Like the winter vacation half a year ago, the title of the title still comes first to analyze the title, focusing on "holiday", "health" and \ "beautiful \".

"Holiday" means that we have a coherent and free time, which can be used to adjust and improve ourselves from the inside out, and also have the conditions to do things that are not convenient to do at school; "Health "It is opposed to all the eagerness to achieve success, the attempt to drink the dove to quench the thirst injury, and the persistence of perseverance;

Well, at this age, starting from this holiday, if we want to cultivate ourselves from the head to the foot, from the inside out, what are the little things that can become more and more beautiful as long as we persist, how can we make full use of this coherent precious Time to perfect yourself?

Hormone-dependent dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, measles, edema, endocrine disorders, low immunity ... I have had such a period of up to one year of homecare, I took this opportunity to start from scratch He began to recover his skin and physique, and cultivated himself from the inside out. After recovering, another person lived abroad for nearly 13 weeks.

Nowadays, with the obvious improvement of face value and physique, the ultimate goal is to look good, good and interesting both internally and externally. About how to use a long time at home to recuperate yourself, you will have the experience and experience as follows: Share with you.

It may be longer, 13,000 words long, but I believe that this will be the first step in your holiday transformation journey, and then every step needs patience and persistence. One or three principles that pay attention to appearance after many years

1 You should discover and position your own style

If you want to gain true self-confidence, you will always be more beautiful than others. If you want to be someone, you will eventually lose yourself, and what we have to do is to discover and improve our personality, just like the most beautiful color. It is the color that best matches your skin tone. The real beauty that is exclusive to us. The long-lasting beauty is suitable for yourself.

The external style starts from the most essential internal temperament, reconstructs the realistic recognition of the hardware foundation such as the height, shape, and facial features, and constantly explores and improves itself on the basis of it. At the same time, it seeks a balance of mind and accepts things that are difficult to change;

Therefore, it ’s not that Dong Shi Xiaoyu is not superimposing all the popular elements together. Based on whether it is suitable, comfortable, or able to set off our natural beauty, we slowly explore and locate our own style in groping, and then go to find the appropriate corresponding Wearing makeup and constantly adapting to it, so that it can complement each other's personality, can be said to be the most realistic premise of self-cultivation on the road.

2 There is true beauty within and outside

Our skin, hair, color, body shape and other external manifestations are actually all internal organs, and the meridian function is reflected in the prompt signal of the body surface, telling us what is wrong inside the body, like the main lung skin Prone to acne and weak spleen and stomach have a great relationship;

In the past, I have never paid attention to these essential problems, or I am always eager to achieve success, and have been tortured by my skin, but I am stuck in a vicious circle of quagmire. Whitewash yourself

Before the illness, I have repeatedly used improper makeup skin care products containing the hormone lead and mercury, dense and dependent skin care, marveled at the sleeping mask that made my skin pores glow in just one night, rarely exercise but happy to diet One or two kilograms under dehydration ...

But I have never paid attention to the problem of menstrual period and endocrine disorder, and I do n’t know that those diets and routines and lifestyle habits are gradually destroying my own immunity. I still stay up all night looking at skin care posts, eating and taking out food. Makeup homework, concealer products, apply layer by layer, cover layer by layer, thinking that it is how to take care of yourself ...

Until one day, my body began to expand rashes, blood spots, day and night, like a huge itch crawling in the blood under the skin like thousands of ants, and my face also broke out. Unstoppable hormone-dependent seborrheic dermatitis, dense red rashes and white heads all over the face, no matter how expensive the makeup is on my face, it is difficult to take off, and it is a shocking addition to the snow ...

At this time for me, health issues are more important than beauty and ugliness.

Start from scratch or just give up

I was forced to a situation where I had to make a choice.

I also began to understand that the essence of beauty is to maintain the inside of the body.

Just like the road you have traveled through the book will permeate your temperament, your skin, your eyes, your body type, and it will also be filled with your daily diet and daily routine.

3 The gap between beauty and ugliness lies in self-discipline and mobility

Until the holiday of freshman year, I was still searching for the posts related to the change of beauty, and the dry goods information that was put together, whether it was Weibo Xiaohongshu or other forums, teaching how to become beautiful and more beautiful Dry goods are really countless;

But is it useful for collections only? It makes sense to pile up the scattered and beautiful little squares and small Amway in the corners. Does it make sense? There is no systematization, no framework, no practice or persistence, or collection The folder is too full and I do n’t even know where to start. In short, if you do n’t act, you ca n’t persist, and the sharing of others will always be someone else ’s things, and it does n’t make any sense to us;

The turning point of my life began when I began to be tortured. Many chronic diseases that can only be cured by time, or even impossible to cure at all, such as chronic measles with complex and vague causes, will repeatedly explode acne thousands of times to discharge hormones;

They all require me to strictly avoid taboos and be highly self-disciplined, whether it is diet, exercise or sleep, and even "no desire", I also know the importance of mentality and mental factors for neurodermatosis, it directly Decided the onset cycle that made me worse than life;

That is from then on, the food I eat has become more and more light and clean, and it is no longer so arrogant to lose my temper. I ca n’t go out to see people and feel at home to recuperate at home. When the night came to cover the skin, he went out and sweated for a few kilometers.

