could not be cut off, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

As the engine on his back spewed out air, he turned around and missed the attack at the expense of Gates' left arm.


Cong Yunzai looked at the opponent's fallen arm and passed through Noel's body with a knife, his eyes showing shock and horror.

Although he urgently adjusted the position of the machine, Noel was obviously faster and faster than him at this time.

"How can this be····"



The beam claw blade slashed across the blue heretic's cockpit from the blue heretic's back, then he randomly turned around and kicked him down.


With Ilair's frightened cry, the blue heretic fell to the ground.


The explosion sounded, the firelight scattered, and the blue heretic disappeared in the flames.

"Ahhhh-I'll kill you!"

Looking at the blue heretic who lost the signal on the radar, Yi Lair roared and rushed towards Noel.

However, what greeted him was the Gates machine that suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Are you so sad? Then go down and stay with him..."


Following Noel's strange murmur, three light claws gradually enlarged in Yi Lair's eyes.

If Cong Yunzai faced Noel's close attack, he could still rely on the blue heretic's body performance and his own strength to resist it.

Once Noel gets close to Eliel, who is driving Jean, he will be a perfect target.

The strength and body of both sides are not on the same level.


As the claws of light flashed, Jean, driven by Yi Lair, was instantly cut in half.

It exploded in mid-air before it even hit the ground——


Luo Jure looked at everything that happened in front of him and suddenly froze in mid-air. He simply couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

All this happened too suddenly, too hard to understand——.

Ten seconds, less than ten seconds, two MSs fell together. This scene was so sudden that it made him feel like he was in a dream...

"Luo - run away!"

Suddenly, the professor's heart-rending roar came from the headset, awakening Luo who was in a daze.





When Luo came back to his senses, he saw a red claw appearing in his sight.

Just when he thought he was dead, the heretic body that had been forbidden to move suddenly started to move on its own. When he raised his hand, a ball of light appeared in his palm, forcibly slowing down Noel's attack.

At the same time, he turned his body sideways to avoid the attack.

Although one arm was cut off in the end, at least his life was saved!

Random didn't fight with Noel at all, turned around and started accelerating and ran away.

"It's kind of interesting——"

"But, can you escape?"

Noel looked at the red heretic who was running away quickly, and sneered and chased after him.

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