Guardian of Douluo

Chapter 122: (1)

Shrek Academy, three special people appeared at the entrance of the courtyard. These three were Tang San who had gone to the capital of Gengxin before. Ning Rongrong had already returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and Tang San returned to Shrek with Oscar and Ma Hongjun after finishing dealing with the Tang Sect. College.

However, the three of them at this time had a look of doubt. In front of them, students kept running in one direction, with unstoppable excitement on their faces, and the disciples guarding the gate of the academy also showed envious expressions.

"What's going on?" Tang San asked while holding on to the disciple closest to him.

The person who was originally being held had an impatient face, and when he saw Tang San's appearance, he immediately changed to a respectful expression: "Senior Tang Nian's apprentice is going to challenge the students of the school again, everyone I hope to see my strength through this challenge.”

Tang San let go of the student and motioned him to leave. Oscar behind him spoke: "Apprentice, when did Xiao Nian have an apprentice?"

Ma Hongjun smiled: "Xiao Nian's apprentice, won't he be a beauty."

Tang San's face darkened as he raised his feet and strode toward the direction where the students were running.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar looked at each other, and they both saw the expressions of watching a good show on each other's faces. Looking at each other and smiling, they also followed in that direction.

As soon as they got there, a figure flew out from the heads of the onlookers. On the other side was a familiar voice: "Wen Zixiu, work harder, haven't you eaten yet?"

Tang San's eyes darkened, and he didn't see any movement, but in a matter of seconds, he had come to the inner circle of the crowd, and he had the same movement, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun. When the students around saw them, they vacated a large area, and the three of them used this advantage to see the situation inside.

I saw a young man entangled with three or four spirit masters three or four years older than him. What is even more surprising is that this young disciple is already a four-ringed spirit sect . Maybe these four rings are not that good compared to Tang San and the others, but the premise is that this boy's age, this talent, is comparable to their Shrek Eight Monsters, maybe even stronger.

Tang San restrained his surprise and looked upward. Tang Nian's figure was indeed there, with his legs hanging from the eaves, Tang Nian hit Wen Zixiu while knocking the sunflower seeds.

The movement of the three of them also attracted Tang Nian's attention. Looking at Tang San who was standing below looking at him, Tang Nian smiled and shouted at the battle circle: "Wen Zixiu, stop the battle, practice on your own, wait for me to summon you."

After finishing speaking, he floated down from the roof, regardless of the large group of people below, and floated according to Tang San.

Holding the person in his arms, feeling the long legs wrapped around his waist, Tang San smiled dotingly where no one else could see, touching his hair and said : "Everyone is watching, it's not good to hold like this." However, the hand that was around Tang Nian's waist did not mean to let go at all.

Tang Nian rubbed in dissatisfaction, and put his legs down.

Tang San was a little disappointed, but he let Tang Nian let go, and he couldn't ask him to hold him back.

It was a pity in his heart, but he suddenly felt that his back was heavy, and Tang Nian had come to his back: "Let's go, go to the dean first, I guess Senior Dugu will come over. "

Thinking of the tense atmosphere in Heaven Dou City when he came back, Tang San's heart tightened, so he walked towards the dean's office with Tang Nian behind his back.

The two left in such a harmonious atmosphere, leaving behind a group of stunned people,

Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were complaining about the two of them, who were not abusing dogs, suddenly heard a student next to him say with blood: "As expected of twin brothers, the relationship between the two seniors is really good." After listening to him Then, the other students reacted instantly, ignoring the sense of disobedience in their hearts, and all of them made a sudden realization, nodding wildly there.

The two twitched the corners of their mouths, away from this group of fans who could already open their eyes and talk nonsense, and walked towards the dean's office.

Wen Zixiu, who was left alone and suddenly left behind. He cleaned up his chin that was about to fall to the ground. Showing a smile that everyone is drunk and I'm awake: That's obviously two gays, ah, I really put on the wrong world. This protagonist who is inspiring to himself, the academy that energizes himself, and the world that energizes himself.

Holding the heart that had been shattered by this world, Wen Zixiu also trembled and walked to the dean's office.