Just like my daily porridge and medicine soup requires slow fire and repeated patience, healthy skin and body shape, reading life travel, everything I want, cultivation from the inside out is a long road all over Thorns require confidence that can continue to persist;

And this confidence, only myself can give myself, the source of motivation is when I find that I can slowly control my weight and color emotions, and do the small things at hand one by one;

Probably this is self-discipline and mobility, and it is them. Now that I can feel healthy and full, I can sit here with words and start to understand how I should use a vacation to become beautiful and what I should do. 2. What kind of girl do you want to grow into?

The premise of efficient action is a clear goal.

If you are not even sure what "beauty" you want to be beautiful

How to talk about how to do it?

We do n’t want to take the risk of being different, or waste a lot of time and energy around detours, so we should give ourselves a direction before the practice of systematically collecting dry goods;

Just like I actually told myself from the beginning, you must try to describe the girl you dreamed of as more detailed, from the inside out, the dry goods that are easy to guide the action are better to treat the disease, and you can do it later. Constant exploration and perseverance to make a solid foundation, make yourself more mobile, clear thinking, and high self-discipline;

It seems that as long as I really know what kind of person I want to be, the desire is strong enough, and I know why I want to be such a person, and eventually I will grow into that kind of person.

So, what is the ultimate beauty you always want to cultivate?

What kind of girl do you want to grow into?

I hope her skin is soft, pores are fine, there are few acne, no acne marks, and it is smooth and clean at the angle of backlighting. Full girl muscles;

Weight varies with height, preferably double-digits, tight and fat-free, may not be tall, and there is no luck of having genes with long legs, but it is the kind of self-sufficiency to be able to cultivate your own foundation to the extreme. In the field, the sexiness exuded by the independent personality, the healthy physique and well-balanced body refined by the regular exercise, sweating and regular diet of fitness exercise;

There is a soft and shiny hair without split ends, which is suitable for yourself. It can modify the contour of the face. The mouth has white and neat teeth. It makes people feel comfortable and clean when smiling. The kind of sunshine and warmth, from the heart;

The eyes are calm and warm, clear and clean, as if you can see from her that she is simple and mature due to her experience, but she does not have a state of mind; she often has a natural and vivid expression, with a little naughty girl and childlike innocence, infectious, full of vitality ;

Carrying a backpack, wearing jeans, putting on a sweater and pedaling sports shoes, you can go out quickly with light makeup and even makeup;

When you smile, you smile softly and the face is bright and sunny;

Maybe the facial features are ordinary but comfortable, natural and warm;

No need to deliberately hold overly delicate to maintain the image of "Goddess". Be careful and perfect, but natural and fresh, true temperament, more unrestrained;

It ’s the kind of girl who does n’t talk much but dare to think about being efficient, self-disciplined, and highly motivated; a girl who loves life, childlikeness, sincerity, kindness, and contentment; she does n’t fight, rob, or cling, but she will be in a hurry. Silently improve their own girls; but do not question more than blindly compare, know what you really want, you can balance all kinds of relationships in life, girls who know how to cherish and can live; indifferent and interesting, can manage life as a The girl she likes is a girl with interesting faces.

Putting aside the origins and genes that are not controllable by you and me, the real goddess in my heart is actually the kind that can do the little things to the extreme, be willing to invest in yourself, know how to maintain yourself from the inside out, and the features of the five senses can be lived a bit Healthy and beautiful girl;

This kind of girl who looks the most ordinary and ordinary but the most difficult to reach is 98. Others will find it delicate and beautiful, comfortable and natural, but the girl who does not know where she puts her strength, is not deliberate but light. The girl who is just right is the ultimate point where you and I can practice, and it is also my dream, what I want to be, the girl in my dream.

So after I have a clear goal and understanding, all the dry goods that I try to adhere to later will have the same goal, and I will continue to invest and hone myself towards this goal.

The focus of this article is outside. Three finishing touches in three quick looks

1 Remove or replace the frame glasses

Maybe some girls are more suitable for wearing glasses, because a suitable frame can modify their outline face shape, then replacing a better and suitable frame may also be the finishing touch, for example, if you are a square face, do n’t do it anymore. Use square glasses to emphasize the face shape, and you can wear rounded or oval shapes, and vice versa. If you have a round face, you can use square or rectangular lenses to modify the face shape;

But I think it is more often that too many beauties are hidden under two thick frames, because a pair of beautiful eyebrows are covered and never decorated, so for most glasses girls, take off their glasses , Is the first step to start more beautiful;

I remember when I was in high school, I included several good friends around me. Everyone was wearing the hard corneal orthopaedic mirror that would return to normal level during the daytime at night. It is imported from the United States, tailor-made, price According to the degree, it was about RMB 15,000. It was really bright in the eyes of me in the day. It really controlled my eyesight in two or three years.

