Golden Greenery

Chapter 160: Seeing through the penalty kick to reveal supernatural powers

"Troll, can you fly a plane?" Zhuo Yang has seen many model airplanes at Mario Gomez's house. This kid likes to collect these things.

"I'm quite good at masturbating..." Gomez rolled his eyes at Zhuo Yang.

No matter how Zhuoyang understood it, or which plane Gomez liked to hit, anyway, he relied on Metzelder's shot and hit the plane.

Gomez scored 11 goals in the league in the first half of the season. This result not only ranked fourth in the scorer list, but also led the local scorers. This was an achievement he achieved despite missing six games due to injury.

Gomez only scored 9 goals in the 2003-04 season, but in the new season he scored 11 goals in 11 games, excluding Zhuoyang. This efficiency is the highest in the Bundesliga among normal humans.

Reporter interview: "Mario, what's the secret to such high efficiency?"

Gomez is so cool: "Nothing but diligence, desire, and outstanding talent."

"Can you elaborate a little bit?"

"Tireless diligence, never-ending desire to score goals, and most importantly, when receiving Zhuoyang's instructions, even if you don't understand it, you must execute it immediately. Once you understand it after executing it, you will improve." Gomez Looking up at the sky at forty-five degrees, his eyes are determined.

Back to Zhuo Yang for an interview. "Germany has a tradition of producing great centers, and Mario is undoubtedly the inheritor of this tradition. He will become a center legend together with Miroslav Klose."

Zhuoyang has never been ambiguous about pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the flag to cheer up his friends.

being targeted! Therefore, starting from the second half of the season, Gomez found that the opponent's defenders were marking his footsteps more closely and with more targeted goals. It took more effort and more brains to score goals than before.

This is the case in today's game. As soon as Gomez enters the thirty-meter area, Metzelder will become his shadow. The tall Metzelder, teammate Vaughns, and Leverkusen's Nowotny are known as the "three great guards" of the German national team. However, given that the two are already over 30 years old, the media are calling for 25-year-old Metzelder and Manchester United defender 21-year-old Per Mertesacker to form Germany's 190+ center back combination for next year's World Cup.

Due to the split tactics, there were not many shooting opportunities, and with the special care of a top defender like Metzelder, Gomez played very hard and very hard. He must have faced such tight marking in the second half of the season. .

Although they failed to score, this was a perfect attack to break the fragmentation tactics, and the key part of this attack was the sudden forward thrust of the Lion King Riggbert Song, which was a stroke of genius.

Zhuo Yang praised Lao Song so hard that the golden hair on the lion king's face trembled with joy.

Or is it that some people can't always stand praise? After this free flight, Lao Song completely forgot about Uncle Zha's dark-faced instructions before the game. Within five minutes, he indulged himself again.

This was not a good opportunity to advance forward. Zhuoyang and Rand teamed up to intercept Smolanek's ball in the midfield, and then launched a small counterattack. The football flowed quickly in Dortmund's backcourt, which was not suitable for the central defender. The kind of stalemate or short-selling situation before. But Song, who was mad at his heart, screamed and ran all the way to the frontcourt. Not only did it have no effect, but it also interfered with Arshavin's inward cut. The football was destroyed by a sliding tackle from the alert Metzelder.

Smolanek made up for it by squeezing out Mad Dog Rand to win the football. He immediately pushed it to the Brazilian Everton, the fastest horse in world football. Everton moved forward ten meters, and the goal was Madiburg goal.

This counterattack was too fast and too smooth. The mistake caused by his own family caught the Madibo defense line off guard. The entire back line was passed by Everton, and the Brazilian shooter went to the meeting alone.

Taking a step into the penalty area, Everton casually made a diagonal stab and passed the attacking goalkeeper Edmund. Edmund flew sideways, not holding the football, but dragged Everton to the ground.

The whistle sounded quickly, and the referee Schmidt on duty whistled the undisputed penalty kick.

And raised the red card high towards Edmund.

Uncle Zha was so angry off the court that he almost demolished the bench shed, but what else could he do? After Handanovic warmed up urgently, he replaced veteran Cobra Ilye and stood in front of the goal.

Unless you hit a dead end! The entire Bundesliga already knows this law regarding penalty kicks when facing Madiburg. Rosicki stood at the twelve yard point. Of the six cameras at the scene, only one was pointed at him, and the other five were all aimed at Zhuo Yang.

Sure enough, just when Rosicky was still two steps away from the football, Zhuoyang suddenly made a strange gesture with both hands towards the left side of the goal. Handanovic immediately made a full save to the left without hesitation, stretching his body as much as possible. Come.

No surprise, Rosicky shot to this side. He knows that Zhuoyang can see through penalty kicks, and the whole world already knows it, so he is pursuing the blind spot, because this is the only way to score goals.

People should have pursuits, but they should not be paranoid. Rosicky pursued the blind spot, but went too far, so the football hit the left post and bounced back into the penalty area.

Madibao has a series of mature routines for dealing with penalty kicks, including the goalkeeper quickly stepping forward to respond after saving. The Madiborg people were obviously faster than the Dortmund people, and in the end it was Bacchus Zhirkov who won the ball first. The Russians did not blindly destroy, but got out of the way of Jan Kohler and then pushed the football to Grosso on the wing. It was a square, and the diagonal pass of more than 30 meters accurately landed at the feet of the high-speed running Zhuoyang. forward.

This time, the two lightning black horses from Dortmund - Everton and Odonko - were closely chasing Zhuoyang. Apart from them, no one else could keep up with Zhuoyang, who was completely soaring.

Just looking at the absolute speed, Zhuo Yang is not as good as these two. After all, it is at the Olympic level of 100 meters. But if they want to steal the ball from Zhuoyang's feet, it is not very possible, even if they are faster than Bolt. The purpose of pursuing closely is to provide interference and to give the defender time to get into position.

The effect was very good. When Everton, Zhuo Yang, and Odonko ran to the frontcourt like conjoined men, Warnes just stood in position and was ready to face Zhuo Yang.

Warnes dislikes Zhuoyang very much. This kid is too bad and loves to tease people. Although many teammates in the national team, including Ballack, Klose, Novotny, Kahn and others, say that Zhuoyang is a good person. , not to mention the three of Bastian Schweinsteiger, Mertesacker, and Gomez, who praise Zhuo Yang so much. But Warnes just didn't like Zhuo Yang, and he felt uncomfortable when he saw this kid.

Because Warnes has a mellow heart, and because he was given a red card by Davo Suker in the 1998 World Cup in France, which became a lifelong pain for him, Warnes hates people who play dirty tricks on the football field. I hate people who take advantage of his good character.

Warnes believes that Zhuoyang is such a bad person who loves to take advantage of him.

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