Godly Student

Chapter 5015 Is it that woman again?

ah! ah! ah!

Before anyone could react, some of the branches that covered the sky suddenly rushed down, piercing the chests of the unprepared monks. Then, amidst everyone's fear, they instantly became A mummy of human skin.

"General, what the hell is that? Is it so scary?" Vice General Wang turned around and saw this terrifying scene, and was stunned.

"Do you still remember the story about the tree of death we heard on the road before?" General Liu said.

"Tree of Death? General, you mean this is what those people call the Tree of Death?" Vice General Wang said in shock.

After they set off from the Inner Dynasty, they passed through many Outer Dynasties, and several times they heard that a tree of death appeared on the land of immortal cultivation a few years ago.

It is huge and reaches straight into the sky. More importantly, everyone who got close to it turned into human skin skeletons and died miserably.

However, they didn't believe this kind of thing before. Someone must have deliberately used this method to kill people and seize treasures.

Now such a giant tree really appeared in front of them, and the way of killing people was exactly the same as what they heard. This was obviously the tree of death that those people called.

"Judging from the description of the Tree of Death that we knew at the beginning, this should undoubtedly be the Tree of Death." General Liu said as he fled.

"But why does this tree of death appear here? And we haven't seen it before, so why did it suddenly appear?" This is what everyone asked in confusion.

Although most of their attention had been on the coalition forces behind them, it did not mean that they were moving forward with their eyes closed.

They were absolutely certain that there had never been such a huge tree in front of them before.

If it were true, wouldn’t even one of the more than four million people have seen it?

This is naturally impossible.

But precisely because of this, it makes many people wonder, how did it suddenly appear here?

"We can't control it so much. This thing is really terrifying. If we don't escape, all of our four million troops will die here!" General Liu reminded.

"Everyone, don't get entangled with this ghost, retreat immediately!" Upon hearing General Liu's words, the lieutenants quickly shouted loudly to stop those who wanted to fight this tree of death.

It's just that there are more than four million people here, and the Tree of Death shrouded them, and actively initiated terror, catching them off guard, and many people were sacrificed in one fell swoop.

Moreover, such a terrifying scene came so suddenly, which had already made everyone extremely panicked, and the scene was extremely chaotic. It was impossible to obey the instructions in such a orderly and orderly manner.

Many people wanted to escape and flew up in a hurry, but the higher they flew, the faster they died. They immediately became the target of the tree of death. After turning into mummies, they fell directly into the crowd. Adding countless fears to the people below.

It made everyone afraid to fly again, but if they didn't fly, the people on the ground would already be crowded.

There are more than four million people. How can they squeeze out without flying?

As a result, regardless of flying or not, countless branches stabbed down, and many people turned into mummies on the spot.

"General, what should we do? This time we have suffered a big loss." Vice General Wang looked at such a chaotic scene. It was obvious that everyone had lost control, and people continued to die under the tree of death. He was worried, but But there is nothing to do.

"Now that everyone is blocked inside, we may try to attack the tree of death to see if we can destroy it. Otherwise, our losses will only get bigger and bigger." General Liu looked at this In general, he is also anxious.

"Okay! Everyone listens to the order and attack the giant tree with all your strength!" The lieutenants immediately ordered.

Since you can't escape, you can only choose to fight.

The best defense is to attack. If they can destroy the tree of death, then they will completely eliminate this threat.

Otherwise, even if they all escaped, the casualties would probably be extremely heavy.

Boom boom boom!

Millions of people attacked the giant tree at the same time. The scene was indeed spectacular, but what shocked everyone was that their attacks could not harm the giant tree at all.

Many people offered up magic weapons, but for those low-quality magic weapons, they were pierced and destroyed by the branches of these trees of death before they could exert their power.

Even those high-quality magic weapons were not destroyed, but they were knocked down directly when attacked by these branches, and were unable to exert their power.

In front of these people, the tree of death is basically indestructible, but they themselves are fragile in front of the tree of death. There is no way to compare the two.

Instead of escaping and attacking them, everyone made it easier for the Tree of Death to kill them.

After this wave, the casualties were even greater, and General Liu and the others felt their hearts bleed.

