Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1193 Seeking Alliance

Secretary Zhou's trip could be said to have come and gone in a hurry.

Xu Chunliang believed that the conversation between him and Qin Zhengyang last night played a certain role. Qin Zhengyang must have conveyed his thoughts to Wang Jianming. Wang Jianming realized something from it and realized that Secretary Zhou's purpose was not to target him, so his attitude From negative to positive, it was a 180-degree turn.

The day after Secretary Zhou left Dongzhou, the personnel of the Civil Affairs Bureau changed again. The city decided that Comrade Zhang Song would serve as Party Secretary of the Civil Affairs Bureau and Wang Tongan would be removed from the post of Party Secretary.

Usually, there is no dual establishment of party and government in bureau-level departments. Basically, the director and secretary serve as one person. However, there is obviously some mystery in this appointment. Wang Tongan still serves as the director. The reason given by the organization is to consider Wang Tongan’s Due to his physical condition, he decided to reduce his workload.

Zhang Song is a high-ranking party official in the High-tech Zone. When Wang Tongan was diagnosed with lung cancer, the city was planning to ask Zhang Song to take his place. When Zhang Song came over, the party and government must have grabbed him. Zhang Song personally did not want to come. of.

But superior leaders would not take his personal wishes into consideration when making decisions.

When Zhang Song received the notice, he felt like he was sitting at home and the blame came from the sky. The Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Civil Affairs Bureau seemed to be a horizontal transfer, but the fundamental nature was to marginalize him.

In fact, during this period, he had already heard the news that the city was going to readjust its zoning. The High-tech Zone was facing splitting, with part of it being transferred to Yinlong District and part to the future Free Trade Zone. He was eyeing Binhu New District. According to the city According to the preliminary planning here, the Binhu New District will completely replace the functions of the High-tech Zone in the future.

Zhang Song believed that his relationship with the current leader Wang Jianming was pretty good, but Wang Jianming did not seek his opinion at all when making this decision.

Zhang Song was extremely depressed. This appointment may have announced the end of his political career. He repeatedly wondered where the problem lay, and finally pinned the cause on Secretary Zhou, who was his old leader for many years. For a long time, he has always been one of the most trusted people around Secretary Zhou.

Secretary Zhou's departure from Dongzhou can be described as a waterloo in his political career. Zhang Song did not play an active role in this process. It should be said that he was one of the few close friends around Secretary Zhou who was not affected.

Zhang Song believes that Secretary Zhou must have opinions about him. In the past, he didn't care, because Secretary Zhou's age and position have basically bid farewell to his political career, but no one would have thought that Secretary Zhou, who had no sense of existence, would dramatically Being entrusted with important tasks.

Even so, Zhang Song still believed that Secretary Zhou had little influence on him, but when he saw the appointment letter, Zhang Song began to realize that his judgment was wrong. After Secretary Zhou left Dongzhou, he basically lost contact with him. Even when Secretary Zhou came to Dongzhou for inspection, he didn't even give him a call.

It's not that Zhang Song doesn't want to, but he thinks that Secretary Zhou may not pay attention to him, and he underestimated Secretary Zhou's revenge.

Wang Tong'an was equally worried. The city's removal of his secretary and retention of his directorship did not mean that he could escape unscathed. Could it be that the matter between him and Qin Yujiao was exposed? Probably not, otherwise the disciplinary inspection department should talk to me, just because of his physical problems? Let Zhang Song come over and be the secretary first, and then hand over the director to him when he gets familiar with the work? After Wang Tongan thought about it, this was the greatest possibility.

He is no longer greedy for official position. Now he just wants to survive and save his life, but his reason tells him that this possibility is very slim. There is Zhai Pingqing on the outside and Xu Chunliang on the inside. Neither of them is good. , no one will let him go easily.

Wang Tongan's dismissal and Zhang Song's appointment were too sudden and conspicuous, so many people ignored that there was an appointment notice at the back of the document. Jiang Qiyong, deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, served as deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Civil Affairs Bureau and presided over the work.

Xu Chunliang took the initiative to come to Jiang Qiyong's office, gave him Pu'er old tea produced by Xianhong Farm, and congratulated him on his appointment as deputy secretary.

Jiang Qiyong was in a good mood, but still pretended to be unfazed: "Chunliang, what can I say to congratulate? In the past, I only had Bureau Wang above me, but now I have Secretary Zhang."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "You think I didn't read the document, you are still in charge of the work."

A smile appeared on Jiang Qiyong's lips. There was a mystery in the city's appointment. In fact, he was the first to receive the notice. Then he called his uncle. He was used to asking his elders for advice on political matters. Uncle I am also happy to give him advice.

Based on Jiang Tianyue's political skills, it can be seen at a glance that Zhang Song has been marginalized. Although he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau as party secretary, this position is most likely his political end. As for Wang Tong'an, there is definitely no chance of a comeback. The person who really benefits from this team adjustment of the Civil Affairs Bureau is Jiang Qiyong.

