God of Life

Chapter 410 Can it work?

Star-studded at the premiere of Old Hooligans.

There were too many media outlets, so Wang Yan didn't follow An Xiaofang to join in the fun. He dragged Wang Muye to a cinema near the Water Cube and bought tickets to enter.

It's a little strange for the two men to watch other movies, but watching old gangsters is a special fit.

Many men from the imperial capital came to watch the movie in groups, and it was rare to overwhelm the female fans of Xiaoxianrou.

When the movie started, the screening at 6:30 was almost full, with an attendance rate of about 90%.

Wang Yan observed secretly, and asked in a low voice, "What do you think will happen to the box office?"

Wang Muye said casually: "Just for those actors, there will be 200 million box office in two days, let's look at the quality next."

It's such a rationale.

Actor and actress + small steel cannon + two big and small fresh meat, a lineup that cannot be envied.

The two watched the movie with peace of mind, and a comment popped up from time to time.

Wang Yan's first feeling was: "The first half is too bland, and the plot connection is too loose."

Wang Muye's focus is completely different: "The image presentation and scene design are very good, and the lines are well prepared!"

After watching it again, Young Master Wang frowned: "This plot development is a bit insulting to the audience's IQ?"

Wang Muye nodded, expressing his agreement, and then found another advantage: "The tragic feeling of a hero's twilight is well prepared."

"The skeleton of the plot is too fragile, and it will be broken with a single poke."

"But the spiritual core should be able to resonate - the reason why I am Luthor is the fault of the times. I can lose, but I will not accept."

First Young Master Wang finally admitted: "Although it's a bit cheap, this film hits every point that should be poked. It's very valuable."

It is commendable because there are a lot of bad movies in the current movie market, and they are compared.

If you really want young master Wang to rate the movie, you can give it a maximum of 6 points out of 10.

The early stage was really supported by acting skills, superstars, and the charm of the imperial dialect. It was no better than the original witch.

Although the original version of the witch was tedious in the early stage,

But the thread of the plot is not scattered, it is always moving forward.

"Let's take this as a warning. When we shoot witches, we need to be pretty in the early stage."

Wang Dashao finally made a conclusion, closely related to the core theme of today's movie viewing.

Wang Muye nodded silently, thinking about something.

The collaboration between Young Master and Wang Muye is very good. This is a young director who is very dedicated, hardworking, and has that kind of love for movies, which is rare.

After watching the movie, the two took a car to the nearby Pangu Seven Star Hotel to attend the thank you banquet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that half of the entertainment industry came today.

Huayi + small steel cannon + pipe guide, the power is amazing.

Not to mention Wang Yan, a layman, even An Xiaofang, a famous producer, is not considered a big name in today's situation.

Wang Yan was happy and relaxed, groping female celebrities everywhere.

With nothing to do, Thief Xixi drives the radar, scanning people's actual appearance and special points under makeup.

Hiss... hiss!


The special scores of many well-known actresses are pitifully low.

Long-term high-intensity work, irregular work and rest schedules, and daily heavy makeup are all important reasons.

As for the core reason... Ahem, there is no core reason!

Seeing the big crabs stretching their teeth and claws on the buffet table, Wang Yan silently broke off a crab claw, keeping everything he found in his heart.

At the scene, Wang Yan finally saw the slag.

With an appearance of 99 points, he is like a benchmark in the hearts of young and old.

In the state of full makeup, she is so beautiful that it kills people.

Then there wasn't a popular actress around, probably because they were afraid of becoming a foil.

It's not just her, but the other female stars who are famous for their beauty are all the same, and they are far apart from each other.

Even if there are no media reporters carrying equipment in the arena, they still maintain the attitude of the king not seeing the king.

Bingbing, Yaya, Hot Bar, Secret... Under the full makeup, they are all top-notch beauty.

However, Bingbing had the lowest overall score, Yaya was so skinny and distressed, she was old-fashioned with heavy makeup in the hot bar, and Secret was in a terrible state of exhaustion. The audience really had the highest score.