When he entered the office, he found that the person who should be there was already there. Dugu Bo Jingye said his lines, and dragged Tang San to go to the palace. Tang Nian next to him held his arms with a worried look on his face, and the performance was really like that.

Responsible and concerned expression. Wen Zixiu received a hostile glance from Tang San, the **** protagonist who had already completed mosquito coils, and laughed in his heart. On the surface, he still looked like a patriotic youth who was worried about the future of this country.

When Dugu Bo dragged Tang San away and there were only a few people left in the room, Tang Nian finally revealed his true face, pulling a smile that seemed to Wen Zixiu extremely hideous, Tang Nian said something that confused Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

"Now, the actors are all in place, we are about to start the performance. I hope to give that person an unusually grand performance." Glancing at everyone in the room, Tang Nian took Wen Zixiu to the academy go outside.

Tang Nian walked quickly, and a hawker suddenly blocked his figure. When a few people in the dark looked again, the two figures were gone.

"Are you looking for me?" The sound of the chain sounded, the man turned back suddenly, only to find that Tang Nianzheng was looking at him with a smile, and a scarlet long sword was inserted into his body.

At the same time, several soul masters who had been monitoring Tang Nian all fell down. Except for the few who did it, no one knew how many people had disappeared from this world.

Tang Nian looked at the old man standing in front of him and said hello with a smile: "Senior."

The man nodded, glanced at Wen Zixiu who was following him, but didn't say anything, but walked in one direction, that direction was the palace where Tang San and the others were going .

Tangling Wen Zixiu, Tang Nian said that he had caught it, and quickly chased after him.

In the palace, Tang San frowned as he looked at the person standing in front of them.

The author has something to say: After watching Douluo again, I don’t have the same feeling as before _(:_”∠)_I feel that the more I write, the more I don’t want to write, if it’s not because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, I’m definitely that People who leave pits everywhere:) I suddenly had a stomachache at noon today, and I felt like I was going to die:)

Mosquito Hugh: This is a world that is full of gas.

Shrek Academy Fan Brother Fan Sister Group: What the senior said is right, what the senior does is correct, and we firmly support the senior.

ps: When the crisis in the palace is resolved, Xiaosan Xiaonian will be separated again~

☆, Qian Renxue, plan

"Hey, are you sure we won't be discovered?" Pulling Tang Nian, Wen Zixiu asked quietly.

In the field of lovesickness, Tang Nian and Chen Xin were carefully listening to Xue Qinghe's words. Tang Nian was disturbed by him, and his concentration was also disturbed.

"Shut up, as long as you talk less, you won't be discovered." Seeing the worry still in Wen Zixiu's eyes, Tang Nian explained, "The field of lovesickness can isolate us to the greatest extent possible. Breath, and there is Sword Douluo, you can't die."

Wen Zixiu shut up shyly. Without his noise interference, Tang Nian continued to eavesdrop.

Xue Qinghe intends to recruit Tang San and offer him extremely favorable conditions. I have to say, he was very ruthless. In order to recruit Tang San, it should be said that he was the master standing behind Tang San. At that time, he could give up all the people who participated in the action in the Star Dou Great Forest, except Hu Liena.

Hearing that Xue Qinghe was protecting Hu Liena, Wen Zixiu, the dead otaku, lit up and shouted "Long Live Lily". Tang Nian, who deeply felt that he had lost the face of the transmigrator, stepped on it again.

Kneading the extremely painful wound, Wen Zixiu grinned, but unfortunately no one of the two present took care of him. He had to shut his mouth angrily.

Inside the wall, Xue Qinghe finally realized that Tang San could not be recruited by him, and ordered the two Title Douluo around him to attack Tang San and the others.

"Did you drink the medicine I gave you?" Tang Nian suddenly asked Wen Zixiu.

"Drink it, you gave me poison, right?" Wen Zixiu was frightened, Tang Nian gave him a bottle of medicine on the day he accepted him as a disciple, he He didn't think much about it at first, but now that he thought about it, he felt that Tang Nian wanted to harm him.