The disadvantages are that there are always too many hazards written on the encyclopedia and the Internet as with myopia surgery. There is also a high cost including regular replacement of multiple potions in the later period. Is a nemesis

After wearing it for two or three years and reaching the expiration date, a few friends, like me, changed back to the frame and put on the invisibility, and a few went for femtosecond laser surgery, which is written here for reference only, because For most people, they will choose to wear light and breathable cost-effective contact lenses when going out.

2 Naturally and vividly enlarge the pupil

The proportion of black pupils in the eyes is simply the key to beautiful eyes, because if the eyes are too white, it will really give people a sense of dullness, probably this is why everyone loves the pupil, and I did n’t start trying it until recently. This thing I used to have a non-mainstream visual sense;

Then I found that a suitable color lens will really open the door to a new world of face value for me, without exaggerating the diameter and the variety of colors, I hope that the focus of the color lens on me is to inadvertently magnify the black pupil. To make the eyes more divine;

So what I wear most everyday is the small black ring of silicone hydrogel material, the Fuxing of dry eye syndrome, which is better than nature and the same light and breathable as ordinary contact lenses, so for me it is an advanced contact lens, in the same In terms of comfort, the eyes are inadvertently bigger, brighter and darker (purchased in the home of kimchi, thrown for half a year, the genuine price is about two hundred yuan)

The reason why I know this seems to be that I was curious for some time. Why do some girls have brighter and brighter eyes than others, especially the photogenic ones, but they do n’t look like they have colored lenses. I learned the existence of the scheming beauty of the little black ring, that is, others can't see what you wear, but your eyes will become more natural and invisible, and it will be darker and more beautiful. bright.

3 Change the eyebrow shape and eyebrow distance

When I tried the color at a Japanese makeup counter a few months ago, bar smoothly trimmed my eyebrows. This was also the wild eyebrows. For the first time, I took care of my eyebrows professionally. It turned into a curved "smile eyebrow" with the arc under the eyebrow and the arc of the upper eye, and then I found that I had always ignored the impact and improvement of such a detail change on the face value;

Removing eyebrow eyebrows will first make our face look cleaner, and at the same time, the makeup on the basis of the appropriate eyebrow shape will also appear more refined. In addition, at that time, I suddenly found that the eyebrow distance directly affected by the eyebrow shape Change, a proper eyebrow spacing is really the focus and key to enhance the face value in the details;

Because if the distance between the eyebrows and the eyes is too small, it will give people a sense of distance that looks unhappy or angry; and the spacing or width of the eyebrows will visually flatten the facial features, and it will also not be delicate. One less clever and sensitive;

Therefore, you can also find the eyebrow shape that suits you according to your facial features and face shape, repair the eyebrow spacing, and add inspiration to the young and friendly and smart and lively machine that adds face to your details.

4 sides of the central T-shaped area repair capacity

Once upon a time, I was still a person with a sloppy foundation and smeared all over my face like a ghost, so I brought my neck and went out. I do n’t know what to do. Although I am still afraid of getting dirty, I rarely do it on my cheeks, but I really have been since After the facial triangle in the central triangle of the face began to repair, the whole person's sense of exquisiteness has increased by one degree;

Then the key to the modification of the middle of my face is to reduce the nose wings with tools such as highlights, shadows, white No. 1 liquid foundation, etc., to make the nose bridge more three-dimensional, the nose more photogenic, and at the same time at the root of the nose bridge, the brow, and the tail of the eyebrow Apply smudged eye shadow in the triangle area according to the tutorial and habit, visually deepen the eye sockets and narrow the eyebrows;

At the same time, sweep a thin layer of pearlescent eyeshadow on the small triangle on both sides of the nose and between the corners of the eyebrows.

There is also a sweep of the apple muscles slammed by the highlights in the minute, the acne marks instantly cover the concealer, the eyeliner can make the eyes instantly have a stroke, etc .;

Because I am not a beauty blogger, I am also pursuing the most everyday natural and effortless makeup. The pursuit is limited to three-dimensional contour facial features, clear and flawless base makeup and brows and eyes. These three points, so I will not repeat it here. But on how to make beauty more beautiful through makeup, it is really an eternal topic that we should continue to try to learn in depth and practice makes perfect. Of course, the good skin foundation that is raised instead of rubbed is really the biggest premise.

5 effective skin care and skin management

If your skin has serious and large-scale acne inflammation acne, please go to the dermatology department of the hospital to find out if you are a big problem such as ordinary acne or dermatitis. The effective ointment may only cost a few dollars , And it ’s not that you are still doing your homework dazzlingly on the screen of your mobile phone. You do n’t hesitate to spend a lot of money, thinking that there are really amazing acne products;

Take hormone-dependent dermatitis as an example. The reason is that I have been using makeup and skin care products containing hormones inappropriately for a long time, including various so-called whitening moisturizing masks with high sales and high sales. They often have good immediate results, but it is like drugs will make you dependent. Dermatitis will erupt when suddenly stopped or when the toxins in the skin have accumulated to a certain extent;

By that time, the only and best treatment for this disease is nothing else, only the naked face and time can be cured, the time depends on the time and amount of hormones you have used, and the non-stop acne detoxification must be at least long For one to two years, after all, we always have to pay the price for our wrong ideas and stupidity.