The legendary plain makeup is the first, as expected.

Then Wang Yan saw Wang Haiou, one of the female second candidates.

The score is unexpectedly well maintained, mature and charming, full of style.

After observing the other party for a moment, imagining how to make the shape of a femme fatale, and what kind of effect it will be after making it, Young Master Wang nodded in satisfaction.

It really fits.

Women—especially actresses—are always sensitive to this kind of observation.

First Young Master Wang was looking at it, when she suddenly turned her head and took a look.

Looking at each other, Wang Haiou was slightly taken aback.

It should be because it is too raw.

Young Master Wang has an appearance score of 83 points, he is a handsome guy in the daily circle, but it is nothing in the entertainment circle.

The handsome men with a score of 90 that I've come into contact with all count on boxes, so they won't be surprised by Wang Yan's appearance.

100% thinking: who is this? Why are you looking at me like that?

First Young Master Wang nodded to her, but Wang Haiou frowned slightly and turned his head as if he didn't see it.


As for the matter itself, the elder and younger said that it is understandable, but in this occasion, everyone has to pay attention.

However, I was still a little upset.

Young people are the same, being able to control their emotions doesn't mean they have no emotions.

So don't give her the second female number, and replace her?

how is this possible!

A good movie is the first priority. If the temperament and image fit the character, then she must be invited.

The most I can do is not to tell her a play...

Turning around like shopping, Young Master Wang was dragged into Director Ning's circle by Wang Muye.

Director Ning, Brother Bo, Brother Zheng, Bao Bao, half of the Chinese comedy circle are all together.

People are good people, easy-going and unassuming, but there are not many common topics to talk about, and they can only be superficial.

First Young Master Wang didn't force it, he just said: "If Muye's new movie lacks investment, feel free to ask me, and I'll let you watch it."

Let Brother Ning Haozheng give a thumbs up and call for righteousness.

Make good friends, the first thing is sincerity.

The most important thing that Young Master Wang lacks is money. He invests 18 million to fill holes without blinking his eyelids.

What is a loss of money?

On the one hand, he encouraged Wang Muye, on the other hand, he sold favors to brother Ning Daozheng, and by the way, he made a relationship with the Han family, which was a profit no matter what.

As for the script of the film, it doesn't matter.

Young master Wang didn't even bother to read the realistic themes.

After chatting for a while, An Xiaofang finally had some free time and dragged Wang Yan to "worship the pier".

Young Master Wang didn't bother to know pure actors, even female stars.

The main purpose is to meet directors, investors and theaters, and to promote Wang Ting Pictures.

Dapeng who filmed the real pancake man made Wang Yan feel very kind - I have a little old girl who loves pancakes deeply...

Chen Zhacheng made Wang Yan feel very uncomfortable, this guy is too crazy.

After chatting for a few words, Gao Gao said: "Xiao Wang, it is a good thing for young people to have the courage to make troubles. Come on, I think you can make things happen. I never make mistakes. But being a director is not that simple. If there is something unreasonable, just call brother."

Is it a bad word?

Not really.

It's that gesture, Tenimago, the whole image of a successful senior, like pointing a child.

The sense of superiority was overwhelming, and Wang Yan was really not used to it.

An Xiaofang turned her head to comfort the young and old: "Don't be as knowledgeable as that person, he has always been like that, narcissistic, big mouthed, and dares to spit out everything."

Wang Yan had heard of this person a little.

In an interview last year, Zha Cheng said very honestly: "Sometimes I doubt that polygamy is correct. Most successful people are motivated by women in the beginning. They hope to have many women, beautiful women. It's desire, it's the most natural thing, and we shouldn't shy away from it."

Talking about why I want to be a director, the divine sentence came out again: "I am too rich, just being an actor can't carry my richness."

Burned a scar on his daughter-in-law with a cigarette butt, proudly: "The cigarette scar is still there!"

What can Wang Yan do when he meets this kind of person?

Bear with it for now!

Today's occasion is really useless, and the young and old don't have any achievements that can make you hurt-the circle is different, and it's meaningless to talk about money.