"Idiot, that's my blood, can I smell the odor on your body? You are lucky to meet me." Tang Nian sneered at him. This kid doesn't know how high the sky is, he ran to Heaven Dou City as soon as he arrived, and strolled under the nose of the Titled Douluo. His IQ was simply overpaid.

Wen Zixiu's face paled.

"What do you mean."

Tang Nian frowned: "You don't know?"

Wen Zixiu shook his head: "The day I met you was the first day I came here."

"Tsk." Tang Nian felt that this kid was troublesome, "I'll tell you when this battle is over."

When they were talking, Sword Douluo Chen Xin kept paying attention to the wall and seemed not interested in their topic at all. The battle inside the wall had already heated up, and Xue Qinghe probably never imagined that the two Titled Douluos couldn't compare to Tang San and the others, and that Yang Wudi, a single Soul Douluo, could actually destroy the scene he finally created. And Tang San's strength was beyond his expectations. In this case, he decided to take the shot himself.

Observing the battle situation inside, Wen Zixiu was stunned: "How could it be, Tang San didn't... how could it be possible not to lose in the battle with Qian Renxue."

He could understand what he was thinking without saying Quan Tangnian, and sneered: "You underestimate my brother too much, for a truly powerful person, no amount of foreign objects can only promote On the contrary, if ten hundred thousand year spirit rings are put on a waste, he is still a waste."

Although that is said, the sky is the domain of Xue Qinghe. Under the angel domain, Tang San's strength has been greatly reduced, and he is about to fall into the disadvantage. An unknown object was suddenly thrown into the angelic realm, and it hit Xue Qinghe, who was hiding in the angelic realm, accurately.

"Who?" Kicked the object that flew to her feet, Qian Renxue looked at the place where the object flew, and scolded.

The kicked Wen Zixiu was pulled back, and Tang Nian jumped into the wall. The blue-haired youth had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and was holding a person in his hand. Only then did Xue Qinghe see the thing that attacked him. It was a 13 or 14-year-old boy who was being pulled by Tang Nian and laughed bitterly. What surprised him most was that the boy was unscathed after being hit by him. No injuries.

"Tang Nian." But what attracted Xue Qinghe the most was Tang Nian. Looking at this young man who had destroyed the Wuhun Temple plan many times, he gritted his teeth, then thought of something, and suddenly smiled: "Come here. It's too late, Tang San is within my angelic realm, and here, I am the real winner."

Tang Nian did not refute him, because he would only tell him with his actions how wrong he was.

The youth's body emits a splendid golden-red light, and under this light, the golden light from the angel domain also begins to fade away. Xue Qinghe snorted coldly, the golden light in the angel domain suddenly made a big splash, and the golden red light was on the weaker side. However, Tang Nian's goal has been achieved.

Under the influence of the field of lovesickness, the place where they are located is full of flowers and plants. Hundreds of flowers build bridges, interspersed in the realm of angels, growing with unimaginable vitality. They are like this, not to mention the prosperous ones, what about the blue silver grass that can be seen everywhere? The blue silver grass in the palace all tended towards Tang San, growing rapidly at a speed that could not be described in words.

The unique environmental conditions that Tang San urgently needed was built for him by Tang Nian. Under this circumstance, Tang San's Blue Silver Domain finally had a role to play. It could be said that, originally created by Xue Qinghe, his unique advantage of belonging to the sky was finally shattered.

On the other side, in front of Sword Douluo, who had already passed the 95th level, both Douluos in Spirit Hall were defeated, and one of them was seriously injured.

Xue Qinghe looked at Tang San and Tang Nian brothers standing in front of him, his chest heaving irregularly. He said his last hole card: "Don't forget, Emperor Xue Ye is still in my hand."

"The Great Emperor Xue Ye?" Tang Nian's expression was very surprised, "He probably led his soldiers to surround the Tiandou Palace now."

Xue Qinghe's face changed. He suddenly thought of Tang Nian's unusually public behavior in those days.

"What do you think I put myself on the bright side?" Pulling out a malicious smile, Tang Nian smiled and attacked him, "Xue Qinghe, no, it should be said that Qian Renxue That's right, your plan has failed completely."