The "Quick" here is only applicable if your skin does not have such big problems as acne and inflammation, or it is a sequelae of inflammation like me, and there are some problems of aging **** pores and uneven skin tone;

If this is the case, instead of extravagantly requesting a cleansing mask to save the aging pores, it is better to go to a professional institution like a kimchi girl to do regular daily skin management that mainly cleans and moisturizes;

Because there are always some problems that can't be touched and solved by any number of masks and no matter how good the cream is. If the pores are clogged severely, it is difficult to absorb the effective skin care products on weekdays;

After taking too many detours and throwing too much money, I realized that medical beauty can only be supplemented by icing on the cake, but it can not cure the skin problems that are closely related to lifestyle, and it needs long-term persistence like daily skin care;

Do n’t be superstitious about the laser thinking that the water light needle can solve the acne problem that you should eliminate inflammation first, and do n’t follow the trend blindly, just like you can reorganize your own cosmetic bag and invest in base makeup products;

Skin care products are also the same, the focus is on your skin type, and you should always have a very effective product for local acne removal. After all, it is inevitable for girls to have a few aunts during menstruation, such as girlfriends who love red pimples Acne, I will always prepare tea tree gel essential oil, and I love whitehead acne, I will always prepare an acne cream containing salicylic acid;

The key is to suit yourself, internal adjustment is the basis, to assist in external maintenance, with cleansing, moisturizing, sun protection as the core.

6 Bright smile and good teeth are a must

If you have a big problem with your tooth shape, etc., a one-time investment that is relatively expensive and takes a long time should be willing to be yourself as soon as possible, because if you want more beautiful, a bright smile and A good bite is a must;

Then in the daily but subtle but long-lasting adherence to the teeth care, you can also try to use an ultrasonic electric toothbrush for the first time to get started with an entry-level; or replace with a more sophisticated toothbrush on the brush head, and brush it seriously at least every morning and evening. 3 minutes also has a very good effect; with mouthwash, used to floss, correct the wrong brushing position of the left and right brushes, according to your needs with a suitable toothpaste, for example, honeysuckle can reduce inflammation and baking soda has a very good whitening effect ;

Of course, do n’t expect a toothpaste, a toothbrush, or tooth cleaning to bring you the effect of a big white tooth in pictorial TV. Those are mostly cold light whitening, patch whitening, porcelain teeth and other medicines that you can also try. The effect of beautiful teeth, of course, this may make your teeth more sensitive;

In short, the small details of a good tooth will definitely increase your face value and confidence from the inside out, so the tooth must be an investment area that we should be very willing to smile, and you can practice a lot of smiles. The focus is still on the basis of a good tooth. Take heart

Even if the back is covered, the problem of acne is not ignored, the body hair removal is scientifically and effectively, and a hairstyle that can modify the contour and add to the overall temperament, etc., about how to add icing to the face value, these are probably everyone Everyone knows that you only need to go to the homework step by step to try the quick point of practice;

I just need you and me to do more homework, how to find the eyebrow shape that suits you? What brand of base lenses and diameters are suitable for your eyes? What kind of cosmetic products should I choose? What are the recommended makeup? How to find a hairstyle that suits you and so on ...

The road is long and long, and we really have too much to do. Four small things that make us beautiful

1 Beauty starts with five-color beauty porridge

Friends who are familiar with me all know that my breakfast and dinner is a combination of multi-grain porridge and iron stick yam.

Because when I tried for the first time, after insisting on eating for more than a week, I do n’t know why my aunt who had stopped menstruating for nearly half a year came, although it was still not normal. After insisting for a month, the second holiday period was short and the blood color was normal I was pleasantly surprised. I was so normal for the first time, which means that it solved my serious problem and was the most important gynecological aunt for girls.

At the same time, from the inside to the outside, it is reflected on the skin. It is such a large area of ​​allergic dermatitis that has not been cured in the past six months. Under the simplest and simple lifestyles of bare face + food supplement internal adjustment + decompression relaxation + sports detox, After insisting on the iron stick yam + mixed grain porridge for more than a month, the skin is really smooth, white and thick for a full degree. The most obvious thing is that there is a closed backlit rash that has troubled me for a long time before. When I disappeared, it made me remember the mirror decals every day.

Investigate its principle. Five-color multigrain porridge, including five types of soybeans, green beans, black beans, red beans, purple rice or black rice, is meticulous to the effects of each type of beans. Together, it is concluded that this porridge not only takes into account all the internal organs, Moreover, it is not cold or dry, no harm to the spleen and stomach and no stasis, it is a holy product for beauty.

The reason why the iron stick yam is suitable because the porridge needs sufficient spleen and stomach strength, and the iron stick yam can restore the weak spleen and stomach to strong, so no matter what reason you have for menstrual disorders, you may wish to eat yam every day, it must be slender The kind of iron stick yam can also be cooked into the porridge if it is too troublesome, but don't fry it, it is good to stew.

In short, I want to recommend the two core foods of five-color beauty porridge and iron stick yam to you. You can mix it yourself and start to eat boiled vegetables, nuts and fruits every day, etc. In order to highlight the key points, I have already opened a separate article, so that ’s it Two inconspicuous foods, if you are willing to try and persevere, ranging from beautiful skin and solid skin to spleen and stomach health problems, the worse the foundation, the more obvious, the benefits must be self-evident.

