Godly Student

Chapter 5132 It’s not that simple!

"If you put it this way, doesn't it mean that even if we don't have the strength to kill immortals, we can still kill them?" Yang Ruoxue questioned.

Since the immortals cannot restore their fairy power in the lower realm, won't they be useless when they have exhausted their fairy power?

Several other women also looked curious and questioning, thinking that immortals wouldn't die so easily, right?

"Of course it's not as simple as you think. I'm just saying that the general situation is like this, but it is also very difficult to really kill an immortal.

To put it simply, if we are not strong enough and an immortal can kill us at will, how long do you think it will take for an immortal to use up all his magical power?

And for those who are not a threat to their lives, will they immortals take action? They will definitely let Nei Chao take action.

So their goal is to fight against those of us who are powerful and cannot be resisted by the inner dynasty.

Such people can force them to consume a lot of fairy power.

In addition, the immortal's physical body has basically become an immortal. In other words, if you don't have the ability to kill an immortal, even if the immortal asks you to kill him, you can't kill him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to consume an immortal to death. "Cheng Yu explained.

"I see, but even if there is no fairy energy in the lower world to restore the immortal's fairy power, they should have a pill that can quickly restore the fairy power, right? I heard that the Xianyuan Pill can restore the fairy power! Xinyao said.

"Yes, Xianyuan Dan can indeed restore the power of fairy spirits, and since they are participating in a cross-border war, they will definitely prepare a lot of Xianyuan Dan.

For us, Xianyuan Dan is very precious. But for them, it is almost the same as the Lingyuan Pill in our hands.

So from this point of view, once we start a war with the immortals, it will be detrimental to us anyway. This has always been what I worry about.

But the reason why I am not worried that the Inner Dynasty will let the immortals destroy our Cheng family first, and then destroy the Inner Dynasty.

In fact, there is another important reason. "Cheng Yu said.

"What's the important reason?" several women asked very curiously.

"Immortals in the lower realm will be restricted by heaven, which is why we will ascend to the immortal world once we become immortals.

If they want to stay in the lower realm for a long time, then they must suppress their own cultivation realm. This is also an important reason why our lower realm monks can kill them.

Therefore, doing so would be very detrimental to them, because they cannot always suppress their realm and stay in the lower realm.

But when their inner court is not sure that our Cheng family is the Holy Dynasty, their inner court sends immortals to destroy our Cheng family. Do you think the Holy Dynasty will still show up?

In their view, the holy pilgrimage would inevitably go into hiding.

They can not come out for years or decades, and they can also slowly develop more powerful strength in the dark.

But it is impossible for the immortals to spend so much time with them. They must complete their mission and return to the immortal world as soon as possible.

Because their state of suppression is different from ours. They are restricted by heaven and forced to suppress their state. If time goes by, it may even affect their source of fairy spirits and affect their future path to immortality.

So they won't stay in the lower realm for too long. "Cheng Yu explained.

"In this case, when the immortal comes, we can also hide. If we hide for ten or eight years, they will have returned to the immortal world long ago." Han Xue said.

"It's not that simple. The reason why they can't find the Holy Dynasty is because the Holy Dynasty has been hidden from the beginning.

To put it bluntly, they don't know the identity of Sheng Chao. Even if someone from Sheng Chao stands in front of them, they don't know it.

But our Cheng family is different. Our Cheng family has always been on the surface. Where do you think we can hide after the immortal comes?

If it were just us, we would be fine if we really wanted to hide.

But our Cheng family now supports so many people. If we escape, do you think the inner court will let these people go in order to force us out?

Can you watch so many people die because of us? Cheng Yu asked rhetorically.

"Of course not!" Han Xue said helplessly.

"That's right, the reason why the Cheng family and the Holy Dynasty are in the light and dark is for this purpose. They can't be sure that the Cheng family is the Holy Dynasty, and the Holy Dynasty has always been in the dark.

As long as they have no evidence to prove that our Cheng family is the Holy Dynasty, how can their immortals dare to move lightly?

After all, from the perspective of the Inner Dynasty, the Holy Dynasty was actually their real enemy.

Because the Lord of the Inner Dynasty must know that the man with nine souls who broke into the Inner Dynasty was the Lord of the Holy Dynasty.

Therefore, their ultimate goal is still aimed at the Holy Dynasty, not our Cheng family.

At least until the catastrophe of the Holy Dynasty is eliminated, they will never use immortals for the Cheng family. Cheng Yu said with certainty.

"Cheng Yu, you didn't come back from the fairy world, right? Why do you know so much about the immortals and the fairy world?" Lin Yuhan stared at Cheng Yu with a puzzled face.