The young man broke Qian Renxue's last fantasy with a gentle voice. He looked at his severely injured subordinate and finally admitted that this time he lost.

"Tang San, Tang Nian, this is your last victory. I swear by Qian Renxue that I will end your lives with my own hands." After speaking, he ran away with the two Titled Douluos. .

"Just leave like this?" Wen Zixiu was a little confused, "Why did you just let her go like this?"

"Otherwise? The fish died and the net broke, and as a result, I almost killed myself, only to find out that the other party actually has a backer. You are too underestimated by the Spirit Hall."

Unexpectedly, Sword Douluo Chen Xin also said: "If his name is Qian Renxue, then if we kill her now, will it really cause a lot of trouble?"

Everyone looked suspiciously.

☆、Little Biesheng Newlywed :)

This time, the conspiracy of Wuhun Temple was solved, Emperor Xue Ye was overjoyed, and he also paid more attention to Tangmen and Shrek Academy. Tang Nian and the others just listened to his joy in a stylized way, and the follow-up rewards can only be arranged when everything in the palace settles down.

Compared with this reward, what Tang Nian and the others wanted to know more was what Sword Douluo said: Why would it be so troublesome to kill Qian Renxue.

"Because the Spirit Hall has a titled Douluo of level 99." After Chen Xin sent them out, he returned to the palace after saying this.

"The Ninety-Nine Title Douluo?" Tang Nian's pupils shrank. After Chen Xin left, he turned his gaze to Wen Zixiu, and found that this guy was not surprised at all, his eyes were slightly small. Squinting, "What do you know?"

Wen Zixiu suddenly felt that he was being stared at by a large beast, and he was the little white rabbit who was about to enter the mouth of the beast. He pointed to his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

Tang Nian suddenly became discouraged. It was a great luck that he could get the news of this palace crisis from Wen Zixiu before, and now it is estimated that there is nothing to say. However, he is not a discontented person. Thinking of solving this crisis through Wen Zixiu, his eyes on this cheap apprentice finally softened a little.

He admitted that his eyes were soft, but Wen Zixiu, who was often bullied by him, felt that he had thought of a way to torture him again, shrank his neck, closed his eyes and said, "Go to the Clear Sky Sect, Hao The people of Tianzong know."

Tang San, who had been ignored by his younger brother and lover, finally couldn't bear it any longer, and swept his sharp eyes towards Wen Zixiu: "What do you know?"

It's finally here. At this moment, Wen Zixiu felt relieved. Ever since Tang San came back, he has looked at him with a look of "this little **** seduces my little Nian", if his eyes could kill, he would probably be riddled with holes. Wen Zixiu roared in his heart: Only you can stand that pervert in your family, okay? I'm not shaking, I will die at the hands of you two brothers sooner or later.

Unfortunately, Wen Zixiu was rather cowardly, he dared not say it, so he could only continue to accept the eye attack bitterly. In line with the principle of being safe for the time being if I don't talk nonsense, Wen Zixiu kept his mouth shut and acted as a mute, but just now due to the psychological shadow and the wrong understanding of Tang Nian's eyes, he finally gave Tang San a chance to attack.

Fortunately, Tang Nian saved him again. Wen Zixiu saw Tang Nian, the arrogant demon in front of him, leaning into Tang San's ear, and he didn't know what to say to make Tang San take that stern look away from him.


Blindfolded by this picture, Wen Zixiu just praised in his heart that the two are a good match, and was ruthlessly driven by Tang Nian.

"Not yet."

Damn, I must have been blindfolded by lard. With these words in mind, Wen Zixiu withdrew with a bitter look on his face.

"Let's go."

As the sun sets, the sky is rendered a beautiful red. In the green-lined road, the blue-haired youth stretched out his right hand, the light through the wood gap seemed to melt his face, the gentle smile on his face, like sweet wine poured into Tang San's body, also Drunk his heart.

"Let's go."

Tang San also stretched out his hand, the two of them intertwined their fingers, and walked towards the dormitory.

"Wen Zixiu is just like us, even he knows more than us."

