God Level Villain

Chapter 268: Never die

At this time, the night wind was not so stupid as to follow the Shenlong to fight hard, and saw his heart move, and his whole person instantly disappeared in the water.

One thing he is clear is that Shenlong does not have the ability to white eyebrows and cannot find him out of the state of invisibility.

However, after all, he overlooked a problem.

In Shenlong's angry eyes, a sneer appeared, and he mouthed instantly.

Rumble! Rumble!

Two consecutive lightning strikes directly into the water.

Water is also a good conductor!

The night wind could merge with the water, but still could not isolate the electric current. As soon as the lightning fell, he immediately felt a strong numbness throughout his body.

The current was too strong, and explosions of spray sounded around him, causing him to be blown out, flying out of the water and returning to his original shape.

When the night breeze appeared again, all the clothes on his body were still broken.

It's just that there is no damage because of the automatic repair. He looks more like a beggar, with holes in his clothes everywhere.

After all, he was much better than Mo Yijin. After all, he was not directly struck by lightning, but conducted through water, and the current was not so concentrated.

Furthermore, the object of this attack is not just him.

The ground is already a piece of Wang Yang, and the four that fell to the ground, the Lord of Worship Moon, Mo Yijin, Xuan Tianzong, and Dan Chenzi, have all been affected in the same way. It can be said that the damage of the two lightnings is divided equally.

"Damn! Can you collect this water? You want to kill us all like this!" The scorched moon worshiper could not help roaring.

He was previously guarding the night wind supporting barrier, and suffered heavy damage from the impact of the dragon. Now he was shocked by electric shocks.

His body was full of numbness, this sourness was an unprecedented experience for him.

The current situation can be said that except for Ye Feng and Yin Ruozhuo, everyone else's injuries are almost the same.

Such a lineup does not take advantage of the Shenlong confrontation, and it is completely weak.

It is not suitable to paddle when the situation is weak.

However, it is still impossible for the night wind to remove the entire river.

The more water element, the more beneficial to his combat power, as for the guidance of the Shenlong electric current, that is also a good solution.

His choice was to let all the water here evaporate into water vapor, and the river would not be visible, but the water element in the air would increase sharply.

Since water vapor is not completely connected, it will not conduct electricity.

Under the control of Yefeng's mind, the original tens of meters of water on the ground disappeared instantly, but the moisture in the air suddenly increased. For ordinary people, they can feel a significant increase through breathing.

The dragon on one side, watching the night wind reappear, immediately swayed, and rushed towards him.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and while thinking about it, he cried out: "Icebound."

Under the control of Yefeng's mind, the water element near the Shenlong suddenly condensed and quickly froze.

Due to the high water element in the air, the degree of ice-covered dragon is also very strong, and the ice cover is almost ten times its volume.

This sudden force caused the speed of Shenlong's impact to suddenly stagnate, followed by a complete freeze.

However, Ye Feng knew very well that even such a strong icy seal would still break quickly in front of the huge physical power of the Shenlong.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Feng looked at Yin Ruozhuo aside.

Because of the increase in the water element in the air, it is impossible for him to say that there is no moisture on his body. At the moment of his thoughts, the night wind directly merged himself with the small drop of water on Yin Ruozhuo’s back and hid it in him. Behind.

The countless small drops of water quickly united on Yin Ruozhuo's clothes, forming a piece, covering his clothes.

It was too close, Yin Ruozhuo could vaguely feel a faint aura behind him, but he turned around, but there was nothing.

But he was sure that this breath was from the night breeze, right around him.

Also because the night wind was attached to Yin Ruozhuo's body, Shenlong's attack target immediately changed, and it attacked the only Yin Ruozhuo who was still floating.

At this moment, the dragon's mouth, claws, tail, and lightning all greeted Yin Ruozhuo, seeming to be immortal with him.

But everyone knows that this phenomenon is entirely due to the night wind.

This move can be said to be quite clever, causing trouble and worry-free.

After Ye Feng was secured, he could continue to refine the blood of the dragon.

Turning into water element has no effect on refining, it is nothing more than shrinking infinitely.

The blood of the dragon, the energy is terrifying, before a small slap, let him reach level 231, but now there are as many as six or seven water tanks.

The deadly battle outside continued, and the night breeze was among the drops of water, but he was sitting cross-legged comfortably with his hands flat in front of him.

Under the continuous washing of Shenlong's blood, his cultivation base is advancing at a very terrifying speed.

However, compared to physical strength, his cultivation progress can be said to be slow.

After all, Shenlong is the most powerful body, and the benefits of his blood to the body are far greater than the cultivation base.

Before, Ye Feng's cultivation base was still higher than his physical strength.

Along with the continuous refining of dragon blood, his physical strength quickly surpassed his cultivation base. This was the only time since his cultivation that his physical strength was stronger than his cultivation base.

Feeling the strength of the physical body, Ye Feng's mind couldn't help but make a short run.

When his physical body was more than 210 levels, it already took five wives to get it done. Now that he is constantly strengthening, how many should he need then?

With the beginning, Ye Feng did not dare to think about it anymore.

At the same time, his sudden departure also caused the blood in his body to stagnate.

He quickly retracted his mind and made a small difference in his cultivation state. If his spiritual realm hadn't reached the level of harmony between man and nature, it was time to go crazy.

The total calmness, the horror of dragon blood energy, and the refining speed of the high-grade Taoism made the progress of Yefeng's cultivation level just like a stopwatch.

Tick! Tick!

In a blink of an eye, his cultivation reached level 250, and his physical strength reached 255!

At this time, the fighting outside was already extremely fierce. Xuan Tianzong, Dan Chenzi, Mo Yijin, and the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Moon were hit by the dragon several times.

Although Shenlong also showed fatigue, because other people were getting weaker and weaker, Yin Ruozhuo's pressure was also increasing.

Boom! Boom!

A thunder flashed by, and Yin Ruozhuo was also stunned for several meters. The clothes on his body were also exploded into a lot of fragments. Fortunately, the corner of the clothes where the night wind was currently did not fall.

At this time, his cultivation base has reached level 280, and his physical strength has reached level 295.

At this level, only a half of the dragon's blood remained, and the speed was much slower than before.

It came because Yefeng's cultivation base was already very high.

Secondly, the cultivation base of the Shenlong is also 310, and the physical body is 350. The closer to the cultivation base of the Shenlong, the slower the speed.

The night wind continued to refine. When the last drop of dragon blood was refined by him, his cultivation level finally reached level 295, and his physical strength reached level 309.

Level 310 is the level of Sanxian, this is the watershed between monks and immortals.

At this mere level, the dragon blood consumed was ten times more than that of 308 to 309, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, showing no signs of improvement.

Even Yefeng was sure that even if another six or seven cylinders of dragon blood were used, it would not be useful.

But to break through the ranks and become immortal in the flesh, one must have the gods such as Long Yuan that gather all the energy of the dragon's cultivation base.

Converging his mind, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Outside, the battle between Baimei and Guyue against Youquan Blood Demon was still fierce, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

As for everyone's battle against Shenlong, the balance has tilted.

The night wind's paddling was unhelpful.

During the moon worship phase, the water strokes seemed to happen occasionally, but it had a big impact on morale.

Mo Yixi's attacks were basically ineffective. After Dan Chenzi didn't know how many times he was hit and flew, his combat power became worse and worse, and when Ye Feng looked over, he couldn't get up for a long time.

Xuan Tianzong is a little better, but he doesn't have the bravery he had before.

Now, there was only Yin Ruozhuo who was stubbornly resisting. During the observation of the night wind, he was also just carried by the tail of the dragon, and his body flew upside down.

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