Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 980: There is no evidence, escape

The fire was spreading, and the flames forced Yeluhunki to stand on the street.

It has been blocked here. The sergeants ran back and forth with various vessels filled with water, but it was a slap in the water, and the fire was not reduced.

No one pays attention to this.

Shen An is here.

An official said: "That Shen An is the son of Shen Bian, and his son inherits his father's career. So. The battle between Fuzhou and Xiongzhou is dominated by him, so this kind of person should kill him, and he should be killed! "

Everyone felt empty, as if something was missing.

Fuzhou and Xiongzhou fought twice, and Daliao's prestige ceased, and the negative impacts have not yet dispersed.

Yelu Hongji's pro-arrival of troops to Yanmen was the decision brought about by this negative influence.

It can be said that if there was a defeat in Fuzhou and Xiongzhou, Yelu Hongji is still enjoying life at the moment.

"Does he want to spy on me? Interesting."

Yeluhongi said something interesting, but the hand holding the handle became tighter.

He looked at both sides, and the courtiers and guards looked different, and looked a little weird under the light of the fire.

"It's time to kill him!"

A civil servant suddenly paused and said, "That Shen An is full of hatred for Daliao. The Song people have become more and more prosperous in recent years. This person has great achievements ... The Shenwei crossbow is reportedly made by this person, and that Jin Fei Dan ... Gunpowder was also improved by him ... Your Majesty, if such a person killed him, it would be one hundred thousand elite for the Song people, one hundred thousand elite! "

Everyone nodded, and someone smiled bitterly: "If you know that he is in the mission, you must kill him if you die ... No, Your Majesty, sent elite to chase him down at this moment ... Yes, it's too late, too late!"

Yelu Hongji was so angry that he didn't react. At this moment, when he was so reminded, he growled and said: "Go, send him to the river, go chase him ... kill him!"

"Your Majesty has orders, drag down the river and attack the whole army!"

The sound of the horseshoe went away, Yelu Hongji sneered: "If Shen An died, would Zhao Shu be distressed?"

A courtier smiled and said, "Shen An is a treasure to the Song people. This treasure died in Daliao ... Zhao Shu is afraid that he will be mad, ha ha ha ha!"

"Get ready to greet the anger of the Song people." Yeluhongji's mood gradually improved. "When Shen An died, they would go mad, and then ... they would fight politics.

The Song people have recently made a lot of new things, including what kind of clan reform, these are the New Deal. I have been waiting for a fight within them, but I haven't, why?

Because Shen An is here, this person is involved in it, so that those who oppose it can not attack ... if he is not ...

Without him, Han Qi and others and Zeng Gongliang and others would fight, do you still remember Qingli years? At that time, Fan Zhongyan and others made a new deal, and the result was a tumultuous ups and downs, and the resulting split is still there. This is a split that has caused the Song people to weaken. Thank God. "

He folded his hands together, meditated a few words into the sky, and then said, "This is a good thing, a good thing God has given to Daliao."

A bad thing turns into a good thing, this is that God is blessing Daliao.

Yeluhunki couldn't help praying reverently.

The bodyguard who went after the fire incident came back with a brutal expression: "Your Majesty, that Shen An ... that Shen An is the one who claims to be Cao Xueqin ..."


Yelu Hongji remembered the smile of the Song before leaving, very calm and honest.

Yes, honestly.

Honesty is innocence.

——Shen An looked at Chunliang, the only one in the world.

Yeluhongi wanted to dig out his eyes, and resentment made his breath short and flushed.

If someone could recognize Shen An at that time, Shen An should kneel in front of him and plead.

"That liar!"

Yelu Hongji said angrily: "Actually, Cao Xueqin ... Cao Xueqin ..."

I also praised the name is good, but whoever wanted to be a pseudonym, fake!

He kicked the bodyguard over and kicked, shouting: "Send someone to run the horse to death, but also to catch him, to live, I want him to kneel in front of him for mercy ..."


The sound of the horseshoe reappeared and went away.

The bodyguard got up and bowed his head: "Your Majesty, after Shen An came out earlier, she crouched by the window and said that the shoes fell ..."

Yeluhongi turned around, and everyone looked at the burning place.

The house has collapsed, but everyone can remember the general structure of that house.

By the window, and then got something ...

Yelu Hongji asked: "I remember that the firehead first rushed in from the window ..."

"Your Majesty, the fire began from the window."

Instantly everyone was dumbfounded.

This fire turned out to be Shen An?

This man first changed his name to Cao Xueqin, followed the envoy into the Shuozhou City, and then swaggered to meet Yelu Hongji.

"He came to spy on me." Yelu Hongji said angrily: "But no one recognized him, and let him look at me indiscreetly, and let him look at the reality of Daliao Tieqi, which is a shame! "


Everyone knows this is a shame.


The chief humiliated his death, and a civil official said with a red face: "Your Majesty, this kind of people ... the courageous people, dare not to report their real names, otherwise that Cao Yi is qualified to act as a messenger ... the rat generation, shameless! face!"

"The last time I remembered the envoy of Song, the minister asked him who Shen Shen was. He said seriously that Shen An was pure and generous, and he most likes to serve people with virtue ... that liar! Song people are liar!"

