Godly Student

Chapter 5120 Immortals are not only found in the fairy world!

"Call those people from yesterday to the meeting hall!" Cheng Yu said to the disciples around him.



"I've met Master!"

"I've met the head of the family!"

Bai Zhengqi, Ye Wen and others came to Cheng Yu, bowed and saluted.

"Everyone, sit down and talk about what happened yesterday!" Cheng Yu asked.

"Master, these people mainly asked two things. The first one is to ask if the master has nine souls." Sun Qiao said first.

To be honest, he was the main actor yesterday. Although Bai Zhengqi and Ye Wen also appeared later, they were just supporting roles, just for fun.

So the one with the most say is Sun Qiao.

"Then what did you say?"

"I followed what the family leader said. Although the family leader had nine golden elixirs, they merged into one huge Nascent Soul when he entered the Nascent Soul stage.

But based on my words alone, they really don’t believe it. So Bai Zhengqi and Ye Wen came to cooperate later.

As for whether they really believe it, the disciples are not sure! "Sun Qiao said without any secret.

"Well, what about the second thing they asked?" Cheng Yu nodded.

"The second thing they said is that there are often a large number of men in black robes in our Cheng family, and we should be careful!"

"Then how did you answer?"

"This was answered by Bai Zhengqi!"

"Master, I also followed your words and denied that there were men in black robes in our Cheng family. However, these guys are not good people. Master has guessed everything," Bai Zhengqi replied.

"Of course these guys are not good people!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Not only are they not good people, they are also enemies.

I remember when these elders sent their sons to help Xuantian Sect annex the world sects, but he ended up killing them all.

This is a sure thing. Not only them, but also many people in the cultivation world know about this.

Of course, the outside world does not know the true identities of these people. They only know that Cheng Yu killed several dynasty masters.

However, the people in the inner court knew all this and the murderer was right in front of them, but they looked polite.

I have to say that although these people are a little weaker, the city still has some.

Of course, even if they met him, with their strength, others would not be weak.

So if his strength was not as good as these people, would these people still be so easy to talk to?

This may not be possible!

"Master, will they really believe what we say?" Ye Wen asked curiously.

"Since they would ask this, it means they have doubts about me. Once they have doubts, it is not that simple to get them to dispel their doubts.

But it doesn't matter whether you succeeded in dispelling their doubts or not. At least they didn't get the evidence from you, right? "Cheng Yu smiled indifferently.

He never thought that he would fool all these people with just a few words, making them believe that he was really not the person who broke into the Holy Dynasty in the first place.

Now they came to Cheng's house to test him because they doubted his identity.

Since it was just suspicion and temptation, it meant that they had no evidence and did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, as long as there is some pressure from Shengchao, how can they still think about the Cheng family?

"Master, are we really related to the Holy Dynasty?" Bai Zhengqi asked with some confusion.

"The Inner Dynasty doesn't care whether we are really related to the Holy Dynasty, but if we are fooled by them, even if it doesn't matter, the Inner Dynasty may still attack our Cheng family!" Cheng Yu did not admit it, but he also Didn't deny it.

"Understood!" Several people nodded.

"Although they have left now and have not collected any evidence. But you still have to be careful and practice harder from now on.

You are all in the late stage of Mahayana, and I hope you can enter the stage of transcending tribulation as soon as possible. Only in this way will you be able to protect yourself in the event of a war with the internal dynasty. "Cheng Yu reminded several people.

"No, although the Holy Dynasty is powerful, is our current strength not enough to protect ourselves?" Everyone obviously felt that the family leader's words were a bit exaggerated.

"Do you think you are strong?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Although we can't kill immortals yet, this is not a fairyland after all, and there are no immortals who can kill us.

But under the immortals, how can our strength be inferior to humans? "Bai Zhengqi said.

"You are too naive. Do you really think there are no immortals in the lower world?" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"This... does the Patriarch mean that there are immortals in the inner dynasty? But how is this possible?" Ye Wen seemed to hear another meaning from the Patriarch's words and said in great surprise.

“You can say that, so you must practice hard.

Although the inner court did not get any evidence this time, who knows if they have already assembled an army and just came to our Cheng family to visit? "Cheng Yu said.

"Master, since there are immortals in the inner dynasty, why are they still retreating in front of the holy dynasty?" Sun Qiao didn't understand.

