While Doraemon was becoming very popular, the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends magazine also ended, with a total of only thirteen Words, a fifteen-day magazine, ends the first season with an ending that is not an ending.

Like Unheard Flower’s Name, it is also a tear-jerking masterpiece.

Many people ended the first season without taking any precautions. With tears streaming down their faces, everyone immediately rioted.

If there is no second part like Unknown Flowers, we can’t force it, but Natsume’s Book of Friends blatantly drew the first season, which means there will be a second part. season, and it’s so short. Is this because the author deliberately broke up the comic and released it in seasons?

This is absolutely intolerable!

Just like the unheard flower name, history repeated itself again.

Although many people have read Natsume’s Book of Friends in magazines, it still does not prevent them from joining Manshi’s official website to read other comics. In fact, because of the magazine, many people have searched it from there Manshi’s official website and registered.

It’s okay not to register. After registering, I finally found a place to vent.

At this time, hot posts about Doraemon were emerging one after another, and the hot posts on Natsume’s friends account quickly rushed up.

I clicked on it and found out that it was a complaint about the end of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends, and whether the author, NAN himself, deliberately made the drawings so short and unappetizing.

More voices are calling for NAN to strongly renew the second season.

Many people sent blades, many cursed NAN himself for not updating, and many lamented that the end of Natsume’s Book of Friends was not the right time at all. This scene is similar to that of Miwenka At the end of the title, it was exactly the same. Many people typed this line in anger while crying, and the direct result was that the magazine’s sales actually stopped!

Who would have thought that a magazine would go on strike because of a comic, and it was the finale of the first season. Shouldn’t more people buy the magazine as it ends?

Xia Dong, Xia Liusu’s father, is responsible for Manshi magazine travel and other issues. When he saw the sales volume on this day, he was dumbfounded.

You know, Manshi magazine has been selling very well since it was published. Among them, many people like Natsume’s Book of Friends very much. It can be said that this comic supports the entire The sales volume of comic magazines is more than three-fifths, and the bundled story paintings, that is, the magazines under his hands, are also selling well. Here, he has to thank Yin Nan. If he develops by himself alone, story paintings will definitely be better. There won’t be any redundancy now.

This issue is the ending of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends, but it suddenly declined, but his story paintings still maintain the original sales volume and continue to sell. What’s going on? Don’t we all like magazines? What’s more, according to Xia Dong’s father and everyone’s thinking, the sooner something is needed, the more people should buy it. Why is this the opposite?

In fact, this can be regarded as everyone’s silent protest. I heard that Natsume’s Book of Friends ended so soon. You can imagine everyone’s mood. Just like the name of the unheard flower, Natsume soon knew it. I haven’t heard the name of the flower, and I have seen the ending of the story of the character. I am afraid that the ending of Natsume’s Book of Friends will be a tragedy. For them, it is really unbearable.

At this moment, the anime of Natsume’s Book of Friends was released, and the official website released the Natsume’s Book of Friends manga at the same time, which will take over the end of the first season magazine of Natsume’s Book of Friends and replace Natsume’s Friends. The manga of the Book of Friends is said to be a collection of historical martial arts fantasy adventure comics, and will be released in the next issue after Natsume’s Book of Friends.

Historical fantasy martial arts comics? This is the first time for this genre. Many people have read Digimon, Doraemon, Pokémon, and Dragon Ball One Piece. They are all adventure comics, but none of them have anything to do with history, and they are also martial arts. A traditional comic? Similar to Master Jin Yong’s martial arts? This is great news for those who like martial arts history.

Similarly, in this world, both novels and TV series about historical martial arts have gradually declined. Nowadays, TV series in this world are full of romance, otherwise they are There are 50-cent special effects films, and novels and the like are all centered around the development of fantasy cities. Martial arts were once brilliant, but they are no longer good anymore.

However, many people are worried about NAN. If we really want to publish historical martial arts comics, will many people read it?

Sun Yu is also one of the fans of Natsume’s Book of Friends.

When she knew that the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends was over so soon, she suddenly stopped when she was going to buy magazines. She didn’t have time to digest the news when she received a call. It was a complaint from her best friend..

It turns out that my best friend is also a fan of Natsume’s Book of Friends. After knowing that the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends only has thirteen episodes, there is a magazine of the last episode of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends, and my best friend is very angry. Bought again.

After her best friend complained, Sun Yu’s desire to buy it faded away. She simply stopped buying it out of anger, unless, unless NAN could continue to renew the second season!

I don’t know when the second season will be released. According to the news from the Internet, the next series of Natsume’s Friends is a historical fantasy comic. According to NAN people, it sounds like They are not interested. Sun Yu said that they only like Natsume’s Book of Friends and hope to update the second part as soon as possible. No matter what, the first season cannot end like this.

People with such thoughtful thoughts as Sun Yu and her best friend, with the last episode of Natsume’s Book of Friends Season 1, the sales of the magazine dropped so low, and they silently protested to the NAN people, which made many people I thought that after these few months of development, this comic magazine was no longer good.

Now in China, the most famous comic magazine is Manshi Comic Magazine. It ranks first in terms of sales and popularity, leaving the second-place comic magazine far behind. Manshi is the largest comic company in China, and the comic content and works in it are all very exciting. What’s more, Manshi’s own essay collection has collected many excellent works. Naturally, the excellent works in other magazines gradually Lost, all went to Manshi.

It was too late for everyone to gloat over the misfortune. At this time, no one stood up and said a word for this magazine. It took just one day for the magazine with the finale of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends to be released on the market. Natsume’s Book of Friends is locked on MSTV

At the end of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends, it was specifically said that the end of the magazine of the first season of Natsume’s Book of Friends is the beginning of anime and manga.

Fans who were still debating whether to watch or not couldn’t help but turn on their computers. _

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