2Coconut oil hair care and Chinese herbal hair care

A waterfall-like thick, shiny and smooth hair is definitely a watershed point for a girl's face and temperament. Just like the skin, the hair can reflect many health problems from the side, and the hair quality can be said to be one of my few One of the advantages is that instead of spending a lot of time, money and energy in hair care, in conclusion, it is not tossing the hair, and everything is based on the three-piece hair care care and care;

Friends who are familiar with me should also know that the coconut oil hair mask Chinese herbal medicine bubble hair that is often talked about is two processes that I must have and benefit from.

The former coconut oil, during the long-term use, my deepest feeling is that it can help me to improve the problem of dry hair, split ends and frizz to the greatest extent, and it is a deep nourishment that will eventually change in quantity and quality, that is to say, not only can each A single hair strand is adjusted to a healthy, natural, nutritious, supple and shiny state, and it will strengthen the hair root and tenacity, greatly reducing the frequency of hair loss. This is not a cleaning product piled up by chemical agents. Long-term benefits are still cost-effective;

The latter's Chinese herbal medicine bubble hair is my unexpected savior for the soft and hard hair. The raw materials include Zao Jiao Zi, Ginger Shouwu, Angelica privet, Ligustrum lucidum, etc., all of which are very conducive to hair health The nutrients are all natural and boiled without any chemical additives. They not only help the scalp to remove the aging keratin accumulated in the outer layer, but also add a lot of water to the scalp, accelerate the blood circulation of the scalp, nourish the scalp hair follicle, prevent Aging scalp can also promote hair regeneration, repair damaged hair and prevent hair loss;

It feels like it is very serious to have acne, but we would rather believe that Taobao ’s high acne products are better than going to the doctor to prescribe a few dollars and a very effective ointment. Many times we are caught in a close distance but will definitely return to the right way In the strange circle

Hair care is nothing more than caring for hair and scalp. Like skin care, it does not have to mess with dyeing and messing up. It saves a lot of trouble for subsequent maintenance. Then what to use to nourish hair to protect scalp, it is necessary to talk about the structure of ingredients, such as, Our hair is divided into three layers from the inside to the outside, which are hairy skin, fury and medulla, and its main component is keratin, which is a premise that can be treated with the right symptoms to gain benefits;

The reason why I value coconut oil is precisely because its hair care effect is very accurately reflected in its deep care of keratin, and coconut oil is the only oil that can reduce the loss of hair protein;

Because the lauric acid rich in natural coconut oil has a natural affinity for the main component of our hair, keratin, it can form a lubricating film on the surface of the hair and reduce the friction between the hair scales, even if it is used in damaged The hair after dyeing can have the effect of rejuvenation, and the hair care effect is very significant;

3 Stick to a healthy drink every day

In fact, this item was added by me temporarily because I do n’t want to have too many things like drinking lemonade every day. It seems to be whitening, but the photosensitive must pay more attention to sunscreen and other well-known things. When I wore the same underwear only for the first row for the last half a month, I was shocked to find that it seemed to be a mistake, but I could not explain the principle of breast enhancement.

I remember that the original purpose of insisting on drinking soy milk was to regulate endocrine and supplement estrogen, because I am prone to acne. Another reason is that the male hormone is high. It turns out that it not only can whiten, but also because the protein is rich, the skin will be more The better.

Personally touching the skin will really do a better job in such a full range of internal adjustments with external cleansing and moisturizing sunscreen, which is manifested in the fact that it is more and more leathery and not fragile and smooth, smooth and delicate. I ca n’t tell the specific What kind of effect is because it is the common effect of a collectively operated healthy diet, sleep and rest.

So, at home, you may wish to make your own fresh and unsweetened soy milk every day. You can do your homework. What is the main effect of soy milk with different raw materials? I drink pure soy milk flavored with red dates and wolfberries. The key is the taste. It's great and delicious, no more, no less, two or three bowls a day, all the okara will be drunk.

Of course, there is a taboo in everything, and what is suitable for others may not be suitable for you, so after obtaining the action inspiration keywords in the text, you have to do further homework, such as Baidu "who is not suitable for drinking soy milk" and do it yourself In addition to judging whether it is suitable for yourself, perseverance and overdose are also very important things.

4 Persevere in a sport for a long time

Rather than keep collecting yoga exercises, fitness homework, and worry about various fitness meals, it is better to start with the simplest things, such as running, brisk walking, and skipping. The key is to find the most suitable for yourself. Persevere for a long time.

For example, I do n’t have enough confidence in my skin condition, and I do n’t have the courage to sweat into the gym, so I will put this area aside first, raise the skin first, and then solve the one square meter at home that is more suitable for me. Persevere in skipping rope 3000 times a day.

When I jumped on the first day, I could n’t even hold on to 1,000. The more I jumped later, the easier I was to lose weight. I also massaged my calf with massage cream and other essential oils to relax my muscles. "Pedals" and open swing exercises, and now I began to slowly add the squat hula hoop for flat-plate support sit-ups, with different physiques, it should be no problem to lose at least ten pounds in half a month.