A young general was roaring: "Your Majesty, the prince is willing to lead the army to chase down Shen An, unsuccessful ... The prince will not return."

One of his heads was darker, so he sneered: "What did you say before your majesty? Then Shen An will not come. If he dares to come, if you can't kill him, he will kill himself when he turns back ... Now Shen Ann has come and left, how come you are not dying? "


The young military commander also remembered this incident, when Yeluhongi praised him.

At that time, he was full of enthusiasm and felt that he was omnipotent.

But now?

Now Shen An is coming with a big swing, and he is leaving with a big swing, and he also put a fire on his face shamelessly.


The young general yelled and rushed over to fight his opponent.


Yelu Hongji said angrily: "Get out!"

The civil servants looked at the two soldiers with contempt. A guard came in with a stick and beat them all the way.

A civil servant said with great eyes: "Your Majesty, we can send a messenger to Bianliang to expose this incident in front of Zhao Shu and let him punish Shen An, otherwise the army will go south and destroy the country immediately!"

Yelu Hongji glanced at the man, and felt that such a fool should go to the grasslands to graze.

Someone smiled bitterly: "Then Shen An didn't leave the handle ... As the so-called catching thieves and getting stolen, and catching traitors and getting doubles, we didn't get anything, we just wanted the Song people to plead guilty with one mouth, is that possible?


The civil servant said indignantly: "Is it so enduring?"

"Shen An, they must be very slow, our horses are better than theirs, so ..."

Everyone smiled coldly, imagining the scene where Shen An was taken back.

"I want to make him a dilemma!"

Yelu Hongji thumped on the soil wall with a punch, and the sand was rustling down.

"Good strength, Your Majesty!"

"Senior soldiers are arrogant, but your majesty is much worse."

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

Daliao will be humiliated by Shen An, and Yelu Hongji lifted everyone's heart with a punch.

Yelu Hongji only felt the pain in his fist was unbearable. His mouth twitched and said, "I'm going to take a rest now. With the news of Shen An, please come and report anytime."


The crowd gave him away, and someone took the torch and leaned against the wall to see it.

"Your Majesty's fists and feet are getting more and more powerful. I am afraid that such a punch will ... I am afraid ... How can there be blood?"

The man was stunned, and then found it inappropriate.

Everyone will praise Yelu Hongki's divine power, and you will come to a spot to expose ...

You are too talented!

The man turned around slowly and found that there was no one behind him.

It's best if these things are not present. You said it was better to cover your ears and steal the bell, just to cover it, in a word: you can pretend to be stupid.

"where is the guy?"


The moon tonight is very cold, and it hangs miserably in the sky.

The yellow vegetation was bathed in the moonlight, which seemed to be exceptionally bleak.


The sound of a horse's hoof passes from far to near.

After leaving Shuozhou, Shen An urged everyone to hurry.

Although Cao Fei is a descendant of the military commander, the night wind is lingering at the moment, and his exposed skin is numb.

The point is that he does not know why Shen An is so anxious.

"Anbei, why did you rush in a hurry?"

Liu Ke was also puzzled, "Return to the Hou, although the Liao people are fierce, they can't do anything like chase the messenger."

Shen An was urging the war horse to hurry, and a cold wind fell into his throat. He coughed and said, "Something got under Yelvhungi's window ..."

"what's that?"

Cao Fei felt that something was awkward.

According to his understanding of Shen An, this fellow could make Yelu Hongji send people to chase down the mission ... that's the big thing ~ ~ The big thing that can make Yelu Hongji vomit blood.

Liu Ke laughed: "As long as it is not a curse on Yelu Hongji's letters, it will naturally be fine. Let's slow down, don't worry."

Young man, your concentration is still worse!

Shen An's voice came in the cold wind, and it was very clear: "Sometimes, the students of the academy got a regular thing before departure, similar to Huozhezi ... Huozhezi, do you know?"

"You know, it's just covered with a dark flame, and when you want to use it, take it out and blow it up with a few blows?"

Everyone knows this.

Shen An smiled and said: "A certain kerosene is prepared in the back, very powerful kerosene ..."


Liu Ke dumbfounded.

"You ... you arson outside Yeluhunki's room?"


"Are you sure it will burn?"

"The students of the Academy have tried this for many times, absolutely no problem."

Liu Ke looked pale, shouting: "Run!"

Yelu Hongki was burned by such a fire, and the cliff was going crazy!

Cao Fe scolded: "An Bei, you lack morals and smoke ... Brothers, Yelu Hongji is going crazy, run!"

"Gui Xinhou burned Yelu Hongji's residence with a fire, run!"


The news passed on, and everyone in the mission was going crazy.

Song and Liao have sent emissaries to each other for many years, but who set fire to each other's residence?

It doesn't exist at all.

Today, Shen An's fire wall is going to be recorded in history.

Whether this is a good name or a bad name is currently unknown.

At present, the mission has only one idea ...

"If we are caught, Yeluhong will definitely make us a dilemma ..."

"Brothers, run!"

Northern Song Great Husband

Northern Song Great Husband

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