Group Pet Koi Little Baby, She is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 21: I’m afraid I’m not a dog.

Chapter 21 I’m afraid I’m not a dog

On the other side, Ning Sheng also heard about the fight between You Bao and others, and pulled Gu Xing to know: "You Bao was bullied, why didn't you help? You are the brother, you have to protect your sister!"

Gu Xingzhi glanced in the direction of You Bao, pursed his lips and said nothing.

 It’s not that we don’t want to help, it’s that we don’t need it.

Chou Tuanzi is probably not a dog, and he actually bites people.

Thinking of the little fat man crying, Young Master Gu frowned slightly, his expression a little complicated.

Hou Tuanzi was not bullied, it was obviously her who bullied others.

Ning Sheng was helpless when she saw this.

 This child's temperament doesn't follow hers at all, and he doesn't know where he comes from so many ideas at such a young age. It’s better to have a baby from their family, who’s adorable to look at.

After all, they have been mother and son for a few years, and Gu Xingzhi can tell what his mother is thinking from his face.

Seeing Ning Sheng looking in the direction of Chou Tuanzi with unconcealed fondness, as if that was her child, he couldn't help but remind her with a stern face: "No matter how much you look at it, it's not your child."

No matter how good the ugly dumplings are, they belong to someone else. No matter how much his mother likes her, she can't become theirs.

 As expected of a mother and son, he knew how to make her heartache.

Ning Sheng looked away, looked at her brat with dissatisfaction, rubbed his forehead hard and said: "It's not because you are too boring. Mom is afraid that you have no friends, so she wants to have more sisters to accompany you." you."

This kid doesn’t even think about it, has his life become much richer and more interesting since You Bao came?

I really don’t understand her old mother’s heart at all.

Young Master Gu said: "No need!"

 He is not a three-year-old child, so he does not need others to accompany him.

It was obvious that Ugly Tuanzi disturbed him and prevented him from reading properly. "You kid." Seeing that he didn't appreciate it, Ning Sheng laughed angrily, "Okay, I worry about it for nothing. I just saw a lot of little boys surrounding Youbao. You don't like to play with Youbao, there are so many It’s the kids who like it. I see, You Bao is much more popular than you, and I don’t need you as a playmate.”

Hearing this, Gu Xingzhi frowned and thought for a moment. Thinking of the people who had just gathered around her, her little face showed a rare emotion.

Ning Sheng thought he had figured it out, but who knew that after thinking for a moment, the boy raised his head and said to her: "Don't make snacks for her next time."

"Tsk, are you jealous of You Bao?" She didn't mean not to prepare it for him, it was the brat who didn't want it himself.

 “You’re overthinking.” Young Master Gu gave his mother a look that said, “Don’t think too much.” If those snacks hadn't caused trouble, Ugly Dumpling wouldn't have fought with anyone.

Ning Sheng probably remembered this incident, and said with a stern expression: "Isn't this just to let her get along well with the children?" Who would have thought that You Bao would start a fight with the children just for a little snack.

 Fortunately, he was not injured.

Over there, little nephew Lu did not escape a beating from Sister-in-law Lu.

Youbao covered his face with his hands and peeked through his fingers. Every time the deer nephew howled, her little body trembled.

Cowardly and cute!

 Fortunately, Ersao Lu's worries were outside, so she left a little image for herself and only gave him a few symbolic lessons.

As soon as the deer nephew got free, he immediately ran over and pulled Youbao out.

 “Your **** doesn’t hurt anymore?” You Bao looked at him in surprise.


Lu Zhuan made a gesture toward her to make her voice louder, and said proudly: "If I scream louder, my mother won't be able to beat me."

Youbao blinked his deer-like eyes: So this can still be done?

 Why does she think the second sister-in-law is afraid of embarrassment?

 (End of this chapter)

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