There were two girls sitting at the tavern bar, one of them seemed to have been hungry for many days, gobbling up the plate of roast meat with honey sauce in front of her, and Tisna looked at Sydney's good appetite that she could only pat her back helplessly to signal her to eat slowly.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you~ Not enough, I'll order you another plate."

"It's still Sister Tesna! Li Hao's guy is definitely not willing to give me something delicious, if I give the money to that petty ghost, I will definitely starve to death!

Before Sydney finished speaking, her soft and furry animal ears were gently pinched by Li Hao from behind, and Li Hao had been standing silently behind since the beginning of their conversation just now.

"Okay! Sydney, you just called me a stingy, didn't you? In the evening, my name is Tesna, and I won't buy your favorite beef jerky!

Li Hao's face showed a hint of pride, he had now taken off his trench coat and stood in the tavern normally, and finally he was no longer regarded as a monster by passers-by!

"Sister Tisna won't listen to you! Petty slightly! Sydney broke free from Li Hao's attack, picked up the corner of his clothes, wiped his mouth, and ran into Tisna's arms.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are a girl with double ponytails, white fur and beast ears, and big breasts, I would have killed you earlier!" Li Hao said this on the surface, in fact, he didn't dare to start, after all, Tisna's eyes behind Sydney had already flashed red light...

"Well, this time the commission is to go to a cave three kilometers to the left outside the town and defeat the skeletons hiding in it, these guys rob passing carriages every day, and we have received many complaints."

Liqin standing at the bar took out a map that drew the approximate content outside the town, among which was a red circle marking a cave, and after taking Liqin's map, Li Hao and the others finally greeted their second commission!

The outside and interior of the town are completely different, and the ground on the left side of Bailing Town is covered with weeds and thorns, and Li Hao and the others can only carefully watch for spikes under their feet.

"It's much hotter here than the Custer Snow Mountain, and suddenly I feel that the tail is superfluous, and the furry feels so hot."

Before she went far, Sydney was already sticking out her tongue and sweating all over, and she who lived in the snowy mountains all year round was really a little unbearable for today's exceptionally strong sun, wagging her snow-white tail to dissipate heat.

"Without a tail you lose your soul! As the pride of the fox clan, you must hold on, and go out right ahead! Although the ears of the beast are not bad, the tail is the eternal drop god! Li

Hao, who was swinging his sword and chopping thorns in front of him, was not happy when he heard Sydney's words just now, as a two-dimensional enthusiast, he would never allow a beast girl like Sydney to say such things as giving up her tail, and the speed of swinging the sword in his hand increased a little!

"Although I don't know what nonsense you are talking about, but in short, thank you for your encouragement..." The

beast ears on the head had also been wiped down at this moment, but Tesna in the back handed her a kettle, which made Sydney's listless face recover some radiance.

Because of eating the night fierce made by Tisna herself, Li Hao's current physique has completely recovered to its peak, and he now takes out the iron sword to practice swordsmanship whenever he has time, and the members of the Brave Association are graded.

The smallest is the trainee brave, then to the beginner brave, intermediate brave, advanced brave, and finally the legendary brave!

A single trainee brave can not satisfy Li Hao, on the previous earth, he achieved nothing and was willing to fall, now coming to the other world is equivalent to living again, he must fight a piece of the world!

The iron sword in their hands kept slashing at the thorns in front of them, and soon they reached a dirt road, and not far away there was a cave at the foot of the mountain, which was very hidden, blocked by branches and weeds, and it was sad that the carriage could not react immediately.

"Tesna, Sydney, we have to prepare for battle next, the cave is there and we go!"

"Hurry up and go back to sleep!"

As soon as Li Hao's voice fell, Sydney was the first to take the lead and rushed into the cave, leaving only Li Hao and Tisna, who were standing in place and looking at her back, but the two reacted and ran into the cave.

"The direction of this cave is always tilted downward, how long does it take to reach the end?"

Tisna looked at the dark and narrow passage and was naturally a little afraid in her heart, occasionally there were torn clothes and cloth shoes scattered on the ground, and most of the targets of these skeleton soldiers were caravan carriages.

"Do you know what it tastes like when I eat the night you cook?"

Li Hao, who was standing next to Tisna, suddenly threw this inexplicable question to her.

"It must be slightly bitter in the mouth, and sometimes it feels a little refreshing."

Tisna said it without thinking, and she naturally understood the symptoms when various pills were applied since she was a child.

"That's right, but it's not entirely right, because I still feel your deep love for me when making pills, so these four pills are fiercely sweet!"

When Li Hao said this, his face was not red or breathless, his expression was very resolute, and his eyes revealed a trace of emotion, as if he really tasted sweetness!

"Poof! Li Hao, you are also too good at pulling!

As soon as these words came out, even Sydney who was walking in front couldn't help but laugh, this cave was full of a slight chill, so her spirit became as active as usual.


Tisna slapped Li Hao on the back, although she was usually used to Li Hao's teasing, she always couldn't stand his serious nonsense appearance and ran to the front with a red face and walked with Sydney.

"There is movement ahead, find a corner to hide! Someone is coming this way! The

furry ears trembled slightly, Sydney pulled Tisna to hide on the back of a large rock, Li Hao also followed closely behind, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer to them!

Li Hao, who poked his head out slightly, saw two skeleton soldiers wearing armor chattering to the position they had just now, and they didn't know what dialect they spoke.

"Freeze • Freeze!"

Before Li Hao could react, Sydney jumped out of the stone with an arrow, shouting a spell in his mouth to turn the unlucky skeleton soldier who did not react into an ice sculpture!

"I lean on, Sydney, your magic attack is too powerful, you don't need to fight hand-to-hand at all!"

Looking at the iron sword in his hand, sure enough, magic is the most effective in the other world! Li Hao watched as the two ice sculptures slowly cracked, and then exploded into powder.

"The noise just now must have attracted the attention of the skeleton soldiers inside, let's just go in directly and slaughter them all!"

Thinking of this Sydney figure running quickly to the depths of the cave, soon there was the screams of the skeleton soldiers and Sydney's spell to release magic, Li Hao pulled Tisna to hurry up, he was also eager to fight!

"It's all turned into bones and comes out to harm people! Look at Haoye, I'll beat you into powder one by one! Grabbing

a relatively short skeleton soldier next to him, Li Hao picked up the iron sword and cut off its vertebrae, and the entire bone frame then scattered, and the armor on their bodies did not match this really skinny body at all, causing Li Hao's iron sword to easily stab the point.

"Li Hao, sister Tisna! Cut off their heads to kill them, these guys won't die at all if they break their hands and feet! Sydney

faced the group of skeleton soldiers who were staring at them, and while constantly releasing magic, she reached out and pinched the nearest skeleton soldier, and fell off with a gentle twist of its head.

"Freeze • Freeze!"

Several skeleton soldiers who attacked Tisna were quickly frozen by Sydney, and Li Hao also fought with several skeleton soldiers with knives, seizing the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity for them to swing their knives and cut into the air, Li Hao suddenly struck, straight off the heads of the two skeleton soldiers!

Kicking down the skeleton soldier who was about to slash at his neck with a knife in front of him, Li Hao slashed the sword through its neck, and before he could get up, he had fallen to the ground and his bones were scattered.

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