Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 554: Lausanne trembled and looked blankly towards Nian Xi

Chapter 554: Lausanne's body shook and looked blankly towards Nian Xi

Coming out of the police station, Nian Xi sighed, "Miao Zheng is okay, and the wounds on Zhongyi and Miao Zheng often hit her in public. You can get evidence, but Yi Jingxi has been so long. It is difficult to find evidence. Even if they find it ... To put it bluntly, neither of these two people will be convicted of any major crime, but Nian and Leng's will not be so. "

Lausanne nodded.

This is also a favorite conspiracy.

But everyone knew it, but couldn't swallow that breath.

"I really feel that the world is unfair," Lausanne said bitterly. "It was clearly an evil made by Yi Jingxi, but it made me bear the consequences. What did I do wrong?"

"It's Zhongyi that this person has a problem," Nian Xizhen said, "jealousy is the devil. She was jealous and totally unreasonable. She never thought that she was wrong at first. She was just deserved."

"Xi Xi, fortunately this is Leng Shuangwei, otherwise your grandmother is in trouble, and I and Jun Ting will certainly not be together," Lausanne said thankfully. "I should thank her."

Nian Xi's lips moved, and she almost said that Leng Shuangwei couldn't get pregnant, but she couldn't tell when she reached her mouth.

Lausanne was already annoyed enough, and she said these were irritating to her.

Maybe my brother has a solution.

"Let's go, I'll send you back."

"Don't send me off, I'll take the taxi back, and you've been tired for so long," Lausanne said before he heard someone calling Nian Xi.

Turning around, he saw Jiang Qifei walking towards them with red eyes.

Nian Xi's body froze, Nana said, "Aunt Jiang, why don't you come over to the police station with Shuangwei?"

"I just heard the police say that Xu Luosang came over, and I was furious to take a look. Frost at the hospital would not wake up for a while and then Jun Ting was watching there," Jiang Qifei said as he glanced. Lausanne, very familiar.

"Oh," Nian Xi nodded, grabbed Lausanne's hand, and motioned her to stop talking. "Then you go in."

Jiang Qifei nodded, took a few steps, and suddenly thought of something, looking back, "Xi Xi, I suddenly remembered that I met you when you were shopping last time. You seem to call her Sang, is she the same Xu Luosang? "

Nian Xi moistened his dry lips, and Lausanne didn't want to hide it, nodded, "Yes, I'm Xu Lausanne."

"It's you, it's you."

Just after she finished speaking, Jiang Qifei's face changed and she pointed at her lips and trembled, "It's you who killed my daughter."

She grabbed the bag out of control and smashed it into Lausanne's head.

Nian Xi pulled Lausanne back a few steps, then stepped forward and held Jiang Qifei back and said to Lausanne, "You go first."

Lausanne, Jiang Qifei cried and pointed at her, "If it wasn't for your hatred with that woman, how could Shuangwei be stabbed to save the old lady, you would have ruined her in this life."

Lausanne sank, "Isn't that ... Miss Leng ... out of danger to life?"

"Auntie, can you calm down first and go to the police station to understand the situation, Lausanne is also a victim," Nian Xi said in a hurry, Jiang Qifei said.

"Victim?" Jiang Qifei said angrily. "What kind of victim is she? She didn't get any injuries from beginning to end. Shuangwei, although she was alive, she lost her qualifications as a mother. , You can never get pregnant again. "

Lausanne trembled and looked blankly at Nian Xi, "Is she saying that for real?"

Nian Xi was in a dilemma. "Sang Sang, I said just now that it has nothing to do with you. If you are wrong, it is also Miao Zheng and Yi Jingxi."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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