Jiang Tianyue reminded his nephew that the Civil Affairs Bureau will inevitably face a reshuffle in the near future. He must keep a clear head, choose the right camp, and cannot be easily taken advantage of. He must also show his own value and seize the opportunity to rise in the struggle. If you are worthless, others will not associate with you.

Jiang Qiyong benefited a lot from this conversation, and he increasingly realized the need to unite Xu Chunliang.

Jiang Qiyong whispered: "Chunliang, Zhang Song used to be Secretary Zhou's secretary, right?"

Xu Chunliang nodded and said, "I have been with Secretary Zhou for ten years. Secretary Zhou treats him like a family member."

Jiang Qiyong said: "I heard some rumors that his transfer this time may be related to Secretary Zhou."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "You are still well-informed. From what I know about Secretary Zhou, he is very generous to others, unless someone touches his bottom line."

Jiang Qiyong nodded: "I thought about it for a long time after talking to Secretary Zhou that day. Do you think there are big problems within our Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Xu Chunliang said: "What I say doesn't count, we have to investigate!"

Jiang Qiyong said: "Where to start investigating?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I always feel that Secretary Zhou's current status is definitely not interested in small fish and shrimps. Didn't he give us a hint?"

Jiang Qiyong whispered: "Are you talking about Bliss Technology?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Zhai Pingqing is the backend boss of Ji Le Technology."

Jiang Qiyong asked: "Do you know Zhai Pingqing's relationship with the civil affairs?"

Xu Chunliang nodded: "I know, if he didn't have such a strong backstage, could he have made the health care business so big?"

Jiang Qiyong said: "Then you are still going to check on him?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Chief Jiang, are you scared?"

Jiang Qiyong smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not afraid, I just feel that some things are thankless and I don't want to be someone else's pawn." He would not have said such frank words to Xu Chunliang in the past, but his uncle told him that if he wanted To be friends with someone, you must first show sincerity.

Xu Chunliang said: "Then it also depends on whose chess piece you are, and who you are dealing with? If it is to uphold justice, punish evil and promote good, then I will accept it even if you are a chess piece!"

Jiang Qiyong's eyes lit up.

Xu Chunliang added: "To put it in a low-key manner, as the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, and the same is true within the system. If we can handle this matter well, it will not only benefit the country and the people, but also benefit ourselves."

Jiang Qiyong said: "I don't value fame and fortune. The original intention of entering the system was to do something for the country and the people."

Xu Chunliang said: "There is nothing to hesitate about killing two birds with one stone. Anyway, if you don't take this chess piece, I will. When the matter is done, I will reward you based on your merits. If I am the latecomer, don't feel unbalanced." "

Jiang Qiyong laughed loudly: "Sure, even if you become my immediate boss now, I won't have any objections."

Xu Chunliang knew that Jiang Qiyong needed time to think about it, and he was not in a hurry anyway. Judging from the arrangements from above, Wang Tongan, the puppet, was basically useless and would be of little use in the future. If he could form an alliance with Jiang Qiyong, his combat effectiveness would definitely be higher. Much better than fighting alone.

The key is that Jiang Qiyong also has a backstage, and he presides over the work in the Civil Affairs Bureau, which makes it easy to get things done.

Lu Qi's investigation has made some progress. According to the accounts of several captured gangsters, they were all hired by Heiyan. The purpose of this operation was to kidnap Ji Jiajia, not to kill anyone. As for the final casualties, no one expected them to be so heavy. .

With the investigation of this matter, the old grievances between Wu Yuanyi and Hua Zhuyue were brought up again.

When Hua Zhuyue was called for questioning by the police, she did not hide anything and told the whole story of the incident involving Wu Yuanyi's son, Chen Shixian. Hua Zhuyue didn't want this matter to affect Xu Chunliang, so she tried her best to take the responsibility on herself.

Because the scene of the fierce fight was not recorded, the few gangsters who were lucky enough to survive did not fully see what happened. Although they insisted that Xu Chunliang's action caused them heavy casualties, their one-sided words could not have much effect.

For this case, Lu Qi specifically approached Xu Chunliang. Instead of asking him to go to the police station, he chose to have a barbecue in front of his home. Lu Qi knew that Xu Chunliang was opposed to the official way of handling cases, so he chose to chat in private.

After the two met, Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I thought you were going to call me to the station for questioning."

Lu Qi glared at him and said, "Will you tell the truth when I ask you to go?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I have said everything that needs to be said. It is your business to believe it or not."

Lu Qidao: "Don't worry, I'm not meeting you today to investigate the case, but just to chat with you as a friend."

Xu Chunliang said: "Sure, tell me, I'll order."

Lu Qidao: "I've ordered it."

Xu Chunliang said: "I have to take a good supplement, ten kidneys and ten balls, a large amount of chili and a large amount of oil."

Lu Qidao: "You are not afraid of making up the nosebleed."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "You have become more and more stingy since you got married."

Lu Qidao: "I have to pay off the mortgage and save money for milk powder."

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