"Ahem! What are you talking about? If I were an immortal, then why should I be afraid of them? I would have killed the inner court a long time ago!

What's more, I've been here for so many years, which immortal can bear it for so long! Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"But the immortal world may not be all immortals, right? Is there no monks in the immortal world who are ordinary or below immortals? Maybe you are an ordinary person from the immortal world?" Lin Yuhan still thinks that this guy Cheng Yu is very weird. It seems that as long as he is He can tell everything about the fairy world.

"Hanhan, others don't know, don't you and Teacher Yao know about me? You know that I have transformed from a little ordinary person into a master of immortal cultivation. How could I come from the immortal world?" Cheng Yu said aggrievedly.

"Giggles, do you still know that Nana is your teacher? You are really not an easy student!" Lan Ya said with a smile, which made Yao Na's face turn red.

After being together with Cheng Yu for so many years, she had almost forgotten this matter. Now that it was mentioned again, could she not be embarrassed?

"Nana and I are in love, not to mention that on the road of preaching and teaching, anyone who can impart knowledge can be called a teacher.

On the contrary, I introduced you to your path to immortality. Can't I also be said to be your teacher?

As long as we treat each other sincerely, why bother about this, and Nana is no longer a teacher! "Cheng Yu hugged the blushing Yao Na and said with a smile.

"You are so eloquent! If you hadn't gone to the Inner Dynasty, how could so many things have happened? The Inner Dynasty didn't even know you existed, let alone that the Holy Dynasty was related to the Holy City.

Well now, not only has the Holy Dynasty become a thorn in the side of the inner court, but even our Cheng family has begun to be suspected! "Xin Yao on the other side was not in the mood to flirt with him now and said a little depressed.

In fact, in her opinion, it is the right thing for Cheng Yu to keep hiding in the dark and continuously develop his own strength.

When Cheng Yu actually appears in the Inner Dynasty, the Inner Dynasty will be destroyed. Wouldn't that be better than now?

Moreover, Cheng Yu had previously revealed that he wanted to explore the Inner Dynasty, but at that time she had advised this guy not to be anxious.

As expected, this guy still didn't listen to her and insisted on going to the inner court to cause trouble.

Not to mention that he almost died at the hands of the inner lord, and even his nine souls were exposed. Otherwise, how could things have turned out like this?

The inner dynasty is still buried in the bones, and a holy dynasty appears out of nowhere, but it will never be associated with the holy city.

Since the Inner Dynasty does not associate the Holy City with the Holy Dynasty, it is estimated that it will not attach so much importance to it.

Therefore, Cheng Yu was purely looking for trouble. As a result, not only did the Holy Dynasty become a thorn in the side of the inner court, but the Cheng family was now being targeted. This was not just a matter of being full.

"As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles. Don't I also want to secretly see what's going on in the inner dynasty?

At that time, I happened to successfully overcome the tribulation and my strength greatly increased. I thought what if I killed the inner lord directly inside?

You know, if we fight him openly, he will definitely make preparations in advance and call the immortal over.

But if I kill him suddenly, where will he be prepared? After he dies, can those immortals still come from the immortal world?

It’s definitely impossible!

If it is impossible for the Immortal to appear again, wouldn't this inner dynasty be ours? "Cheng Yu explained.

"Then what's the result?" Xinyao said angrily.

“It turned out that guy was really strong. After the tribulation, I was no match for him, which was indeed beyond my expectation.

But it's normal to think about it. That old guy has lived for who knows how many years.

Moreover, the inner court has so many talents and treasures. If he can become the lord, his talent will definitely be as good as anyone's.

After so many years of accumulation, it is normal to be better than me.

But now that I have awakened, if I fight him again, I will definitely be able to kill him.

But I don't think he will give me this opportunity now, unless their inner dynasty wants to fight us. "Cheng Yuwei said helplessly.

"I'm not stupid. There are immortals who can be used. Why do I have to fight you alone! Besides, if you run to the inner court again, see if you can escape?" Lanya said angrily. .

"If he's not stupid, am I stupid? It's enough to do some things once, but I still want to break into them even though I know there are traps at home?

The last time was to give them a sneak attack. None of them would believe that someone dared to sneak attack on him, so I can try it once.

But now that I know that someone really dares to break into the inner court, of course they will set up a dragnet and wait for me to go again. Will I give them this chance? Cheng Yu said disdainfully.

If he goes to the inner court again, the old guy will probably show off all the immortals.

After all, he is the most important person. The Lord said he wanted to destroy the Holy City, but in fact he was not destroyed.

If the person with the nine souls is not the Lord of the Holy City, who else is?

So as long as he is killed, the Holy City will not be afraid. Will he still be so impulsive and run to the inner court?

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