Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1191 Disturbed mood

Wang Jianming, who was inspecting the flood situation in Han County, was a little upset at the moment. He always felt that Secretary Zhou's inspection was not that simple. When Qin Zhengyang showed him the video he had just received, Wang Jianming couldn't believe his eyes. Now Is there such a place in Dongzhou?

Wang Jianming remembered that Secretary Zhou's most commendable achievement in Dongzhou was the subway. Of course, it was also the subway that made him stumble in the end.

In addition, during his tenure, Secretary Zhou also planned to build a national-level tourist resort. Another important livelihood project is the renovation of shantytowns.

Wang Jianming was not a cadre promoted by Secretary Zhou. As his successor, he adjusted the policies of his predecessor. The subway project continued and safety supervision was strengthened on the original basis. As for the Weishan Lake tourist resort, which he once neglected, he focused the development of Dongzhou cultural tourism in the city and re-created the cultural context of Dongzhou.

But the reality was not smooth. After several setbacks, Wang Jianming decided to walk on two legs and refocused on Weishan Lake. However, he changed his mind and proposed the concept of building a Binhu New District. Wang Jianming thought Secretary Zhou was very good. Maybe you have a certain opinion about yourself because of this incident.

The shanty town reconstruction project has been ongoing, but Wang Jianming believes that the pace of reconstruction of old urban areas cannot be moved too fast, otherwise it will easily lead to internal conflicts among the people. The first thing he did after taking office was to transform Dongzhou's municipal infrastructure. This mainly involves road network, water and electricity, drainage and flood drainage and other projects.

In Wang Jianming's view, the vigorous shantytown reconstruction during Secretary Zhou's term was just treating the symptoms without addressing the underlying causes. If we want to fundamentally change the urban appearance of Dongzhou, we must start from the fundamentals, improve the city's ability to withstand stress, and create a truly A sponge city in the sense of the word.

Wang Jianming frowned as he watched the video. He realized that Secretary Zhou was probably going to make a fuss about this.

Wang Jianming took out his cell phone and found Secretary Zhou's number. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to call.

When Secretary Zhou answered the phone, he was doing an on-the-spot inspection in a poor household in Jishuiba Community. When he saw Wang Jianming's phone call, he realized that someone must have reported his itinerary to Wang Jianming. This was not surprising. Wang Jianming was Dong The current top leader of the state will definitely have spies among the reception staff.

After Secretary Zhou got off the car, he heard that Wang Jianming had gone to Han County for an inspection, and he understood Wang Jianming's attitude. The young secretary did not welcome his arrival.

If it weren't for this sudden rain, Dongzhou wouldn't have exposed so many problems.

On the phone, Wang Jianming just welcomed Secretary Zhou's arrival, and also expressed his apology because the sudden rain disrupted his original work plan and he was unable to receive Secretary Zhou and his party immediately.

Secretary Zhou's attitude was very mild. He did not put forward any opinions on Dongzhou's flood control work. He only discussed several issues left over from history with Wang Jianming, and even took the initiative to say that the renovation of several underground tunnels was something he wanted to solve in the past but had not yet done so. It can be solved. This time I came to Dongzhou just to help Dongzhou solve it.

Secretary Zhou showed enough goodwill on the phone, but it did not dispel Wang Jianming's doubts. Wang Jianming believed that Secretary Zhou had special feelings for Dongzhou, but he did not believe that Secretary Zhou came all the way just to let go of the past. He always felt that Secretary Zhou must have other purposes as a result of his regrets during his tenure.

Wang Jianming left a final message. He said that after the inspection work in Han County was over, he would rush back to Dongzhou as soon as possible and try to meet Secretary Zhou.

Secretary Zhou instead advised him not to force himself and to focus on work. Their inspection team would leave Dongzhou at noon tomorrow. The overall situation in Dongzhou was good.

Wang Jianming chatted with Secretary Zhou for more than ten minutes, hung up the phone, and frowned more and more.

Qin Zhengyang came over to report the rain situation to him. It rained again in Dongzhou City, but the amount was not large and the waterlogging situation would not worsen.

Wang Jianming nodded absently and suddenly interrupted Qin Zhengyang: "Do you think the focus of Secretary Zhou's inspection this time will be civil affairs?"

Qin Zhengyang was stunned for a moment: "No way, Secretary Zhou is now in charge of the work of the Disaster Reduction Committee."

Wang Jianming said: "He is also a member of the civil affairs leadership team, otherwise why would he inspect funeral and health care institutions?"

Qin Zhengyang smiled and said: "Maybe it's a casual inspection. Secretary Zhou's time is very tight. The train is late this time, leaving him little time. I guess he may not be able to take care of it."

When Secretary Zhou arrived at Erzhao, it was already dark and the rain had stopped. He declined the welcome banquet arranged by Li Xiying, and all members of the inspection team ate at the buffet in the hotel.

After the meal, Jiang Qiyong and Xu Chunliang were called to meet by Secretary Zhou. It was said that the scheduled inspections of several civil affairs units were too late, so Secretary Zhou decided to cancel and let them ask some questions in person.

Jiang Qiyong had never dealt with Secretary Zhou before, and he had only come to the Civil Affairs Bureau not long ago. On the way to the meeting, he specifically asked Xu Chunliang to help him share more of the burden. Anyway, the leader shouldn't be looking for them for praise. There haven't been many things worthy of praise from the Dongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau recently.

