Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1510: Royal street 1 knife

Wan Shengjun, the casual behavior of a plain clothes slowly came out.

As soon as he left the camp, he saw two pro officers standing outside.

"Have seen the warlord!"

A pro-government official said with a hand: "By the order of the official's family, the military commander has not been able to get Wan Shengjun recently."

Zhe Kexing clenched his fists, and the two relatives squinted, almost feeling that they were not opponents, he took a step back and said, "The official's house is strictly ordered, and the military officer is not allowed to go out! Should the military officer break the order?"

"Military orders are like mountains, and orders are like the sea!"

"Follow the way, come back!"


Wang Jiao was still unconscious.

Wu's crying eyes are like peaches. Wang Anshi was on leave and said, "Don't quarrel with Brother Li."

This is another kind of consolation, but Wu's is angry, "Why don't the officials go to impeach Wu Xing? Is it still waiting for him to be promoted? Look at Dalang, look at Dalang, could it be your biological son?"

Once a woman is sloppy, a man is not an opponent at all.

Wang Anshi didn't like to argue with her, Wen Yan said: "Su Shi preemptively impeached Wu Xing. Officials said that Wu Xing was speculative, and he had rejected him. For his husband, he didn't want to impeach, but he was pondering words and saying things tomorrow.

Wang Anshiben is everyone in literature, he has to consider the words and sentences, and it can be seen that the weight of the play is sparse.

Wu's eyes glanced at him dimly, and vaguely saw him look indifferent, as if he was angry.

"Wu Xing was rejected by the officials?"

"Yes, the king and Su Shi shot together before Wu Xing." Wang Anshi felt that his son's greatest achievement in his life was probably to make these friends. "They are running for Dalang, and the official has been on leave, but the official family It was intercepted in the Wansheng Army, do you know why? "

Wu shook his head.

Wang Anshi said: "The official family is worried that Wu Kexing will kill Wu Xing."

"Is this the case?" Wu cried and looked at Wang Xu with tears. "My son, you have made these good brothers. The good days will still grow in the future. You wake up sooner!"

There were footsteps outside, and then a servant came in, "Alang, lady."

"What's the matter?" Wang Anshi straightened up, and Wu wiped away his tears.

"There are rumors out there that Lang Jun is arrogant and arrogant, stopping Wu Xing to make some irritating words. Wu Xing shot angrily, but unexpectedly Lang Jun couldn't help but be knocked down with a punch and fell to the back of his head ... Wu Xing is now regretful Endlessly, already fasting at home, just ask Lang Jun for safety. "

Wu's knuckles whitened with handkerchiefs, and a few green bars around his neck jumped a few times, and suddenly said, "The good guys let him do it. Should he co-operate with Dalang and be beaten by him? Shameless! Official!"

She looked at Wang Anshi and gritted her teeth and said: "This kind of people, don't wear heaven!"

Women's hatred spread out, that is a lifetime.

Outside, Zuo Zhen came with a medicine and stood there dumb.

Turned out in anger?

She took the medicine in, but Wang Ju could take it at the moment.

After some troubles, Wu cried again.

Zuo Zhen got up and looked out at the night sky without expression.

"The lady, the lady from the Shen family is here."

Yang Zhuoxue came, because the edamame was still small, so he came along with him.

Wu's hurriedly came out. After some greetings, Yang Zhuoxue said: "Guo Guo said that he would come to see her brother Yuanze, but the taro in the family had to be watched, so let her come tomorrow."

Whether Wu heard this, tears burst into tears, and choked with sobs: "I'm remembering him, but I don't wake up!"

Yang Zhuoxue sighed in his heart, and then came the visit.

As a female dependent is naturally not too close, she took a look at the bed and went out.

"The official is not here, but the Shen family won't do it!"

Yang Zhuoxue said firmly: "I will go to Baogong's house."

Bao Zheng is a big killer, as long as he shoots, the morale here will be greatly boosted.

Later, Wang Anshi and Wu Shi returned, leaving only Zuo Zhen and lying Wang Jiao in the room.

She walked over slowly and sat by the bed.

"That year I decided to leave, I took a knife to find him, and at that moment I saw his fear, and I will never look down on the man again ..."

"Out of his house, I felt that I would never marry another person in this life, and it would be so lonely for a lifetime. At that time, I made up my mind, and I felt that it was good to fry quail every day. I do n’t feel ugly with oily faces, because I do n’t want to marry again. "

She reached out and touched Wang Jiao's thin cheeks, and smiled slightly, "But you came, when you looked at the dry and thin, and seeing who was disdainful as if she was a god. You come to buy quail, I I sold quails, and I do n’t know when to start. You look in my eyes and it ’s not right. I did n’t think too much, but whoever thought of you likes me, this love is just a few years ... "

"Women are born to be inferior when they remarry, but you treat me as always, Yuanze ..."

She whispered, slowly leaned over, put her cheek on his cheek, and moved gently, "I know how good you are to me, and I remember it firmly."

She just sat there and muttered to herself until the early morning.

Washing and having breakfast, Zuo Zhen said to Wu Shi: "Grandma, I heard that there is a good middleman in the top of the champion building, and I want to see it."

It's good to send a domestic servant to such things. Wu just thought that. When he saw Zuo Zhen's tired appearance, he nodded.