Don't give me a chance, or I will give you a piece...

Cough cough, Brother Crab, put down the pliers, I'm just enlivening the atmosphere...

Silently remembering, Revenge Wang followed An Xiaofang to fight elsewhere.

The main event is to say hello to the main creative team of the old gangster.

Guan Dao dresses plainly and doesn't talk much, but he is a very individual and stubborn director. In contrast, Ning Dao is much smoother and down-to-earth.

Therefore, when they met, the supervisor didn't pay much attention to Wang Yan.

Guan Hu especially looked down on the rich second generation of the coal boss who was playing for women. He felt that those people did not have the sincerity to make movies.

Wang Yan smiled and pulled it down, and didn't post it any more, but he was somewhat admirable in his heart.

It is a blessing for the audience that filmmakers have enthusiasm and attitude towards films, and it is also a blessing for the development of the country's cultural strength. No matter what the strength is, all explorations are beneficial to the nation.

As for the inability to get along with each other, then stop being friends and go our own way!

Xiaogangpao's attitude was even colder than Guan Hu's, with his nostrils upturned, and he was a lot of bullshit.

On the contrary, Wang Sanshi of Huayi showed enough respect to An Xiaofang, but was very curious about Wang Yan, but his attitude was too slippery, which was unpleasant.

Little Fresh Meat Fanfan... Seeing An Xiaofang, he avoided it directly, as if avoiding the plague.

An Xiaofang was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Wang Yan's mentality was maintained very well. It's normal for a newcomer to enter the circle without much fame and not to be taken seriously.

The same is true of the several entertainment banquets that Wang Siming attended. It is not like what outsiders imagined, where actresses and bigwigs in the industry are courting each other.

The actress is actually avoiding the prince, so she can't afford to lose her reputation.

The bosses are more wary of Yida Films. They are never willing to bring Yida to play with good projects, and only talk about business when rushing to film.

The ones who really flatter Prince Wang are more powerful, mainly traffic and third-tier actresses, who are really coaxed as if they are their own fathers.

Wang Yan doesn't have that kind of strength now, it has nothing to do with money, it's just a theater line away.

If one day they can eat up Yida's theaters and ascend to heaven in place, they will be worse than crabs.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it for now.

The most important thing right now is to be a good producer and director, so as to find a way out for Wang Ting Entertainment.

After earning a lap, I am not less angry, and the harvest is basically nothing.

If I had to say something, I would have a better understanding of what is going on in the entertainment industry.

Here, the ultimate goal of everyone is money, but money is not the most important thing.

Money, more like a by-product, comes naturally.

How ridiculous is it that the most vain and flashy circles look down on money?

Yet it is true.

If the coal boss wants to spend 10 million on someone overnight, it's fine, but no matter how much money you pay, you will never be able to gain respect in the circle.

If you don't show your achievements, resources, and talents, no one will treat you like a green onion.

If you have talent, no matter how scumbag your character is or how ugly your looks are, there are still people who admire him—such as Chen Zhacheng, such as Xiaogangpao.

As a result, Young Master Wang found the motivation to struggle again.

You don't take Shenhao and handsome guys seriously, right?

Wait, bro, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it when I start art!

This movie, I decided to direct it!

Originally, Wang Yan planned to make Wang Muye the number one director, but Wang Muye had already signed a contract with Ninghao Company, so doing it would be like doing charity, giving others a big gift for nothing, and it would not have the effect of promoting Wang Ting Pictures.

Now, Wang Yan thought about it.

The chief director came by himself, and Wang Muye was usually appointed as the second director, but during the publicity road show, Wang Muye was asked to lead the team, and Fu Yushi and Na Wu accompanied him.

I want to be a producer, director, and screenwriter, but I don't show my face, so I just take the mysterious route, what the hell!

It's a big deal to spend money on gossip.

The current media is so easy to deal with, as long as you have money and are willing to spend it, you can get everything done.

Compared with playing money, who is afraid of whom?

