Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 5148: : The situation in the super holy world

Ye Yun followed everyone back to the Bear Emperor Constellation.

Rebecca deliberately approached Ye Yun and said, "I'm very sorry for what happened before. It was me who failed to restrain my subordinates. I apologize to you on their behalf."

Rebecca's appearance made Ye Yun a little surprised. According to her judgment, this person must have a bad personality. He could do this not only to show his own strength, but also for another purpose.

Ye Yun smiled and said: "It's okay, this kind of thing is very common. Besides, at our level, how can we restrain every member of the tribe? Every downline must have some dark side."

"Thank you for your understanding."

The two of them chatted privately, keeping their composure, but everyone else knew they were chatting privately.

After a while, everyone took their seats and the conversation continued.

"Where did we just talk?"

"Hey, are you continuing the same topic now? It's boring. Why don't we talk about something new while Sapshensi and Senior Xia En are here."

Someone suggested it, and someone responded immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes, I want to know too."

Everyone looked at the three of them expectantly.

Ye Yun immediately realized that everyone seemed to want to know about the super holy world.

Seeing that the old **** Sapu was there and had no intention of showing up, Rebecca looked at Shane.

According to the previous plan, Rebecca definitely wanted to brag about her achievements inside, but now that not only Xia En, who had been in, was here, but even Sapshens was here, she definitely couldn't brag about it.

Rebecca smiled and said: "In front of Senior Xia En, we certainly don't dare to talk nonsense, but I heard that the situation is different every time you enter the super holy world. Senior, why don't you tell me the scene when you first entered?"

"Haha, that's what I'm talking about. Rebecca is right. Every time you enter the Super Saint World, it is different. And I'm sure that even if you two are from the same class and enter at the same time, but belong to different teams, The world we end up going to is also different.”

Everyone is outraged, is it so strange?

"Is there another world inside?"

"Don't interrupt, keep listening."

Rebecca silently agreed with this statement, and she also knew this situation.

Sapushensi also rarely said: "Yes, what Senior Xia En said is absolutely true. I am also curious about what you were like back then? Can you tell me a little bit?"

Xia En took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "You guys are trying to expose me, but that's fine, we are all gathered together to have fun today, so I can just chat casually.

Think about it, that was all tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, the super holy world was not as terrifying as it is now. The main reason is that the other creatures in it are not strong and there are not that many in number. The main enemy is the primitive biology.

This kind of primitive creature is called a beast at best, or a star beast cub at worst! "

Everyone is outrageous. Everyone knows how terrifying the star beast is. The simplest conclusion is that even if it is just a cub of the star beast, its initial combat power is at the peak of the universe-destroying level!

While everyone was silently shocked, they continued to listen with curiosity on their faces.

Ye Yun was also energetic, just in time to hear the general situation of the super holy world.

Xia En said: "I still remember that we were a team at that time, and the number was about three hundred. We were not as strict as you are now. The minimum standard for entry is the Zerg, plus the Universe Destroyer level. After all, we are just starting out. Considered an explorer.

However, not long after we entered, we encountered a beast battle. At that time, we used the same method to deal with ordinary star beasts to resist, and the result was heavy casualties.

In the end, he severely injured the opponent with more than 80 lives, but he escaped, hey..."

Xia En's face looked very bad, and everyone's hearts trembled after hearing this.

More than 300 universe-destroying levels were killed against a star beast, and more than 80 of them were killed, and the opponent even managed to escape! How terrifying this must be!

Xia En continued to take a sip of tea, his thoughts seemed to go back ten thousand years ago, and he said lightly: "I was also seriously injured at that time. Fortunately, the deputy leader who accompanied me was a powerful Zerg healer.

After some rest, we continued to explore. There were some ancient ruins inside. To put it bluntly, they were the heritage of civilization, just piles of things without any value.

But there is also a message. That world is not a void, but there are civilizations. These civilizations are most likely annihilated because of the changes here. "

One after another, Xia En talked for several hours, and everyone was frightened.

Their initial exploration trip lasted eight weeks in total, and after they came out, there were less than sixty Yu-Destroying level experts left.

"Since then, my hidden injuries have not healed. My combat power has dropped sharply. I can no longer break through to a higher level. I have been recuperating for thousands of years and this is what I am now."

Everyone was outraged, this was too dangerous.

Sapshensi raised his glass of water and wine and said, "Here's to the pioneer!"

Everyone immediately responded: "Here's to the pioneer!"

Xia En smiled heartily and said: "You're welcome. Although I am a pioneer, I really have no regrets. I have paved a **** path for our Holy Insect Alliance. I can see that your descendants are so outstanding. It's worth it!"

Everyone looked happy, and everyone immediately looked at Rebecca and Sapshensi, wanting to know the current situation. Ye Yun was naturally curious.

Rebecca looked at Sapu Shensi and said: "Sapu Shensi, UU Reading Your team lasted longer than us, why don't you come first?"

After hearing this, Sapushensi did not refuse and said: "Okay, Rebecca, I don't know what kind of world you have entered, but after we separated, we also encountered a beast war soon.

Fortunately, I have the experience of my predecessors. "

As he spoke, he looked at Xia En and saluted, and the other party returned the salute.

He continued: "That kind of star beast is most likely a preliminary test. If even he can't pass it, then there will be no way to enter the gate of the world behind it."

Everyone was stunned.

"Does it mean that if you want to truly enter the super holy world, you must go through the baptism of this star beast?"

Sapushensi: "I just have this feeling. I wonder if you have met Rebecca?"

Rebecca said: "We have also encountered it, but the situation is slightly different. We only encountered it after entering the gate of the world, and it is very dangerous. The monster will attack secretly!"

Everyone was outraged, it was actually a sneak attack? This is more dangerous than the Sapu Gods!

Ye Yun wanted to interrupt and ask more questions, but someone asked him what he wanted to know.

"So, do they look the same?"

Rebecca and Saps looked at each other and at the same time condensed the image of the star beast.

"This! Is it different?"

"It's actually different!"

"It seems that apart from their appearance, even their life forms are different."

"So, we went to different worlds, and the star beasts guarding them were different."

"Well, this should be the only possibility. Senior Xia En, have you seen these two star beasts?"

Xia En said: "This seems to be an impression, but I know it from the mouths of other super saints. It should be like what you said. Different worlds naturally have different star beasts guarding the passes."

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