Back to the dormitory, Tang Nian pulled Tang San to explain to him, but was thrown on the bed by a young man with a similar face to him.

"Brother?" Feeling the heat hitting his neck, Tang Nian blushed and asked in confusion.

"I don't like Xiao Nian you get closer to people I don't know." Tang San rubbed his head between his hair. It was obviously the same color, but Tang San felt that Tang Nian's hair had the ability to pull his heart, and tightened it little by little, making that heart nowhere to escape.

"Pfft." Tang Nian couldn't help laughing, his body trembled slightly because he laughed too much.

Looking at the restless young man in his arms, Tang San sighed and hugged him a little tighter: "Don't move."

Feeling something against him, Tang Nian's body froze.

"Don't move." Tang San said again, but hugged Tang Nian even tighter. This is his treasure, so he wants to protect him, and no one can hurt him, including himself.

But I didn't want Tang Nian's body to suddenly turn violently, and the two suddenly turned into Tang Nian's posture of going up and down three times.

Tang Nian straightened up, straddled Tang San, and looked down at the stunned Tang San.

Boom. Tang San only felt that something exploded in his mind, and in his eyes there was only this young man looking down at him. This is his small thoughts, it is his own. He heard his heart say so.

But, not yet.

Using the greatest willpower, Tang San pressed Tang Nian under him again, but did not move at all.

"Brother?" Tang Nian wondered. Could it be that he guessed wrong, shouldn't he go straight to the horse at this time? Feeling the heat under him, he denied Tang San's conjecture, then...why didn't his brother act. Tang Nian, who had never been in love since Tang San, was full of question marks.

Tang San let out a low laugh, looking at Tang Nian whose eyes were full of confusion, he smiled in a good mood and said, "You can touch it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Nian felt a moving hand getting into his clothes.

"You can also kiss." Tang San lowered his head and pecked his lips.

"But, that thing is not okay now." Their lips were still together, Tang San's words sounded vague, "I will wait until I defeat Wuhun Temple and heal my parents. , with the blessings of both of them, to be with you dignifiedly."

Tang Nian's eyes gradually became clear, he felt Tang San's kiss on his lips. There was no **** in it, only Tang San cherished him.

"So, Xiao Nian, I'm not in a hurry." The last kiss fell, and Tang Nian wanted to get up. He felt like he needed a cold shower to cool off. But he didn't want his lover who was touched by him to let him go.

Tang San's straight body was pulled down, Tang Nian's kiss fell on the side of his neck, burning it hot, then he heard Tang Nian chuckle and say, "You don't Hurry, I'm in a hurry, just use your hands." After speaking, one hand drilled down.

——This is the dividing line that the author of the crab has climbed————

The morning light came in through the window and shone on the young man lying alone on the bed. The house that should have been messy was tidy up, and a piece of paper was quietly lying on the wooden table in the house, waiting for the person who needed to open it to wake up.

The author has something to say: found it!


Jianben Qingzhuo threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-10-0122:52:21? Jianben Qingzhe threw a mine throwing time: 2016-10-1500: 29:35? Huanben Qingxue ゛ threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-10-19 22:04:06? Haha threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-10-22 15:40:56? Throwing 1 mine time: 2016-10-27 23:58:13? Throwing time of 1 mine at the intersection of the maze: 2016-11-03 03:09:41? Throwing time of 1 mine at the intersection of the maze :2016-11-0601:01:27? Huanben Qingzhuo threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-11-0602:44:14? Gu threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-12-08 15:13 :11? Ye, Yaoli threw 1 mine throwing time: 2016-12-1016:15:36? Ye, Yaoli threw 1 mine throwing time: 2016-12-1016:15:54? Ye, Yaoli Li threw a mine Throwing time: 2016-12-1016:16:08? Throwing a mine at the intersection of the maze Throwing time: 2016-12-11 15:07:31? Ye, Yaoli threw a mine Throwing time: 2017-01-06 18:12:45? Read the article without commenting to change a mine Throwing time: 2017-01-14 19:16:18? Play and throw a mine Throwing time: 2017-02 -1200:13:01? Love Kong threw a mine Throwing time: 2017-02-1607:52:37? Thorn sister threw a mine Throwing time: 2017-03-09 20:28:46

