God Level Villain

Chapter 141: Need to worry so much

"The son can rest assured that he has been able to achieve two shots with absolute accuracy." Li Xunhuan said.

"Very well, everyone, let's go to Chuxiong first." Ye Feng gave orders.

"Yes! Young Master."

Everyone left one after another, and Ye Feng also left.

Zhu Yuanzhang still had nine days to go out of the palace, and Xue Rengui was only a day short of reaching the border with Goryeo.

Now, Ye Feng is also time to go back to the palace and take a rest. By the way, Zhou Zhiruo, the little girl, and the crazy girl Huang Xiang were left in the harem to get along with their wives.

Two days later.

The night breeze came to Yiju in Goryeo.

The battle of Korea, go ahead and start!

Across Danjiang River, the first Goryeo city is Sinuiju.

At this moment, Tong said that the Sui army had crossed the Danjiang River and reached the territory of Yizhou, and the three stick generals in Yizhou City began to discuss nervously.

"I heard that Da Sui's army came with 100,000, and it was heavy cavalry. We defended the city with 2,000 people, what should we do?" A lieutenant asked.

"It's definitely impossible to fight hard. Why don't we retreat to the soldiers and horses of several cities in the interior?" Another officer said.

"No, the Great Sui army is here, and my emperor is already sending reinforcements here. If we don't give up, let's retreat now. That's a cut!" The main general vetoed the two.

"But the reinforcements are still in Pingyang, and they are infantry. There will definitely not be any cavalry here. We are still dead." The lieutenant replied.

For a time, the three defenders were silent.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and the three guards were all startled, only when Da Sui's soldiers and horses entered.

At this moment, the old man with a cane walked in, "Well, Sui Jun, do you need to be so worried?"

"Golden Sands City, do you have a way?" The Lord General asked quickly.

But, of course, the Han people are stupid, deeply poisoned by Confucianism, pedantic in thinking, and silly, haha, put themselves all kinds of benevolent shackles. This is known to the world. Why don't we make good use of this? "The old man smiled.

"How to use it?" the two lieutenants asked quickly.

"It's simple, let the soldiers disarm and change to look like ordinary people." The old man said.

All three of them are bright.

The main general smiled and said: "Gao! It's really high. Don't the stupid Han people claim to hurt the army and not the people? Let's change to the appearance of our Korean people, pretending that the army has withdrawn and the city is empty. They must be fooled and enter the city with confidence. "

"After entering, we will leave a part of the garrison army, and then go to the next city. We can eat this part of the people. When the emperor arrives, we will not blame us too much." The lieutenant said.

"Seeing that the sky is going to darken, they may stay overnight. If that's the case, we might even eat the whole army by then. Haha, this is a big credit."

"In that case, let's make arrangements as soon as possible." The main general issued an order.

"Yes!" The lieutenants responded one after another.

Within a few dozen minutes of the order, the entire Yizhou garrison took off their military uniforms and replaced them with the appearance of ordinary people, waiting for the soldiers to drill their pockets.

On the other side, Ye Feng is asking the system, "System, is there any way to make women unable to have children?

System: "Legation, isn't the earth just doing this?"

The system’s answer is correct. Small operations like ligation can be done easily with the help of the system. "A lot is needed. I sterilize people in batches. The operation is troublesome."

System: "If this is the case, then use the organ failure function of the system. This ability can make a person's organ fail, and if the organ fails, the corresponding function will be lost."

After doing this, Ye Feng looked through the gossip record and learned the magnifying array.

Before I knew it, Uiju City was here, Ye Feng was about to take out the siege weapon, plan to blast off the city wall a few times, and then rush in. Unexpectedly, there was no defender in the city.

"What's the matter?" Xue Rengui frowned.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. We have been out of Danjiang for more than an hour. Even if the news is slow, it is impossible for the defending army to not know that we are here now." Li Bai said.

"Hehe, if that's the case, let me and the soldiers go first and see what tricks they play." Ye Feng said, he would go in first.

