God of Life and Death

Chapter 213 The first mission

Fang Yue finally understood what was going on in this cannon fodder camp!

It turned out to be a place where severe prisoners were held!

"So what is the approximate casualty rate in this place?"

Fang Yue asked cautiously.

"Casualty rate? Grrrrrrrrrrrr! This data has never been collected in the cannon fodder camp! Anyway, they are all a group of people who must die. Who cares how many casualties you have! Let's just say it! These people you see now, I have been here for three days , there have been almost four waves! Now, there are a total of one hundred and nine people, oh, including you, one hundred and ten, I am the only one who has survived five battles without dying! After four battles Yes, there are two, and there are five who survived three battles. There are seven who survived two battles, and there are fifteen who survived the first battle."

The woman's words were filled with contempt and disdain.

But Fang Yue smelled a deeply dangerous smell from it.

This number sounds pretty good.

But the prerequisite is to add at least a base of at least 500 people.

Fang Yue stopped talking and found a place to sit and recharge his batteries! He understood that there were no thighs left for him to hold!

In the face of life and death, there is no emotion to talk about.

When the woman saw Fang Yue's performance, she was not angry, but showed a touch of appreciation.

This is a very wise decision, much better than those dudes who yelled after entering the cannon fodder camp for the first time!

I just don’t know how good the fighting ability is.

The woman walked to Fang Yue's side: "Remember, my name is Shang Jie. I will give you a little surprise after the next battle. If we can all survive!"

Close your eyes and rest your mind.

About three hours later.

The first battle to welcome Fang Yue has finally arrived!

The leader of the team was an officer, at the eighth level of the Xiantian Realm. He glanced at these lifeless cannon fodder and spat.

"Bah, what a bunch of scum! I really don't want to take you on an expedition."

The cannon fodder camp was deathly silent.

People who come to this kind of place have experienced all kinds of things. This insult was nothing to them.

This is a military camp, the territory of the Eternal Legion. If they make a fuss over this little thing, I believe they will die miserably!

"A bunch of bastards, this is your mission this time! Ban Yuepo, clear out the 500 demon garrison among them!"

The officer threw a piece of yellow paper to the ground. The introduction about the battle was very simple. This is just a rough description of the location of Banyue Slope.

Even the topography and landforms are not described in too much detail!

As for the strength and types of the five hundred magic soldiers, they are even more discredited.

This is not cannon fodder, but death!

Fang Yue's mouth was filled with bitterness. He finally knew how the extremely high mortality rate in this cannon fodder camp came about!

"Ban Yue Slope is about 780 kilometers away from the military camp. The military headquarters has a short-range teleportation array that can send you to the front line 500 miles away. As for the remaining 280 kilometers, you have to walk it yourself!"

The officer was very irresponsible.

He looked carefree, not even interested in looking at Fang Yue and the others!

"Of course, you must remember to collect military merit. The heads of those demons can exchange military merit points for you! Although military merit cannot reduce your punishment time, it can enable you to buy better equipment in the army! I wish you all the best on your mission joy!"

After the officer finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked away!

"Ahem, how to get to the teleportation array?"

Fang Yue coughed dryly and looked around pitifully.

Shang Jie snorted coldly, "Follow me!"

After walking for about two miles, everyone found the location of the so-called short-range teleportation array.

Everyone stepped into the teleportation array one by one. Then they disappeared one by one and reached the front line.

This is a dilapidated small town. The flow of people and interactions of ordinary people have long been invisible. Only groups of soldiers are still patrolling. Guarding the forefront of the human race's frontier.

The appearance of more than a hundred cannon fodder did not arouse the interest of these people.

Every day, there are at least thousands of people coming out of this teleportation array, but in the end, only a few of them come back alive.

A group of dying people are not worth their precious attention.

"You have two choices for this mission! The first is to act together and swarm together in a chaotic manner. If you want to live together, if you want to die together, die together! The second is to act separately. You can fly alone or find someone else. Hug together!”

As a veteran cannon fodder who has survived five battles. It can be said that Shang Jie is already familiar with it.

She offers people different options.

"I choose to act alone!"

"I also choose to act alone..."

Without hesitation, almost everyone chose the solo path.

The so-called victory actually has simple criteria.

It is not necessarily necessary to complete the mission, as long as they can take away one of the demon's heads, and more can be converted into military merit, providing the necessary guarantee for their survival in the Eternal Legion.

Although there are more people, the power is greater, but the goal is also more obvious.

They are scum, criminals, not regular soldiers.

When teaming up with strangers, not only do they have to be wary of demons, but they also have to worry about being stabbed by their teammates behind them. On the contrary, it will do more harm than good!

Fang Yue was the first to leave the team and disappeared quietly.

Night falls.

The sky was filled with stars, which was the perfect time for him to use "King of Night".

This is one of his trump cards that he doesn't want to reveal easily. "The Night King" once left a mark in the history books of the Xuanhuang world. The ultimate teachings created by saints will be coveted by all great sects!

Fang Yue's steps were as quiet as a ghost in the night, and the night became his gauze.

Allowing him to block all exploration of spiritual consciousness below the realm of heaven and earth.

Banyue Slope is a dangerous place in Feng Shui.

Fang Yue personally measured the mountains and rivers. The Yin Qi here is very strong, and the danger is by no means as simple as five hundred magic soldiers.

