Just when the city lord Ba Qu wanted to say something to Ye Nan, two terrifying roars of beasts entered the ears of Ye Nan and the city lord Ba Qu.

Suddenly, the city lord Ba Qu felt the shocking fluctuations, his face was full of horror, he had just broken through the seventh-order star sect, and of course there was no possibility of life in the face of two seventh-order star sect-level beasts.

"Humans, you dare to break into our West King's land, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

In the eyes of these two seventh-order star sect-level beasts, Ye Nan and the city lord Ba Qu just didn't want to live. If they wanted to live, how could they break into their West King's land.

The city lord Ba Qu listened to the words of these two seventh-order star sect-level beasts. It turned its attention to Ye Nan twice, but what the city lord Ba Qu never thought was that there was no fluctuation on Ye Nan's face, as if Nothing happened in general.

"Humans, it seems that you are not too timid!"

One of the seventh-order star sect-level beasts saw that Ye Nan and the city lord Ba Qu were still calm, and it sneered at Ye Nan and the city lord Ba Qu again.

"Your nonsense," Ye Nan looked at the seventh-order star sect-level beast indifferently, "why must there be so many?"

As soon as these words came out, the seventh-order star sect-level beast couldn't help but become extremely angry. It roared at Ye Nan, opened its mouth, and a cyan shock wave swept towards Ye Nan, but it reached Ye Nan in an instant. In front of Nanhe City Lord Ba Qu.

Although the city lord Ba Qu has just broken through the seventh-order star sect, he also knows that he can completely resist the attack that this seventh-order star sect-level beast has urged.

But the city lord Tyrant also knew that he didn't need to resist, just because Ye Nan had already told him that all the beasts in the land of the West King belonged to him!

Motivation, shocking fire dragon body!

Motivation, Tianba Niu Demon Body!

Suddenly, Ye Nan motivated the two heavenly physiques!

After activating the two heaven-level physiques, the Tianba bull demon body and the sky-shattering fire dragon body began to merge, and an extremely shocking scene began to appear in front of these two seventh-order star sect-level beasts!

These two seventh-order star sect-level beasts looked at such a scene and couldn't help but turn pale with shock!

Especially for the seventh-order star sect-level beast that Ye Nan urged to attack, the attack it urged had been completely neutralized.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

The seventh-order star sect-level beast shouted loudly.


Ye Nan didn't plan to let this seventh-order star sect-level beast survive too much. It was possible, but the only mistake was that the seventh-order star sect-level beast took the lead in attacking him.

He raised his fist, and the power of the Heavenly Bull Demon and the Heaven-shattering Fire Dragon was rapidly condensed on his fist!

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the Tianba Bull Demon and the power of the Heaven-shaking Fire Dragon were intertwined, and they swept away towards the seventh-order star sect-level fierce beast who shot at Ye Nan!

When this seventh-order star sect-level beast saw such an attack, its pupils shrank rapidly, because it knew that such an attack could not be resisted no matter what.


When Ye Nan's attack hit the body of the seventh-order star clan-level beast, the life of the seventh-order star clan-level beast disappeared forever.

"Ding! Drop the seventh-order star sect-level beast material!"

Suddenly, the data of the material falling from the beast appeared on Ye Nan's retina.

"Human, you... I..."

The remaining seventh-order star sect-level beast looked at such a scene, how could it be able to say a complete sentence, and its face was frightened in addition to fright.

The city lord Ba Qu, who was on the side, smiled bitterly. He never thought that Ye Nan would be so easy to kill a seventh-order star sect-level beast.

"And you?"

Suddenly, Ye Nan turned his attention to another seventh-order star sect-level beast.

Another seventh-order star sect-level beast listened to Ye Nan's words. Of course, it already knew that the human being in front of him was an incomparably powerful existence. There will be no possibility of life.

"Human, I, I don't want to be your enemy, please don't embarrass me!"

This seventh-order star sect-level beast has already begun to beg Ye Nan for mercy.

When Ye Nan heard the words of this seventh-order star sect-level beast, he couldn't help but want to laugh, because he thought this seventh-order star sect-level beast was too interesting.

"Why so naive?"

From Ye Nan's point of view, this seventh-order star sect-level beast is too naive.

The seventh-order star sect level beast listened to Ye Nan's words, it knew that Ye Nan could not let it go, and its expression became extremely gloomy again.

"Human, do you really want to die with me!?"

The seventh-order star sect-level beast stared at Ye Nan stubbornly.

"The fish died and the net broke?"

Ye Nan thought that this seventh-order star sect-level beast was too funny. What he would never have thought was that this seventh-order star sect-level beast actually wanted to break the net with him?

"You don't think you are qualified," Ye Nan looked at the seventh-order star sect-level fierce beast indifferently, "Did you die with me?"

The seventh-rank star sect-level beast has been furious to the point where it can no longer be added. As a seventh-rank star clan-rank beast, when has he ever been insulted like this!

"Human, I fought with you!"

Yin Luo, the remaining seventh-order star sect-level beast is ready to fight with Ye Nan! "

but this end

The seventh-order star sect-level beast just shot at Ye Nan, but Ye Nan's body disappeared in place, and he swept toward the seventh-order star sect-level beast.

What this seventh-order star sect-level beast would never have imagined was that Ye Nan's speed was so fast.

The remaining seventh-rank star sect-level beast just wanted to say something to Ye Nan, but it had no chance to say it. Those who waited for the seventh-rank star clan-rank beast would die in addition to death.


There is no doubt that after a loud noise, the seventh-order star sect-level beast was beheaded by Ye Nan.

"Ding! Drop the seventh-order star sect-level beast material!"

After beheading this seventh-order star sect-level beast, the data of the material falling from the beast reappeared in Ye Nan's retina.


After Ye Nan beheaded these two seventh-order star sect-level beasts, the city lord he was together heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that after Ye Nan had beheaded these two seventh-order star sect-level beasts, then East is peaceful.

"Ye Nan, thank you so much. Without you, our eastern part would definitely be ruined."

City Lord Ba Qu said to Ye Nan with great gratitude.

"Nothing to thank, aren't we working together?"

City Lord Qu listened to Ye Nan's words, a look of stunned expression appeared on his face, and looked at Ye Nan suspiciously, "Ye Nan, although we are indeed cooperating, but..."


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