He was also afraid that the stick would burn the Ming army on fire, so he let the personal soldiers go first, and the personal soldiers are all Quanzhen disciples. If there is a big fire or something, he can get away with light work.

As for the bow and arrow array, there is no need to consider this. The stick also knows that the bow and arrow are not lethal to the heavy cavalry and will not get it.

"No, the emperor is a body of ten thousand gold, and it is already an adventure for the imperial driving. It is better for me to go for this kind of thing." Li Bai was brought out for training.

Ye Feng didn't argue for anything, "Okay."

Li Bai, who was accepted, rushed in with five hundred heavy knights, and went to investigate first.

Soon, Li Bai turned back and said, "The emperor, there is no ambush."

"Why do you see?" Ye Feng asked.

"The people in the city have not all lived normally, have not moved away, have not reserved ambush places, cannot ambush." ​​Li Bai said.

"Very good." Ye Feng responded.

When Ye Fenghuo Zhu ignored him, all the residents of that section were moved away.

"Into the city!"

With a loud shout of the night breeze, the whole army rushed into the city, the sound of horseshoes shook the sky, and within half an hour, all the 100,000 heavy cavalry entered the city and took over the city.

"Close the city gate!" Ye Feng gave the order.

It was getting late, watching the night wind shouting to seal the city gate, Li Bai asked: "The emperor, are we going to live here?"

"That's it." Ye Feng responded.

After all, inside the city is more comfortable than outside.

However, there is one thing to do before taking a break.

After the city gates on all sides were closed, Ye Feng shouted again: "Tu! Don't keep one of the males! Keep the females from fifteen to thirty years old, and slaughter the rest."



The soldiers only know one thing, obey the order, as long as the person in front of him is not a relative of his father, his mother, or his brother, he will kill whoever is commanded to kill, not to mention the barbarians of a foreign race.

At the order of Ye Feng, all the soldiers roared and killed the surrounding Korean sticks, leaving only those who Ye Feng said.

Seeing this battle, Lord Yizhou was about to vomit blood. What about the pedantic and brain-dead kindness of the Han? Why is it gone?

The slaughter of 100,000 heavy cavalry, screams and crying screams one after another floated in Yizhou City, forming a magnificent movement, tactfully and lamenting.

Of course, despite the cruelty against cruelty, compared with the brutal killings of the Ryukyu people in Tianjin, the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty are more humane after all.

Those who used a gun stabbed the heart with one shot, and those who used a knife slashed to the point with a single knife. The more aggressive ones chopped the stick directly into the head without leaving too much pain on the stick.

Everyone screamed once or twice.

The stick soldiers among these people are no different from the common people except for their health.

Because of the so-called strategy, it is quite difficult for them to access weapons and armors now.

There was no sign of Sui Jun's massacre, and the night wind ordered 100,000 people to start all together, leaving them no time.

The battle went on very smoothly. The city was full of 50,000 sticks and 10,000 sticks, with a total of more than 60,000 people, leaving only more than 15,000 people. These people are all said by Ye Feng, aged 15 Women in their thirties.

These women were uniformly **** by the soldiers.

The rest were all massacred, and none of the 100,000 heavy cavalry was damaged.

Because there were enough people involved in the massacre, all those who had been killed were all killed within a minute.

At this time, Yefeng’s order was issued again, “Soldiers! Take away all the valuables in the city. You can get 20% of them. Keep all the ordinary items. Don’t set them on fire or break them. I live in the people of Da Sui."


The soldiers moved again, collecting silver and jewellery.

But I didn't expect that this search found the weapons and equipment of more than 10,000 people.

At this time, Ye Feng knew that among the people killed, there were more than 10,000 soldiers. Fortunately, they had adopted a policy of massacre that required land without people, plus a policy of looting, otherwise they would be smashed.

At this time, Xue Rengui escorted a captive and said: "The emperor, this person is not bad at skill, he should be the enemy's chief, what should I do?"

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