In Feng Shui, there is a special name for such a place - yin-nourishing ground. It is more suitable for raising ghosts and corpses, but it is not suitable for living people to live in.

The demons must have a special purpose for occupying such a place!

Fang Yue didn't want to take risks, but stayed in a corner, waiting for others to take the lead.

After waiting for a moment, Banyuepo was completely silent.

No demons walked away from it, and no one was willing to be the first to stand up and risk their lives!

However, Fang Yue was very patient. He had nothing to do and began to set up the Yin Spirit Array at his feet. This is a side formation recorded in the ghost tactics.

After the layout is completed, you can open a one-way passage to the underworld, and summon some of the lonely ghosts among them to become your slaves!

This kind of formation is not suitable for use in other places, because this thing is too evil. If an evil ghost comes out, an innocent spirit or something like that, if you cannot control it, it will cause a catastrophe!

But in Banyuepo, this is the best method.

Strong Yin Qi will suppress the Qi and blood of living people, greatly reducing their strength. But for the lonely ghosts, this is the main battlefield. Not only is there no damage, but it can greatly increase their strength!

Finally, the time for tea passed. Some people became impatient and began to sneak forward.

Their steps were as light as a nimble cat, and there seemed to be flesh pads under their feet. Every step they took was light and silent! ,

There were three of them, they seemed to be old acquaintances.

If anyone knew them, they would be surprised to tell where they came from.

The Three Ghosts of Nanling.

These three men were notorious for stealing and robbing everywhere in the Nanling area and committing crimes. However, they have been traversing Nanling for decades, but no one has been able to catch them.

It's not because of their advanced realm, but because of their weird body skills!

The three ghosts in Nanling look like humans and ghosts!

Their bodies can briefly turn into nothingness, and all physical attacks will be ineffective. Moreover, their steps are elegant and silent, and their escape skills are so powerful that it is difficult to match them in the Xiantian realm!

The three ghosts of Nanling fell halfway up the mountain, hiding under an ancient tree.

After a while, a demon soldier came down the mountain, carrying a rusty sword in his hand. His face was a little haggard, and the energy and blood in his body were weak.

Although it appears to be at the second level of innate level, looking at that state, it would be good to be able to exert the strength of the first level of innate level!

"Fuck him!"

Among the three ghosts in Nanling, one of them was born, and the other two cooperated. The three of them joined forces and looked like ghosts. The demon soldiers just brushed against each other and the sword flashed.

The demon's head flew out of Lao Gao, blood spurted out, and his body lay on the ground.

The head rolled down and was quickly picked up by the three ghosts of Nanling!

With one head in hand, and two more, they have completed their mission and survived a disaster!

When others saw how easily the Three Ghosts of Nanling succeeded, they immediately felt ready to take action.

"Could it be that this is the legendary Welfare Bureau?"

Someone's eyes lit up, and they rushed towards Banyuepo with a knife! When one person takes action, the others immediately become unable to sit still! What they want is not only the head, but also the more important military merit! With resources, one can progress in cultivation, and with equipment, one has a greater chance of surviving!

Fang Yue narrowed his eyes and did not move rashly.

Because from the corner of his eyes, he saw Shang Jie hibernating less than five kilometers away from him.

"According to logic, the demon soldiers shouldn't be so weak! The combat effectiveness of the demons on the second level is comparable to the ordinary monks on the third level of the human race. Although it is difficult to escape under the attack of the three ghosts of Nanling, their reaction At least there will be time! The slowness of his mind and body means that his energy and energy just now have been greatly consumed! Could it be a sacrifice? "

Fang Yue murmured to himself.

When he said the word "sacrifice", an undetectable light flashed across his eyes!

He hibernated deeper and even arranged a breathing formation around him.

Just when everyone charged up the mountain and reached the top of the mountain. An arrogant laugh suddenly came.

"The human race is still so stupid! A small bait deceived them all! Greed is the original sin. In their eyes, the heads of our great demon warriors are their military achievements. But in the eyes of our great demon clan, Here, their blood and souls are not our best sacrifices!"

The voice fell.

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

"No, I fell into a trap!"

I don’t know who it was, but he roared angrily, then turned around and ran away!

However, as soon as he took two or three steps, a gray ghost shadow came down! His flesh and blood quickly withered, and he became skin and bones in the blink of an eye!

"Ghost soldiers!"

Fang Yue's heart also felt cold! What kind of planes is this damn military department doing!

What are ghost soldiers? Fang Yue knows best!

It is a taboo thing. After death, the soul has no return and does not enter the underworld. Then it voluntarily gives up the opportunity of reincarnation and stays in the world, becoming a soldier among ghosts and being driven by others.

The level of the ghost soldier is related to the state of his life. But after death, by constantly devouring the flesh and blood of living people, life can still continue to grow.

As long as there is enough flesh and blood, there is almost no bottleneck in the growth of ghost soldiers!

But once the ghost soldier dies, his soul will be scattered, and he will never be able to be reincarnated for eternity!

Although the ghost soldier who just attacked the cannon fodder only appeared for a moment, Fang Yue clearly captured that he had a strong demonic energy on his body!

This must be a dead strongman among the demons!

As for the role of the Yin-nourishing Ground, it is to stabilize his soul and recuperate!

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