Determined, First Young Master Wang immediately relaxed, and when he looked at the big men and beauties in the hall, he felt nothing more than that, a group of puppets and dummies.

With such a mentality, Wang Yan approached Zitao.

The four teammates from the same team who returned to China unexpectedly came today.

But the four of them basically had no communication, and it was the so-called rule that the king does not see the king.

After shaking hands and exchanging greetings, before First Young Master Wang got to the point, Zitao rushed to the front and said, "Your movie wants to be released in the summer?"

Huh? interesting……

Wang Yan smiled relaxedly, not biting to death: "I have this plan. Do you have any thoughts on the release date?"

Zitao gritted his teeth inexplicably: "If you promise to release it in the summer, I will take it."

Wang Yan was completely confused, so smooth?

An Xiaofang thought about it for a while, and the smell came after thinking about it.

Remind Wang Yan in a low voice: "Tomb Raider Notes is scheduled for the summer vacation, and To Youth 2 hasn't finished filming yet, but it's most likely the summer vacation..."

so what?

"The starring roles in those two movies are Xiaolu and Fanfan..."


Zitao's two teammates, right? !

Wang Yan finally understood that the relationship was somehow stimulated by Taotao in the room, and he wanted to get rid of his teammates?

"That's right!"

Zitao nodded calmly: "I just don't want others to compare me with them and say that I can't do it. I want to prove that I am no worse than anyone! No matter what it is!"

Hey, this man is really a rare straight-hearted!

Wang Yan didn't know Zi Tao before, but now he appreciates it a little.

Straightforward people are often a little stunned, but no matter how bad it is, it shouldn't be troublesome to bring it up.

After thinking about it, the young master started to take Joe instead.

"As long as you put your energy into the movie and everyone works together, I think the shooting progress should be in time to compete for the summer slot. Whether the movie is good or not is the job of our director team, but if the character is not good, you can control it in your own hands."

These words moved Zitao more than any flattery, and he immediately reached out his hand to Wang Yan.

"It's a deal! I'm a professional in making movies!"

Funny, where does your confidence come from?

First Young Master Wang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he liked the energy shown by the other party very much.

It has traffic, is cheap, and takes a breath, it should be very useful.

Wang Yan no longer participated in the discussion of prices and schedules.

The final price is one month, 5 million, which is lower than the normal price but very sincere.

It is the sincerity of the project team. Zhang Jin, the male lead in name, only earns 2 million yuan, which is more than double the difference.

The film industry is so cruel, without box office appeal, everything is empty.

So what if you get the best supporting actor with "The Grandmaster"?

The box office is not high, and the box office is also the credit of the director Sunglasses Wang, the starring electric eye Liang and the actress Zhang.

If An Xiaofang hadn't had a very good relationship with Zhang Jin's lover Cai Shaofen, Zhang Jin wouldn't have had this chance, and had to go to an audition and compete with others.

The main roles of women, one woman, three men, one man and two have been decided, and the remaining roles can be auditioned normally.

The date is scheduled for December 28, ahead of the previous year.

Two girls and four plus a bunch of supporting roles, it's very simple.

The second female lead, Producer Wang, is actually very interested in Wang Haiou, but since he is not familiar with it, he has to follow the procedure.

The three main targets plus actresses from major companies will be given to whoever performs best.

After setting the date and sending out the audition invitation, An Xiaofang made a joke with the young master.

"After the audition and before the contract is issued, if you are willing, you can be the groom every night without any trouble. How about it, do you want to try?"

"I'm not that kind of person."

The eldest and youngest acted calmly, coldly and calmly, which amazed An Xiaofang.

However, Wang Yan originally planned to tell her: I won't go to the interview, you can handle it.

As a result, he quietly changed his mind and didn't speak.

Well, I'm just curious, just take a look, don't do anything...


The scary thing is, An Xiaofang believed it.

What's even more frightening is that Wang Yan himself didn't even believe it...

This world is always a dilemma for the rich!

Fortunately, before that, there is still a Diwu Christmas dinner waiting, which can help Producer Wang feel at ease.

Can it work?

Can do... right? !


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