Reader "How to combine literature and art with teasing", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+32016-12-1423:27:29 Reader "The Other Side", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12016-12-1207:41:37 Reader "Mu Clover", Irrigation Nutrient Solution +52016-12-1201:11:44 Reader "His Royal Highness Nine-Tailed Fox", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12016-12-08 19:48:14 Reader "His Royal Highness Nine-Tailed Fox", Irrigation Nutrition Liquid+12016-12-0700:14:57 Reader "His Royal Highness Nine-Tailed Fox", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12016-12-0400:42:33 Reader "His Royal Highness Nine-Tailed Fox", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12016-12-0310: 22:33 Reader "Bottle", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+102016-12-0200:53:23 Reader "His Royal Highness Nine-Tailed Fox", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12016-11-3018:04:38 Reader "Abandoning Flowers", Irrigation Nutrient Solution + 202016-11-13 21:54:47 Reader "Seeking Demons and Evil", Irrigation Nutrient Solution +12017-03-04 21:11:35 Reader "Time, Space, Cracks", Irrigation Nutrient Solution +12017-02- 2823:44:35 Reader "Mu Han", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+22017-02-28 23:29:33 Reader "Susu Susu Su", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12017-02-2015:44:52 Reader "Silently" , Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12017-02-08 23:17:04 Reader "Tingshu", Irrigation Nutrient Solution+52017-02-0213:26:17

☆, a new beginning

Today's Shrek Academy was unusually quiet. Usually at such a time, Wen Zixiu's screams had spread throughout the entire academy, but today the Shrek students had been waiting for a long time, but found that the familiar screams had not come.

Shrek students: I was not happy without Wen Zixiu’s screams during class.

So where exactly is Wen Zixiu that Shrek students are looking forward to?

The door of Tang San's dormitory. one two Three. A total of three butts were crowded at the door, looking wretchedly inside the door through the crack of the door.

"How is it, what's going on inside?" Wen Zixiu, who was pressed at the bottom, asked the two who pressed him.

Due to the habit of being oppressed before, he always went to find Tang Nian early in the morning, but was stopped by Oscar and Ma Hongjun. These two men, who were almost at the two extremes of human aesthetics, showed extremely similar wretched smiles, which made Wen Zixiu tremble.

"What's the situation with you?" Wen Zixiu "dengdengdeng" took three steps back, watching the two ask in horror.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun secretly glanced around, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Is it very painful to be squeezed by Xiao Nian?" Oscar stepped forward and asked with shining eyes.

"Do you want to take revenge?" Ma Hongjun also stepped forward.

Then, the two directly drag Wen Zixiu to Tang San's room.

Wen Zixiu secretly knew that they were here to listen to the corner and would never come, but he selectively forgot the excited light in his eyes when he heard that he could "revenge" Tang Nian.

The three squeezed at the door of the dormitory to have a look, but found that it was calm and nothing.

"No way, it was so intense last night? It's already this time, and these two haven't woken up yet." Oscar opened his eyes and looked in, but couldn't see anything.

As soon as he spoke, the minds of the three were pulled over, and no one noticed the approaching figure in the room.

"Who did you say was pressing whom last night?" Ma Hongjun smiled and suddenly raised another topic.

After the two of them finished speaking, they turned their attention to Wen Zixiu. Wen Zixiu was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "I'm straight."

Ma Hongjun and Oscar suddenly "cut" and said contemptuously, "Rongrong and I are about to get married."

Even Ma Hongjun nodded: "I also have someone I like."

Hearing that even Ma Hongjun has a girl he likes, Wen Zixiu suddenly had a bitter face. When will God give me a girl I like.

Wen Zixiu nodded bitterly.

"No way." Oscar was surprised.

"What do you know?" Wen Zixiu showed the expression that everyone in the world was drunk and awake, "I'm going to leave the first time to the girl I like."