Recalling that when I was traveling outside, I also inadvertently insisted on going for at least five kilometers a day, not resisting food, and I lost five or six pounds after three months. Of course, I should pay attention to diet. I feel that the stomach can eat small, but it is not necessary. Diet deliberately, but the amount of staple food per meal should be actively reduced slowly.

Just like compared to a year ago, every time I had a bowl of rice for dinner, I had replaced it with a small bite bowl, and compared to the body that often feels fat after drinking a sip of one or two pounds a year or two, Now my weight has stabilized at 96 pounds.

The most intimate feeling is that, in a general sense, when we are not thin enough, white enough, skin transparent, healthy and full, not aesthetically pleasing, not generous and decent, how can we do so much homework for beauty? Too many things that can be put into action directly, how can there be so many things to buy, and spending time, energy and money on a certain cosmetic, a skin care product, a health care product or a commodity can make us beautiful, we How can you keep up with the endless use of so many updates on the market?

Beauty and temperament are all together with health, and the core of practice is never a piece-by-piece piece of exterior decoration. I feel deeply that if we do n’t even lay the necessary foundation for the five-point beauty and beauty foundation, we will Do n’t think about how you can jump up to seven points, think about how there are other shortcuts you can buy to change the beauty;

No money is actually an excuse. When we have n’t spent enough sweat with the least cost and sleep well and eat well, we have n’t gotten to the point where we ca n’t upgrade our good looks. Five pure natural good things make the most of

As small as the details of teeth whitening and oral health, as large as the skin's lubricating contours and the overall maintenance of shiny hair, whether it is at home or away, if you let me make a choice from all my skin care products now, go From a thousand yuan cream to half a hundred water emulsions, coconut oil will be a must-have for me from head to toe, and will be repurchased forever in my life.

1 coconut oil

Our teeth, like our skin, have a lot of oil-soluble dirt and tartar, so even if we usually pay attention to brushing our teeth, these dirts cannot be removed with toothpaste alone; long-term oil extraction can help dissolve the oil-soluble teeth in the teeth. Tartar promotes the peeling of tartar while gargle, thus effectively consolidating teeth, improving gum bleeding, and making teeth whiter;

And oil gargle is not aimed at a specific disease, but to restore health to the whole, especially when we sleep after a night, many toxins will be excreted and stored in the glands in the mouth. The ability to dissolve these bacterial toxins with oil can strengthen the body's overall healing ability;

So when I made up my mind that I must restore the skin from the beginning and reshape the face, the coconut oil is absolutely essential.

The main principle is that with the help of the special properties of the natural ingredients of coconut oil and the lipophilicity of dirt and garbage, the former is like a strong magnet, which can take out and dissolve the bacterial oil dissolved in the pores and tubes of teeth, teeth, Toxins in the body will also be excreted with saliva and other secretions. For a long time, not only can reduce the number of microorganisms, strengthen metabolism and improve blood circulation, but also directly attack the source of chronic diseases;

In the process, I also found that not only me, but many people unexpectedly reap the surprising beauty effect, which is reflected in the obvious improvement of the oral environment and tooth surface color. The naked eyes can feel that the teeth are slowly polished gently. Healthy, natural, round and glossy milky white (Source Network)

2 Coconut oil skin care

I remember the first trial of coconut oil was due to my aunt ’s strong recommendation. Her skin in her 40s is even smoother and more flexible than a girl ’s. It ’s not because of the lady ’s skincare that she ’s already stopped, but from her long-term Insist on using coconut oil to massage the face and body, because the effect on skin improvement is particularly obvious, so she suggested that I try.

But I did n’t dare to try it at the beginning, because I was in a sensitive period when I needed to repair it with some external force in the late stage of the naked face. I was extremely cautious about everything on the face, and in my consciousness, Coconut oil is "oil". It must be very oily on the face. It will clog the pores. My fragile red skin will definitely get acne when irritated, so I have never dared to try it.

But I do n’t want to let go of any opportunities that might help my skin improve, so I started using coconut oil locally, not to mention other effects. The happiest thing is that I have extremely sensitive skin. I did n’t have a rejection reaction to the coconut oil I used. And allergies, this means that I can continue to use and stick to it effectively for a long time.

It ’s not at all what I thought I would get oily on the face, but it is easily absorbed by the skin, and the two surprises I have n’t figured out the specific principle so far are that coconut oil is very obvious for thick eyelashes. The effect, and why after using coconut oil, when I wake up the next day, my skin often shows a naturally bright and smooth matte state;

It may be the saturated fatty acids rich in coconut oil, which makes the skin sealing effect similar to petrolatum mineral oil, etc., which can reduce the loss of water loss through the epidermis and play a moisturizing effect, which just meets the basic needs of my naked face later;

Then, after washing the face and taking a bath, our skin's unique natural protective layer, medium-chain fatty acids, can be easily washed away. At this time, the unprotected skin is easily infected by bacteria, and the medium-chain triglyceride contained in coconut oil Ester, when contacted by lipophilic bacteria, will form medium-chain fatty acids with antibacterial sterilization function, so it can help restore the natural protective film that acts as the skin;

