Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 252: Murderous Intent (1)

Chapter 252

"It's the master who treats me best!" Big Gray Wolf shouted loudly, with excitement in his words.

Mu Zhili smiled and shook her head. Although Big Gray Wolf has evolved, her character is still like a child, but she is also very cute. She already regards Big Gray Wolf as her relatives in her heart. After all, the demon pet will never betray him, it will be his best partner!

"Na Mu Zhili can't be a tortoise with a shrunken head? At this moment, she hides and disappears." Jiang Rui glanced around and found that there was no Mu Zhili, but she frowned. She didn't care very much, what she wanted to solve most was Na Mu Zhili.

Every time she looked at Mu Zhili's indifferent chuckle, she had the urge to smash her smile completely. Now that the Lord is not there, she naturally feels a little bit less.

"Who do you think you are? How could Girl Mu hide away because of you? She just went away and was not there." Gao Zhengqing retorted first. Among these people, he was most grateful to Girl Mu, so He didn't allow others to insult her.

Jiang Rui didn't expect Gao Zhengqing to speak for Mu Zhili like this. First, he snorted and laughed: "Mu Zhili's other skills are not good. The tricks to seduce men are really good!

When she was in the imperial city, she used her fox charm technique to let the man in red make a shot for her. This time the man in red is no longer there. You idiot will take the lead for her. This kind of ability is really not something ordinary people can have! "

Although Jiang Rui was full of disdain when she was speaking, if you look closely, you can find that her eyes are full of jealousy! When Big Brother Qian saw Mu Zhili, she also fell in love with her beauty. You must know that Big Brother Qian has always been the object of her admiration.

Originally the relationship between the two was very close, but Mu Zhili became interested in her as soon as Big Brother Qian appeared. In addition, at that time there was a handsome man in red who was standing for her. Of course, her heart was not balanced. Now, why are two excellent men interested in her, but completely ignore themselves?

Now that Big Brother Qian and the man in red are both gone, but Gao Zhengqing popped up to help her. She knew clearly that before entering the mountains, Gao Zhengqing and Mu Zhili didn't know each other at all, in just two days. She couldn't understand why she could do this for her.

In terms of strength, I am not inferior to her, and in terms of looks, I can be regarded as outstanding, but why did they not have their own existence in their eyes when Mu Zhili was there! She was extremely dissatisfied, so there was only one way-to make Mu Zhili completely disappear from this world!

When Jiang Rui said this, Gao Zhengqing also became anxious: "Miss Mu and I are just friends, but she is much better than you in life. Naturally, there will be friends who will help her. As for you in this life, It's impossible."

Gao Zhengqing's words at this time are also poisonous enough. Although he is a native of the country, he also has a certain understanding of Jiang Rui's current mentality. Naturally, every word is on the point.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'm going to kill you!" Being hit by Gao Zhengqing's key point, Jiang Rui burst out at once. The moment he stepped forward, the surging heavenly power surged in his eyes at this moment. It was full of awe-inspiring colors, and with a backhand grip, a scarlet whip appeared in her hand.

At first glance, you can see the extraordinaryness of this long whip. The red whip body is like a red snake, exuding a kind of aura. It seems that it is not a dead thing but a living thing. The bursts of fire attribute Tianli is impressive.

Upon seeing this, Gao Zhengqing did not back down, his steps abruptly stepped out, and the majestic body quickly circulated within itself, and even heard the sound of the surging force that day, he and Jiang Rui were both in the mid Lingtian stage. Realm, it is really impossible to say that I am afraid!

As soon as he stretched his hand, the huge chain ball appeared in his hand, and Gao Zhengqing's complexion suddenly became fierce.

Once he took up a weapon, he always felt that his body was full of power, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is to defeat the opponent!

Gao Zhengqing's chain ball can attract everyone's attention no matter what, after all, although there are many weapons in the Profound Sky Continent, this chain ball is really rare, even if it is there, it is too small. Most people just pay attention to the huge reminder of the hammer, only a few eye-catching people can see how extraordinary the hammer is.

You don’t need to take this iron chain ball, knowing that its weight must be thousands of catties. It is not easy for an iron chain to bear such a weight, and this ball is not ordinary iron, but a special ore, which is extremely hard. This iron chain ball is definitely Good hand in weapons!

When Jiang Rui and Gao Zhengqing were facing each other, the remaining ten people also surrounded Mu Wuhuai and Su Yu. When they saw this, a trace of helplessness rose in the hearts of the two of them. Who made them few? Every time the other party dealt with them with the idea of ​​more bullying.

Their leader can be restrained by Gao Zhengqing and Mu Zhili, and they are more bullied than they are. This feeling is really a bit embarrassing, as if they are bullied!

Tightening the weapons in their hands, their faces are full of seriousness. You must know that among the ten people, there are two people in the Lingtian realm. The two of them are only the Imperial Heaven realm. The gap is really too big. It is too big to change the ending at all. However, none of them have the idea of ​​retreating. Now they have only one way, and that is to defeat their opponents!

The relationship between their two cities has reached the point of endless death. Either the other party will die or they will die! There is no other result besides this, I just hope that Zhi Li can come back soon!

The people around you are naturally a little disgusted with this situation of bullying too much. After all, twelve people deal with three people. This is really a little bit. The most speechless thing is that the ten people deal with two imperial heaven realms. They are really overkill. . It's just that no one will say it, they don't need to help a city that is impossible to win to offend a big city like Qiu Leicheng.

Qian Zheng and Jiang Hua also felt the weird gazes of everyone, and now they realized that their approach is really overkill: "Big Brother Qian, I will take care of these two small things!" If they are in normal times, It doesn't matter if they shoot together, but now in full view, this method is really ugly.

Hearing this, Qian Zheng glanced at Jiang Hua and then at Su Yu. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and agreed: "Then you be careful."

In their opinion, the elementary Jianghua of Lingtian realm has no problem with the two of Yutian realm. After all, the difference in realm is not so easy to cross. In fact, not only they think so, but other people also Think so.

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