The two were immediately moved by his spirit and said with a thumbs up: "Okay, brother, we support you. Although according to the current situation, even Xiaosan Xiaonian also donated With their great purity, you are the only virgin in our group, and your courage is commendable."

Wen Zixiu rolled his eyes, just about to say what they said, but they suddenly opened it from the inside, and the three of them fell down like this, and fell asleep in the posture of stacking Arhats. on the ground.

"Finished?" Tang San, who didn't know how long he had been listening, looked down at the three of them, "After we finish speaking, let's talk about what I have in my hand."

The three saw that Tang San was still holding a piece of paper. A gust of wind blew past the paper that was facing away from them, and the last words on the front appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

Tang Nienliu.

The heads of the three people exploded into a ball in an instant. They looked at Tang San who seemed to be standing there calmly, and suddenly felt that the wind blowing today was a little cold.

An eggplant like a frost beat followed behind Tang San, looking at Tang San who was walking ahead without saying a word, the three of them winked for a long time, and finally Oscar hesitantly opened his mouth: " Little San, although Xiao Nian disappeared after he had a relationship with you, you have to believe that he loves you."

The other two raised their thumbs to the man who dared to fight the cold.

A true warrior.

Glancing at the two of them, Oscar waited for Tang San's reply.

But she didn't want Tang San to suddenly turn her head and smiled brightly at the three of them: "You guys seem to have misunderstood. First, Xiao Nian and I didn't really do it; Nian's leaving is not voluntary; third, Xiao Nian loves me the most; fourth, I am above."

No important sentence except the second one. The three of them twitched in the back, and Tang San's later words reached their ears again: "I just think, we need to get stronger quickly, otherwise we don't even know when he was taken away, it would be too much of a failure. "

Tang San's voice drifted a little in the wind, but the firmness in his words was not blown away by the wind at all.

No one spoke after that. The four of them went silent all the way to the dean's office. Master, Flender was all there. After the four of them said hello one by one, the master asked suspiciously: "Little San, why is it only you, Xiao Nian?"

Tang San took out the piece of paper from his hand, and took out two small bottles from the spirit tool.

The master was puzzled, unfolded the paper, and placed it on the table. Except for Tang San, who already knew the situation, everyone else looked at the content on the paper curiously:

Brother, when you wake up, I guess I'm no longer in the academy. As for where, I don't know. It is said that it can improve me. If I'm not mistaken, you and the rest of Shrek will have to undergo training that belongs to you. This opportunity is very precious. I hope you can take Wen Zixiu and Xiao Wu with you when you leave. The two bottles are medicines that contain my blood. If you let them both drink, you can hide their identities. In the end, I will definitely come back alive, and I hope that when I come back, you won't be thrown a big step away by me.

There was a crappy smiling face hanging there at the end, and the news that everyone present had been a little heavy because of Tang Nian's disappearance was instantly scattered. The lower part of the paper was torn off, but seeing Tang Nianliu's three words, everyone thought the letter was over and didn't care.

Perceiving that they had finished reading, Tang San walked over to Wen Zixiu and asked, "Next, where should we go?"

Wen Zixiu, who was a little sad because Tang Nian left, was stunned for a moment. Seeing Tang San's suddenly fierce expression, he hurriedly replied: "Sea God Island." After saying something, he forced a face down in an instant.

The space spread by blood, as if this space is made of blood, even the smell of blood is flowing in the air.

In this space, there is only one person standing there. With long blue hair in a shawl and a handsome face, this person is exactly Tang Nian who disappeared from Shrek Academy.

At this time, he frowned at this space: "Old man, where is this place?"

There was no one there, but a seemingly old voice came from the air: "Don't you think this place is familiar?"

Hearing this, Tang Nian frowned and looked at the place carefully again. Finally, he noticed something and said in surprise, "This is..."

☆、Trials & Soul Rings

"Killing capital, why am I here?"

What appeared in front of Tang Nian was the capital of killing. Different from what it looked like before he left, the Slaughter Capital is now silent. This is a silent **** world.

Looking at the blood energy flowing in the air, Tang Nian released the lovesickness domain to isolate the blood energy from himself. At first they

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