Liu Yifan was taken aback, and his back was cold.

"But it can obviously speak......

" "The curator said that this giant panda's IQ has broken through the sky, and it must be caught, otherwise it will cause a big mess, comrade traffic police, you must help us!"

"Handsome guy, can you hurry up?"

In a Mercedes-Benz, Chu Feifei asked Xiao Wu to contact Linhai City TV Station while softly urging the young man next to him.

"There's a traffic police in front, there's no way. "

The young guy was a little embarrassed.

"Please, handsome man, just throw it away.

Half of Chu Feifei's body leaned into the young man, feeling the faint fragrance from Chu Feifei's body, and the young man's face suddenly turned red.

It was the most difficult to accept the grace of the beauty, and as soon as the young man's blood came up, he suddenly didn't care about anything.

"Okay, look at me!"


Ye Chen ran out of the panda pavilion and traveled all the way north, looking at the surrounding scenery, and suddenly began to miss the life in the panda pavilion again.


At this moment, two police cars suddenly burst out of front of them.

"Stop, stop now!" a

traffic policeman got out of the car and yelled at Ye Chen with a loudspeaker.

The surrounding vehicles have already been evacuated.

"Waiting for me here?"

Ye Chen was stunned, he was tall at this time, and at a glance he saw that the Linhai Bridge was a few hundred meters away.

At such a critical moment, how can you be delayed?

Instead of slowing down, the skateboard under Ye Chen's feet became faster!

"Ah Cheng, I'm Cao, that guy is rushing towards you!" Dongzi

, who had a dignified face, exclaimed.

Ah Cheng, who was tall and strong, shook his shoulders and said with a straight smile: "This is exactly what I want!"

After saying that, he rushed out and swept out with a sweeping leg aimed at Ye Chen.

If a normal person is swept away, it is definitely enough to fly out directly.

It's a pity that Ah Cheng encountered a real giant panda.

Seeing this, Ye Chen bumped into it without care, Ah Cheng seemed to have kicked on a steel plate!


Ah Xiang turned a door that was knocked open, and spun in place a few times, his expression was hideous in pain.

But then he saw a scene that made him almost forget the pain.

This "human-pretended" giant panda actually flew up with a skateboard between his legs, easily glided on the roof of the car, and rushed in the direction of the Linhai Bridge.

"Oh my god, this can't be a steel panda!"

Dongzi's mouth was open enough to swallow ingots.

At this moment, Liu Yifan's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Dongzi, Ah Cheng, that's a real giant panda, and it's very likely to mutate, you have to be careful!" Dongzi and Ah Cheng

looked at each other when they heard this, this time they no longer doubted it, even if the word mutation sounded outrageous.

"Chase!" Ah

Cheng limped and struggled to stand up, such a rare thing must not be missed.


Linhai Bridge.

In fact, this is an Internet celebrity bridge, and many well-known Internet celebrities will do live broadcasts here.

Just because the Xiling River under the bridge is vast for thousands of miles, rippling blue waves, and the scenery is beautiful.

The most important thing is that there is something magical about this bridge, and there are often flocks of seabirds gathered here, attracting many tourists to come and feed.

"Xin'er, isn't it just an interview, why are you in such a hurry?".

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