Gou Became a Martial Saint In Another World

Chapter 32 Shock in the group! (Please follow up!)


The whole world seems to be sinking into a bottomless abyss.

I don't know how long it took before Yang Fang's eyes gradually appeared bright, he gasped heavily, and quickly got up from the bed.

back again!

Looking at the warm and exquisite room, he had a complex expression, got up from the bed with his hands propped up, and then picked up his mobile phone to check.

Same as the first return.

It's still an hour past.

This means that no matter how long he stays there, it should be an hour after he comes back, even if he has been staying there for longer and longer.

Suddenly, Yang Fang came to his senses, remembered one thing, and immediately clicked on the group message to check it.

As expected, the entire communication group went viral.

All members are @江南客.

"Boss, are you still there? What's the situation? Everyone in the settlement says you're dead? Boss, come out and answer!"

"Boss, are you okay?"

"What the hell is going on, can't it really be dead? I thought it was only the person with the same name who died."

"Boss come out and speak!"

Following the discussion of dozens of group members and Aite, there was no response from Jiangnan Ke.

Yang Fang was silent.

Only he knows that Jiangnan Ke will never respond.

"It looks like he's really dead."

A group member [Real Estate Xiaohu] sent a message with a series of emoticons, "The boss is dead, what should we do, who can help us in another world?"

"If he dies, he will die. What's the big deal? Even if he wasn't killed in another world, I will kill him in the real world. I've been scammed by more than 300,000 yuan!"

A group member [Yi Lou Ting Yu Feng] started cursing directly in the group, saying, "It's a good death, let this bastard's whole family die!"

"The dead are the big ones, brother's words are a bit serious."

Group member [Xiao Zhang] spoke.

"I don't believe you haven't been scammed by him? I agreed to introduce a job for me with 80,000 yuan, but I found one after another, and kept having problems, and asked me to pay more than 300,000 yuan. , I want to find out who he is, I dug his grave!"

[Leaning on the building to listen to the wind and rain] Continue to curse.

"Well said, I also think this [Jiangnan Ke] is not a thing. I asked him to introduce a job, and I was cheated of about 80,000 yuan. Brother, you come to dig his grave, and I will take his ashes away!"

Another group member named [Brother Gang] sent a message.

"It seems that everyone has been tricked by him. I thought it was just me."

"Speaking of which, I asked him to buy cheat books. Originally, I only wanted to spend 80,000 yuan, but he ended up spending 120,000 yuan in various ways. The key is not to spend it. If I don't spend it, I will be offended in another world. he."

"Everyone is talking about staying in Germany. People are dead. What's the point of talking so much?"

"Fart Liu Germany, he doesn't talk about virtue at all, let us stay in Germany, I will go directly to dig the grave after I find him"

Members of the group began to complain.

All kinds of news came out.

When [Jiangnan guest] was alive, they didn't dare to scold or say anything, but when [Jiangnan guest] died, all their grievances were vented immediately.

You must know that in reality, they are all law-abiding people, ordinary people who can no longer be ordinary, even if they want to take revenge on [Jiangnan Ke], they can't find where he lives.

Besides, even if it can be found, who would dare to kill in reality?

But now it's better, [Jiangnan Ke] was killed when he was in another world, which gave them a big sigh of relief.

"Hey, everyone, don't be too happy. Wang Donglai is dead. How will everyone live in the future? Apart from other things, how to get money is a big problem. Without money, you can't buy Qi Yang Dan, you can't buy cheats, Originally, I wanted to buy a piece of [Evil Resisting Jade], but now there are no other channels. The other world is so dangerous, if you can’t buy [Evil Resisting Jade], no matter how strong you are, you may be killed by evil spirits. Have you thought about it?"

A group of friends named [Fun Technology] said.

In real life, he is the director of an online game company, and he just crossed over a month ago. Unfortunately, his time-travel status is not much better than that of Yang Fang. He is also a poor man, and he eats the last meal every day without the next meal.

It was [Jiangnan Ke] that made him see the hope in life again.

From the beginning to the present, he spent nearly 300,000 on [Jiangnan Ke].

Now that the other party is dead, the source of the silver and [Evil Resisting Jade] will be cut off instantly.

The group discussed again.

More people started to voice their opinions.

Something like [the butcher Zhang died will not eat hairy pigs], or [it’s a big deal for everyone to trade with each other], in short, various opinions have been put forward.

Yang Fang watched from the beginning to the end with a silent expression.

This Jiangnan guest can have the situation he has today, and it is entirely his own fault.

Everyone has been tricked by him!

Even if he doesn't do it, someone else will do it in the future!

However, the words of the crowd also let him see a real-world road to wealth.

Although he didn't have much money in another world, he still had more than 50 taels of silver. If one tael of silver was exchanged for 10,000 yuan, he could at least exchange for more than 500,000 taels.

What's more, he still owed his colleagues more than 30,000 yuan, which needs to be returned quickly.

"Actually, I still have more than a dozen taels of silver in my hand. If anyone wants to change it, just follow the old price of [Jiangnan Ke]."

Yang Fang suddenly sent a message.

The death of Jiangnan Ke means that there is no source of silver. It stands to reason that the price of silver exchanged for RMB will definitely fluctuate, but he is too lazy to exploit everyone like Jiang Jiang.

Greed is a bottomless pit, and it will only make people sink deeper and deeper.

It is estimated that when Jiangnan Ke started to build the group, he certainly did not intend to deceive people deliberately, but during the transaction, he gradually tasted the sweetness of deceiving people, which made him go deeper and deeper.

"Brother, do you have silver over there? How much is there, can I ask for 8 taels?"

The group of friends [Funny Technology] responded quickly.

"Brother, I want to change three taels too!"

The group of friends [Leaning on the building to listen to the wind and rain] followed suit.

"By the way, brother, do you have evil spirit jade, can you sell it?"

Everyone started to ask questions.

Yang Fang didn't expect so many people to trade with him just casually.

It seems that even if everyone gets a job, they are still not doing well in another world.

But as for the evil spirit jade, he didn't want to sell it yet, he just wanted to get more than a hundred thousand yuan to deal with emergencies first, at least repay the borrowed 30,000 yuan first.

"Sorry, I only have 18 taels of silver with me, and I don't have the evil spirit jade either."

Yang Fang responded.

"Boss, I'm booking 8 Liang, trade with me first, I'll add you!"

Group friends [Fuqu Technology] sent a message, and then added a friend application to Yang Fang through the group members.

Then [Leaning on the Loulou to Listen to the Wind and Rain], [Real Estate Xiaohu], [Brother Gang] and others also sent invitations one after another.

After Yang Fang set the space to private, they all agreed to the invitation of this group of people.

He will not foolishly reveal his identity in reality, let alone reveal his identity in another world.

I have already decided in my heart that when I return to foreign trade, I will continue to pretend to be a monk, hold a Zen stick, and wear a mask at worst, so that I can avoid a lot of trouble.

As for the location of the foreign world transaction, he has already thought about it, and it can be foolproof.

Yang Fang thought for a while, and directly sent a bank card he obtained during college to [Fuqu Technology], [Leaning on the Building to Listen to the Wind and Rain], [Real Estate Xiaohu] and others.

Like Jiangnan Ke, he still received a deposit of 30% RMB.

After the next return, everyone will call him the remaining 70%.

But even so, he got a transfer of 60,000 yuan at once.

"Now I can return the money to my colleagues first."

Yang Fang said to himself, transferred out 30,000 yuan from the 60,000 yuan that had just arrived in the account, and called the colleague who had borrowed the money before.

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