"Because even if there are immortals in the inner dynasty, they don't just stay in the inner dynasty, but come directly from the immortal world.

Therefore, the inner court will not directly invite immortals unless it is absolutely necessary.

This may be the reason why they came to our Cheng family. They may think that our Cheng family is the home of the Holy Dynasty.

If they confirm this, they might invite immortals from the fairy world. Do you think your current strength is still strong by then? "Cheng Yu simply explained to them.

"Invite immortals from the immortal world? This...how did they do this? Since the head of the family knows this, can our Cheng family invite immortals from the immortal world?" Ye Wen said in surprise.

"Although I know that this kind of thing can happen, I don't know how to invite the immortals from the fairy world.

So really only the inner court can do this, so what we can do is let more people have the ability to kill immortals.

Only in this way can we protect ourselves in the war.

This is why we work so hard to find techniques that can kill immortals, because in this way, more people from the Cheng family can survive the war. "Cheng Yu said helplessly.

If it were the current inner dynasty, there would naturally be no way to open up a passage between the human world and the immortal world.

But people don't need to open it now, but they already have such a passage.

Although he didn't know how their ancestors in the inner dynasty did it, he believed that it was definitely true.

So he could only wait passively.

I just hope that when this day comes, more people in the Cheng family will have the ability to kill immortals, so that at least they will have no problem protecting themselves.

It can even help the Cheng family kill more immortals.

"Will such a day really happen?" These people were also completely shocked.

If the head of the family hadn't told them these words, they would never have thought that such a thing existed in the world.

In the past, they always thought that it didn't matter whether they could kill the immortals or not, because even if they didn't kill the immortals, with their strength, there was almost no need to worry about how many opponents they would have in this world.

Even though those people in the inner dynasty were all in the tribulation period, when they were dealing with each other yesterday, Bai Zhengqi and Ye Wen really weren't afraid at all.

In their opinion, their strength cannot compare with the immortals, but how many people in this world can compare?

So when they really got into a fight, the two of them even thought that they could kill these masters in the tribulation stage.

But now that they heard the words of the family leader, their mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

It turns out that their enemies were never people from this world, but immortals from the fairy world.

"Are you scared?" Cheng Yu asked after seeing their expressions.

"Afraid? Master, you really underestimate us. We may not be able to kill the immortal yet.

But as long as we go one step further, the immortal will still be killed whenever he wants!

Owner, please rest assured, we will definitely work hard. I believe that with our talents, we will soon reach the stage of transcending tribulation. "Ye Wen was quite confident and said confidently.

"Well, yes, you should have this kind of confidence. But if the immortal really attacks the Cheng family, will you still be willing to protect the Cheng family?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Master, if you say this, you really look down on me, Ye Wen. Without the Cheng family who have spared no effort to cultivate me for so many years, how could I have achieved what I have achieved now?

I dare not tell others, but I am born as a member of the Cheng family and die as a ghost of the Cheng family.

If I really reach the stage of transcending tribulation, those immortals may not be able to do anything to me?

Even if I really can't reach the stage of transcending the tribulation when the immortal comes to kill the Cheng family, and have the ability to kill the immortal, the worst I can do is die. "Ye Wenhao said with great enthusiasm.

"Master, I will never give up on the Cheng family. Even if the Cheng family really reaches a dead end one day, I will live and die with the Cheng family!" How could Bai Zhengqi let Ye Wenzhuan be more beautiful than before?

"And me! Patriarch, although my strength is not as good as the two of them, I will never be that person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!" Sun Qiao said not to be outdone.

"Very good. It's not in vain that the Cheng family trained you. But I'll take note of what you said today. Are you people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? Are you really willing to live and die with the Cheng family? Or should you wait until the war comes? Let’s talk about it!

But no matter what, I hope you can break through to the tribulation stage as soon as possible. I have some King-grade God-Cultivation Pills here. Although with your current state, I can no longer help you with anything, these King-grade God-Cultivation Pills are still very helpful in improving your spiritual power.

If your mental power is strong enough, your success rate in future tribulations will be higher!

As for the rest, it can only depend on your own destiny! "After saying this, Cheng Yu took out the Wangpin Divine Cultivation Pill that was originally given to Mr. Di and the others.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Wangpin Xiu Shen Dan, this is really a good thing, of course it will be of great use to them.

If the Cheng family were to exchange this thing, they would have to make a lot of contributions, but until then, most people would really be reluctant to exchange it!

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