Godly Student

Chapter 5207 A sudden whim!

At this time, thousands of miles away from Maple Leaf City, Cheng Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief after suppressing the last ghost king.

The army of ghost cultivators here has been completely eliminated, but he already knows that there are indeed armies of ghost cultivators invading other places.

But now he is in a bit of a dilemma. Should he continue to the inner court, or should he first deal with the army of ghost cultivators that have invaded the human world?

"Now everyone knows that the head of the Cheng family has come out. If I go to the inner court again, everyone will be suspicious of me." Cheng Yu thought about it and felt helpless.

It would be fine if he didn't encounter it, but he happened to encounter an army of ghost cultivators appearing here.

Of course he couldn't turn a blind eye and let them kill a large number of humans here, and he would definitely not be able to get over this hurdle.

However, after he destroyed the teleportation point, he knew that if he was chasing the army of ghost cultivators all the way, he would definitely encounter other human cultivators, so he returned to his true colors early.

After all, the methods he used to deal with ghost cultivators were too obvious. The last time the underworld invaded the human world, he had already demonstrated his methods.

Whether it is Long Yan or the Immortal Demon Tower, many monks have seen it.

Since these methods were unavoidable, he simply stopped hiding his identity.

But if he does this, it seems that he has cut off his way to the inner court. After all, so many people have seen him take action, and some people have even seen his true face.

Nowadays, ghost cultivators are intruding everywhere, but he suddenly disappeared, which seems unreasonable.

Especially now that the Inner Dynasty has always been suspicious of him. If he disappears now and someone breaks in from the Inner Dynasty, the Inner Dynasty will definitely associate him with the Holy Dynasty.

Originally, they had no evidence to prove that they were related to the Holy Dynasty, so they never attacked the Cheng family.

As a result, doing this now will undoubtedly add a lot of trouble to themselves and give them another opportunity to doubt themselves.

"Forget it, just go if you don't want to go! After all, it's been so long. If they really plan to invite experts from the fairy world or the demon world, they should have already started. I might not be able to stop them if I go now. On the contrary, I can let myself In danger.

Presumably, the Inner Dynasty is still not sure that the Cheng family is the home of the Inner Dynasty, so even if they have masters from the fairy world, they can't destroy the Holy Dynasty. "Cheng Yu comforted himself in his heart.

After all, he now has no way to go to the Inner Dynasty. Although he feels a little regretful, after weighing the pros and cons, he absolutely cannot go to the Inner Dynasty, so even if it is a pity, he can only comfort himself.

"I'm afraid that the inner court already knows that my Cheng family is the home of the Holy Dynasty, but they are just holding back for the time being.

After inviting masters from the fairy world or the demon world over, they will directly attack the Cheng family.

And even if they are not sure that the Cheng family is the home of the Holy Dynasty, they have begun to doubt my Cheng family. If they have enough strength, they may take action against the Cheng family without evidence. "But after comforting himself, Cheng Yu immediately became worried again.

Because he is just guessing about everything in the Inner Dynasty now. Who knows if they really haven't found the Holy Dynasty's lair?

What if they were just stalling for time, deliberately letting them lower their guard, mistakenly thinking that the inner court didn't know that he, Cheng Yu, was the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty.

When they had everything ready, they suddenly came to the Cheng family.

This possibility is not impossible.

So he was also a little worried.

"But even if the inner court has such a plan, I have no way to crack it now. On the contrary, in the underworld, the scale of the invasion of the human world this time is obviously larger and more violent than the last time.

If this problem is not dealt with properly, the human world will really turn into a purgatory. "Cheng Yu frowned.

The underworld's attack on the human world at this time really caused him a lot of trouble.

He didn't know whether the Inner Dynasty would send troops to wipe out the ghost cultivator army, but he couldn't turn a blind eye to the Inner Dynasty. Now we can't ignore the underworld, so all the bad things have come together.

Although armies of ghost cultivators have appeared in many places now, there is definitely no way for him or the Cheng family to deal with these armies of ghost cultivators alone.

What's more, at this critical moment, the safety of the Cheng family becomes more important.

Who knows whether the inner court will send troops to attack the cities of the Cheng family at this time?

Therefore, although the Cheng family will send troops to deal with ghost cultivators, they will only send some of them, and these people must be able to deal with ghost cultivators.

The other Cheng family members must protect the various cities of the Cheng family and ensure that the Cheng family continues to operate stably.

However, he has now asked several women to request all the sects in the Cheng family to send a certain amount of force to wipe out the ghost cultivator army in his name.

At the same time, he also contacted Chen Hongyuan and other nine major cultivation families and passed on the news that the Yin and Underworld had invaded the human world. They had also sent troops there.

