Ye Nan walked around the square of the city lord's mansion, but what he didn't expect was that the city lord Lu Feng was walking towards him.

"Ye Nan."

City Lord Lu Feng called out to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan listened to the words of the city lord Lu Feng, he paused and waited for the city lord to arrive at his side.

"You're famous now."

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Nan looked at the city lord Lu Feng very puzzled. He didn't know what the city lord Lu Feng meant at all. He just thought it was too baffling.

Immediately, the city lord Lu Feng opened the warrior forum and showed Ye Nan what happened in the Zijin Auction House in Jingnan City, and then showed Ye Nan the posts about the beheading of Tang Ping pharmacist and several Xingzong.

Ye Nan looked at the martial artist forum, he understood, and he thought that the city owner was the city owner. He actually knew that he did it, but if you think about it carefully, this is normal. After all, the entire Jingnan City is not only able to do this, but also Who can do it.


What Ye Nan didn't expect was that the city lord, as a dignified ninth-order star, even looked at these warrior forums. Of course, this was something he didn't expect.

"Ye Nan, Tang Ping has a martial artist friend who is a ninth-order star sect. I think it won't be long before this ninth-order star sect will declare war on you."

"What is your attitude?"

City Lord Lu Feng asked Ye Nan.

"The soldiers will stop the water and cover the soil, but it is only a ninth-order star sect."

Ye Nan shook his head at the city lord Lu Feng in front of him.

In this place in Jingnan City, fighting is prohibited in many places except for some specific places.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a ninth-order star sect named Leishan to use the warrior forum to declare war on Ye Nan!

The netizens in Jingnan City are crazy, of course they want Ye Nan to fight, but they don't even know who Ye Nan is, how to let Ye Nan fight.

After Ye Nan walked around the city lord's mansion for a few laps, he saw a ninth-order star sect.

He has also seen this ninth-order Xingzong in the City Lord's Mansion, and his name is Gao He!

He walked up to Gao He, "Do me a favor."

When Gaohe Xingzong listened to Ye Nan's words, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. After looking up and down Ye Nan, he found that he had never seen it at all.

"Who are you?"

Gaohe Xingzong was naturally extremely displeased. Although he admitted that he dressed a little more plainly, it was because he was low-key. A junior who didn't know the sky and the earth dared to speak like this in front of him. How did Gaohe Xingzong do? Can endure.

Ye Nan knew that Gaohe Xingzong didn't know him. After all, he became a member of the Jingnan City Council. This is a very hidden thing. Although the residents of Jingnan City now know that there is a ninth member of the Jingnan City, they don't know the first Who the nine members are has always been a mystery.

He was not going to have too much nonsense with Gaohe Xingzong, he directly took out the exclusive badge representing the status of the member.

Gaohe Xingzong looked at the exclusive badge that suddenly appeared in Ye Nan's hand. His pupils shrank rapidly, and he almost fell to his knees. He quickly rubbed his eyes, but no matter how he rubbed it, the result was still the same.

"Me... Member!"

Gaohe Xingzong took a few steps back towards the back, with an unbelievable look on his face, he would never dream that the ninth member of Jingnan City would be a young man.

Of course, Gaohe Xingzong knew that the identity token in Ye Nan's hands would never belong to other councillors, just because councillors' badges were all exclusive ones.

is fake?

When Gaohe Xingzong saw the exclusive badge in Ye Nan's hand, he did not think that the exclusive badge in Ye Nan's hand was fake.

However, the breath uploaded from the exclusive identity badge really doesn't seem to be fake. On the whole, Ye Nan is the ninth member of Jingnan City.

Thinking of this, Gao He Xingzun almost fell to his knees. What he would never have dreamed was that he was actually asking who a member of parliament was, and he even spoke in that tone.

You must know that this is a member of the Jingnan City Council. Gaohe Xingzong is not an idiot. Of course, he knows that if Ye Nan wants to deal with him, there are really 10,000 ways to make him regret it.

"Lord Senator, just now... just now I was blind, please..."

"Okay, I didn't come here to hear what you said."

Before Gaohe Xingzong finished speaking, Ye Nan interrupted Gaohe Xingzong's words.

"Then, then... Please speak, Mr. Senator."

Gaohe Xingzong thought that in the face of such an existence, it would be better to keep his own words as little as possible.

"Isn't there a post on the martial artist forum that Leishan Xingzong declared war on the martial artist who killed Lei Ping alchemist?"

"You go and tell Leishan that as long as the material for the beast reaches a certain amount, the person who kills Tang Ping's pharmacist will naturally appear."

Ye Nan said to Gaohe Xingzong in front of him.

Gao He Xingzong was startled, he never thought that Ye Nan was looking for him to help him like this.

Is it...

Suddenly, Gao He thought of an extremely terrifying possibility. After he looked at Ye Nan, he knew that it was no longer a terrifying possibility, but a fact!

But this is really a fantasy, you must know that this is a congressman!

"Remember, don't say everything. If you guarantee it, these people will definitely believe it."

When Gaohe Xingzong still had not regained his senses, Ye Nan faced Gao He again.

Xingzong spoke up.

"these people?"

Gao He was stunned, thinking that Lord Ye Nan didn't ask himself to talk to Lei Shan, who else was there?

"You will understand then," Ye Nan patted Gaohe Xingzong on the shoulder, "Go ahead."

Gao He Xingzong was ecstatic, he would never have thought that Ye Nan would pat him on the shoulder, you must know that this is the Lord Senator. After Ye Nan patted him on the shoulder, Gao He secretly made a decision, that is, to offer this dress as an ancestor!

Under the negotiation of Gaohe Xingzong, the entire Jingnan City martial artist forum exploded again.

When the materials of the beasts have accumulated to a certain amount, the person who kills Tang Ping's pharmacist will appear?

However, it didn't say how many beast materials it was?

However, netizens in Jingnan City were so interested in beheading Tang Ping's pharmacist and several Xingzong warriors, so they all started crowdfunding.

At the beginning, there was no change in the martial artist forum, and later there was even a panel with an increase in the number of materials for the beast.

Gaohe Xingzong, who was browsing the martial artist forum, originally did not understand what these people in Ye Nan's mouth meant, but now he not only understands it, but also understands it so thoroughly.

Ye Nan was also watching the increase in the count of the beast material in the martial artist forum, and his face became very exciting.

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