In addition, coconut oil is a small molecule that is easily absorbed. Especially for me who have skin problems such as hormone-dependent dermatitis and contact dermatitis, I chose coconut oil instead of other natural moisturizers because of After researching related papers and reports, it was found that high-quality pure natural virgin coconut oil has multiple effects against the root cause of skin problems, and can even repair slightly damaged or eczema-like skin, and has the effect of treating neurodermatitis and frostbite ;

Now, I have already passed the fragile period of long naked face suffering and only dare to apply coconut oil moisturizing skin care, but coconut oil is still an essential health and beauty artifact wherever I go;

Especially in the hot and sweaty summer days, I usually do hydrating and moisturizing sunscreen work. I still often use coconut oil to simplify skin care, apply a layer after cleansing the face, go to bed after proper massage and absorption, and go to sleep. Generally let the skin breathe and breathe;

Washing your face with coconut oil is also my regular skin care procedure as a means of deep cleansing. The principle is the same as that of oil extraction. During this process, facial scraping will also be performed by the way;

I personally feel that because of my typical edema constitution, the coconut oil massage brought me the biggest surprise. In addition to changing my skin from a rough and difficult to apply makeup powder, it became the same liquid foundation. Can be put on like a lotion and pushed away easily and lastingly. It is the first-class swelling ability, and not only eliminates the edema of the facial contours, but also the entire facial features will be more delicate and spirited. This is for edema and It is particularly important for me if the face value is completely the boundary between the two extremes;

It has always been an unforgettable moment that one day after using it habitually for a month, when I traveled to a new city and sat in a new hotel in front of a makeup mirror, I accidentally found out, when Since my jaw line became so clear and firm and obvious, I really felt that my entire face was smaller.

In short, although today, on how to make the most of the benefits of universal coconut oil, all aspects are used to improve physical fitness and enhance face value, I can only say that it is still in a stage of exploration and exploration, and coconut oil has also been Completely changed my life;

Do n’t miss the incomparable benefits of coconut oil hair growth and oral coconut oil has a good effect on improving human immunity, because high-quality coconut oil with high stability and not easy to oxidize has a characteristic that other edible oils cannot have. It is that the rich medium-chain fatty acids are strongly exclusive to toxins, which can effectively kill harmful viruses in the body and gradually remove the accumulated toxins from the body without hesitation. This is the most natural method of health maintenance;

No matter whether it is the improvement of face value or the improvement of physique, from quantitative change to qualitative change, if you do n’t try, you ca n’t believe what kind of quality change can happen in your life, and the effect varies from person to person, not only depends on product selection The quality depends largely on the method used and the duration of adherence; six copies of the work guide for reference

In order to make the thinking clearer and the plan more operable, my daily schedule and work schedule will not be meticulous about what to do, but mainly to cultivate external habits and tasks that will become beautiful as long as you persist. According to my personal main needs and purposes, I was divided into two for the small things that go well in the morning after dinner and before going to bed, and the things that need to be carried out separately for a large amount of time to complete;

For example, after I have a clear skincare program that suits me clearly, my usual cosmetics, my personal dressing style and makeup style, my requirements and focus tasks are not external cosmetics. And more than skin, hair, body weight and other basic hardware to improve and hone the shape;

So just like I will have at least two hours of sweating, stretching and relaxing time every day, every time I take a shower, the evaporative bubble mask will take at least two hours, and every day before going to bed, I will do at least It takes an hour, sports shaping hair care and skin care is the key point that I will take a large amount of time to practice;

Of course, no matter whether it is habitually listening to books or listening to English, in order to keep it more interesting and long-lasting, I will not let my boring ears waste this big time;

And those "little things" that will be done everyday before meals and after going to bed

Some of the examples include: the first thing in the morning is to come out and go straight to the bathroom, thanks to the overnight foot patch, assisted by a cat-style yoga action; then use coconut oil to "oil pull", Use ultrasonic toothbrush for secondary cleaning. During the period, you will read a vocabulary that you will see when you brush your teeth. It will take about 15 to 20 minutes, even at night; breakfast and dinner are all cereal porridge plus iron yam, take vitamins with meals, eat Two scoops of cooked fried black sesame seeds, two walnuts, and one nut. Swallow yam pill with warm water before meals. A total of two pills, drink zinc zinc gluconate oral solution after meals. A total of two vials. And red dates, then use the health pot to prepare a day ’s drinks, switch to flower tea and hawthorn water; high fiber, green vegetables, no diet at lunch; when watching TV, it will push the belly and beat the gallbladder (must be before 11 o’clock) ; Soak your feet before going to bed, the amount of water to the knee position three feet, and then put on the foot stickers, go to bed early, do leg shaping exercises such as opening and closing the bicycle before bed, end the day;

In short, nothing is done overnight. You must have the patience and perseverance to practise each meaning in a meaningful way. In fact, today is really important. The key point is to arrange for your daily routine and time from your own needs. (The goddess that I wrote before to develop a 100-day 24-hour work schedule may provide you with a more detailed for reference only, and the Dioscores, abdominal push, gallbladder, etc. may wish to extract keywords by themselves to read past articles, or autonomous Search for information and do further homework.) Seven small things you have to do now

1 Clarify your needs, be objective about your hardware foundation, and ask yourself what changes you want to start on the outside through a vacation, specific to your skin weight, body shape and hairstyle, etc. If necessary, you can also find one for yourself The frame of reference is that there is direction to be motivated. The first step is to make the thinking as clear as possible. Or your goal should be more long-term. What kind of transformation do you want to complete from the inside out, though it is long but complete? This holiday is a brand new starting point.

