It is also a game adapted from the comics. It is more beautifully made than the Digimon machine itself, and it no longer uses the Digimon machine itself. mode, with small characters such as Pikachu, Pidgeot, and Armored Chrysalis, is like a mysterious paradise. In fact, this game is also an adventure game, with map-by-map battles, and many times involve As for the plot selection, you will know it if you have read the comics, but the problem is that there are no comics for the games circulating in Japan for the time being. You can only rely on yourself to explore and explore. If you fail, you will have to start all over again.

This is a trap. It’s better to know the plot than not knowing it. Especially when the two eyes are black, everyone is looking forward to seeing the comics, but it’s a pity that I don’t know where to wait. Year and month……

So, why is there such a magical creature as”comic”?…………

As time goes by, summer vacation is finally coming.

During this summer vacation, the most anticipated thing for both office workers and children is the release of the Doraemon Movie.

As a new”comic” industry, Doraemon can be said to be a pioneer, opening the door to a new world of comics, especially when it comes to the weird gadgets, bamboo dragons, time machines, Invisibility cloaks, arbitrary doors, no matter who mentions these things, they talk about it endlessly, dreaming of having these things one day.

It is this anime that has endless fantasies and may even involve future technology that brings endless hope to people. It has established fans who are the highest among all comics, and their loyalty is also the first!

It can be said that Doraemon is a well-deserved one among all comics, not only Manshi, but also other comics on the market, and is known as the”national comic”

Speaking of which, Yin Nan, the author of Doraemon, known as the”National Comic”, has received several invitations after winning an award before. He already has four or five trophies at home.

Things that I never dared to imagine in my previous life are slowly coming true in this life.

There is no doubt that you like comics, but when you stand under the spotlight, all the cameras are facing you, and there are countless envious eyes in the audience, this feeling……It’s really great.

This feeling is like the whole world has recognized you. The achievements in your heart cannot be expressed in words. The shining trophy shines in your hands, and the moment you stand on the podium For one second, it seemed like he was proving himself to the world!

Yin Nan doesn’t mind if he comes a few more times, haha.

Back to the topic.

Speaking of the release of Doraemon’s movie, the schedule has been confirmed and a trailer has been specially aired.

Even though several comics have been made into anime, there has been no news about Dora A. This trailer suddenly became the golden steamed bun among the fragrant steamed buns, let alone Everyone had high expectations for Doraemon.

The number of hits for this preview video reached hundreds of millions in just a short period of time, and it continued to achieve breakthroughs thereafter.

But how can a forecast quench thirst!

Everyone really hopes that the date of the scheduled release will come. On that day, many people swear that no matter what they are doing, they must put down what they are doing to contribute to the box office. , no, meet Doraemon and Nobita with the best expectations!

In addition to the news about Doraemon, there are rumors in the world that the production of Pokémon has also entered the advanced stage, and it may be released during the summer or winter vacation. This is for those who like For Pokémon fans, this is undoubtedly great news.

There is also very good news for many fans, that is, Comic Con will be held again!

This was the first time Manshi held a comic convention. Although a lot of people came, everyone was in a state of ignorance and was not prepared at all. The day was over.

In the next two comic exhibitions, one was from Tianlan and the other was from other companies. Although the former was large in scale, it had no appeal at all. It was still sidelined and relied on Yin Nan’s influence. In the end, Yin Nan Nan’s arrival really disgusted the boss of Tianlan Company. On another occasion organized by other companies, fans were completely uninterested when it was heard that NAN was not participating.

But this time is different. It is the second comic exhibition held by Manshi. It is scheduled for the winter vacation. The specific location and time will be determined later!

After this first experience, many people were very excited and hoped that the winter vacation would come soon.

And those who didn’t go and only knew a little about it from the pictures on site were even more excited.

What kind of magical existence is Comic Exhibition?

It is a gathering of people who love comics.

It is a gathering of people with common interests.

Many cosplayers who can only silently watch others cosplaying in normal times and are rejected by their families can finally show it to everyone at comic exhibitions without any scruples without suffering the glare of others.

By saving money and spending money, you can finally buy figurines, pictorials, and various small things that are not available on the market, and they are also cheap.

And the most important thing is that I can see NAN grow with my own eyes!

A genius!

The comic founder who has a shining aura and created magical species such as Dora A, Pikachu, Luffy and other magical beings!

Under his hands, these characters seemed to be endowed with magical life, causing varying degrees of waves in everyone’s life.

In the past, cars and horses were fast because we didn’t encounter comics. But after encountering comics, I wish time could slow down a little bit, especially when I see a certain work coming to an end. , my heart was full of reluctance.

I think of the song in Slam Dunk again, until the end of the world, how much I want to accompany you to the end of the world…………

“Our famous NAN is planning to change careers?”Yin Nan and a group of people stood in front of a house, facing the house, pointing.

Shi Huan happened to be passing by the roadside, and immediately saw Yin Nan, slowly walking on the road While the car was parked, Shi Huan stepped out of the car. She was dressed in exquisite clothes that made people unable to take their eyes off her wherever she went.

Say hello to the person next to Yin Nan, Shi Huan smiled.

Yin Nan nodded, rarely joking in front of Shi Huan:”Yeah, I can’t continue drawing comics, I have no inspiration, and I plan to make a living as a director.”

In fact, the person next to Yin Nan was the director, and it was Shi Huan who introduced him. Originally, Yin Nan wanted to ask the director of Journey to the West to introduce him, but Shi Huan happened to be here that day, so she Volunteer._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection and recommendation

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