"General, no, this tree of death is really weird. We have no way to destroy them at all. It seems we have no choice but to escape." Vice General Xu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, if he let the tree of death kill him again like this. If they go down, even if they have more than 4 million people, they won't be enough to kill them.

"Everyone retreat immediately!" General Liu shouted loudly.

Since there is no way to cause damage to the tree of death, it makes no sense for them to continue attacking like this.

On the contrary, more people were killed by this tree of death in vain.

It's just that the current situation is already very passive for them. Even if they stop attacking and want to withdraw their troops, the end result will still be the same as before, with millions of people stuck inside, and it will simply be over in a matter of seconds. Can rush out.

"Damn it, why are we always so unlucky? Everything has happened to us!" Vice General Wang was really angry at this moment.

When the mission of the 200,000 advance troops in Xiangzhou City went so smoothly, I thought they would also go smoothly.

But I never imagined that that was just the beginning of nightmares.

Since then, nothing has gone smoothly for them.

"Why do I feel that this is too much of a coincidence? Why did this thing suddenly appear just after the coalition forces of Danqing Waichao did not pursue us?" Deputy General Xia said.

"You mean, this thing is the work of Danqing Waichao?" General Liu raised his eyebrows and was also thinking about this issue.

Their luck is indeed a bit too unlucky, even so unlucky that it is incredible.

Why do the worst things always happen to them?

"This shouldn't be possible, right? This thing doesn't seem to be that easy to control. If King Danqing and others have such a powerful secret weapon, then we don't know how much territory our dynasty has swallowed up by them." Xu Although the deputy general also felt that this matter was a bit strange, he did not think that Danqing Foreign King or any other foreign king had such ability.

If they really have this ability, why do they need to withdraw from their own outer court and gather them all in Danqing outer court?

They just brought this thing out and put it on the front line. Who else could stop it?

"If this thing was not created under the control of Danqing Waiwang, then Danqing Waiwang and the others might have known about the existence of this thing, so they deliberately went out of the city and pretended to chase us.

Until they discovered that we had reached the territory of this thing, so they stopped chasing us. "Vice General Wang guessed.

"This is possible, but if it is true, this Danqing Waiwang is really insidious. He actually wants to use this method to destroy us. If they really succeed, they will not waste a single soldier. It can wipe out our entire army, what a good move!" Vice General Xu also felt that Vice General Wang's speculation was very reasonable, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

"What a move to kill someone with a borrowed sword!" Deputy General Xia also took a breath of air and looked back at their army. Tragic things continued to happen, which was really uncomfortable.

"I'm a little confused. If they knew that this thing was already here, how could they know that we would definitely escape here?

What if we flee back to Xiangzhou City, or continue to flee west? General Liu said very puzzledly.

They had also made a temporary decision to flee south. If they had fled in another direction, wouldn't their trap be meaningless?

"They probably also guessed that we were more likely to go south, because whether we were going east or west, we were very close to Danqing Waichao, and they could keep chasing us.

We can only get rid of them the fastest by fleeing south. Because they did not dare to go too far away from Danqing Waichao, they had to go back to protect Danqing Waichao's territory from being destroyed by our advance army. "Vice General Wang continued to speculate.

"If this is the case, this woman, Danqing Waiwang, is too thoughtful. She has predicted everything about us." Vice General Xia felt numb in his heart. This woman is really terrible.

"Whether this is the case or not, we did suffer heavy losses this time. How much they can escape depends on their own fate.

We must get out of here quickly. If this is really a trap designed by Danqing Waiwang, they will probably come here to finish it off. "General Liu no longer wants to discuss how this thing appeared here, nor does he want to know whether it was the fault of King Danqing.

Anyway, the losses have occurred, and now he just hopes to leave here with as many people as possible.

"What the general said is that we really have to leave here quickly, otherwise that woman may really show up here to finish the damage!" Everyone nodded, and they were also shocked. They were really afraid that King Danqing would suddenly come out and kill him again.

Whoosh whoosh!

However, just when they wanted to escape from this land, the flowers, plants and trees in front of them suddenly seemed to be alive, stretching out long tentacles and even turning into a huge cage of vegetation, blocking their way.

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