2 Starting from the specific needs you want to change, extract the keywords that are suitable for you in the text, such as tapping the gall bladder, pushing the abdomen, five-color beauty porridge, yam pill, etc., use the powerful network to do further homework, and The "law of size" for the efficient arrangement of daily time mentioned above does not require details. It only requires actually writing down your daily holiday todolist.

3 Starting from your daily actual arrangements, write down your shopping list. For example, a soymilk machine that helps you regulate estrogen and androgen disorders, a good jade comb or wooden comb used to massage the scalp to promote blood circulation, a yoga mat that assists you in yoga and tablet support, and a help you arrange A health pot for a day of healthy drinks, a silk pillow towel that helps reduce the friction of skin and hair and reduce the generation of wrinkle static electricity, a bottle of universal and practical first-class coconut oil with natural extraction technology and top-grade coconut oil Evaporation caps to help conditioner hair masks maximize their effectiveness, try to buy them all at once, and improve the efficiency of holiday routines.

4Leave a message about your gains, write down your questions, and work together to improve this topic that can be constantly updated, but I hope it is not a problem similar to how to do five-color porridge so that Baidu can do it. If necessary, it will be summarized and written. The memorandum of matters and question answering, like whether it is hair care, the eight-year battle of acne, or the detailed tutorial of Dioscorea are all topics that have been opened separately before, and there are internal articles on how to enrich the winter holiday life and improve yourself and themes. More clearly how to restore skin and physique from the beginning will also be pushed in succession according to the response. In fact, you should know more clearly than anyone else. Now we can increase the degree by a holiday value. The degree is:

You can make a whole circle as thin as a skin by sweating. This is a layer of rejuvenation like a knife; while accelerating the metabolism, streamlining skin care and cooperating with a healthy diet, at the same time, the skin will be translucent and clean with the body's desire to lighten up. One degree; and on the basis of good body shape and skin, supplemented with makeup, if you do not have any major injuries, where will you be ugly? It's just that you haven't been bothered to take this seemingly simple but difficult but also the most essential step.

I do n’t expect what kind of change this shallow text can bring to you, because the idea is only the premise of guiding action, and the real turning point of my own life is that one day I finally understand what I really want, and then start to This direction fumbles forward step by step.

And this 'begin to really understand' point requires a lot of real opportunities to experience, and this process is also full of too many life and death pains and hardships, but just deeply feel that many times, our blind follow anxiety may be just because I started from the beginning In the end, I didn't find the best way for me.

I also know that the cultivation of a true goddess will definitely not only do this. Compared to what I can change, there are more things in this world that I cannot control and change, such as those that carry genes, but these, whether it is diet Exercise sleep or clean moisturizing sunscreen, whether it is self-control or self-discipline, must be the basic premise of all transformations, and all require long persistence and tremendous efforts.

The self-righteous shortcut to skip this step will only be to deceive yourself and waste more time and energy around the corner. When you get lost, you will still return to the right path, so instead of being anxious and impetuous If you can't do anything, it is better to be down to earth from now on, and whether the goddess actually depends on how you define it.

God ’s fairness is probably that each of us is a one-time miracle ~ ~ and cherish this unique self and everything that we have, whether it is external or internal, our unique endowment and Personality is the mission of each of us to live this life only this time.

Well, because of the limited time and personal experience, all sharing for reference only ends here. If you can gain a little confidence and encouragement by reading this, I really appreciate it.

And the follow-up no matter how to improve self in all aspects through time management, how girls start investing in themselves from the age of 20, etc. I believe that topics related to internal and external cultivation will be serialized seriously and sincerely, because from the inside out This practice of constantly improving myself has also continued.

In short, why not skip the external to talk about what is internal, and how can it be possible to skip the internal adjustment and expect to give the beauty to all the thirst for drinking dove, health and beauty should be a complementary relationship, just like life attitude, work and rest, experience and experience these All are things that can be written on the face and talked about.

It is to hope that good girls will not be let down, and we can all get better and better, working together, just like I have always believed that any slow accumulation has irreplaceable meaning in our lives.

As long as the direction is correct and the method is correct, stick to it.

We will eventually grow into a mediocre self in the accumulation of ordinary days, with face, material, and fun.

Supplements can jump to half a year ago

How to become beautiful in a winter holiday? -Know almost

For more follow-up, please move to the public platform: the tree of the early 20th midsummer

Say a happy summer vacation in advance

The fairies who hope to see this article are getting better and better!

Thank you for meeting you who are not impetuous in this impetuous online world

Appreciate all the reading collection and encouragement!

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