A young couple, one of them suddenly suffers from this difficulty, the other is bound to have six gods and no master.

So the big car at home took Zuo Zhen.

Zhuangyuan Building and Yujie Street are separated by a crossroad.

When Zuo Zhen arrived, the medical hall hadn't opened the door, she said to the driver: "You go to eat something, come later."

The driver said: "When someone goes, I am afraid that someone will harass the lady!"

Zuo Zhen smiled and said, "When I was doing business alone, who dare to harass?"

The driver thought so, and thought that Zuo Zhen was very considerate, thanked him, and then went looking for food.

Zuo Zhen got off the car and gave ten money to the side shop, and asked them to look at the carriage.

In the early morning, Chenguang Xiwei.

Zuo Zhen walked slowly on Yujie, and there were a few splashes on the street.

Most early Pipi did not have the ability, Huang Er is like this.

He woke up early in the morning just to find a job, but he was so lazy, who would ask him to go?

"Dare to ask if you can know Wu Longtu?"

Huang Er turned around and saw that she was a woman, she said casually: "But is Longtuge waiting to be prepared?"


The woman looked very calm, Huang Er said: "Bianliang's official has seen it all."

"So ..." The woman found out a bunch of money. "I am a distant relative of Wu Longtu. I came to find him today. If you can identify it later, the money is yours."

Huang Er glanced at it, and estimated that the string of money was about thirty.

Lead a way, recognize yourself, this price is pretty good.

"It's easy to talk."

Huang Er became enthusiastic. "Here, you will come first from the small officials and officials, and the officials will come behind the shelf, so many people will salute and greet them all the way, how proud? This person?" Is n’t it just to be proud of being an official? If it ’s unsatisfactory, then it ’s better to be a rich man! "

"Look at that, that's Tang Judge, who is now in charge of the Song Dynasty money bank, is the God of Wealth!"

He looked back, but the woman lowered her head.

"I have never seen the world!" He felt that the woman was terrified by the mighty ranks of officials.

"Hey hey! Come, look, there."

Huang Er felt that he was very professional and ethical. "Did you see that person? That is Wu Longtu."

The woman looked up and asked, "Are you sure?"

Huang Er proudly said: "It's not that some bragging, there is no high-ranking official in Bianliang City! Let's talk about Shen Jungong. Last time I saw someone, I smiled, that is the most intimate one. This Wu Longtu, see With arrogance and a big official frame, this will stun Wang Yafu ’s bureaucracy ... Hey hey! Money! "

A string of copper coins was thrown over, Huang Er took it, counted it carefully, yes, it was 30 essays.

"A certain eyesight, it's okay to go to the army as a scout, right?"

He couldn't help but looked up proudly, and saw the woman walking towards Wu Xing.

"Wu Longtu, relatives looking for ..."

Huang Er shouted, feeling that he was really a good person.

Wu Xing looked over and frowned when he saw that he was a free man.

He was sitting on his horse, thinking about how to write today to ask for the performance.

By the Great Song to capture the blessings of the Western Xia Dynasty, the officials finally had better horses to ride. Wu Xing and other senior officials got a good horse.

A good horse is good!

For example, speed, to accelerate in a place with few people, it feels ... thief cool.

Also has stability, and you can't feel the bumps when walking slowly.

If the former horse was Poussin, then the current horse is Porsche.

"But is Wu Longtu?"

The voice of a woman came, and Wu Xing looked up subconsciously: "It is the old man ..."

He saw a woman who was watching him ...

"you are……"

Wu Xing frowned, not wanting to have any entanglements on the way to the up.

The woman's right hand was behind her, and her left hand fell to the side. She smiled and said, "I heard Wu Longtu would be angry, but would he?"

Someone on the side saw the situation here, and they all came slowly.

Many people are thinking, could this be the woman Wu Xing provokes outside to come to the door?

Gossip! Gossip!

After hearing this, everyone at ~ felt something was wrong.

Isn't that what happened when Wu Xing beat Wang Jiao yesterday?

Who is this woman?

"who are you?"

Asked Wu Xing coldly.

The woman's eyes suddenly changed and shouted, "Wang Zuo's!"

Wu Xing was on horseback, and the woman was on the horse's side. At this moment, the woman's right hand extended from behind, but it was a short knife.

The short knife was drawn across Wu Xing's abdomen, just like slaughtering quail. After the belly was cut, the internal organs would be squeezed out ...

Then just pull the abdominal cavity, and those internal organs will come out and take care of it.

Zuo Zhen had no time to pull, the horse was startled, hissed, and then ran forward.

This electro-optical flint-like change was shocking, and soon someone screamed, "Slay!"

Wu Xingfu was on his horse's back. Someone stopped the horse in front, glanced at the injury in his abdomen, and shouted, "It's broken.

Open the abdomen, this is a serious injury, life and death by the sky.

"Send it to the hospital quickly!"

"Wu Longtu, you hold on!"

"Catch that woman!"

After a riot, the men of the army patrol shop came.

"Where is that woman?"

"Just there, she didn't run?"

Everyone came slowly around.

The woman looked up and said lightly: "It's my hand."

Sergeant said slowly: "put down the knife."

The woman let go, and the short knife fell to the ground.

Sergeants came over and someone asked, "Who are you?"

The woman said: "Wang Zuoshi, grandson ... Wang Xu!"


Second more.

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