The two of them sat down after seeing Secretary Zhou. Secretary Zhou smiled and said, "I'm here to find out some information from you. You don't need to be nervous."

Jiang Qiyong smiled and said: "Secretary Zhou, if you have any questions, just ask. Although I haven't been in the Civil Affairs Bureau for a long time, I definitely know everything and can tell you everything."

Secretary Zhou said: "You should know that I have worked in Dongzhou for a period of time in the past, and I have some understanding of the situation in Dongzhou."

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Zhou, don't be humble. You know Dongzhou very well. To be honest, we don't understand what you know about Dongzhou. What don't you know about the big and small things in Dongzhou?"

Secretary Zhou said: "That was in the past. I have left Dongzhou now. Dongzhou has changed a lot during this period. Let's just say that you are planning to build Binhu New District. This matter also has epoch-making significance for Dongzhou."

Xu Chunliang secretly thought that Lao Zhou must be unhappy with the concept of this Binhu New District. In the past, he vigorously developed the Weishan Lake Tourist Resort. In fact, Wang Jianming's Binhu New District is the PLUS version of the Weishan Lake Tourist Resort, but the name is the same. The reform is tantamount to negating Lao Zhou's historical achievements. Now the Dongzhou system is all praising Wang Jianming's Binhu New District. They all say that Secretary Wang is far-sighted and far-sighted.

Secretary Zhou looked at Jiang Qiyong and said, "I heard that you held a leadership position in Guquan Town before?"

Jiang Qiyong said: "Yes, the city only proposed the concept of Binhu New District after I left." He was very worried about this matter. Wang Jianming promoted him to actually kick him out of Binhu New District, which meant that he You won’t get any dividends from Binhu New Area.

Secretary Zhou said: "The establishment of a new district is at the right time for hiring, and we need young cadres with pioneering spirit like you. If it were me, I wouldn't let you idle."

Xu Chunliang secretly laughed, Secretary Zhou's words were a bit provocative.

Jiang Qiyong said in a low-key manner that being in a civil affairs position is also a rare training opportunity.

Secretary Zhou said: "When I was in the capital, I received several petitioners. It seemed that they came from Guquan Town."

Jiang Qiyong was stunned for a moment, petitioning? Guquan Town? Are you suing me? It's impossible. My official reputation in Guquan Town is pretty good, and I haven't received any news about it.

Secretary Zhou asked: "Is there a problem in Guquan Town with illegal expansion of collective cemeteries and private sales?"

Jiang Qiyong glanced at Xu Chunliang and turned to the issue of Yangshan Cemetery. Both he and Xu Chunliang had witnessed this matter. Jiang Qiyong didn't know how to answer. This matter was very sensitive and it was easy to say the wrong thing.

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Zhou, there was indeed a problem in this area, but we made rectifications immediately after receiving the report. Now the problem has been solved, and we have gained the understanding of the local people."

Secretary Zhou said: "Zhai Pingqing of Kangjian Group has a lot of cooperation with the Civil Affairs Bureau, right?"

Jiang Qiyong glanced at Xu Chunliang again. He was not familiar with Zhai Pingqing and didn't know much about Secretary Zhou. He didn't understand why Secretary Zhou's topic would turn to this person.

Xu Chunliang said: "He runs a nursing home. Not only does he cooperate with the Dongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, but he also opens many nursing homes across the country. The Yangshan Cemetery you just mentioned is where he intervened with capital. Later we intervened After the management, he retreated. Is there something wrong with him? "

Secretary Zhou asked: "Have you ever heard of Bliss Technology?"

Xu Chunliang shook his head, and Jiang Qiyong said: "I have heard of it. It is a technology company engaged in funeral big data management. They came to me two days ago and wanted to cooperate with us to develop a funeral management system."

Secretary Zhou said: "The backend boss of this company is also Zhai Pingqing. Recently, many cities are engaged in digitalization of funeral management. Jile Technology basically participated in the bidding, and they basically won."

Xu Chunliang said: "Generally speaking, there are two possibilities. One is that their big data management system is indeed advanced, and the other is that they have obtained internal materials in advance."

Jiang Qiyong secretly thought to himself that Xu Chunliang really hated Zhai Pingqing, but Secretary Zhou didn't seem to have a good impression of Zhai Pingqing either.

Secretary Zhou smiled and said: "Everything must be based on evidence. Don't talk nonsense without evidence. Health Care Group is a benchmark enterprise among domestic health care institutions. I wanted to stop by their nursing home this time. , now it seems that it is too late.”

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Zhou, don't worry, we will strengthen supervision. If problems are found, we will ask them to rectify them immediately."

Jiang Qiyong heard that this was about to be officially targeted. He had no grudges with Zhai Pingqing, but he had heard a bit about Zhai Pingqing's background. The reason why Zhai Pingqing could make the health care business so big was because he was behind it. He has an inseparable relationship with his network. I heard that his in-laws are Tan Xinmin, the top civil affairs official.

Secretary Zhou said: "Civil affairs work is related to people's livelihood. We must ensure that the state's allocations are actually spent on the people to solve their problems. Some people cannot take advantage of the loopholes and harm the people under the guise of charity and health care."

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