Especially for the Chen family, the appearance of ghost cultivators in the human world is a very good opportunity for them.

Taking this opportunity to catch more ghost cultivators will be of great benefit to the cultivation of the Cheng family's soul refiners.

Of course, now that so many foreign dynasties have been included in the Holy Dynasty, he will naturally inform these foreign kings of the news and ask them to join forces with those foreign dynasties that have not yet been included in the Holy Dynasty to appear within his sphere of influence. The army of ghost cultivators was wiped out.

This is the benefit of being powerful.

After something like this happened, he could almost gather the power of the entire cultivation world to deal with the army of ghost cultivators.

And the response speed is also extremely fast.

If all the forces in the world work on their own, it will not be easy just to bring them together. If they are allowed to send troops to deal with the army of ghost cultivators.

Each force also has its own ideas, and they don't want to contribute too much and let other forces take this opportunity to surpass themselves, so each force often pushes back and forth.

But now with his order, all the forces within the sphere of influence of the Holy Dynasty and the Cheng family must go to war. This speed is indeed unmatched in the past.

After some arrangements by Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu suddenly had a new idea.

"Now that all the forces have been mobilized, I don't need to go to every place to eliminate ghost cultivators.

And the Inner Dynasty is not suitable for the time being, so why not venture into the underworld again? "Cheng Yu held his chin and said thoughtfully.

After all, the army of ghost cultivators came to the human world under the instruction of the five palaces in the underworld. Those ghost kings outside the five palaces would definitely not take the initiative to go to the human world to cause trouble.

Because this is of no benefit to them. In the underworld, they are already suppressed by the Five Palaces.

Therefore, the Five Palaces of Yin and Ming are their biggest enemies. They haven't even taken care of these five palaces, so what reason do they have to go to the human world to cause trouble?

Besides, they may not have so many troops sent to the human world. Even if there were, then if they put all their troops in the human world, wouldn't it be easy for the Five Governments to take down these ghost king forces?

You know, the Five Governments also hate these wilderness ghost kings to the extreme.

Because these ghost kings not only always rob their resources, but also often seize their cities and kill a large number of Hades.

Therefore, if these ghost kings take the initiative to attack the human world, the reincarnation ghost king and other major ghost kings will probably wake up laughing in their dreams.

Therefore, judging from the situation of all parties in the underworld, Cheng Yu directly concluded that this was the meaning of the five palaces in the underworld, and among the five palaces, the Samsara Ghost King was the leader, so this matter was most likely the meaning of the Samsara Ghost King.

In addition, Cheng Yu also wants to go to the underworld to ask the Ghost King Minluo why he did not complete the order he gave him.

He knew that the underworld would still attack the human world, so he surrendered the Ghost King Minluo in the hope that he could interfere with it in the underworld and continue to destroy the plan of the underworld to attack the human world.

But this guy obviously didn't take his words seriously. Not only did he not destroy Hades' plan, but he actually allowed Hades to launch such a large-scale attack on the human world.

Maybe that guy has gotten mixed up with Yin Ming now, and even this guy's contribution to this disaster in the human world is in it.

But what made him curious was that the soul of the Ghost King Minluo was already controlled by him, which he could sense. And he didn't feel like this feeling was cut off.

So he should really go to the underworld first.

As long as the source is solved, it will only be a matter of time before the problem of ghost cultivators in the human world is solved.

Cheng Yu took out the Immortal Demon Tower. A ray of light shot out from the Immortal Demon Tower, and a dark vortex appeared in front of him.

Cheng Yu, who was already well versed in driving, did not hesitate and took the Immortal Demon Tower directly into the vortex.

When Cheng Yu appeared again, he was already in a dark space.

The yin energy here is so strong that a human who is used to the human world is really not used to this place.

Although Cheng Yu also felt a little uncomfortable, it did not have much impact on him.

It is difficult for other human monks to replenish their spiritual energy here. They can only replenish it by consuming a large amount of various resources, but not everyone can sustain this.

But Cheng Yu has no such worries at all. The resources in the Mountain and River Map alone are enough for him to spend no matter how much he squanders.

What's more, this is not the first time he has come to the underworld. Although he is not familiar with this place, at least there is nothing to be afraid of in the entire underworld.

Especially when he didn't have the strength before, he had to go back and forth in the underworld. Now that he is stronger, he is not afraid even if he encounters the king of the underworld, so he is even more confident here.

"Find that guy over first and ask what's going on!" As soon as he arrived in the Yin Underworld, Cheng Yu thought of finding the Ghost King Minluo first to find out the specific situation in the Yin Underworld.

But what made Cheng Yu frowned was that although he had a connection with the Mingluo Ghost King, no matter how he summoned that guy, there was no reaction at all.

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